Reporters now in Douma Confirming No Evidence of Chemical Attack! - STAGED PROVOCATION, Pretext for War

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Journalists Arrive in Douma, Confirming Russian Claims of Staged Provocation - MSM Syria Narrative Crumbling

On Monday, journalists on the ground in Syria began reporting on their investigation findings, and not surprisingly to those who have been paying attention, all of the information coming out of Douma is indicating that there is not one shred of evidence that any chemical attack even occurred, just as Russia has been claiming since this provocation took place nearly two weeks ago. Russia released video evidence to back up their claims last week, but the western corporate media dismissed the interviews with Douma Syrian medics as Russian propaganda, and began their own propaganda campaign to label all independent media sources questioning the absurd western narrative as Russian bots and propagandists.

These smear campaigns have been directed at many people, including Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett who reported extensively from the ground in Syria after last April's US airstrike, and independent journalist Vanessa Beeley who is also currently in Syria right now.

Eva Bartlett has visited Syria four times, and has a far more accurate knowledge of what is really going on over there than most Americans in the media. She has also recently applied for her Syrian visa, in order to visit Syria once again in the wake of the recent attacks. Last Friday, Eva Bartlett was interviewed on Lift the Veil (Live), and set the record straight regarding the smear campaigns currently being directed at her by the media - particularly a recent Snopes hit-piece. In this video, Eva exposes the many baseless accusations and outright lies being spread by the media as a part of the ongoing Syrian war propaganda campaign, and discusses the Syria situation:

Following the US attack on Monday, Ron Paul interviewed Vanessa Beeley who was on the ground in Syria, in Damascus at the time. Ron Paul Liberty Report with Vanessa Beeley – April 16th:

Vanessa explains how the OPCW was being held up from entering Douma on Monday, not by the Syrian government as the media claimed, but because they wanted to wait for a UN directive, and the US was refusing to cast a vote of approval on that UN measure. On Tuesday, the OPCW reportedly entered Douma without issue to begin their investigation. Very interestingly, Vanessa voices her opinion that she believes the OPCW to be fairly neutral, but that she also believes they could be pressured into releasing a biased report.

Vanessa also gives a lot of background to the current US lies and propaganda, explains how absurd the US claims of Assad attacking his own people really are to those in Syria, and talks about what she's heard from Syrian civilians regarding the alleged chemical attack – no Syrians appear to be confirming that any attack even occurred. Vanessa goes on to explain that the supposed chemical research facility the US bombed in Damascus was actually a cancer research facility.

Also on Monday, One American News Network (OAN) began to release live interview reports from their correspondent on the ground in Douma, Pearson Sharp. Pearson was in Syria during the US airstrikes, and in the following video he talks about Syria's reaction to the attack, and how different the real Syria actually is in person compared to the distorted view painted by the US.

Video Description:
OAN News reporter, Pearson Sharp, is currently in Syria and was there during the cruise missile attack by FUKUS. His report exposes the lies told by Western media that it is not possible to gain access to Syria, and that the Syrian people are being oppressed by a "brutal dictator". The vast majority of Syrians fully support their government and army and want nothing more than for the Western-backed terrorist "rebels" to leave the country and leave Syria in peace.

In another report on Monday, Pearson Sharp explains how, after initially interviewing 10 residents from one neighborhood near the alleged attack, his investigation in Syria had so far found no evidence of any chemical weapon attack even occurring in Douma:

"I spoke with a number of residents there, probably about 10 residents in that neighborhood, and keep in mind this is about a block and a half from where the attack supposedly happened. Not one of the people that I spoke to in that neighborhood had seen anything or heard anything about a chemical attack on that day. They were going about their business, everything was pretty much business as usual in the neighborhood that day, and they didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary." - Pearson Sharp, OAN

After talking to 30-40 total Syrian residents by the end of the day, it still appeared that there are no Douma residents who are aware of any chemical attack even taking place. The Syrians in Douma appear to be unanimously supporting the claims of the two initial Douma medics whose testimony was released by the Russians last week, and know full well that Jaish al-Islam and the White Helmets staged the event to get the western powers to Attack the Syrian Army and "get them off their (the terrorists) backs".

