Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 1 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

in #informationfinding6 years ago (edited)

Firslty I just want to thank @apolymask for creating such a unique and cool contest! I don't know how lucky I got to randomly find this across my newsfeed. I wasn't following @apolymask at the time but that instantly changed. After reading the contest and what it was all about I was hooked and just wanted to get the ball rolling with ideas.

To begin I just want to share a little bit what the contest is about before I go on and deliver my first entry! It is a long and gruelling competition that will last many months, and during that time us competitors will be tasked with challenges which will lead to one sole individual being crowned the #informationfinding CHAMPION !!

Here is the IFC contest. Where the more lone wolves seek to find their way in this incredible quest to find a CHAMPION !!



I will tell you right now the journey has just begun and the task already seems daunting! Unfortunately long ago in the fall of 94' a young @Kryptocek was born. What the Stork forgot to mention to his parents was that during the birth they accidentally put all my skills and good qualities in ONE basket instead of diversifying evenly throughout.

"I sure hope that Stork doesn't trade crypto"

So where in sports and physical activities I always excelled in, my "talent" for the arts and music has been lacking... and that is no under statement. Therefore, I will challenge myself throughout the competition and do my best to evolve and gain new skills, as that's what I believe this competition is all about.


To begin since this first quest is based on Art work related to Steemit. Here are some thumbnails ( covers for youtube videos ) I have made to help grow my youtube channel and promote Steemit! For me I've alway been a visual learner and visually seeing things has always been easier then just reading out of a book.
Therefore, I decided to start making YouTube videos about Steemit to help new users understand what it is and how they can join an awesome community and learn about crypto and all sorts of other things related or unrelated. So here it is my Steemit art work, it may not be what one would imagine when they think of art but its done by me and each photo shares a different story to my adventure here.

STEEM PRACTICE.jpg To new beginnings and new community, how Steemit impacted me and was the best gem I found in 2017, and why everyone should be a part of this network!

SOCIAL MEDIA DONE RIGHT copy.jpg The impact the community makes on one another! I won a Steemit water bottle from @tecnosgirl and she sent it all the way to Denmark from the States ( 20$ shipping ). I was mind blown by the generosity and I right there realized that Steemit is something special and that devoting my time to this community would better myself and hopefully impact others around me as well! (I would 100% recommend following her @tecnosgirl - she truly gives back to the community )

PROFILE & COVER.jpg With all the bots and fake accounts being made, I believe it's important for people to get an impression of who you are and that is why I believe setting up a profile and cover photo are a priority while setting up your account!

The sudden rise of Steem and other cryptocurrencies, to re assure everyone and give my two cents why this isn't a bubble and why Steem and Steemit are just getting started!

You're hired!.jpg
An awesome competition hosted by @o07 where he was also willing to give back and devote his time to help out a minnow Steemian cough cough MYSELF cough cough. He is also extremely generous in his competitions so if you want some GOLD & SILVER check him out!!

NFL Steemit.jpg This one may be my favourite because I myself am a huge sports fan and one of the first communities I joined on Steemit was the Fantasy Football league. There I quickly made a few friends and at the end of the season I finished in 3rd place and 40 Steem to my name! This was another incredible community that just grew my love for Steemit even more, and a big thank you to @ats-david for being a huge donator to the competition.
Steemit cycle !!.jpg Finally the picture I made yesterday after reading this competition. I want to share with everyone that is new, old, constantly on Steemit, or check it once a week that it is 100% possible to be sucessful on STEEMIT!

"Don't look at the up votes or how many views you get on each post, look at how many new people you've met along the way and the rest will happen itself" -Kryptocek

Thats my MOTTO for Steemit. I've grown organically since the beginning and I believe anyone can do it. We all start out as a little fish not knowing where we belong. Take your time find your niche and without even realizing it you will find your place. Im still just that little Red guy floating around but I am absolutely loving it.

I appreciate everyone who has followed my First quest and even though the art and creativity aspect may not have been there I still managed to focus on being original in the way I could. Quest aren't supposed to be easy and I am up for the challenge ahead. For now my fellow friends GOODNIGHT .


I really love how you completely embraced the challenge. I also am friends irl with @tecnosgirl she definitely gives back not only here on steemit but in her real life she is the most selfless person I have known and it's been over 28 years this year! I also got some cool swag from her today I love the ideas she has for steemit! I also wanted to say welcome to the quest! Good Luck!

She's brilliant I am happy I got to meet her and chatted with her a little on discord! She definitely has some cool ideas in store for 2018! Keep learning and embracing everything about steemit is my outlook for 2018!

Good stuff, man. I think you did pretty well with this,

Good luck with the contest!

Thanks @braveboat ! Im up for the mission. Its going to be a long one but I'm 100% into it! Thanks again for the support.

Epic first submission! I especially loved the beginning part where you went into like a lil RPG storyline sorta thing about your character. :)
And.. Your content was perfect for what I was asking for in regards to the theme of the contest, so.. While I'm not going to decide who I vote for until I see more entries, I'm really liking yours so far and leaning in the direction of your entry!

Thanks for the awesome energy you bring with you. And.. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to upvote this one, I've used so much of my voting power today, I need to wait.. Though on the bright side, my vote will be worth more because of waiting as well.

