Series : Geoengineering | The not so cool "Cooling Towers" | Post 2

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

weather war.JPG

You can read the introductory Post 1 of this series here

So we ended post 1 with pictures of clouds that are clearly unnatural. "Nature doesnt draw in straight lines" observed the character played by Logan Marshall-Green in sci-fi thriller Prometheus, and rightfully so. The easily observable perfect geometry in those clouds allude to man-made Geoengineering. So, how are these clouds created in the first place?

Remember this snip from Post 1 ? This is our mother reference in demystifying the "how" of Geoengineering and will be referenced as and when needed.

We will focus on the first point in the list - Global Sequential In-Place Water Vapor Generation

Lets look at another reference from Post 1 :

If Geoengineering were indeed the root cause of the highlighted items, then there has to be a mechanism by which trillions of gallons of water could be released to the atmosphere as and when necessary in the process. That would also be necessary to create the unnatural clouds we have been focusing on so far. But how could such a massive operation be carried out in plain sight without us noticing it? Take a look at these pictures and videos below to get the answer to this very relevant question.

cooling tower clouds.JPG

watch from 18:17 to 19:28 -

watch 7:20 to 10:40 -

I'm sure the pictures and videos will drive the message home. Now that we have introduced cooling towers from power plants as a key component of water vapor generation in Geoengineering/ Weather manipulation, these questions arise -

1. Are these cooling towers deliberately adding to the geoengineering or is it an accidental consequence of its operation?
2. Aren't most of the cooling towers in Powerplants today operating on a closed loop system meaning no net discharge of water/steam to the atmosphere? How does that factor in?
3. Are the cooling towers mathematically capable of supplying such ENORMOUS amount of vapor required? Does the numbers even check out?
4. Since most hurricanes originate from the ocean, what mechanisms are used since cooling towers are not likely out in the ocean?
5. Since how long has such water vapor generation been manipulating our weather?
6. Is the scientific community aware of this?
7. Is the geoengineering activist community aware of it?
8. What other evidence do we have to support this claim of deliberate weather manipulation using cooling towers?

Lets do a deep dive into these questions :

1. Are these cooling towers deliberately adding to the geoengineering or is it an accidental consequence of its operation?

As per Weatherwar 101, the only source with the most amount of documented evidence and verifiable body of work, the cooling towers are deliberately contributing to weather manipulation. It is not enough for one, or a few plants with cooling towers to engineer climate events on a global scale. There exists something called "sequential water vapor cloud fuelling" which Weatherwar 101 describes as :

In order to create a rainstorm then for instance, all we would need to do is start the cloud system with a Water Vapor release from Power Plant A, wait until that initial cloud of Water Vapor reached station B, then continue feeding the cloud system with Water Vapor release from Station B, wait until that more developed cloud system reaches Station C, then continue feeding the cloud system with Water Vapor release from Station C, and so on until the cloud system reaches saturation – and drops the accumulated Water Vapor as rain.

Now, recognize that there is nothing hypothetical – about any of this. The ability to do this, is the only explanation for the last 50 years of history. The concerns for the environment were meticulously, deliberately, and strategically sabotaged and marginalized, while a global network of 62,500 Water Vapor Generators (each capable of firing 18,000 gal/min of Water Vapor into the air – as the most conservative possible estimate) was constructed around the globe. The fact that the Zion Power Plant ran to decommission in 1998 without these towers at all, proves that this methodology is not now, nor was it ever necessary to implement on such a massive global scale… for any other reason than the ability to create weather.

I will discuss the study on Zion Power plant later in this post. For now this can be said with certainty - Such a grand operation of sequential fueling of clouds is in no way accidental or without a central planning unit to mastermind it. If you remember, I had referred to Geoengineering as a "supranational" process in post 1 of this series, for the very same reason. Such in-place water vapor generation in a sequential phased array has been observed not just in the US, but almost all countries around the globe. Clearly, its not just a rogue government or power plant doing it, but an organization with a meticulous central command planning every bit of it, that pans across national boundaries. In my opinion, the operators of the power plants are probably not aware of the weather manipulation that succeeds the vapor generation, as they are not privy to the big picture of sequential vapor fueling.

