16 days of literature: Expurgate

in #horror6 years ago

{Sterf fu wiek. Cudon, Hasturr buk tu! Belilimeme, nartir di octurn... But there shall be no cuddling to the non-Angels, for they shall not hear the holy tongues from Angeldom to Dæmondom be transcribed. Let it be on this day, since the first True explosion to oure Current Big Bang to the passing seconds of Now, that a tale pass in the honours of Gilgamesh. For now I shall betray this creed of Angels to pass down a tale, of course one they share a lot as they did with Gilgamesh in those days before devout followers became their own Promethean Order. In the honour of Fortuna, let Ordenis-n-Chaos guide her Spirit so that one Heart, one Arm and one Spirit may squash the oppressors. Bóstwo, har ninghtch!... Of course, the music-aide: "Call of Duty: World at War - Main Menu Theme "}

My sketchy sketch

- Expurgate -

Slink-a-chink, rattles that dance about the chains; taking each chain link with a profound love even if done in so fast a move. A gurgle starts to form, first from the over-drowned throat located dearly in the heart of the voice-box. Here-a-here, the rattle of molecules that so produce the gurgle takes a bigger chance and so jumped out a louder gurgle. But the muscles of the damned survivor fought past the soreness and were welcomed with the flames of pain; explosive bile quickly ascending and projecting far away from the mouth. Those rattling chains had their fun ceased, rearing away in pain as the metal corroded, a bile so black that not even it would near it and the chain's spear unhooked the body as to make a quicker leave.

Grasping themself, they, the damned survivor, had knees and hands kneeling on the floor before another concotion of black bile forced itself out. Still kneeling, the eyes finally opened and they could see, yet those eyes were honed in on the black-bile. The head rearing up and the eyes closing, it came tumbling down and smacked the concrete floor; of no pain, the head reared up and saw the tiny spider veins creeping all about. With the black bile sinking and smelling of the concrete smoldering, the hands and knees reinforced the kneeling position again, the head cocked again and eyes shut. The concrete roars in pain as the head made contact, slowly hissing while smoldering even more as the head reared away from the concrete. The eyes stared, the floor slowly embered a night-tinge as the spider-veins crawled and multiplied across the cold floor.

Infinitely resigned, a hand reached out and the fingers stretched themselves out; the body's nerves collectively bolted backwards but the fingers resisted loosing Faith. The nerves soon subdued, the fingers made contact but 'twas empty as air; the hand reeling back, degradation to a crisp night-colour of bones was all that remained of the one finger that made the Leap of Faith. The spine erecting itself, the hands reached for the face and inquired the skin integrity; the charred flakes, the truest of obscenities, and the charcoal feel was the only clue needed for the eyes and unloosened nerves that still remained to make the final judgement. Kneeling back down, the head reeled back further and dropped fast. And finally, the face yelped even when it was only a small tingle of nerve excitement. The eyes seeing the spider-veined masterpiece, the ears was soothed with the progressively increasing smolder noises.

The eyes detecting the black bile sinking even further into the concrete floor, the hands parsed and rubbed against the warmness of the spider-veins. The night-tinged embers now become a steady pulse; their heart feeling their hand despite the many layers of charred skin, torn muscles and resized bones, a small smile began to force its way on their lips. The fingers reached into the cracks and began winching the concrete pieces out, the hands becoming the medium of strength as the tearing operation continued forward. And there, the eyes saw the ever-sinking black bile and the hands helped the body crawl into the hole to only began a downward spiral into The Void. Feeling nothing, not even a corrective tug from a celestial body, Belilimeme, they the damned survivor, floated but the body soon felt the quietly fast-n-painful embrace of another concrete body.

