
in #tellastorytome6 years ago (edited)

{Chaos! Chaos! Just a simple chaos! Oh a beauty is joying my heart! It is a time for Order to have its organs cleansed of the dysfunctions that kept it so orderly, to have antagonistic contradictions resolved, for new found Faith to come in and Chaos to be the outcry of Order in the greatest pain its been trying to run away from with its dysfunctions! Ho! Let's see to it a new world be created, or die trying here... Today's post is simply an entry to @calluna's Tell a Story to Me contest... Today's music-aides: "Lament of the Sleeping Philosophers" [1.] "Illusion of Choice" [2.] and "Guard Down" [3.] (Entropy: Zero 1 and Arctica/2 OST).}

My sketchy sketch

- Alienissimum -


- Worker's Truth -

- Issue № 4239 -

- Our new comrades! -

Red salute, workers of the world!

Recent military documents and press statements have finally been issued out to the public detailing upon the recent sightings of what has been dubbed "Grunts." "Grunts" have been theorized, since their first encounter upon the far sights from the defense lines, as revolting troops that disobeyed the Will of the entity named "The Void." However this theory has been put to rest and buried deep underground: such cases with recent friendly encounters with the 5th plebeian Division, 7th Night Witches, 21st Tank Army and Cheng I Sao's Fleet now coming to light disproved such theory. The point being: Grunts have been at the forefront of completely defending our lines from the scourge of this annihilatory beast and performing insane feats of labour. From the defense lines, Division Commander Sienkiewicz of the 5th plebeian Division:

"The Grunts, as they're nicknamed by the rank and file for which these Grunts adore and adopted as their collective call-sign, have done impossible tasks of feat we simply thought was impossible. Ho! They've charged the voidists with no fear, been pierced by physics-denying chains and deliver a steed's kick back to any voidist that rears its head near them, had abused the tactics of the voidist to delay entire assaults and utilize equipment we've no way to reach because we've lost them in the Void's blitzkriegs... I've must say, if I can, that I once saw a Grunt die; a week had passed where vir body hadn't twitched, then ve self-resurrected. Self-resurrected, with no need of professional aide nor of that old archbishop magicry! None! And ve were at it again with ripping and tearing the voidists. Not like ve had a choice to recoup, but ve are juggernauts in these weary times. An undying spirit that would forcibly find its way back to vir corpses to keep on hammering away until every single cell of vir body has been annihilated... I must say, the Grunts rekindled war fervor and courage in these hopeless times."

Indeed, the implications of these recent published documents and developments have yet to be seen in their fullest extent. Withal, it must be commended upon these grunts for laying the ground work of reversing the scourge of the Void and its barbarians. As such, some Grunts in the off chance of momentary quiet have divulged great information about themselves as their own self and the groups they formed along the way in the horrid Void itself. With such, the Supreme Soviet, our glorious council of worker representatives, has issued an order guaranteeing the safe passage for Grunts to return back home and see their beloved families. If they are to be trusted, we can safely sleep well at night knowing that even when the defense lines collapse because they shall be the first to take care of the Void and its pestilence. Already, one Grunt, self-identified with vir and ve, had safely returned back to vir birthplace of Türkistan and local reporters situated there have accrued these lines from a Grunt formerly known has "Ayaru"

"As a former air women of 4th Night Witches, it has been rather odd to even be walking amongst the living. Truly, when my jet was struck down by those chains, I really had died in that moment. Or so I thought, maybe I truly am and I just haven't developed a taste for flesh yet, but I saw how the chains repeatedly struggle to get to me to then snap and puff outta existence. By the bells did I saw what saved me, why a jester so dæmonic looking yet incorruptibly friendly came up to me and wanted to be called Jevil or Chaos - just Chaos, no other pronoun. Why Jevil stated that I, along with a few other surviving Night Witches, were really mangled corpses that have lost pain altogether. Yet Jevil thought it unfair for us to die without avenging our fellow ærial comrades, so a choice was given: to be given an honorary death or converted into what I look... now. I mean it's all cute with the bells, the hat that adorned our revolution's great symbols, this eye-piece that can impossibly darken something, a cape that reflect the void's bs back and a gaseous-solid form where we can do such impossible tasks I think I never be able to do. It's, well how can one describe this feeling of avenging my crew and still surviving here to tell the tale as I smash mercilessly hordes of voidists?"


