Russia Says They Have "Irrefutable Evidence" that Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria was Staged

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Russian Foreign Minister Said an Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria was Staged by Foreign Agents, Claims Russia has "Irrefutable Evidence"

In a statement to NBC News yesterday (Thursday), unnamed US officials said they had obtained blood and urine samples from victims which tested positive for chlorine and a nerve agent, in response to various claims there were no chemical weapons used and that the alleged attack had been staged. However, the US had already placed the blame of the alleged attack fully on the Syrian government and president Assad days before obtaining any evidence chemical weapons had even been used. The fact that western media and governments immediately not only ran with unconfirmed reports of the alleged attack, but also accused Syria of carrying out the 'attack' before any evidence emerged, makes their claims to have now obtained such evidence suspect.

Russia continues to maintain their stance that the alleged attack was a staged false flag event, and today (Friday), Russian spokesmen for the Defense Ministry announced that they have irrefutable evidence proving the alleged attacks were staged, and even that the UK was directly involved in staging the provocation. BBC reported,

During a press briefing on Friday, Mr Lavrov said he had "irrefutable evidence" that the attack was staged as part of a "Russophobic campaign" led by one country, which he did not name.

General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for Russia's defence ministry, said: "We have... evidence that proves Britain was directly involved in organising this provocation."

As crazy as those claims may sound to those who are indoctrinated by western mainstream media propaganda, keep in mind that this is the same Britain whose Prime Minister has recently announced her willingness to go to war with Syria without Parliamentary approval, in order to attack Assad for a war crime there is zero evidence he even committed, over an alleged chemical weapons attack that has not yet been independently verified even occurred...

So I do not think it is unreasonable to say, these Russian claims should be taken seriously and investigated further. After all, Russia also claimed to have intelligence weeks in advance that US operatives were training the so-called rebel groups to carry out this exact type of false flag attack, and that the terrorist groups had been smuggling chlorine gas into rebel-strongholds under the guise of humanitarian convoys. Last Friday, just a day before the alleged attacks occurred, Russia again warned that their intelligence indicated staged chemical weapons attacks were to be carried out in rebel-held territory and would be blamed on the Syrian government.

“We have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria,” Col. Gen. Rudskoy said on March 17th.

“They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”

A Russian spokesman had this to say on April 6th, the day before the alleged attacks:

"The ringleaders of Jabhat al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, which are acting together, are plotting explosions of makeshift chemical charges containing chlorine in a number of areas under their control, including Al Balad in Daraa," he said. "The militants plan to photograph and video the alleged effects of chemical weapons and show the clips to the public at large to blame government troops for civilians casualties," Yevtushenko went on to explain.

The very next day, just such an attack - whether with chemicals or completely staged - took place.

Add to this the initial reports from both Red Crescent workers, Syrian medics and Russian investigators in Syria that there were no traces of chemical agents found on any of the victims of the alleged attack, and it appears there is a good case to be made in defense of the Russian claims.

Russian Ambassador to the EU Says no Chemical Weapons Attack Occured

Speaking with EuroNews on Wednesday, Russia’s ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizov said,

“Russian military specialists have visited this region, walked on those streets, entered those houses, talked to local doctors and visited the only functioning hospital in Douma, including its basement where reportedly the mountains of corpses pile up. There was not a single corpse and even not a single person who came in for treatment after the attack.”

“But we’ve seen them on the video!” EuroNews correspondent Andrei Beketov replied.

“There was no chemical attack in Douma, pure and simple,” responds Chizov. “We’ve seen another staged event. There are personnel, specifically trained – and you can guess by whom – amongst the so-called White Helmets, who were already caught in the act with staged videos.”

Chizov is absolutely correct regarding the White Helmets, who were responsible for releasing the photos and video initially used by the West as evidence of the alleged attack and to cast the blame on Assad - as photo evidence proves that bodies of the "victim's" of the alleged attack were moved and the photos staged for propaganda purposes.


Russia accurately predicted this alleged attack would occur in rebel-occupied territory, and it did. Russia accurately predicted the alleged attack would involve chlorine gas, and it did. Russia accurately predicted that photos and videos would be staged and used as war propaganda, and they were, just as the photos linked above demonstrate. Russia accurately predicted that this provocation would immediately be used by western media and government as a pretext for US strikes on Syria, which are now both planned and imminent.

So when Russia now claims to have irrefutable evidence of this alleged attack being staged, and evidence proving Britain was directly involved in organizing this provocation, those claims should certainly not be dismissed outright as outrageous conspiracy theories.

While it is yet unclear whether a chemical weapons attack actually occurred or not in Syria last Saturday, it is safe to say that western media and governments are not giving us the truth, as they are blindly accepting only the "evidence" which can be used as war propaganda in support of the western narrative, while ignoring all "evidence" which raises serious questions concerning that same official media narrative.

They lied about 9/11, they lied about WMDs in Iraq, they lied about Assad gassing his own citizens in 2013 and 2017, they lied about providing humanitarian aid to Libya, and now they expect us to believe they are not lying about Syria in 2018.


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