Video: Syria Strikes Hypocrisy - A War Built on Lies (Puppet Trump Exposed)

in #syria6 years ago (edited)

Tearing down the lies built by the war machine & pushing back against the western war propaganda... This video of mine is now playing on D-tube as well as YouTube:

In this video, I share my thoughts & a compilation of news clips demonstrating the hypocrisy of war with Syria & the deception it is based upon. Donald Trump, Bashar al-Assad, Tucker Carlson, Eva Bartlett, RT & Lindsey Graham all make appearances, as well as video evidence released by Russia, demonstrating the alleged chemical attack in Douma was staged. Eyewitness testimony of two Syrian medics from the only hospital in Douma who explain the shocking truth about the viral propaganda video being circulated by the west as "evidence" of Assad chemical attack, demonstrates that all is not as the media (MSM) paints it when it comes to Syria.

Is war with Syria truly in the best interest of Syrians, or even Americans? Or is it really just about greed (war profiteering) and the interests of a few powerful international bankers & pro-Israeli Zionists? The airstrike on Syria Friday night cost US taxpayers over 119 million dollars, but Raytheon sure is raking in the dough! With a price-tag of 1.4 million dollars each, for the 66 Tomahawk Cruise missiles fired by the US, it isn't hard to see who does & doesn't profit from war. The 3 dead & 6 injured Syrian civilians don't profit in any way, and Syrian homes were also reportedly damaged from this unprovoked act of war - also an international war crime - committed by the US, UK & France.

Shame on Donald Trump, serving the Military Industrial Complex corporate greed & interests of Zionism over national & international law, and over the interests & will of his supporters. Trump has joined the ranks of the lawless presidents before him, becoming just another western war criminal.


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