2. Aren't most of the cooling towers in Power plants today operating on a closed loop system meaning no net discharge of water to the atmosphere? How does that factor in?

This is the most common pushback from power plant experts, geoengineering deniers and psyop socks planted in the activist realm. To get clarity on this question, we need to understand how a power plant cooling system or Wet Surface Air Cooler (WSAC) system works, and what precisely is "closed loop" in that process.

This is a depiction of a WSAC-

how WSAC work.JPG

how wsac works 2.JPG

Watch this video to understand WSAC workings -

So what exactly is closed loop in the WSAC? Its the water running through the pipes that is used to turn the turbines. When that water is heated, it becomes steam which turns the turbine (power generation) and is moved to the cooling tower where cold water is sprayed on the pipes carrying steam. The water that is sprayed for cooling turns into steam and is released into the atmosphere with fans aiding the removal. So a "closed loop" nomenclature is actually a lie in this case since only half of the loop is closed, the other half is released into atmosphere and that is the active component of water vapor generation in Geoengineering. The depiction below should clarify it more,the red shaded box is open loop while the blue shaded box is the closed loop-

closed loop.JPG

As Weatherwar 101 puts it -

The "closed loop" deflection, is a another lie. It only applies to the water / steam that actually turns the turbine... which is only half of the system. The Cooling Tower process where tens of thousands of gallons of water per minute is sprayed and evaporated, is an Open Loop system.

3. Are the cooling towers mathematically capable of supplying such ENORMOUS amount of vapor required? Does the numbers even check out?

I crunched some numbers using publicly available data on cooling tower capacity for 2 different Power Plants- Zion Power Plant and Indian Point Power Plant.

Although computing the amount of water vapor needed to fuel all weather events happening globally is indeed a herculean task, what these calculations suggest is that mathematically it is possible to release trillions of gallons of water vapor per hour into the atmosphere just using the WSACs and cooling towers from power plants. It is quite possible to be engineering flash floods and even hurricanes with such a vapor release capacity,and the satellite data, pictures and videos shared throughout this post confirm its not only possible but a daily reality.

4. Since most hurricanes originate from the ocean, what mechanisms are used since cooling towers are not likely out in the ocean?

Offshore Oil rigs come with cooling towers and might very well be contributing to this vapor release to create clouds, as can be water vapor producing ships. I am yet to find a picture/video that definitively proves this claim. If anyone out there has any such definitive proof please flip me a copy in the comment section, will be highly appreciated!

Excerpts from the patent on 'Method for weather modification and vapor generator for weather modification' (US20100074390A1)further clarifies how sea based vapor generation may be executed -

5. Since how long has such water vapor generation being manipulating our weather?

Although its difficult to zero in on the exact duration of such weather manipulation, we can get an idea by looking at some studies done on the effect of cooling towers in early 1970s. Since WSACs are such a key component in cloud creation,and they came into use only during the early to mid 1970s, it seems highly probable the such weather manipulation has been put in place since late 70s- early 1980s, and has been functional for quite some time (almost 4 decades). As Weatherwar 101 puts it : " the frog got boiled a long time ago".

cooling tower study snip.JPG

6. Is the scientific community aware of this?

As mentioned in the last answer, there were a few scientific studies done on the effect of cooling towers. The 1971 study on Zion Nuclear plant can be found here

Weatherwar 101 observes on this study -

This study shows that not only was it already well known back in 1971 that massive amounts of water vapor from even one nuclear power plant with four cooling towers would have significant effects on the atmospheric conditions and weather, it was inexplicable to researchers conducting the study, that there was so little (public) data available on the subject.
It is also fascinating what resulting from this study. I’m still collecting information on the sequence of events, but the Zion Nuclear Power Plant was operational until January 15, 1998, but as you can see from the picture below from one year before it was shut down, those towers and that cooling method was never approved for this plant. There are over 7,000 operational power plants in the United States (almost all of which have some form of the cooling towers that were not approved at Zion for environmental reasons), and it is as difficult to find data on this massive global source of Water Vapor now as it was in 1971.

