I had a dream of hate, offensiveness, and the slippery slope of words losing meaning [This post contains many words. Reader discretion advised.]

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I quite literally had a dream that I awakened from and thought about and I could no longer just lie there. I had to wake up and write this. I am writing it in my usual stream of consciousness and I do have a feeling that if I were to spend many days working on this it could be better, but more likely it'd end up something I polished in my mind and thus never shared. It would remain a thought that you would never see. This is why I approach things in the stream of consciousness format. I know me. If I don't write it as I think it and as I work through it then it is likely I'll forget about it and move onto something else. There are exceptions. Some ideas nag me mentally until I write about them and I can't really do anything else. This particular one feels important now and I want to share it but I can feel that AHA moment slipping away with time. Thus, it is write it now or consign it to the dust heap of memories past. Perhaps that is where it belongs, perhaps it is not.

With that said, and hopefully understood.

I'd like to write the rest of this in present form as though it were a scene, and I am quite literally the person in that scene.

Enter Dream

I am siting in a meeting. It feels like it could be a classroom, but I see coworkers around me. We are discussing issues on how to improve things so it feels like trying to make suggestions and discuss them on how to improve our companies policies, output, etc. Yet the feeling also strangely feels like a classroom. We discuss several things which I no longer can recall. Then a person I respect and like suggests adding the label ALL to the gender section of some forms and having that be officially recognized.

At that point my stomach does a little lurch, a little doubt and uncertainty run through my mind. Why do these things happen to me I wonder. Then I realize the answer. It is not because I am against people being able to self identify how they want to be viewed. It is that I know this has now become a verbal landmine and a taboo subject. This is one of those subjects that if I am to speak up about it I might as well sign my own termination papers. I might as well resign from this job. Though the way society is progressing that word "termination" might become more and more meaningful and weighty. It can and in some places already seems to be extending beyond simply losing my job, being kicked out of school, etc. There is a moment of mental paralysis. The danger is very real. Do I speak up, or do I simply nod and go along with this nightmarish thing I see happening around us?

I decide that if I cannot speak freely that I am fine with not working here, not attending this school, and if it costs me your friendships simply because you don't like or are offended by what I have to say then so be it. The nightmare can only be stopped if people don't surrender to it.

"May I speak?"

I don't recall in my dream hearing any specific words of accent from specific people. It is more that dream like understanding that people indicated it was okay for me to do so.

The setting was not one where people were standing and speaking. I felt compelled to walk in front of the people and speak.

As I speak these are as close to the words I said...

Firstly, I like and respect those of you that I know sitting before me. I don't hate any of you. I promise you this. I have spent quite a lot of time pondering the word "hate" these days as it is being mentioned more than I have ever heard it mentioned in my lifetime. I have come to the conclusion that there is only one type of person that I hate. It has nothing to do with gender, ideology, sexual preference, political affiliation, or anything of that kind. For me the only people I truly hate are the willfully ignorant. I will define what I mean by that, but first I feel I must tell you why I am telling you who I hate.

I am telling you who I hate because as I get to the heart of what I want to say to you I suspect some of you will feel that newly common knee jerk reaction to assume what I am saying is hate speech, or react to something I say as being offensive rather than hearing what I actually am saying. This is part of the nightmare that I am choosing to stand up against. I know that conditioning is there. Yet I must speak.

The willfully ignorant as I describe it is someone who in the process of research, debate, argument, etc finds out that something they were stating as true was in fact not true, yet they continue speaking about it as though it is still true. There is another name for this. LIAR. You see a lie is not simply stating an untruth. Stating an untruth can stem simply from being wrong, but believing what you are saying is true. It can also be based around ignorance and you simply not knowing enough about what you are speaking. Neither of those cases are lying. A lie requires intent. It requires knowing what you are saying is false, yet speaking it anyway. The willfully ignorant do this and it is not only about trying to avoid danger to themselves. These days it has become more dangerous by far than that. Instead it is about pushing the thing they know is false into the minds of others as though it were true. They are thus spreading the lie as a truth. Those they spread it to very likely are unaware it is a lie, especially if they view the person telling it to them as any form of authority. This is extremely dangerous. I visualize it much like a mental plague. People that willfully do this are truly the only people I can say I hate. That's it.