True are the words of comrade Ayaru, for ve had elucidated on something theorists still are trying to ponder on: the means of their collective becoming and their loyalties if any. What is, however, yet unknown is how their gaseous state works in harmony with their solid state. They even have commented upon the matter and self-admitted their own confusion. Going further, nobody has a clue on who is and why this figure named "Jevil" seemed as equally hellbent as us to destroy the Void. One possible answer, coming from a Grunt called Artyom, seems to tell a tale that helps us crack deep into the plague. Singing constantly many differing versions, but the main message in the beginning always starting with:

"O Jevil, the one and only Chaos! Just a simple chaos is all Jevil asks outta us. Chaos! chaos! A beauty that joys the heart of Jevil. O how the Void came then, ravenously annihilatory 'twas, and consumed many children of Chaos. Lo! Fellow sinners, fear not Jevil as Jevil wishes not to battle thee but avenge the consumed children lost to the Void! Ho! If Jevil were to come to thou and present thee with two choices: to fight another day with a newfound courage or a swift end, give it a chance to fight another day. For with the new found powers thou shall have will make yah forget about yer old looks and make yah adore the new looks and even dance to give thanks to Jevil. Lo! But remember that Jevil does this not alone and says that the complement of Chaos, Order, is waging the war as well. O Ordinis, bless us with stable lives when the war against the Void is over so that we shall know what it means to live the simple life as we lived the fulfilled life here. Our war-cry until the end of the war: Chaos et Ordinis!"

So said well are the words of Artyom; really goes to show how similar a cause from us mere mortals to these grand beings really is. So giving to rest on their origins and their actual character, now comes to the part of why we should even accept them with open arms if one still remains a bit doubtful of their intentions. Without a doubt, with all this listed above just detailing a sliver of their great contributions to the war effort, these Grunts are indeed just us but in a different skin. And if one were to really care about upholding tolerance, or the radical denial of one's differentiation that should inform our judgement of others, as a virtue, then give love to the Grunts without a moment's notice. For they look and act funny, but their character have been like ours and towards an end so profoundly similar to ours. Which, with all stated, they've done a thing that puts to shame any doubter: the reversal of the Void's influence and area which was thought impossible and we've to declare an endless war of quarantine to buy ourselves time. Truly these hearty spirits put to shame many theories we've had on the Void - that alone is enough to love our new comrades!

Corresponding to news all about the World, Grunts along with the 6th proletarian army have successfully recaptured the Thebes canal and the Great Mosque of Djenné from the Void merely weeks ago. While the 6th was already making great advances and proving an exception to the theory, the Grunts were that final spark of courage which put to death any fear that halted them from moving forward. Indeed, upon recapturing these crucial areas, a sort of restoration occurred in front of both's eyes; sights of unidentifiable lights coursed throughout these sites, restoring old structures and resurrecting once dead inhabitants of both areas. An impossible feat which it has yet to be explained, but both the Grunts and leading scientists agree that whatever the Void had put in place when coming to these areas have been reversed and a sort of "restoration" event occurred to make it seem like they never appeared. On a side note, this puts the entire engineer corps to rest as they don't have to remake the entire World once an area is recaptured.

Boots on the ground in Djenné, Company commander Abeni reports in a released document:


"These are certainly interesting times, more interesting is to explain the surreal changes happening about. Members of the Central Committee: humour what is to come next before your very own eyes. The moment we've dispelled and destroyed this imposing tesseract, the Earth trembled with no hesitation. Lo! We saw flying pools of light emerging from the ground, flying all about and penetrating many a places. Before our very sight, we've saw architecture restored and materially reconstructed people coughing and struggling to get up from the floor. How we spent days on their sick carcasses before they returned back to good health and laboured as if nothing had happened! Indeed, these areas went from the neutral colours to the vibrant colours it was once known for and shall now be known for as long as the Grunts stand firm with us to the very end! Hear, hear, their bells cling and know that we are safe to sleep as they shall be our guardian angels! My, we've been blessed by Fortuna herself to even receive the aid we do even get from these grunts. If by the end of the Great anti-Void War they aren't celebrated, then I blame them not for being angry with us!"

Indeed, and we should carry all these words to heart with no further delay. The Grunts are our comrades in these hopeless times and we shall accommodate for their needs whenever we can do so. Already, many Grunts are filing forms to return back home and see their birthplace while they still can - and if these recent visits prove fruitful, then we can see a new revolution take off. A revolution entirely made from contingency, but, as it subjects itself deep into our World, a necessity where the Void continues to hunger and refuses to stop expanding even when we've dehabilitated many choke-points of it. Indeed, military arms, labour, life and politics are now evolving to deal with the Grunt question and we shall see many heated debates on the existence of the Grunt. Yet it seems that pro-Grunt support is standing strong and, as writer-n-editor, we at Worker's Truth stand in complete solidarity with the Grunts. The recent releases shall alone prove a mighty bulwark for pro-Grunt attitudes and platitudes; indeed we already have made accommodation for those that have settled down with, as aforementioned, pronouns of ve and vir to the collective requests of Grunts.

With such a unique existence as theirs, we can expect more unexpected things as they continue to exist. But the cute things, while abiding to the revolutionary culture, like bells have certainly gave a new charming look to existing fashion designs. Equally, going back to comrade Ayaru, recent murals have been created; displaying not only a complete love for the revolution but also a reflection of possible World that's coming into being. A World where both Grunt and revolutionary stand together, not in our tragic war-torn areas but in the calming stars of the wide Universe. Indeed, a Surreal piece that is, one that should be noted that goes beyond Surrealism. Otherwise, we've not the clearance by comrade Ayaru, for ve believes the work to not be complete; however, ve had provided many a sketches and this issue's sketch clipping was probably the best in a stack of philosophically great sketches. We've like to give our gratitude again to Ayaru for providing the sketches - red salute to vir.