Anyways.. Super awesome entry and I hope this one ends up winning this round, but it's still early! Gotta give others a fair chance to have their content viewed as well. ._.
Cheers and look forward to seeing you more in the competition!

Ahh that put a smile on my face! This is completely out of my zone but I'm just trying to 100% get stuck in and make a story of it!

Absolutely I hope it can keep growing and more and more Steemians keep joining!

No stress completely understand! :D Sortiarius's chest needs all the power it can get ;)

This was literally one of the hardest decisions ever. I had no idea this competition would be so difficult for me! Numerous people who submitted are friends, numerous others submitted great entries and in the end for me it came down to four top entries.. Sandrina, lynncoyle1, kryptocek and auminda.

I love aumindas pic, but it didn't really have the steem logo in it and.. There wasn't really anything linking it to steem for a casual observer and they probably won't understand the whale/dolphin metaphor, though if this pic had had a steem logo on it, that would have been a whole different thing.

Sandrina did an amazingly awesome song/video and... I wanted to pick that one so bad, though once again.. I didn't feel like it was promoting steemit enough.. A significant aspect of it was the frustration of not being upvoted by whales.. SO as much as I loved the song and appreciated the high level of creativity and effort.. I did not pick her.

Lynncoyle1 submitted a poem of her partners I really liked that did decently promote steem in a way in which I feel like if I shared it on my social media page, people would sorta get what it was about and that it might help draw people here.. And they're dealing with an illness so I extra really wanted to help them, they need it more..

However.. In the end after thinking about it for a long time.. Even though someone who I like needs it more and submitted really good content, it is you kryptosek who I feel like earned my vote the most.

The reason is mostly two fold. #1 You brought me the best information in my opinion in regards to artwork aimed at promoting steemit and to sort of help draw more new people over here.. And your pictures that advertise steemit and show others they can make money here, and that it's "social media done right" I also like how you show how steemit has helped you and you make an effort to help newcomers.
That's enough.. You brought me the best info for what I asked, though I have an extra reason as well.

Okay.. Reason #2 is the role playing and general positive spirit and energy of your post.. After seeing you do that yourself willingly without being asked out of your own desire to do so and after enjoying reading it so much, I want to encourage more people to do that and sort of role play like that. I think if more people get into the virtual world and get creative and write little stories and adventures of their own like you have done about the challenges then that will be awesome!

I feel like I can share your entry on my Facebook page and if people read through it they will see steemit as a place where they can sort of.. Go on an adventure into a fantasy world and make money at the same time. :) I really really really like your post and that's saying a lot because there were a BUNCH of other really good entries and a few that were heartbreaking to not be able to vote for.. Though in the end.. I think your post best fulfills my request and also hopefully can help inspire more people to sort of.. "Get into the virtual world" and sort of go on an adventure and have a character/avatar or "persona" or a "mask" that they use to explore this digital landscape. :)

Anyways.. There were so many good entries. I wanted so many of them to win, especially lynncoyle1 .. I really wish I could give them a vote too. But that's not how this works. I have to be strict and be as true as I can to myself and what I think best fits my request for the information I ask for.

Well done kryptocek. You earned my vote.

I could imagine it’s very difficult being a judge! At least there’s a panel of judges that makes it easier and at least you guys have your own opinion on every quest!

I think that’s what it’s all about. There was so many good entries and all very different I’m trying to find my time to comment on all the other contestans post and help build it that way!

Appreciate the dedication you’ve put into it and the support you’ve given all of us! Hopefully the contest is just getting warmed up and I’m sure we can see 10-15 dedicated participants!!

I got some catching up to do though!

Nice banners @kryptoceck ;) I have a competitor!

Wheuu pumped can't wait!

Hey there @kryptocek just want you to know I have placed my vote with @apolymask and I voted for you, I really loved how you ran with this challenge and you put heart into it! I love that you also promoted my bf @tecnosgirl's giveaway in your video! Keep on steemin my friend and get with @apolymask to find out what to do next! The official vote will be in real soon so stay tuned!!!

Ahh thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I really didn’t know what to expect but was just going with it to see what would happen! I’m just catching up with the last 3 challenges now and eager to see how things keep going! And that’s what it’s about I think here on Steemit keep sharing your story and building a community among other Steemians!

Hey kryptocek love you way you have done this round and I like it! thank you. Im a Judge with Aploy. looks like a winning entry!

Means a lot man, I just randomly seen it pop up on my news feed and I seen it and was instantly sold! Going to try and keep it up, hopefully the challenges slow down a bit though haha! Kryptocek’s getting exhausted.

lol I know what you mean Apoly works hard!

Appreciate it man!

I like your art, nice.

An amazingly sophisticated bot! Just kidding! I am interested to see how Steemit develops with people genuinely engaging as you are doing right now. It has been a very positive experience for me so far, guided with the help Steemian nut girl that the world knows as
Need to show her some love, she got me into this thing.

Thank you! Thats what it's all about! we all have our mentors and friends that give us that extra push! Im sure someone has said the same thing about you. My goal for 2018 is to try and get more of my friends who spend hours on Facebook and instagram to join Steemit and change their lives!

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