Now that you know who I hate. Let me jump into this idea of changing our paperwork to say ALL.

Words matter. They may be the most important tool we have available to us. They are used to enable us to communicate with each other. They are used to express ideas, emotions, and to challenge the ideas of others. These days we are being conditioned to destroy the anchors for words that hold them into a place of meaning. We are encouraged to let them drift about and be redefined on a whim as is convenient to a desired narrative. This may seem like a good thing if you believe the purpose of conversation is that you always be the winner.

If you view every exchange as a win/lose proposition then rigging the field of battle seems like a smart play. Making words that might score your opponent mental points forbidden only strengthens your chance at being the winner. Better yet if you can hijack the meaning of the word and redefine it to support your own desired narrative that is even better. Then not only do you deprive them of any chance at using that word to score points, you now can use it in all it's redefined glory to score points yourself.

You lose, your opponent loses, everyone loses, if that is the path we as society continue to walk.

This is what is known as a slippery slope. Once we have walked that way then the process of hijacking, banning, and making certain words into politically correct landmines will become more and more common. Those of you that choose to use these techniques will soon find the same technique used against you and your own words hijacked, redefined, and made mostly meaningless. Communication will become much like mixing colors of paint. Eventually all you have is a black or gray mass. No more colors.

The important thing to remember about words is that they are intended to communicate. If you have a tool that you suddenly become afraid to use, that is a broken tool. As these words are made taboo and subjects are labeled politically incorrect, or offensive we break the tool that is communication. People must then fear they might say something bad.

Why do they fear simple words?

Instinctively they have witnessed and learned that what they are truly saying no longer matters to the people they are speaking to if they set off one of those verbal landmines. If one of those landmines is triggered they know the people will stop listening to what they say. Instead they will circle around that word and choose to be offended. They might even start accusing the person that spoke the landmine of "hate speech".

Yet I ask you this. Where is the hate? I can assure you that the vast majority of the time the person speaking likely had no hate towards those they were speaking to. The hate comes from the listener who chooses to react to a landmine. They have been conditioned to look for words they should be offended by. They have been conditioned to look for words they can use as an ESCAPE HATCH to WIN! If they can find one of those words they don't need to listen to anything the person had to say beyond that point. They can feel like they won!

In reality they lost. If you can't listen to people fully without being triggered by certain words to stop listening then how can you learn? If you are completely wrong, how would you ever know? You've been conditioned in such a way that people trying to communicate with you and potentially point out things you don't know or understand can no longer communicate with you.

You see those words are not escape hatches for you to win. They are more like the dunking tank for your brain. Instead of viewing them like landmines. They are more like you have conditioned your mind to be positioned above a dunking tank. Certain words are like someone hitting the bullseye and having your brain dunked in fluids of ignorance.

You didn't win anything. You lost an opportunity.

You lost the opportunity to learn, and the opportunity to teach. You lost both of those things as neither of those things can occur without communication. There in lies the true way to win.

You see speaking to people the ultimate outcome should not be about winning or losing. It should be mutual in the best of circumstances. The ultimate outcome is that all participants speaker, and listeners learn together.

We are all wrong about a great many things. This is not a bad thing. It is an opportunity to learn.

As to adding ALL to our paperwork. NO, I am against this. The biological genders of which there are only two except in some insect forms have meaning, and that meaning has importance. It can dictate medical needs that if unknown could endanger a person. In some cultures it can dictate a way of treating people. Yet the lovely thing about cultures is that they are something that can change. Unlike skin color you are not forced by life itself to follow a culture. You can change it, if you feel the need or desire.

The political correct thing now is to view gender as fluid. So much so that if that path is walked then it becomes nothing more than a mass of verbal landmines over which to become offended and dunk our brains in the dunk tank of ignorance. There can be injustice in cultures. We can address that by changing the culture. However, when instead of addressing the true location of the problem we choose to redefine words we are making a far more worse mistake than the culture itself was. We are destroying communication.

