Winner of 500 SP Delegation Goes to......

in #indonesia7 years ago

Last week was my birthday and as a feel good factor I passed out some delegation.  But I have still some to give out.

So I asked the #indonesia community to write a post and I would give 500 SP to one of them.  You can find out more about the delegation and the contest in this post


So many entries

The following posts were submitted as entry to the contest by adding it as a link on the contest post

Before I announce a winner, I would like to address some stuff.  Indonesia is a country effected by poverty and hardship.  My vision for Steemit is to give people hope and opportunity no matter where you are from, No matter what your race, and No matter what your religion. Steemit has the opportunity to help life people out of extreme poverty.  I selected the Indonesian community because I have been touch by so many ( as you can see from the entries above) and because it is one of those communities that if we help grow, can change lives.

But I was reading the comments made  by @gtg

How about posting original, high quality content?
Poverty is a big issue, sure, but STEEM has its value because we believe that we produce valuable content on this platform. If we assign rewards regardless, then platform would lose its value. Then, even the best bloggers from Aceh would not be able to earn rewards.
Rewarding original, high quality content should be main reason for upvotes. Currently Idonesian community is also one of the most active abusers (plagiarism, scam on steemit chat).
Do you think that every household is able to produce original, high quality content? I doubt it. While Steem platform is amazing it's not the answer for all issues of the world.
Maybe 1 on 100 of our friends is, or could be a good blogger.
Reward those who can produce valuable content, while there would be only fraction of your local community, they would further distribute their wealth in their surroundings.

Many people come to steemit and plagiarize or scam, this is not limited to the Indonesian community. What we need to do is find and foster leaders in these communities that will be respected by the community and can help teach people the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way to use Steemit. 

Now for the Winner

Or should I say the winners.  You see since posting the contest I have earned more Steem Power, as so I have decided to award two delegations

In second place receiving 250 SP is


and in first place winning 500 SP is 


Congratulations @said-nuruzzaman and @steem77. Use the power to grow your own account and your community.  Reward effort and good posts and help develop successful Steemains from the Indonesian community.  I have already made the delegation.


I can't actually say that I disagree with @gtg because they're essentially right.

No matter my personal feelings about the idea of charity, I strongly believe – and I have observed in particular on Steemit – that "you get what you reward." We have to be mindful of what we are rewarding at any given time, especially if we want to foster the development of other people as creators and as members of our community who have something to offer.

I would never be so arrogant as to tell someone else what they must or even should do with their own money. I'm enough of a Libertarian for that to be fairly anathema. But I am just arrogant enough to point out what happens when we just hand out money as opposed to seeking out those who deserve our money.

We get more people who just want our money.

You have said yourself, "Steemit has the opportunity to help lift people out of extreme poverty." Certainly it does, just like any market on which someone can trade their skills, talents, and products that others desire. Free markets have resulted in the aggressive reduction of poverty over the last 60 years, everywhere on earth.

That's a good thing. That's an amazing thing. We should be absolutely in favor of that happening as often and as aggressively as possible.

I would counter your 500 SP delegation gift to someone in a particular area by suggesting you consider – if only for a moment – how much that delegation would have been worth to people in that community if you instead of simply handing it to someone, you set it aside in another account and deliberately spent time once a week, at minimum, using that account to vote up content which originates in Indonesia which you find interesting, valuable, worthwhile, and useful.

Over the next six months, how much SP would that have put into the pockets of Indonesian creators in general and, almost accidentally, build a community around that account – one which you had a hand in creating. Not only would it be one more channel to provide support to the community that you have said that you care about, should you make use of the resteeming feature, it would also act as a singular point of contact for others to discover content in the community that you thought worthy of greater exposure.

It's one thing to press a wad of bills into the hand of someone who is disadvantaged. It's a one-shot deal. You're in and you're out. It's quite another to actually set up a process and be part of a process which provides opportunity to those in that community while simultaneously being good for those outside of that community.

That would be a real contribution. That would be building a real community.

Just a few thoughts as a sort of random flyby on this one.