A well known British journalist, Robert Fisk also made it into Douma, and even he was forced to admit this fact on Tuesday in his article published in the Independent. Robert Fisk was able to get an interview with a doctor at the only hospital in Douma, however this doctor was not an eyewitness to the alleged attack victims, as those two medics were at the time in Damascus being interviewed by the OPCW (before they entered Douma). This is what Fisk wrote, that Dr. Rahaibani told him:

“I was with my family in the basement of my home three hundred metres from here on the night but all the doctors know what happened. There was a lot of shelling [by government forces] and aircraft were always over Douma at night – but on this night, there was wind and huge dust clouds began to come into the basements and cellars where people lived. People began to arrive here suffering from hypoxia, oxygen loss. Then someone at the door, a “White Helmet”, shouted “Gas!”, and a panic began. People started throwing water over each other. Yes, the video was filmed here, it is genuine, but what you see are people suffering from hypoxia – not gas poisoning.”

This story coincides perfectly with the Syrian medic statements put out by Russia, as well as the general sentiment of all Syrians in Douma being interviewed. Despite his obvious hesitancy to doubt the US/UK narrative, upon investigation Robert Fisk was still forced to admit that the Syrian people don't believe the US propaganda for a second:

“There are the many people I talked to amid the ruins of the town who said they had “never believed in” gas stories – which were usually put about, they claimed, by the armed Islamist groups.”

Sound familiar? This is exactly what independent media, Russia, and President Assad have all been saying for days, rejected as an outrageous conspiracy theory by the Media. Now it is finally being reported in a more mainstream news outlet – the Independent – and the 'conspiracy theory' is suddenly not looking so crazy after all. Fisk goes on to write that,

“Oddly, after chatting to more than 20 people, I couldn’t find one who showed the slightest interest in Douma’s role in bringing about the Western air attacks. Two actually told me they didn’t know about the connection.

"But it was a strange world I walked into. Two men, Hussam and Nazir Abu Aishe, said they were unaware how many people had been killed in Douma, although the latter admitted he had a cousin “executed by Jaish el-Islam [the Army of Islam] for allegedly being “close to the regime”. They shrugged when I asked about the 43 people said to have died in the infamous Douma attack.

With a well known and more mainstream journalist confirming from on the ground in Douma what the Russian and independent media has been saying for nearly two weeks now, the ridiculous western narrative appears to finally be crumbling, but the propagandists aren't going down without a fight. Media reports began to suggest that Assad has planted informants to deny the alleged chemical attack in Douma, but the people of Syria are speaking out against these claims as well. On Tuesday, OAN's Pearson Sharp covers this and again refutes MSM reports of the alleged Syrian chemical attack.

This video includes footage of actual interviews with Syrians in Douma, and Pearson Sharp also visits the location of the alleged attack:

They have lied us into war again. They lied about having evidence of this alleged chlorine attack - as after that announcement came, Secretary of Defense Mattis admitted the US still had no evidence of any chemical attack, though he believed it had occurred. The truth is starting to break through into the mainstream, and it will be interesting to see how the media continues to respond. It's time for the US to stop backing the terrorists in Syria, withdraw our troops, and allow President Assad to fully liberate the oppressed Syrian people - who overwhelmingly support him as their leader and protector, whether we call him a dictator or not.

"How can they maintain that the Syrian government is attacking civilians in Aleppo when every person that's coming out of these areas occupied by terrorists are saying the opposite? ...The point being, the Syrian people overwhelmingly support President Assad." - Eva Bartlett, in 2017, regarding last April's similar scenario.

The same is true now, and the same is true with Douma. After Douma was liberated by the Syrian army, civilians all opted to stay with the Syrian government rather than to go with their previous captors, who were given safe passage by Syrian and Russian troops into rebel terrorist-held territory. The White Helmets, on the other hand, all left with the terrorists...

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