As more and more words become politically incorrect, it becomes more and more difficult to avoid paralysis of communication. Communicating ideas becomes more and more difficult as there are more and more ways to trigger the mental dunking tank.

I am fine with a person identifying however they want. I am not fine with them compelling by law, or requirement for employment, or by other forms of force to speak and think how they want. No one should be fine with this. It is a very slippery slope. Who gets to define what you must say, and speak? If you don't understand what I am getting at, let me put it this way.

Let's say I go along with this concept. Fine. I get to define all words. You MUST agree with my definitions. If you don't you may be fined, or imprisoned by laws. You may lose your job. You may be essentially ostracized.

Submit. You must speak the way I want you to speak, and think the way I want you to think. Anything else is hate speech.

That doesn't sound too good does it?

I don't think so.

Now considering this. Who gave other humans the right to dictate/mandate speech and thought?

That is authoritarian. It is tyrannical. It is very propaganda like on a NAZI like scale.

In the case of gender fluidity I can tell you it began with two professors of sociology in the late 1940s and early 1950s who decided it existed. They at that time didn't decide on a new word for what they were proposing. Instead they chose to take a word that had distinct meaning for thousands of years and redefine it to something very different. I sometimes call this word hijacking, and yes I am aware of the irony in the fact that I myself hijack the word hijacking when I say this.

Who gave these two professors the authority? I know I didn't.

This is akin to two people coming along and saying that is no longer a hammer. Do not use that tool like a hammer. It is now an Axe and you should only use it to chop wood.

What gives them the authority?

Fools that say, okay and go along with it.

Had they created a new word for their ideas that could operate alongside of the words we had that would be extending the language. Instead they chose to redefine what had meaning for thousands of years.

Now if people speak of the word GENDER as it has been spoken of for thousands years it has become one of the triggers for the mental dunk tank.

I refuse to use the words you want me to use. I refuse to be dictated what pronouns I must use. In fact let's take it further. If you tell me your name is Bob. I may choose to call you Chuck instead. That doesn't mean you have to like it. You could also simply choose not to ever respond when I say Chuck. It may offend you.

So what?

This is the other part at the heart of what I wanted to speak about. Being offended.
Life is offensive.
You and I can be offended by just about anything.

Being offended occurs within our own minds. Society is being conditioned to have escape hatch, mental dunk tank reactions to anything that offends them.

Toss into that the teaching of classes that teach terms like microaggressions so people become skilled at identifying any little thing that might offend them or someone else and objecting to it.

Now your brain becomes increasingly incapable of communication as anything that offends you or you perceive as offending someone else becomes a trigger for you mental dunk tank. Your ability to listen and truly hear becomes less and less functional. How can it be when you mind keeps dropping into the dunk tank due to trigger words?

What should we do when we are offended?

Learn from it. Learn how to control ourselves. Learn how to shrug it off. It is called maturity. It is called self responsibility. It is acknowledging that the problem occurred within ourselves and by forcing others not to speak things we find offensive we are not solving the actual problem. We are creating a worse problem by destroying the ability to communicate.

Now there are cases that offense should be challenged. If the person was intentionally trying to offend someone then that is an opportunity to clarify. "Are you trying to offend me?" If the answer is yes, then react accordingly. Yet I believe often the answer would be "No" and at that point the better thing is to shrug it off. The bad path is to think you must somehow bubblewrap reality and teach the person to never say things that you find offensive again.

We can be offended by anything... Thus, the intelligent path is that when the offense is not intended as offense... move on, shrug it off.

Life itself is offensive. A bird flying over and defecating from the sky and having it fall upon your head is often offensive. Move on.


I think it is important to notice this conditioning. I think you'll find those speaking the most about offense, divisiveness, racism, FillInTheBlankOPhobia, are the ones intentionally seeking things to be offended about. In fact, they are often the ones that actually are speaking with hate, with divisiveness, etc. Sometimes all we need is a good mirror.