If you want to find in foster leaders in the community, you need to take responsibility, at least in part, for that community. Otherwise you're just feeding animals at the zoo as you drive by, not helping them feed themselves.

there are many people in this community I have been guiding, what goes on behind the scenes is often over looked when reading posts.

So people just need that opportunity, it was given to me and I would like to do the same. The amount of SP delegated is not that much, and I am happy for the people in receipt to use it to grow their accounts.

you may or may not be aware but @steemitbc and #steemitbc community on discord have been very much actively helping members of this community. I myself have been absent as I have other commitments at the moment, but when I have more time again in a month or two I will be doing a lot more hand holding.

Right now, this little delegation is a show of faith in the community. Something we all need a little more of.

I have noticed thou, many more are now asking for handouts or sending me links to posts with little or no communication, and it is this that will get the community a bad name.

This is also why we try to avoid feeding the pigeons in the park, even though they are terribly cute and they seem so appreciative.

Once you start the cycle, they will just keep coming back.

That's not to say anything bad about the people in the community who are doing the best they can and who are producing interesting, good content on a regular basis – but we really need to engage with issues we care about in ways that are long-term healthy.

I have no doubt that you have been an enthusiastic supporter of many of these people, and that's as it should be. I just want to point out that we can probably leverage and create systems which do a better job in an ongoing way than just dropping a chunk of change into the pool.

I have no doubt that the people that you've given SP to will use it well, but how can we make a better, more long-term impact?

I would love to see someone who has a significant vest on the platform decide that what they need to do is create "community topic hubs," create a series of accounts, give them enough money to jumpstart, and then start doing real curation through those accounts. It would be work – but real curation is work. It would also create singular points of trust where people could get on board with content discovery that they can feel assured they will like.

I'm sure some of this is going on already – and maybe this might turn into a whole post for me at some point, I think it's probably going to be how things shake out at a mechanical level at some point in the future. Right now, everyone's holding their breath waiting for HF 22 bring whatever form of "community" they're looking to set up.

But this could be done today. If you really care about it getting done.

Congratulations @said-nuruzzaman and @steem77

Hey @paulag,

I agree with @gtg and lextenebris

Steemit is platform for quality contributors who can really produce great content. However I also believe it's a social media where we can share our day to day life.

But it's not a garbage where you post comments like "Follow me and I will follow back". These kind of tactics just ruining the system.

Contests are really helpful to grow communities but many Steemians are using it wrongly. We are just promoting contents which are going to benefit us not the community.

Charity is good thing but be open about your needs and objective don't manipulate the systems.

P.S - I am not talking about you or any community here. We all equally responsible for making Steemit a better place. Don't you agree @paulag

I think helping the poverty is a great idea but steem has its values as well.

we can chose to help good causes as well as good content. If I can help just one person get to a better place in life then I am happy


Congratulations @steem77 and @said-nuruzzaman. The right winner @paulag

Saya ucapkan selamat kepada @steem77 and @said-nuruzzaman atas mendapatkan sp dari @paulag.😊😊😊
And I wish you happy birthday to @paulag,.

Thanks to @paulag...Happy birthday in arrears @paulag. Congratulation @steem77 and @said-nuruzzaman.

Thank you @paulag ... hopefully this steem power delegation can help steemian in Indonesia

congratulations @steem77 became the first winner of the event by @paulag.

With great power comes great responsibility. Congratulation @steem77.

true ... and the greater and my responsibility in helping and seeing the original content in steemit ... thank you and has helped remind me of my responsibilities

Selamat @steem77 semoga dengan ada kekuatan tersebut, dapat membantu steemians Indonesia, lebih-lebih bagi pemula..


You are most welcome, enjoy it and help as many as you can

thank you mom .. attention and contribution is very useful for us so we can help others its

@paulag so kind and generous of you. This looks better than donating to red cross or other charitable fund because every penny goes to the recipient for his or her disposal.

Like other commentors mentioned, hopefully the recipients will spend it wisely. Thanks.

Congratulation @steem77 and @said-nuruzzaman, i know both of you will use the delagated SP wisely.. and thank you @paulag, for helping our community

Thank you Bunda @rayfa

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