It is interesting to note here that based on the report, the Zion plant was approved to operate without any cooling towers. Now isnt that something? The very serious concerns raised by the Zion Power Plant study were enough to prevent their use on environmental reasons for that one plant, but that tower methodology was subsequently implemented on 7,000 power plants in the United States, and 62,500 power plants worldwide !!

Weatherwar 101 continues -

Now, let’s look at the fundamental component of global geoengineering that can be derived from this study.

Analy­ses of E G & G (1970) indi­cate that moist tower plumes can ini­ti­ate cloud for­ma­tion. Tower plumes will con­tribute to local cloud for­ma­tions at times in vary­ing degrees, depend­ing upon atmos­pheric con­di­tions.
From cli­ma­to­log­i­cal obser­va­tions and cloud physics research it is known that cumu­lus clouds and rain show­ers or thun­der­storms can be trig­gered by rel­a­tively small inputs of energy.
If we know that that one cooling tower can initiate and contribute to cloud formation, then we know two will contribute even more. If we know two cooling towers will contribute to cloud formation, then we know that four cooling towers will contribute twice as much as that.
If we know one power plant with four cooling towers will contribute significantly to cloud formation, then we know two power plants, separated by a little distance, will contribute even more to cloud formation.
If we know that two power plants in series will contribute significantly to cloud formation, then we know that four in sequence would contribute even more, as would 10 in sequence, as would 100, or 1000, or 7,000… or 62,500.
The fact that the Zion Power Plant ran to decommission in 1998 without these towers at all, proves that this methodology is not now, nor was it ever necessary to implement on such a massive global scale… for any other reason than the ability to create weather.

So, yes, its fair to conclude the scientific community had evidence of the impact of cooling tower on weather since 1970s, but astoundingly enough, disregarded the study and installed 7000 power plants in US and 62,500 power plants globally, almost all of which has WSACs and cooling towers! To me, this smells to high heavens of a scientific fraud cum cover up!!

7. Is the geoengineering activist community aware of it?

What is the first name to come to your mind when you hear Geoengineering activist community - Dane Wigington/ Mine too!
This is what Dane Wigington had to say about cooling towers being a fundamental tool of geoengineering. Highlights from his article -

I have personally worked on cooling towers for Bechtel Power over three decades ago. The facility I was involved with was the "Coolwater Coal Gassification Project" located in Dagget, California. Dagget is in the middle of the Mojave Desert. How much available water is there in this desert? Very little, and for this reason these cooling towers were a "closed loop" system (the cooling tower water is recycled). An ever increasing number of power plants use the "closed loop" system in order to conserve water. Further, many power plants now use "Dry Cooling" systems that lose almost no water to the atmosphere. Though many power plants do use steam turban generators, the actual volume of water lost to the atmosphere is minimal. In comparison to even the smallest of rainstorms, the amount of water vapor put out by power plant cooling towers is completely insignificant. As already mentioned, most cooling tower facilities simply recirculate the water, only losing a slight amount to the atmosphere. Though the steam plumes they emit may seem substantial, the moisture content they emit is, again, insignificant and meaningless from an atmospheric perspective.

Do you see how the "closed loop" lie has been propagated here again by Dane Wigington to discredit this daily observable phenomenon? Does it not reek of psyop sock puppet gatekeeper type disinformation to you? It does for me.

To counter rest of Dane's ludicrous arguments (against cooling towers as a weather manipulation tool) in the article with definitive radar and satellite data, I'll share this video (watch from 9:02 onwards) -

8. What other evidence do we have to support this claim of deliberate weather manipulation using cooling towers?

WW101 has done a phenomenal job of documenting radar and satellite data for almost all storm systems, dating back to hurricane Andrew in 1992. Lets look at the documentation of most recent hurricanes in the US, Irma and Harvey, in 2017 which should be 'smoking gun' proof of the involvement of cooling towers and artificial precipitation sources.

Hurricane Irma :

Hurricane Harvey :

Synopsis :

In this post we looked at the basic component of weather manipulation and geoengineering, namely global sequential in-place water vapor generation system. Pictures, videos and working principle of cooling towers/WSACs were presented as smoking gun proof of cooling towers and WSACs being pivotal in releasing enormous amount of water vapor ( capacity range 15.2 Billion-588 Billion gallon/hour in USA alone) that can create clouds, hurricanes, flash floods. We looked at how key scientific studies that co-relate cooling towers with weather manipulation have been disregarded since 1970s. We looked at how the activist sphere is rife with disinfo agent(s) like Dane Wigington who will point at anything but the reality so as to keep the seekers perennially confused and deprived of the truth.

