Horror Club: The Fourth Wish

in #horrorclub7 years ago (edited)

The monkey's paw is an old legend. It has touched the lives of many people. It has destroyed the lives of many people. It has ended the lives of the luckiest people.

Albert knew this when he picked it up from the street vendor. He felt he knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he bought it. Every wish made on the cursed hand would be twisted with evil intent. But if the wish powering it began with evil intent, what could go wrong?

“I wish I had the strength to kill them myself.”

Emily Plum, soon to be Emily Rustford, was a young part-time actress and film student. After years of trying to break into show business, the past year had been filled with minor speaking roles and her agent had promised much more in the months to come.

“What should I do David?” Emily laid in David's bed, staring at the window and stressing over her life. “I'm still not ready to tell Albert. He scares me lately. There's this look in his eyes like he's ready to burn down the entire world”

Emily had met Albert five years ago at a friend's party. He was a bit awkward to speak to at the time, but seemed kind. They got along well, and after a year of seeing each other off and on finally decided to start dating. Six months ago Albert had finally mustered up the courage to ask Emily to marry him. At the time she was overjoyed.

David gently wrapped his arms around Emily. “Do you want to just move? Maybe you could just drop off the ring and we could move to LA. There's more work there anyway.”

Emily started seeing David two months ago. They were in the same classes in film school, though where Emily wanted to know more about how the set worked, David planned on becoming an actual director. They had known each other for about a year so David was well aware of the turbulent situation with Albert.

“Maybe you're right.” Emily let out a deep sigh, clasping David's hand for comfort. “If it's not safe to confront him, that may be my only option.”

Since Emily's engagement Albert started to change. He gained a new sense of confidence, but with it a new level of aggression. He had never hit her, but she couldn't say he never would. If he was unhappy with something he would usually yell at Emily until she took the blame and apologized. She learned very quickly that it was best to deal with Albert's tantrums quickly.

“I should probably get going.” Emily pushed David's hand away so she could get up. “Let's talk about this more later, ok?” She kissed David on the cheek before getting her clothes together.

“Ok, but it's probably best that we act quickly if you're this worried.” Genuine concern covered David's face. He wanted to just pack up then and there, but he was aware of how complex the situation was.

When she was finished getting dressed Emily gave David one final kiss on the cheek. “I love you. Thanks for being here with me.”

“I love you too” David replied softly, cradling Emily's face in his had.

One last hug and Emily was off. As she opened the door she had no time to process before a fist to the chest sent her flying painfully to the floor.

David ran into the front hall to find Elizabeth twitching in pain on the floor and Albert with a self-righteous grin on his face, standing in the doorway.

“What the hell have you done?” David ran to Emily and checked for any sign he could help. “Jesus Albert, what have you done?!”

Reaching for his phone, David realized he wasn't wearing his pants. Before David could get to his phone in the other room, Albert ran in and jump kicked David in the head.

The blow was dizzying but not particularly painful. Albert clearly didn't know how to fight.

Quickly collecting himself, David got himself to his feet and positioned himself between Albert and Emily, taking a defensive stance.

“Albert, stop this. Just leave. We don't even have to involve the police, just leave.” David was trembling with anger, but Emily didn't seem at all responsive. She needed help, and the best way to get it was to end this quickly.

Albert didn't say a word. He just walked towards David, determined and filled with blood lust.

As soon as Albert was close enough, David threw a punch with as much force as he could muster into Albert's face. The blow connected, but instead of hurting Albert, David's fist shattered. It was as if hitting a steel pillar.

Albert quickly retaliated by grabbing David by the neck while he was still in shock. Impatient, Albert didn't wait for David to choke to death. Instead he sunk his fingers into David's neck, crushing every structure within it before throwing the corpse-to-be aside.

Emily was conscious, looking on in horror as David's life drained from his body on the floor. Still trying to catch her breath after her own injury, she couldn't even scream as Albert knelt down beside her.

Albert took Emily's face in his hand as he leaned in and forced a kiss. As he pulled away he was smiling. The same smile Emily had grown to fear since their engagement. “It's all your fault.” Albert whispered.

Two desecrated, barely recognizable bodies were found later that day. No evidence was found as to who the murderer was. While reports say the front door was found to be open, there were no footprints, no loose hairs, nothing to give a direction to the investigation.


Wow! Out of all of the monkey's paw installments so far, this has to be the most chilling!

Thanks! It's too bad the last instalment is today. This has been a fun series to write XD

Was this the last one? oh no! lol I was hoping something happened to Albert as a result of his wickedness 😂😂

Nope, there's Wish five. Wish four was late last night (my time) and part five will be up either in an hour or in about 5 hours depending how my day goes.

phew! Haha ok well it's nearly midnight here in the UK so if I get insomnia (which I do regularly) I will check back to see if I can scare myself silly at 3am again! 😀

Every time I think of the monkey's paw stories it usually makes for a good time and yours was just the same.

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Ha ha, second time in a week! Hope that doesn't disqualify me, but I'd be happy to be featured in OCD.

But ya, I usually try to take on original ideas with my work, but I'm pretty happy with how this Wishes series has turned out.

Congrats as you made it my good man! Here's the link to the most recent compilation: https://steemit.com/ocd/@ocd/ocd-daily-issue-30

Thanks, that's awesome! That explains the sudden influx of visitors :P

woah! Chills!!!! Not normally a great fan of fiction, but haven't seen your work before and this was REALLY captivating! - Really good!

Congrats on your spot on the OCD Daily Issue #30 I am also super grateful to have even been nominated :)

Looking forward to reading more from you!

Thought you might like to check out my latest post too... https://steemit.com/life/@jaynie/unapologetically-me

Thanks, glad to hear it gave you a spook! Don't usually check articles posted in comments, but "Unapologetically Me" actually does sound up my alley :D Need to finish writing The Fifth Wish then I'll check it out.

haha cool :) and I will look forward to "The Fifth Wish" then... :D - hope you enjoy :)

Creepy S#!T 😲

Why thank you, I try! If you haven't had a chance to read the first 3, the series is being kept in #horrorclub

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