Crooked was the arrangement of the Belilimeme, the nerves soon roaring a thunderous one but ears hearing the noise ever-fleeting; as-was every moment in the Void - pure nothingness where all went through to dissemble and deconstruct forever. The concrete floor, however, not being a champion in securing Belilimeme as spider-veins crawled and forced itself through concrete hardness. The concrete rumbled, but ceases immediately; the concrete rumbled more violently and became a coward again; then the concrete screamed in pain as a spider-vestige limb slithers out of its hole and wiggles about. The spider-vestige limb hearing the smoldering and cracking of concrete soon stabbed the floor and plunged deep into it, soon dragging the needle of its limb back to itself. Along with the exercising of piercing, Belilimeme's body was dragged towards its spidery vestige-limb, even if it was stiffly crooked.

The repetition of dragging, ever increasing spider-veins coming to life, the progressively faster speed of piercing the floor and a still crooked body, finally a spider vein linked up the needle's own hole. Taking pause to the activity, the spider-vestige limb centered the needle on the connection point and caressed all around it. Then raising up and piercing straight at it, the spider-veins pulsating black and the air around blackening in unison to the pulsating movement. Belilimeme's corpse soon unstiffened and collapsed to the floor, the left hand caressing the stomach as it continuously grew. The spider-vestige limb soon unplugged from the connection point and reared closer to Belilimeme, the needle dancing all about the body. Starting from the head, it made gentle taps; stopping only to make three taps on the lips and some on the stomach which soon stopped on the fifth tap. Reaching the south of the body but above the legs, Belilimeme's eyes saw how the needle betwixt itself between the thighs and soon made a plunge to the nether-regions.

A baby noise crying out before loosing breathe, Belilimeme's couldn't hold prisoner the black bile for which it scarred open an exit. The spider-vestige limb, receiving the totality of the black bile projectile, eked violently in pain and stirred about in the air before plunging the needle to itself and collapsing to the left side of Belilimeme. Trying to use the right hand to boost themself up to a standing position, rattling spider-vestige limbs danced in the air and pierced about the concrete island - holding prisoner of the damned survivor. Soon a writhing giant spider-vestige limb danced with the collective and plunged heavily into Belilimeme's stomach, the concrete island yelping with Belilimeme in the excruciating pain. Raising Belilimeme's corpse, the surrounding spider-vestige limbs began scratching the concrete and soon a concrete slab formed in the dead-center of the island.

Positioning the needle liken to sowing, the giant spider-vestige limb soon lunged forth and forced the corpse through the concrete slab. Belilimeme's eyes shot wide open, their eyes saw the giant needle that pierced through their stomach and a differing island. But the giant spider-vestige limb cared not and slinged the corpse of its needle, Belilimeme's body rolling fast after the concrete floor made announcement of the touch-down. Finally ceasing their rolling, their eyes swirled but saw the ecstasy the giant spider-vestige was in with how it shook furiously while the nail twitched hard. The head cocked to the middle, they saw their gaping hole closing up, so they focused away from the giant vestige and saw a charred body floating towards them both. But soon twisting its direction to get closer to Belilimeme, hands extending away from the rag-cloak; only exposing the pulsating darkness emanating from the body and desperate chains of flesh clinging on to keep the floater afloat.

Waiting for it to inch closer, Belilimeme's hands grasped the hand and flung it down to the floor and the concrete irked as the floater found itself forced into it. Standing erect, Belilimeme's hands yanked the rag-cloak's hood off and found their head on its body. Yet the mind fretted not and soon focused on tossing the hood to another floater, blinding it which allowed them to plunge their hands to the rags and pull the chains of charred flesh through the rags. That collapsing, the other floaters jumped back as Belilimeme's foot stomped on the concrete which yelped as spider-veins formed about. Hearing the air rupturing, Belilimeme flung themself to the side and the giant spider-vestige limb soon found itself inside the concrete island trying to free itself from its own imprisonment. But Belilimeme couldn't spar a second to cackle as their newly repaired stomach produced another batch of black bile which raced out of their mouth and found itself splattered on the giant.

