BILDERBERG 2019 - Location, Participants, Agenda, and What you need to knowsteemCreated with Sketch.


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One of the most secretive globalist organizations in the world called The Bilderberg Group has been unusually extra tight and secretive regarding their annual meeting for this year.

Since they've been "outed" in recent years, they've had no choice but to create a website to make a feeble attempt to try to convey that they are a benevolent group just trying to help create a better world.

Since then, every year they post their agenda for the annual meeting along with a list of participants (although there are likely other unnamed people who attend - either in person or via videoconferencing), the location, and the agenda (list of topics that will be privately discussed in the meetings).

They usually publish this information weeks in advance, but this year they have been extra secretive and have only revealed the information about this year's conference just a few days before the event. This is most likely because they want to avoid members of the alt media from reporting there to expose or shed light on their activities.

What is The Bilderberg Group?

If you don't know who The Bilderberg Group are they are basically a fairly secretive blend of Elites from various industries (including military officials and contractors, the media, tech, banking, and social media, but to name a few) who hold very secretive meetings discussing their globalists plans for the future and how they will go about implementing them.

The group has existed since (at least ) 1954 and have featured significant players such as Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Mark Carney, and US General David Petraeus, but to name a few.

Members who take part in the meetings have to follow what is called Chatham House Rules which forbid them to mention anything that was discussed at the Bilderberg Conference to outsiders, including the media.

Where & when is Bilderberg 2019?

The conference will be held between May 30th to June 2nd in Montreux, Switzerland.

What is on the agenda?

The full/official agenda can be found from their website here. But here it is the list of topics for the agenda reproduced hereunder:

  1. A Stable Strategic Order
  2. What Next for Europe?
  3. Climate Change and Sustainability
  4. China
  5. Russia
  6. The Future of Capitalism
  7. Brexit
  8. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  9. The Weaponisation of Social Media
  10. The Importance of Space
  11. Cyber Threats

Some themes which have been common in recent years include: Brexit, Russia, China, Climate Change, AI, and Social Media.

It is very likely that several other (more secretive) topics would be present on the real agenda which the general public is not privy too.

At first glance, specific topics that stand out for me in particular are: 1. A Stable Strategic Order; 6. The Future of Capitalism; 9. The Weaponisation of Social Media. Let me elaborate briefly on each:

1. A Stable Strategic Order

Right off the bat 'Strategic Order' rings a lot like 'New World Order'. Strategic, here, perhaps means developing their NWO plans in a more strategic (covert & effective) fashion. And by stable, I think they are perhaps seeking ways to repress the recent wave of populism and dissent of the masses (like with the Yellow Vests protests in France for instance). Hence, they want to discuss ways to deter these threats that may impede their plans for a global world order.

6. The Future of Capitalism

Here, they are surely referencing the failure of the current global monetary system which is based on fiat currencies and has reached debt levels which are now unsustainable. In addition, the instability of the current system includes over-leveraging (i.e., borrowing to invest) and highly speculative derivatives bets (which mount up to around close to a quadrillion dollars).

They see the writing on the wall whereby this system is coming into an end and will surely discuss the new monetary paradigm which will undoubtedly be one by which we will see digital currencies on blockchains replace the current system. I will be making an extensive post on this very topic and it should be up some time in June.

9. The Weaponisation of Social Media

I think that the three topics I have chosen to focus on (perhaps with #11. Cyber Threats) are very much tied at the hip, since they really encompass and entail a system of control. That is, they want to have a means by which they can control the masses (read billions of people around the globe) and two ways by which they need for such an ambitious undertaking will be to control narratives and censor dissent by purging voices that speak the truth and expose their nefariousness on Social Media, as the big social media giants like Facebook, YoutTube, and Twitter have been doing in the last few years.

In my recent post Top 5 Mass Mind Control Techniques used by the Elite (5 Part Series) I outline how they control the narratives by using Propaganda (Part 1 of my series) as well as the strategy of Divide-and-Conquer (Part 2 of my series) which is use to great effect to censor dissent on social media.

Who is on the participants list?

The official list of [known] attendees can be seen from their official website page here. Here are some notable attendees for 2019:

  • Kushner, Jared (USA), Senior Advisor to the President, The White House
  • Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England
  • Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
  • Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
  • Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
  • Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Technical Advisor, Alphabet Inc.
  • Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
  • Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital

As with every year, there seems to be a big banking, military, and tech related figures along with key politicians. Rutte, the PM of the Netherlands, for instance, is one globalist leader that is typical of the type of leader the Elites want to help implement their plans for a New World Order.

