SYRIA: False Flag Gas Attack in Douma Being Used to Push U.S. Into War With Syria, Russia, WWIII

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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Alleged Chlorine Gas Attack Allegedly Carried Out By Syrian Government Forces Under Assad On Saturday Has Every Sign of a False Flag, Likely Hoax – Russia Warned Us This Was Coming

On Saturday, an alleged chemical weapons attack in the rebel-held town of Douma, Syria, allegedly killing 40 and wounding hundreds of civilians, was immediately blamed on the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad and is being used as a pretext to propel the U.S. into an all-out war with Syria, despite there being no credible evidence whatsoever that the alleged gas attack even took place. The reports coming out of Syria from medics on the ground actually appear to indicate that there were no chemical weapons even used, with no traces of any chemical agents being found on any of the alleged victims of the alleged attack.

Sputnik News on Tuesday reported that,

Syrian medical specialists have found no trace of chemical weapons having been used in Eastern Ghouta, a member of the Red Crescent, who worked for the last seven years at the central hospital of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, told journalists.

"I have spent seven years working at the central hospital in Douma. At some point, our [hospital] received six people, who were allegedly suffering from respiratory problems. Following a medical examination, we did not find any problems at all, any traces of chemical agents," Saif al-Deen Hobiya, a member of the Red Crescent, said.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday that medics of the Syrian Douma had received no patients with signs of any chemical poisoning, Sputnik also reports,

"Representatives of the Reconciliation Center interviewed doctors and employees of the hospital in the city of Duma. They denied the reports about allegedly receiving patients with symptoms of chemical poisoning," a press release, issued by the ministry said.

At the same time, employees of the Syrian Red Crescent Society have not recorded any cases of poisoning caused by a chemical attack in the past two days, the organization’s spokesperson told Sputnik.

“We, as the Red Crescent organization, have not recorded any cases for the past two days, since our doctors did not work because of the latest events. The statement that was issued on behalf of the Red Crescent is not valid, because we have never made any statements in media. We wrote about this on our official website,” the spokesperson said.

Despite the evidence to the contrary, and an independent investigation into the alleged attack having not yet taken place, the media and government talking heads are not only running with the story of a potentially fabricated gas attack as if it's been independently confirmed, they have also immediately jumped to blame the alleged attack on Assad's Syrian Regime, despite the Syrian president having no logical reason or any motive to carry out such an attack.

This alleged attack comes on the heels of Trump's announcement early last week of his plan to pull U.S. Troops out of Syria, and right at a juncture in the Syrian Civil war where Assad is set to fully recapture and liberate the rebel-stronghold of Douma in Easter Ghouta. Carrying out this gas attack on his own citizens at this particular juncture in the civil war is about the only thing Assad could do to ruin his chances of crushing the rebels and winning the war. If Assad had carried out this attack as Western media and government spokespeople are accusing him of doing, it would be about the dumbest and strategically most suicidal tactical move the Syrian president could have made.

But this isn't the first time this scenario has played out. Last April, a false flag chemical weapons attack was carried out by U.S.-backed rebel forces in Syria and blamed on Assad, and there is still to this day no evidence the Syrian regime carried out the attacks, which would have been difficult for Assad to do with chemical weapons he reportedly no longer even had. And just like in this alleged attack, the timing of the attack last April made zero logical sense from the strategical standpoint of Assad, who was then also making serious headway in his fight against the rebels. And Assad just happened to be on the verge of reaching a historic peace agreement deal, and at the time, about the only thing that could destroy the chances of the peace agreement going through, would be if the Syrian government launched a chemical attack on its own citizens.

And we are to believe that is exactly what Assad has done, not once or even twice, but on at least three different occasions! Last April's false flag gas attack in Syria was simply a repeat of the exact same operation carried out in 2013, with the same curious red flags all over it – conveniently timed to when Assad is making serious headway in the civil war or reaching peace agreement deals, immediate blame on Assad before any investigation, no evidence ever found of Assad using the chemical weapons, event immediately followed by airstrikes on Syria, and then used by the media and Zionist Neocons to push for more war in the Middle East.

Thankfully, more and more people appear to be waking up to the deception. Last April, Congressman Thomas Massey stated right away on live television that he didn't believe Assad had carried out the attack, and former-representative Ron Paul also voiced his opinion that all the evidence immediately pointed to a false flag. Despite these warnings and unanswered questions, Trump didn't hesitate to appease the war-hawks and retaliate with a coordinated airstrike. This time, instead of the U.S., initial reports have been confirmed that it was Israeli Fighter jets which carried out the retaliatory airstrike on a Syrian base early Monday morning, while the Zionist war-mongers and media pundits have still been pushing heavily for U.S. Intervention, airstrikes and a full-blown war with Syria to topple the regime and take Assad out.

Surprisingly, this time around it has been Fox News talk show host Tucker Carlson who has been making waves in the wake of the alleged attack, asking the obvious questions the rest of the media won't touch, and speaking way too reasonably and candidly for an MSM talking head, particularly for being on the pro-war Fox News. And it wasn't just a one night thing, as Tucker has pushed back against the recent calls for war with Syria again last night. Here is the video of Tucker Carlson questioning the alleged gas attack – an absolute must see clip which will probably blow your mind, like it did mine!