In the future posts, other components of geoengineering, namely the Nexrad doppler radar grid and Chemtrails, will be discussed at length.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Weather Weapons
Our Purpose

Interesting post! Geoengineering isn't something I've thought about much, but your post made me think a bit more. This isn't a subject that will be going away anytime soon either. As our climate continues to change it may become a way to combat it, and as also as a weapon, which you alluded to plenty for both. Nice post, keep it up!

Awesome post! I will be resteeming some of your posts as these are subjects that everyone should be educated on. I just came from the big island and feel this was all man induced. The geothermal plant in Leilani estates is owned by monsantos and FEMA prison barges are rumored to be 10 miles offshore..2 of them. They already have tent set up in the camps and rescue centers and getting all the info they can about the victims before they will help them with shelter. By the way, I am now following you... mahalo.

@thethreehugs thanks for taking the time to read and resteem. Geoengineering is starting to become more popular in the truth community, but we are still looking at some distant Alaska based HAARP for all weather modifications,when its the weather RADARs in our backyard sending the pulsed frequency. We are made to look at "mysterious" water sprouting sources, when it is the cooling towers from our power plants releasing trillions of gallons to create clouds, from the ground!

Were you able to get any pics/videos from the Geothermal plant in Leilani? If yes please feel free to share with them, I want to document all evidence we have and upload it in an indexed form on the blogchain here.

Lets keep in touch here.

Yep I am an energy worker and I hear the frequencies and feel them. Especially the EMFs.

Here is a link form the news reports at Hawaii News Now:

Lots of videos here and on you tube:

I've never heard about this part of geoengineering so I would need more research to make a better idea but it's an interesting subject for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to read through the post. Yes I agree this has been a rather obscure part of geoengineering and I have come across hardly 2-3 sources even discussing this aspect. My opinion is that the Disinfo shill army in this space has been diverting all attention from this obvious pivot and making us look elsewhere so we stay deprived of the truth. I would recommend weatherwar101 for being an authority on this subject with a body of work far more detailed than anything I have witnessed in this regard. If you have any specific questions on this please shoot and I’ll take a dig.

Hi @teamsteem - here is the 3rd post in the series. Let me know if this tallies up with your research on Geoengineering -

Interesting post, well organized, and good flow. I've never heard of this aspect of geoengineering. At first glance, I think it looks deliberate, but can't say for sure without doing further research. Nice work and looking forward to part 3.

Thanks. I’ll flip you a link when I’m done with post 3.

Hi @steeminganarchy - here is the 3rd post in the series. Let me know if this tallies up with your research on Geoengineering -

Great post. The first component you listed at the top, "Global, sequencial, in place water vapour generation" is what most people seem to be unaware of and I think that people like Dane Wiggington (as you also pointed out) deliberately steer people away from this part and focus them on the chemtrail programme.

When I first started looking into the in place water vapour generation it blew my mind and still does a bit to be honest. The idea that something so big has been hidden in plain site for so long is hard to believe but that does appear to be what is happening. Getting people to believe it is the problem and gatekeepers like Wiggington don't make it easier.

Thanks for spending the time documenting this stuff. Although most will ignore or deny it, those that take the time to read about it and watch the videos cannot fail to at least consider it.

Weatherwar101 was where I first discovered this information too. As you will already be aware, he documents how Wiggington and other ignore his information and try to smear him. Wiggington is another one of the heroes that people worship and think he is their saviour when in fact, in my opinion, he is the opposite. He is part of the problem. He works for those who are misleading and destroying the planet. Whether he knows he works for them or not is the question.

@Jimbobbill yep WW101 is indeed an authority on this topic and I have heavily borrowed from his website, videos, and books, and have cited the sources as well. WW101 did call out Dane and a few other psyop shills, I will be dedicating a post on these 'gatekeepers' as well since a lot of sincere truth seekers are being misled by them.

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