The Barebones - The Deep State and our current Information War

in #politics8 years ago

I really can't focus, so I'll give a bare summary of the war (yes, war) this country is in right now.

The American people elected Donald Trump as President of this nation.

There are entrenched interests in Washington DC, that benefit ideologically or financially, and sometimes both, from the issue that Trump promised to deal with in his election campaign; so far, Trump has met those promises.

I am not going to give any definite answers here; the nature of Information War and the multitude of possible players makes that damn near impossible, so what I will do is paint some board strokes what MAY be going on, and areas you can look to research and decide what you are going to do.

Players and Motives

  • Trump - Does Trump represent the will of the American people? So far, he has kept the campaign promises he made to the majority of American voters that won the election. Does he have plans to use that as a springboard to tyranny? It's possible, but I don't think so. Trump has been keeping his promises to Americans mainly via the use of Executive Order to restate what is already on the law books (the 7 country ban is a perfect example)

  • The Deep State - I think that everyone other than the uniformed and the highly partisan accepts the reality of the Deep State. How extensive is the control of the Deep State over the nation? Different people have different models they operate from, from complete kakistocracy to loose networks of corruptocrats. The range of who belongs to the Deep State and what their motives are is also a matter of personal opinion; I favor a model based upon an alliance of leftists and globalists; others favor models based upon Saudi or Israeli subversion, and other favor New World Order variations.

  • The Clinton subset of the Deep State. Remember, there are going to be competing interests even in conspiracies. That Clinton was not arrested for her security violations shows how corrupted our security services have become. The Podesta emails led to PizzaGate questions which remain a center of the Info War.

  • Islamists - We know for a fact that Islamists have penetrated our security community; this has been ongoing since at least 1996 (Vulgar Betrayal) and likely accelerated under the obama administration. How deep is their grasp? I don't know.

  • The Russians -The Russians are not good guys here. We have a shared security concern with them as far as Islamists, and a security conflict with them over Ukraine (a country that we pledged to defend in return for their giving up their nuclear make a "safer world", snort).
    While there is no credible or clear evidence that they interfered with our election, it was definitely in the Russian interest to work against Clinton considering her level of corruption from the Chinese...who are a much greater threat to the Russians than they are us.

  • The Chinese - The Chinese have been engaged with an active cyber and intelligence was against the United States since at least 2012, if not longer. The ties of Clinton-Chinese corruption go back since Bill Clinton's terms of office as President. The OMB hack of security personal personal information has left the bulf of our secuirty community open to blackmail by the Chinese.

  • The narco-cartels - While the cartels are not a major player in the Information war being waged, they are active in propaganda activities in Mexico (see narcocorridors), as well as bribery of both US and Mexican officials, and are waging a terror war in Mexico that spills over the border occasionally.
    Never forget that Information War is simply another tactic of war, and that there is a well-financed and well experienced player (or set of players) sitting right on our border, with veins of control into our cities via street gang alliances.

  • Anonymous et al (including Wikileaks) - Individual and celled operators; I am going to over generalize Anonymous actors as woefully ignorant in many matters and very subject to binary thinking. HOWEVER, the best of these players have provided us with the exposure to Clinton's security violations, collusion of the media with the democrat party, shedding light on Soros' activities, and many other examples.
    So don't let me piss all over the idea of Anonynous.

And that's it for today. My brain just can't keep up with the work I require from it.

I think that I am going to abandon my other writing for a while; Flynn's firing was the first salvo in this Information War that most people saw the splashes of. This war is real, and it's heating up.
This should be a good indicator that the powers that be consider Trump a threat to their corruption, and thus a mark of Trump's sincerity

I will go into alternatives to that idea soon, though. We shouldn't look at ANY of these players as heroes until the Constitution has been restored as the operating legal framework of our society.

Consider this bare bones summary as a working draft - I will be expanding on it and adding citations as fast as my own concentration holds up.

Buckle up, make your decision as to whether you will be hunkering down or taking part, and make your preps as your duty calls you (some people are called to put their family FIRST, and there is nothing wrong with that)


You are so right but somewhat naive about just how bad it really is, you know about the pillars in my Song of Angels - totally real! A 100% nightmare that did horrible things

I have a cognitive bias in which I make the assumption that the security community is made of patriots that would confront dangers to the nation. I understand the bias, but it is there.

One hopes you are correct and that there are no spies, disgruntled, or corrupt among them. That they always obey the law is also a requirement

Actually, I know that there are spies and corruption within them; the fact that Clinton wasn't prosecuted shows that.

This bias I have colors my interpretations of data, however.

We all get trapped in confirmation bias (believing only what we want to believe) and binary thinking (THIS is true and ONLY THIS is true; all else is FALSE).

A big point in the Information War is that there are many hostile players, and they are all spinning "truth"

I'm working on cleaning up this post and reposting it; I'll be adding this discussion to the cleanup

Great post. Been watching this for years and it definitely is heating up. I've played my role in the past but am going with the "putting my family first" role these days and watching from the sidelines for the most part for safety's sake as this war is getting nasty.

cant blame you a bit!

here are some resources

thanks doe resteeming!

Are you aware of the Neo-con and Zionist power block? They were highly influential in Bush's presidency, and stretch back to WWI and WWII.

I classify the neocons as a subset of the globalist grouping (neocons, neoliberals, and globalists, oh my)

I tend to discount Zionism as an influence, but I'm not going to argue the influence isn't there.

The Zionists were a HUGE influence in Truman's presidency, he even called them out for being so powerful to influence politics in the USA. WWI and WWII are heavily influenced by Zionists hands, and after that as well. After the neo-con dual Israeli citizenship, being at the hands of Home Land Security and other "Security" positions in the nation, they held a lot of influence.

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