Some resources to deal with what is coming

in #liberty8 years ago (edited)

As I watch the rule of law fail, I grow angrier and angrier.

I am not just talking about the brownshirt street army of the left, but the failure of Americans to punish leftist politicians who violate the law and the duty of office, specifically in these cases by giving the rioters "room to destroy".

We shall see if Trump is actually going to protect this nation by how he deals with this organized treason and violence.

The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.
Thomas Hobbes, “Leviathan”

If Trump does not fulfill his duty to us, then it will fall upon each man to defend his own liberty.

Here are some resources

attacked by domestic terrorists

Some concepts to understand

  • The Globalist/Leftist "alliance"
  • The Leftist/Islamist "alliance"
  • Decapitation strategy
  • The Assassination Market
  • Fake News

Last Note:

If you really believe things are going to get worse, you need to get off sugar, and get in shape. I don't do this. I need to. You can be an internet tough guy all day long, but action takes muscle and endurance.

If you start to follow me, please let me know so that I can return your follow!

Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman


I feel like this crazy guy from Yellowstone park in "2012". I get this totally prevert excitement from watching the USA descend into Fasicsm. I mean, this going to kill all of us, but at least I wlll die watching a mega historical event unfolds.

I don't think you have to worry about the Brownshirts in the streets;

either the government fulfills it's primary duty to protect the citizenry, or we will deal with these fascists ourselves.

If the Left cannot submit to the democratic process, it will be demonstrated to them why they should not have subverted rule of law

If the globalists attempt to overthrow the voted will of the American people, we shall demonstrate to them why an armed populace was the goal of the Constitution

I'm too old to want to deal with this. Too bad I didn't realize the extant of the problem 10 years ago. But you play the hand you're dealt.

What would you do 10 years ago if you knew?

1- prepare myself physically, as I am in horrible condition
2- I wasted a LOT of time on games that could have been used in study
3- Would I have stopped wasting time on my business and chosen duty over commerce? IDK
4- Made some Galt preps
5- One thing that would have been wasted effort due to a flood, but that should have been done was to prepare my house for self-suffiency (food/energy)

I have been active for years, but with incomplete info and lack of full effort; I produced an access TV show about the danger of illegal immigration in 2007 and 2008

It seems we are of a similar mind today. Resteemed and already following.

I went from lazy for most of the week to angry over the last two days, and in either case not posting as concisely or as informative as I should be.

However, that "Resources" post should provide a great deal of material for people to do their own research ;>

Not sure where things are headed, but I don't think they are going in a good direction, seems like things are getting worse! So, yes my plan is to get off the sugar!

While people tend to think of sugar as "evil" in the health game, they should instead look at it as they would booze or weed...something to indulge in once in a while, but that overuse has it's consequences.

It's really a Do as I Say, not Do as i Do from my side. I just chugged down a cappuccino full of whipped cream earlier after telling myself that I am too old to rely on rely on the muscle under my fat anymore

Train in the cold. I got some -10 degree cold today for my workout. It helps. Lower your temp in the house. It can help with getting stronger.

good idea. when I started taking cold showers, my energy levels shot up immediately.

got to get back into that, too

exactly, cold showers are great as well. listen to the latest Art of Manliness podcast it talks about working out in the cold.

good site; Im not much on podcasts, I understand better when I read :)

These rioters are setting themselves up for a big disaster. Following you Steve.

I surely hope so, and I hope that disaster strikes their backers as well. Followed back, and thanks!

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