If there's one last remark that we, as writers in this new age exploding into life, can do is this: to write a new future that is incessant on the critique on the past but imagining a new World ahead of us. To know what has failed and to apply these new findings to create a new project. We don't mean a project into becoming, but a utopia we can all practice towards. For our model has served us well; however, we will need to change this model once we suffer no more the annihilatory rage of The Void and can finally deal with solving the World's issues without interruption. Already we've been blessed to be given many pushes when The Void was swallowing the Earth, but now we need new literature that reflects the existence of Grunts. For a World without Grunts is now unimaginable, no matter how contingent their existence was! Dream, O Dreamers! Dream a World, a Galaxy, a Universe! Dream, so that we can see new possibilities we haven't before. Dream, so that we have something to look forward once The Void has been crushed from our World. Dream, so that we have a new Utopia to practice towards, even if we can never achieve it!






What a blerrie ending to that newspaper issue, amiright? Anyways, two things as always: I purposefully move the co-write piece with @calluna this upcoming Friday and still expect a co-write piece with @brisby tomorrow.

Now the main topic: dreaming and imagining a new World.

Now if Mexie hadn't forced this upon my head long enough, I probably would've written a different but still bittersweet end. So why dream a new World? Why to do so at all? Because we the job of critiquing has, for major parts, been done already; we've critiqued all we could and any other critique can only be on particular implementations and manifestations of universal ideologies. Indeed, they shall their role unhindered, no one said we need not critiques. However, the life of a dreamer has been lost to the way-side ever since the dissolving of the USSR and, before then, the Capitalist Restoration of the PRC. Indeed, with NeoLiberalism's rise and, following suit soon after Capitalist Realism, the role of a dreamer has been killed off in many fronts. From post/anti-Capitalist authors done to silly Utopian dreams, they've all been crushed, ridiculed, displaced and silenced without failure. In their places just the never-ending bombardment that Capitalism has always been here, all-encompassing, eternal and atemporal. That everything was building up to this and to move beyond is a silly notion; the same splurging lines one could cite being merely modified from, exempli gratia, feudal kings. Perhaps even paraphrasing the minds like Louis XVI when facing the French Bourgeoisie before the Great French Revolution (of 1789).

Even so, we've seen in many a revolutions the desire to change the entire SuperStructure (or Society, culture, politics and so on and so on) even before they had the chance to change the Base (the economy, the means of production that creates our entire lively hood, the relations of production which determines what class you're in economically). Indeed we've seen the imaginative spirit at work, from the French Revolution with Robespierre, to the Paris Commune a century later, to the October Russian Revolution and Spartacus Revolution in Germany, to the Chinese and Korean revolutions three decades later, to even the whole continent of Africa and the Middle East brewing with National Liberation struggles post-WWII. All these within the 19th to 20th century have we've seen the philosopher help change the World and even now we need the philosopher to come back again to change the World and not only interpret the World as to paraphrase Karl Marx's Eleven Thesis on Feuerbach. Dream, my fellow sinners, and dream big. Help create the World we've been denied from and help build towards it. If not for your benefit then for the benefit of the future. For, to quote the Greek proverbs, "a society grows great when [people] plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk today.

The New Angel Saga:

- Where this story would fit into the mold -

@theironfelix - Flipping the Script

@theironfelix - Adviser readjustment

@theironfelix - Shu'ualathoi

@theironfelix - The Void

@theironfelix - Portal Inferos Scriptor

@theironfelix - Connexione

@theironfelix - The Spirits’ Cave Course

@theironfelix - Pretzel's apocalypse

@theironfelix - A childhood acquaintance

@theironfelix - A Divine Intervention

@theironfelix - Incident 111a

@theironfelix - A campfire story for It

@theironfelix - Cap'n Wither

Cited posts:

@calluna - Tell a Story to Me, 13th iteration

Cited images

My sketchy sketch of a Grunt and pre-transformed Grunt


Like your perspective. You know what you're doing and there's always a market for the USSR recreated as a mythical place of propaganda posters. Have you seen the pictures of rusted Soviet relics? They look like the future ended long ago. Like Roman ruins to the Dark Ages. Steemit demands we write to make rewards yet you reward us with what you write.


UwU ~ Thanks for the compliments and thanks for reading! Indeed, I was posing for a Sino-Soviet style World. And well, those USSR propaganda posters hold certainly great amount of truths, despite feeling surreal; or this was the case pre-1956 where Socialism was real. (Post-1956 the beauty was there, but Socialism was being killed; though it was rooted out more seriously with Brezhnev’s rise and mercilessly slaughtered by Gorbachev. Yet that’s enough talk on this manner.) I’ve indeed seen those rusted relics, a really sad state; a future we did indeed lose and only now are reclaiming in little bits. Regardless, thanks once again for the compliments!



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