Banksters such as City of London's Mark Carney figure among many of the members of the criminal International Banking Cabal who ; so we should definately keep an eye on these parasites, for they are the ones that will be determining the future new monetary system of slave control.

Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg is also certainly a key figure that stands out. He is an avid warmonger that has been pushing for war and conflict with Russia for many years now. And since Russia figures on the list of topics, one can easily surmise that they will be discussing how to further ratchet things up with their arch-enemy Vladimir Putin - who has put a monkey wrench in their plans for a victory in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East, not to mention in Venezuela.

Needless to say that one of the worst war criminals in history - Henry Kissinger (at a scary 96 years of age - must be all that infant blood he's been ingesting) is arguably the most consistent of attendees. He still holds tremendous influence in US [DESTRUCTIVE] Foreign Policy and is perhaps the individual for which we most want to see pass on to the depths of hell ASAP!

Eric Schmidt is a key figure from tech & social media who still holds a lot of power on what is done on Google and YouTube and thus is always instrumental in helping these Elites carry out their nefarious plans of censorship and control on Social Media.

Lastly, but perhaps most significantly, we see Jared Kushner - son-in-law and advisor of US President Donald Trump. He is certainly worthy of note in that he is a staunch Zionist who has the ear of the President and undoubtedly influences him a lot. We have seen many actions in the past couple of years by President Trump whereby he has supported Israel a lot (directly and indirectly). Zionists such as Jared Kushner, his father, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are not real Jews bur rather war criminals who have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, stolen much of their land, and have brought about a tremendous amount of influence over the US Congress and many other institutions in the United States and around the world. They seek war with Iran to further their agenda of a Greater Israel Plan to expand the boundaries of [an already] fake state of Israel.

Which members of the Alt Media will be on the ground to cover Bilderberg 2019?

Veteran reporters Luke Rudkowski of and Dan Dicks of are two brave souls and honest reporters who dare to go on location to confront the attendees.

Despite usually being very civil and respectful towards they attendees - wanting only to ask them questions - they are often harassed by local police forces and even thrown in jail just for legally reporting on the ground. This alone, tells you that these powers-that-shouldnt-be have a lot to hide and don't like to be exposed for what they do and what they stand for.

You can see their initial reporting on Bilderberg 2019 in their respective videos hereunder:

  • WeAreChange - Bilderberg 2019 Jared Kushner And Many Other Surprises!:

  • PressForTruth - BILDERBERG 2019 in Switzerland AGENDA And Participants List Revealed!! (With Truthstream Media!):

You can also help fund these honest reporters (both whom figure on my HEROES OF TRUTH list) by donating on their respective GoFundMe pages for which I will link hereunder:

Without these honest reporters covering Bilderberg on-the-ground we wouldn't know much more about these secretive meetings. They do us a tremendous service in helping to expose the highly secretive meetings of these key globalist power players. And the more people know about them and their agendas, the better we are in a position to counter them and avoid being further enslaved in their desired New World Order of slavery and control.

God Bless them and we wish them a safe and productive journey to Switzerland in the coming days!

Peace All!

In Truth & Liberty,



Great post, thank you so much! :) We linked to this post from our post here.

You're most welcome Luke! And thank you so much for including my post as a quick Bilderberg primer, as I am deeply honored!

Sorry for the late reply as I live in China and my VPN has been completely blocked for 5 days now! (likely due to June 4 "Tank Man" Anniversary in Tianamen Square) So, had no access to the outside world. But now that I am back to civilization, I finally get to binge watch the rest of your Bilderberg videos! Thanks again for all your great work!

Hey, do you have a twitter account? I'd like to follow you.

Please post these videos through! we will reward you well! it is the home of free speech and ensures that your content will never be deleted!

Great work my friend, thank you for putting this invaluable resource together! I'm currently away and typing from an internet cafe (as per my posts, I don't have a smartphone!! lol) but wanted to acknowledge the great work you've been doing .. keep it up! :)

Never knew they existed, thanks for sharing. I recently did my first Steemit article on equity release. It's a great platform and I'm enjoying the diversity of content.

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