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RE: I had a dream of hate, offensiveness, and the slippery slope of words losing meaning [This post contains many words. Reader discretion advised.]

What a whole bunch of words.

However, they have no meaning. Not because they aren't true, but because you are in the wrong ball park.

What is happening is that people are using words as spells. They are spelling. It is not about the words, it is about the effect they have on you.

So, you, sitting there wanting to be logical, rational, and clearly discuss ideas have no idea of the real battlefield that is happening around you.

You have noted that "Politically Correct" is not a way of making people more aware of their speech, it is a two pronged attack. It is to silence the speaker. And it is a good sounding answer. Wimminz hate saying anything that makes them look bad, and so they go along with the rhetoric. So, they get to silence the opposition without any of the repercussions of actually confronting you.

Much of the feminist rhetoric is the same. "My body, my choice" is a slogan. It has no meaning based in reality. Bringing a baby into the world affects us all. The world has to produce that much more food. Not to mention there are many other people and a baby involved in the direct consequences of the choice.

But, "My body, my choice" means that you have no say in this decision, and we would like you to just shut up now, and give us what we demand.

So, again, T.H.E.Y. are using words as spells. They are casting words to make you feel and do as they desire. And this has nothing to do with having a logical and rational argument and coming to best conclusions. This is about total control, and failing that, total destruction.

The correct response to someone saying that's not PC is to destroy that person, because they are trying to destroy you... but, we still think that it is good to stay polite in convesation.


The correct response to someone saying that's not PC is to destroy that person, because they are trying to destroy you... but, we still think that it is good to stay polite in convesation.

I don't think the vast majority of them are even aware. To them, what I said stands, and may be relevant. There is no one size fits all, no method explains it best, etc. We must try many approaches as some reach people, others do not. None of them will reach all the people that another approach might.

Education often fails due to one method fits all approach (though yes there are other problems as well). So too does thinking only one way will explain things fail. It will succeed on some, so does the education approach. One method fits SOME.


they are trying to destroy you... but, we still think that it is good to stay polite in convesation.


The correct response to someone saying that's not PC is to destroy that person


The correct response is to quarantine them and leave them to rot. You cannot domesticate a leech and put it on a mattress. It's drawn to filth. Fighting the world just consume so much energy. You may come to a point whee you cannot walk away and is pushed to a fight. But many times you have the option to leave. Let the scum attract scum and be around good people doing good things.

It is the same structure (and people) who are split along the lines of capitalism and socialism.
There is no middle ground. One is talking about feelings, one is talking about thinking.

Exactly. It's better to let the poison addict have more poison and have an early death. You should only fight socialism until you get the good people out. Then socialism will kill off its own kind because such is the nature of evil. Evil is self-destructive.

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