The floaters soon twitched, then phasing in-n-out sporadically, to only explode and out came black orbs, to which Belilimeme's legs bolted and their hands climbing out top of the giant. Whence on top, they began swatting away the black orbs from entering the vacuuming port of the giant spider-vestige limb. However, with every successful swat, the orbs plunged themselves into Belilimeme and Belilimeme's body floated upon the last orb entering Belilimeme. Sparking flares of anti-light, Belilimeme metamorphosed entirely from the Wither body they were forced into, but giving ample opportunities to the giant spider-vestige limb to free itself from its self-imprisonment. Indeed, a puffy blackness surrounded Belilimeme before entirely corroding the body and re-purposing the atoms to the misty haze of night-colours. Rattles from a distance soon irked inside of the new black-n-misty cloud, but Belilimeme chose to finally not move for once in the Void. Piercing through the floor, some stabbing the giant spider-vestige limb, was an army of chains that sought the dead-center of the newly constituted Belilimeme.

But the hooks on those chains failed to hook unto anything, Belilimeme giggling as it soon ate up the chains after the hooks failed to do the job; only growing the size of Belilimeme beyond the limits with the breaking down and re-purposing of molecules in the ever-sliding chains. The giant spider-vestige having enough, forced rammed itself out of its self-imprisonment; but now the black myst was averaging the size of spider-vestige limb. It tried and closely approached Belilimeme, but the black myst ravenously slowed the entire nail and went further. The giant spider-vestige limb flustered itself up-n-down, breaking the floating concrete slab and making two from one of its limb. Soon Belilimeme, the dark myst, forced itself to spawn vestige limbs; finally spawning a small tentacle and seeing it writhe around. Belilimeme soon, however, felt an internal self-immolation and a distinct baby shriek inside of their new black misty body.

Collapsing to the floor, the black puff forced the concrete to yelp but the spider-veins retracted instead of growing. However, the self-immolation grew and Belilimeme soon saw a red-flame taking shape in their new body's core. Again the baby shrieks yelped out again, forcing Belilimeme to a crawl despite a floating myst of night-colours. The molecules in Belilimeme rattled, out coming a scream that shook the entire concrete island and began tearing it up but without one spider-vein. The red-flame core only expanded, eating away Belilimeme while torturing the remaining molecules of Belilimeme to hear those baby screams yet again. Then it stopped, the baby shrieks getting quieter, the self-immolation slowing to a smoldering and the red-flame shrinking to a small ember. Belilimeme began spawning many limbs, dragging their misty body across the concrete floor which seized rattling and began tearing up for which it burned the concrete floor upon contact.

Then a gurgle was heard, many mechanical metallic-limbs caressing the entire misty body and the soft hairs soothing a still paining spirit. The gurgle ruptured again, Belilimeme's sight began to finally opened to see all around themself - seeing the slug that was the first ever contact of kindness in the whole while in the void. A third gurgle, softer, came out of the slug; Belilimeme's mind deciphering the cryptic signals and laughing on finally understanding the gurgle.

"So, thou art an Elder Shu'ulathoi? Impressive the six-mechanical limbs, the neck hairs, the massive breather and red-pulsating metallic eye-tubes. But how hast thou not be turned to mince meat?"

"Why, the area has been liberated from the Void's influence and so oure radars tell us. I came to investigate this, methinks 'twas a distress signal but I found better."

"Don't... leave me."

"No, I am merely opening a galaxy hopper. The Void may have lost control, but they'll soon take it back. What be yer name, not yer old name that was Belilimeme."

"Methinks Black Myst of... Red-flame shall suit me well. After the name of-"

"No need - yer now the Black Myst of Red-flame, even if not in the constitution that the great one was in. Please, try to float and I shall help with the rest."

"O-okay, hmph, gah. So painful, moje dziecko-"

"Child?... Yer not telling me the Void swallowed yah-"


"Sorry for the losses, just know yer child forever remains within yah... if that can be any comforting notion that child hadn't been erased nor corrupted."