Interestingly, Russia warned the world more than once in the past few weeks that a false flag event like this had been planned and would soon be carried out, and that it would be blamed on the Syrian government to be used as a pretext by the West to strike and invade Syria. Not quite a month ago, on March 17th, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that U.S. Naval strike groups were preparing for a possible attack on Syria and that US instructors had trained rebel militant groups in Syria to stage false flag chemical weapon attacks. Here are those comments as reported by South Front,

“We note the evidence of preparation for possible attacks. Strike groups of naval carriers with cruise missiles are being formed in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean, in the Persian Gulf and in the Red Sea,” chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said.

“We have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria,” Col. Gen. Rudskoy said. “Early in March, the saboteur groups were deployed to the southern de-escalation zone to the city of Deraa, where the units of the so-called Free Syrian Army are stationed.”

“They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”

On April 6th, another Russian official warned that US-backed rebel groups were planning to stage or carry out chemical attacks with the use of chlorine in areas under their control, in order to blame government troops for the alleged effects of the attack(s). Tass reports,

MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Jabhat al-Nusra (a group outlawed in Russia) and the Free Syrian Army are planning chemical attacks with the use of chlorine in areas under their control, including Daraa’s district of Al-Balad, the chief of Russia’s center for the reconciliation of conflicting parties in Syria, Major-General Yuri Yevtushenko, said on Friday.

"The ringleaders of Jabhat al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, which are acting together, are plotting explosions of makeshift chemical charges containing chlorine in a number of areas under their control, including Al Balad in Daraa," he said.

Yevtushenko said "the militants plan to photograph and video the alleged effects of chemical weapons and show the clips to the public at large to blame government troops for civilians casualties, as well as to provide excuses for their own actions to disrupt ceasefire in Daraa."

Interestingly, that is exactly what appears to have occurred, the very next day. Notice that the Russian spokesman specifically stated that the militants planned to photograph and video the ALLEGED effects of chemical weapons in order to show the clips to the public, insinuating that the planned attack could even be a staged hoax. As it is, the only evidence of a real gas attack even occurring in Syria has come from the photos and video released by the White Helmets, who have been caught staging fake news and spreading Western propaganda on multiple occasions.

While the White Helmets are universally portrayed by the mainstream media as a group of Syrian humanitarian rescue workers, journalists on the ground in Syria including a Venessa Beeley, “has collected documentation indicating the group plays an active, often armed role in the terrorist war on the government of Bashar al-Assad. The White Helmets were not founded in Syria nor by native Arabs, but by a British private security specialist, and have been witnessed carrying out and supporting violent abuses, including the use of human shields.

"The White Helmets have been crucial to anti-Assad propaganda efforts, offering first-hand 'proof' of chemical weapons attacks and other alleged atrocities carried out by government forces, which are then used to make the case for intervention. These attacks are often proven to have been staged — or the work of opposition forces — later down the line. Another interesting feature of their videos is they never document actual strikes, just the aftermath, and there are always a vast number of cameras on-site," Vanessa told Sputnik.

The evidence against the White Helmets abounds, so much so that many articles could be written just about this one group of apparent actors and propaganda specialists. Suffice it to say, video evidence released by the White Helmets is always suspect and can't be trusted, particularly without independent verification. All signs currently indicate that there was no gas attack in Syria over the weekend, and the fact that the only evidence supporting this claim is coming from the White Helmets following a Russian statement warning of this EXACT scenario should cause everyone to step back from the Western propaganda and realize what is most likely really going on here:

  • A staged false flag followed by a propaganda campaign to push the U.S. into a war with Syria to topple Assad on behalf of Israel.

Following the Israeli airstrikes on Syria Monday, Trump accused Assad of carrying out the (alleged) attack, and for the first time seemed to also implicate Russia and Iran – particularly Russia – as partially to blame. Assad has vehemently denied the accusations that the Syrian government carried out the alleged attack, while both Russia and Iran have unambiguously stated that the alleged attack was a staged false flag to be used as a pretext for Western intervention and war with Syria.

Russia has made it abundantly clear that if the U.S. attacks Syria over this fabricated attack, they will not stand idly by, saying any such response would be “unacceptable” and lead to the “most serious consequences”.

Possibly thinking that Russia is bluffing, or possibly appeasing the demands of his Zionist handlers,

“President Trump put Syria and Russia on notice Wednesday morning in a Twitter post, promising that missiles fired at Syria “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” and telling the Kremlin that it should not partner with a “Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!” - The New York Times

President Trump is clearly not the enemy of the Deep State many of his followers think. If he were, he would be blowing the whistle on the Vegas false flag, the Parkland false flag, and the recent false flag in Syria , all which have ample evidence to demonstrate such. He would also be standing firmly AGAINST U.S. intervention in Syria and even more endless war. Trump's announcement last week that he was planning to withdraw our troops from Syria came as a nice refreshment, but the president now changing his tune 360 degrees on the heels of an alleged attack which has no verifiable evidence, is abundant proof of where Trump's allegiances really lie.

The Zionists are pushing the U.S. into a war with Syria to topple Assad, and Trump appears to be all too happy to lead America into a potential WWIII. Short of a miraculous change of mind on the part of the president, the airstrikes on Syria are coming, and the only question is when – at which point the whole world will quickly find out if Russia is just bluffing, or if this is the beginning of a third world war.

Stay tuned, as things are really beginning to move fast - and please spread the word. Ideally we can stop this madness before it escalates into all out war... Because if Russia retaliates with military force following a U.S. strike on Syria, there will certainly be a good chance of another world war, and that is not a comforting thought.


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