Steemit Networking When You Don't Do Small Talk

in #howto6 years ago (edited)


Well, first don’t do what I did!

That is spending the first eight months of using Steemit being completely oblivious to all the thriving communities within Steemit.


Networking via Comments

Mind you, some of those eight months I was AWOL for about 3 months and to my Steemit friends I had made via commenting, it was like I fell off the earth.

It didn’t help that my last posts were about the trials and tribulations of breaking up a marriage with a man with a violent history.

But that is history, but comments are the first essential stepping stone to networking.

Make meaningful comments, not cookie cutter spammy ones.

Make comments like you are a real person, with an opinion, tell them what you liked, what it made you think of, anything extra you might like to add.



Networking on Steemit = Making Friends

And when you read networking, think forming friendships. How would you treat a and talk to a friend?

Would you look out for their posts? Give them an upvote now and again, every time? What about exchanging ideas, finding out more about each other, what makes them tick, even exchanging small gifts, even if that is encouragement.

Bear in mind that you have only 10 votes on Steemit and choose carefully who you’d like to support and make friends with. Perhaps they did for a reason so that you don’t spread yourself too thinly.

You don’t want to pick too many, else you won’t have time to form friendships and you will be spread too thin.

I keep in touch with a few people that I have known since I started on Steemit, but to be fair the majority of friendships were forged when I discovered Discord.


Discovering Discord

Now I don’t do too well in the bigger groups, conversation wise, as I’m not a natural at networking, or making friends for that matter. I am happy with just a handful, as that is all I can manage and I’m not good at small talk.

I like to talk about things that matter, always been a bit bad at small talk, so I have gravitated towards smaller groups with interesting conversations going on and some that have good promotional posts.

I have had to learn a bit to make conversation and “how are you?” is a good start.

Not ‘hi” or “hello”, then nothing, as that drives me barmy and I am sure that I am not the only one.

But after a few days, even if you pick one of bigger groups, you will start to gel with certain people and you can start chatting to those people through DM, or even voice chat to form stronger bonds.

Now, obviously you can’t do this with an infinite amount of people and sometimes you might need to reassess.

I’ve managed to support a couple of non-runners that will remain Unmentionable shall we say, so yes some mistakes can be made, but life goes on.

But with a handful of people - 10 max, this is the way to build meaningful friendships and network on Steemit, especially if small talk is a foreign language to you.

It was good I was asked about networking today, as I can see where I need to pick up up my game too.



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Thoughtful comments is to me the fastest way to connect with others on Steemit. You also get to learn by reading through their work which often contains valuable information in the area of interest. To be effective with commenting. Choose to comments on issues that is in your niche. Make comments that contribute to the post either by supporting the author's view or perhaps constructive criticism. If you don't understand what is being discussed simply read and work away. I do follow your post @hopehuggs but on days you write on issues I know I can't contribute I just read and go back.

That is good extra advice, there is no point commenting on something where you have nothing constructive to say.

I feel like you in that way. I can't keep up with so many people. Even in life offline I only have a handful of people that I keep in my circle. Great advice there. I prefer deep relationships with a small few.

Yes, I've not too many people in my life offline, a manageable amount, plus 2 little ones - they keep me busy enough.

Well i couldn't have said it better. i myself need to get on discord and all of that stuff but it just seems like so much to try and tackle at one time but i am trying. do i need to make an entirely new account to be on discord?

Discord is completely separate from Steemit, it will need your email address and a password of your choice. Here is the url: and when you have signed up, Steem School is a great first outing, here is an invite:

More good information to help me get things moving. Thank you Hope.

This is somethink people have to understand at SteemIt!!!
I myself am working on it, because you can not make it on steemit without networking and making friends. This is imo the main reason why people do not succeed on the long run at Steemit!

For sure and commenting can be the first step to choosing who you want to start building relationships and friendships with.

I also find it hard making friends but found its a requirement for success here on steemit.

My plan for overcoming this is making a lot of acquaintances and hoping some genuine friendships come out of these

I checked out the link on Swift and registered. I tried searching the FAQs but couldn't get much info on it. It is a digital currency from what I saw on the site, but how popular is it? Do you know?

I know they are planning on listing the coins this year at some point, which will give them market value, until then I am hoarding, hoarding. I can't see much about it other than the FAQ to tell you more.

Important topic here on Steemit, @hopehuggs. I'm just on my 8th day but last Sunday, approximately 2/3's into my very first day, I got that commenting was what I should focus on for this past week.

It's helped me start to make acquaintances and build up my followers. It's also less stressful than trying to come up with and pump out new posts every day, although that's the next important step I'll be tackling soon.

Thanks again!

yes, some of whales recommend that you build your followers first by comments and networking, then concentrate on creating quality posts when you have some support in place.

Small talk and its perils..aahh.. tell me about it. I have never been a fan of small talk and find it really difficult. Your advice on having meaningful conversations with a few people is so helpful. That's what I did too and that's what is helping me grow better on Steemit. I was oblivious of discord and communities on Steemit for about 1.5 months after joining Steemit too and it was only when I got active there and used it productively that I started experiencing more growth on the platform.

Hi Sharoon, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Ecotrain is kind of awesome too, I got a new lap top recently so not got around to getting back on slack yet. But I miss you guys and gals.

@ecotrain is awesomest!! Oh lovely, congrats on your new laptop and we miss you too <3 Come back soon!

I agree that networking is essential if you want to find success on Steemit. Luckily, I have had you to show me the way. I have joined Discord servers and am getting to know the people within them. It has been a fun week and a half and I look forward to building more connections and growing my account here.

Thank you @keciah, it is awesome when the learning curve isn't so curved.

Networking via comments - Can do that.
DM on Discord - Can do that too.
Voice chat.....arrrgghhh

I felt like that too. Sometimes you need to step out the comfort zone. There is a whole host of interactive radio shows on discord, you can speak briefly on as well, which might give you good practice.

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