"I-i-i-it... is. Thank thee for not leaving me..."

"Do yah ever ask why are we here?"

"I do, but to only find fear will only kill thee. Courage is the only way to stride forward, and courage can only find itself in the wold of Hopelessness."

"A Heart in a Heartless Universe, Spirit in Spiritless conditions? Yer braver-"

"Brave! Sterf fu wiek! Methinks I am courageous but brave people can only arise from hopeful conditions."

"Belilimeme- Black Myst of Red-Flame, nartir di octurn. Or so goes the saying-"

"I know what dæmonic Holy tongue is, Elder... Thank thee."

"No, thank yah for giving us the courage in these hopeless times... Now we know The Void can be beaten."

"Then what are you all waiting for?"

"Can yah close the galaxy hopper?"

The Elder Shu'ulathoi's tensing up from anxiety shaking the mind, Red-Flame spawned a vestige-limb and danced about the hopper. The vestige-limb touching the top of the hopper, red sparks came dancing about Black Myst and the hopper; the Elder noticed the breathing contraction of the Red-Flame core. Sliding down the vestige-limb, the hopper began collapsing and the red sparks ceased dancing; the Red-Flame core diminishing in size and the Elder's breather only releasing a happy gurgle. Away from the Void, Belilimeme, Dark Myst of Red-Flame, finally breathed and a breathe that was exhaled in silence. The vacation wasn't nigh, but the infinitely resigned knight finally achieved became a Knight of Faith. Their conception of Faith finally expanding, a reason to fight instead of surviving purely; they've all fallen down, now they've arisen to fight the hopeless battle with the only weapon the Void fears: courage.

Co należy zrobić? Pokonać i zniszczyć Pustkę!


Are you ready?... for the postly's (peck yah, it's a new word) two things: I shall start the 16 days of literature this day (celebrate the rule of 4s!) and work on the independent literature (in conjunction of contests).

Now it isn't a shocker for anybody that seen my post called "Why Philosophy" of who I am and how I came about. But it doesn't take a god damn Marxist to see how convoluted and screwed up the World is. No... NO! Get up, and stare life at the face for more than one second. For too long have you freely walked away, a privileged attitude; leaving your vision blind and having your focus taken away. The World we live in is collapsing in-on-itself, Nature is readying it's waves of punishments when it spits us out and treats us equal by means of punishment, your "rich" folks, the Bourgeoisie, looking to fly away from the Earth and, yet in spite of all that, a growing bubble that no catharsis can resolve. Are you ready?

Are you ready for what's to be done? Are you ready? Are you ready for you to confront these excuses of dæmons? Are you ready? Are you ready for you to be strong? Are you ready? Are you ready for you to prove them wrong? Are you ready? Are you ready to be turned into someone who cannot be broken? Are you ready!

It's enough already, the Earth has been stabbed, made crooked, pierced, dragged about, haunted and struggling to deal with Humanity. "Let us not deceive ourselves by our victories over Nature. She avenges for each such victory." To quote Friedrich Engels. So get up the peck up! For too long have your will been taken away, it's time to take those mental shackles off and lose them. They, the Bourgeoisie, may think they know you, but searching you they'll find a force they weren't ready for. You all have a spirit, a heart and an arm that can change the World if you truly care for the future; don't even kid yourself if you say yourself are a pessimist when you think Capitalism will last forever. For thou art truly an optimist for things and think them sacred, but "in the eyes of Dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for all times, nothing is absolute or sacred."

So stop kidding yourself, you KNOW but choose to drink away the night. Save the bottle for when you have a physical pain; the end may be nigh, but to accept it is to not overcome nor remove it. To accept it is to be selfish and do nothing and to accept the status quo whole heartedly even if one espouses the most Communist lines. Look at yourself again, truly and ask yourself why and constantly interrogate for all the reasons why. Do not even stop when it sounds sufficient, ask why it sounds sufficient and how it makes your answer sufficient. Never stop, even when you find your answers ridiculous just interrogate why it sounds ridiculous. Think! You say are a free thinker, but have you truly thought freely while you and others around you suffer to get the basic needs? Think! See your oppressors and exploiters benefit as a class from others like you - leaving you piecemeal to their meals from the value of your labour-power. You have weapons they don't have, the masses and revolutionary fervor.