I want to close this out with a couple of examples. I remember when the term Black Lives Matter first appeared. For awhile I supported the initiative. Yet I was one of those that thought All Lives Matter was a better slogan. I began to have problems with the movement when people saying All Lives Matter were vilified and attacked for diluting the message. I also began to realize as I think many of us do that if I were to say White Lives Matter there would be a lot of outraged people.

Some people have begun for more than a year putting up signs that say simply "It is okay to be white". This is met with outrage and torn down. This is in fact why they were put up. To illustrate that currently being white is the target of the dehumanization tactics that historically have fueled some of the most vile of atrocities. During world war II it was used by the Nazis to dehumanize the Jews and increasingly restrict them, to make it where when something happened to them it was "That's okay it was just a Jew", to eventually imprisoning them, and killing them.

The globalists are fueling a similar type of dehumanization against being white. They certainly are not doing it against blacks at this point. Right now it apparently is "not okay to be white".

So why is it the organizations and people talking the most about how divisive things are that are actually the ones creating the division?

It's called propaganda.

Who benefits?

Now if they have conditioned you with a certain type of thinking, and then surrounded your mind with mental landmines, or dunk tank triggers, how would you know or be able to escape that conditioning?

They have put triggers and landmines in the paths in your mind that people would need to take to make you see.


No, I do not think we should add ALL to our forms for the section on gender.

If that offends you, offense was not intended. Move on.

EDIT: Relevant


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What a whole bunch of words.

However, they have no meaning. Not because they aren't true, but because you are in the wrong ball park.

What is happening is that people are using words as spells. They are spelling. It is not about the words, it is about the effect they have on you.

So, you, sitting there wanting to be logical, rational, and clearly discuss ideas have no idea of the real battlefield that is happening around you.

You have noted that "Politically Correct" is not a way of making people more aware of their speech, it is a two pronged attack. It is to silence the speaker. And it is a good sounding answer. Wimminz hate saying anything that makes them look bad, and so they go along with the rhetoric. So, they get to silence the opposition without any of the repercussions of actually confronting you.

Much of the feminist rhetoric is the same. "My body, my choice" is a slogan. It has no meaning based in reality. Bringing a baby into the world affects us all. The world has to produce that much more food. Not to mention there are many other people and a baby involved in the direct consequences of the choice.

But, "My body, my choice" means that you have no say in this decision, and we would like you to just shut up now, and give us what we demand.

So, again, T.H.E.Y. are using words as spells. They are casting words to make you feel and do as they desire. And this has nothing to do with having a logical and rational argument and coming to best conclusions. This is about total control, and failing that, total destruction.

The correct response to someone saying that's not PC is to destroy that person, because they are trying to destroy you... but, we still think that it is good to stay polite in convesation.

The correct response to someone saying that's not PC is to destroy that person, because they are trying to destroy you... but, we still think that it is good to stay polite in convesation.

I don't think the vast majority of them are even aware. To them, what I said stands, and may be relevant. There is no one size fits all, no method explains it best, etc. We must try many approaches as some reach people, others do not. None of them will reach all the people that another approach might.

Education often fails due to one method fits all approach (though yes there are other problems as well). So too does thinking only one way will explain things fail. It will succeed on some, so does the education approach. One method fits SOME.


they are trying to destroy you... but, we still think that it is good to stay polite in convesation.


The correct response to someone saying that's not PC is to destroy that person


The correct response is to quarantine them and leave them to rot. You cannot domesticate a leech and put it on a mattress. It's drawn to filth. Fighting the world just consume so much energy. You may come to a point whee you cannot walk away and is pushed to a fight. But many times you have the option to leave. Let the scum attract scum and be around good people doing good things.

It is the same structure (and people) who are split along the lines of capitalism and socialism.
There is no middle ground. One is talking about feelings, one is talking about thinking.

Exactly. It's better to let the poison addict have more poison and have an early death. You should only fight socialism until you get the good people out. Then socialism will kill off its own kind because such is the nature of evil. Evil is self-destructive.