Are you ready? Are you ready for us to be strong? Are you ready? Are you for us to prove them wrong? Then you know your ready to be turned into people who cannot be preyed on! Workers, realize the only thing you have to loose is your chains! Folks beyond the pale, realize that the system benefits from your stagnancy and rewards you by punishing others like you while lessening your suffering. The Faithful, Capitalism has lead your flock astray and leads them to the slaughterhouse of Hell. Revolutionaries, develop correct politics so you can have a soul to truly uplift the labouring masses, especially those oppressed more for various other reasons. Are you ready?

Agitate! Educate! Organize! Capitalism or Humanity! Are you ready!

The New Angel Saga:

- Where this story fits -

@theironfelix - Alienissimum

@theironfelix - Flipping the Script

@theironfelix - Adviser readjustment

@theironfelix - Shu'ualathoi

@theironfelix - Connexione

@theironfelix - The Void

@theironfelix - Portal Inferos Scriptor

@theironfelix - The Spirits’ Cave Course

@theironfelix - Feral Canine

@theironfelix - A childhood acquaintance

@theironfelix - Pretzel's apocalypse

@theironfelix - Unholy Utterance

@theironfelix - A Divine Intervention

@theironfelix - Incident 111a

@theironfelix - A new Cadaver

@theironfelix - A campfire story for It

@theironfelix - Cap'n Wither


From the agony of the monstrous Void rises the Black Myst of Red-Flame!

The description of the limbs stabbing from below and into the stomach and the gurgles, rattles and baby shrieks and screams are revisited with the awful and sickening confirmation:

"Sorry for the losses, just know yer child forever remains with
in yah... if that can be any comforting notion that child hadn't been erased nor corrupted."


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting! Indeed, from the depths of the annihilatory beast could arise the tragic. And being forced in the field of what can only be tragedy, do I ever-wish a silent acceptance that Red-Flame is worthy of love like any other creature. Especially with having to be told something they are now having to be okay with until they can unbecome what they are. I can only be merciful and grant that Belilmeme will see their child after the End of History whence all has climaxed and they can be back to what they used to be as well.


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A dream begets the birth of Black Myst of Red-Flame!! The spiderveins - needle legs to pierce the body, then visceral black bile and the thing that tries to consume him awakening something else, it's a very vivid picture that twists and turns in the mind <3
The ending, with the appearance of the Elder, and the exchange between the two, through the depths of hopelessness courage, and from that hope, is born <3
There is so very much to this one, beautiful <3

Indeed, a dream indeed beget Dark Myst of Red-Flame. The spiderveins, the many telltale signs of the Void itself. The spider-vestige limbs, the many arms of the Void that administrate it’s Anti-Chaos and Anti-Order. Black Bile, Void sickness. Das Ding, the Baby of Belilimeme that died a while ago, ravaged Dark Myst and now is Red-Flame; made clear by the baby shrieks I referenced with every eventful pain. Indeed, a dark image that renders itself to Horror.

Indeed, a wholesome one in the depths of annihilatoriness.

Indeed a whole lot to cover the dream and have another strike at the Void again.


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Dang it, I've got to stop reading your entries while I'm eating lunch!

At least now I'm starting to get a sense of all these mysts and flames.

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments of loosing yerself while eating (this should be the last of horrors of these types)! More of a reason to do a cowrite with me :^D - But no, consider reading my stories when yer taking yer loose yerself break. Anywho, welcome to the club, just continue climbing this steep peak upwards just a bit more.


Belay my last, only The Void would count as horror-action, so save yer meal when yah see that title.

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