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I was reading your post and feeling like you where speaking about something I am familiar with, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. Than with the following sentence I knew.

"It is acknowledging that the problem occurred within ourselves and by forcing others not to speak things we find offensive we are not solving the actual problem."

Really to me your whole post is about Education. A maturity of mind that requires the active participation of the mind being educated. Yep the problem is occurring within our selves.


The act of dehumanization seems to be the purpose of censorship. Freedom is the act of doing whatever you want to do, right or wrong. For every action is an equal and opposite reaction, or consequences. The opportunity that freedom allows is for one to be able to learn from the actions that have been taken after the consequences have presented themselves. The White race is a social construct devised by powers needing more and more control for selfish reasons.
Divide and conquer is a tool of enslavement. The knowledge is there for both Black and White to ditch these labels and come up with something new in these times. Those who continue to hold these values of hue are the pawns in the game of slavery. Those who choose not to learn will be rewarded with injustice or perpetuate injustice. This is the game that has been chosen our society.
Racism is really about the Black race in America being victimized and abused by non- Blacks. Any one of another ethnicity or nationality can come to this country and not be Black in order to be more successful here. They choose to embrace the lexicon of racial, bias intolerance and discrimination fully when it comes to the actual treatment of the Black race in America. They join in exploitation and neglect of the Black community. Racism is now an insult that everybody flings, at a whim, at people they don't like. Now, the gays are crying racism along with the immigrants and the so-called terrorists. Racism has become separate from its historical meaningThe people that use it without going into the history of the word and its direct relationship with the Black race are willfully ignorant. They are turning the tools of African chattel slavery into weapons of mass destruction.


Seek the true knowledge of history. Discard lies.

The knowledge is there for both Black and White to ditch these labels and come up with something new in these times.

This I agree with.

Racism is really about the Black race in America being victimized and abused by non- Blacks.

This I don't.

This is wrong. Racism is about elevating or restricting ANY race. If one race is getting special treatment either positive or negative over another. That is racism.

Simply by saying racism is about Blacks that itself makes your statement racist. It is giving special treatment and rights to blacks.

If a person says "White people are X" that is racist. If they say "Black people are X" that is racist.

Another feature of racism is that it is a generalization. Generalizations are almost always FALSE. All it takes is a single case of a member in the generalized group not to fit the generalization for it to be false.

Your first statement I said I agreed with that I quoted. That is indeed the goal. We need to just deal with injustice when we see it regardless of skin color. If we emphasize skin color in the process and perhaps accompany it with a generalization then all we are doing is fueling racism.

If something is done wrong to someone. We should seek justice for THAT act. We shouldn't generalize and assume that people that had nothing to do with that event are somehow responsible.

I thought of another interesting example of that "Skin color is X" example of racism. I found interesting.

If a person says "Jews are X" that is racist. Yet it is important to remember that X can be both positive or negative. If X is something like "awesome" so it is Jews are Awesome then people usually won't call them out on it.

Yet it is still a generalization. It is highly probable there are some Jews that are not particularly awesome. Example: George Soros. So it is false.

However, if X was "bad" so the statement becomes "Jews are bad" then not only is it still racist. It is also often called anti-Semitic.

The key to racism is the generalization, and involves some form of special treatment.

For there to not be racism then our reaction to people should be equal regardless of skin color.

Completely agree. Although I must say that this new version of Marxists (whether they call themselves third-wave feminists, progesists, social democrats, liberals, etc.) is a true test for patience.

It seems to me that many of them, the most extreme, are in fact very irrational, very emotional, and very ignorant, they also have the attitude of children, therefore, in the discussions I have had with them, I have not seen reason some to treat them as if they were something else.

Even the "orthodox" Marxists with whom I have spoken seem rational by comparison, and I tell you that they are people who are not.

By the way, about the word hijacking, I have been studying the etymological meaning of some words lately, and I have realized that, I hope unintentionally, many of these words have been twisted to such an extent that they are unrecognizable. When you study its original meaning, the connotation that the words had when they were created, you begin to understand language better, and it is incredible how many confusions are avoided.

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