A Directory of Homesteading Skills, Knowledge and Expertise on steemit - contributors wanted?

in #homesteading7 years ago

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post exploring ideas for improving the retention rate amongst Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit.

One of the suggestions was for :

A directory of skills, knowledge, expertise that people are willing to share

A few people picked up on this and thought it would be a good idea.

This post is an initial 'call for contributors'.

The exact format of the Directory will depend on the number of people who step forward to offer their skills, knowledge and expertise.

As a starting point I would envisage compiling a list by subject including the steemit names of anyone offering help or advice. I would also include, if offerered, the person's approximate location (state, country etc).

As an example I would offer two entries in the list :

We can include any type of skill related to Homesteading - for example : goats, canning, spinning, carpentry, beekeeping...


  • Do you think there should be a separate list for Prepping skills, or should we merge them all into one list to start?

  • Do we want to include 'peripheral' skills like web design, video editing, marketing?

  • Should some indication of skill level be included? Maybe just skilled or expert?

Entry in the list would not imply any sort of obligation at all. It would just mean that you are willing, when available, to offer virtual help and advice on the subject offered.

We would strongly suggest anyone on the list join the Homesteaders Online Discord server so that you can pick up messages, connect and chat with anyone requesting help.

It is not envisaged that this would lead to any sort of paid work or monetary exchange. Any assistance beyond online discussions would be totally up to the two parties involved.

The Directory will be compiled and updated every few weeks as additions dictate.

Its primary goal is to help networking between homesteaders and preppers on steemit, and to add value to the platform.

If you would like to be included in the Directory please post in the comments below, or find me directly in the Homesteaders Online Discord server. I am pennsif#9921 there.

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :

[graphic by @pennsif ]

Join Link: https://discord.gg/VKCrWsS
Community Link: http://homesteaders-online.com


This is a great idea! I would suggest all together, as the skills overlap in so many ways known and unknown...

Mine are;
Leatherwork (30+ years)
Small Metalwork (30+ years)
Herbalist (medicinal remedies 25'ish years)
Canning (I cannot recall how long)
RV & Boat living (17 years)

A handy set of skills there @elew. Thank you.

No problem :) if anyone needs how to help, I will help if I can...

nice idea...

my expertise are:
emergency and wilderness medicine (17yrs)
health, fitness, nutrition education (12yrs)
and outdoor survival skills (20+yrs)

I've also lived 100% off grid for 4 years and installed all my equipment and such myself.

This is a great idea. I would leave it all together Prepping, web design ect ect
It would become a more "complete" list of helpful homesteadersOnline.

The "skill level" would also make people more comfortable about posting things they have knowledge in or it would for me anyways. Jack of all trades master of none kinda thing.
Gardening,chickens,cows,hunting,cooking, remodeling, orchard ect. I have experience and knowledge in all of these and could answer questions and give advice to people new to the subject's but I'm no expert.

Just to clarify do you think we should show a skill level or not?

If yes, what different skill level categories could we use?

Advanced Beginner

You can remove one or two depending on how many levels you want. I would suggest using the last three.
Yes I think we should show

Yes, I am feeling an 'all in one' list will be best.

I would love to be a contributor for frugal cooking, and stocking preps for the kitchen. As well as a medical contributor for long term storage of medical prep's and safety. Thanks @pennsif RESTEEMED

You could use the table markdown to help sort things.
I'm not sure how you would break it out, however, since the table markdown is very limited. I guess STEEMit needs a "pinned" page so that you don't have to keep reposting the article every 7 days.

Yes the formatting options within steemit are very limiting. And the 7 day editing rule. Both elements of steemit that are totally counter to it being a good information platform. But it is what it is so I will see what I can come up with as entries come in.

Once it is up and running hopefully more people will be encouraged to contribute and its structure and format will evolve.

Great idea! Here are some of my skills.

Web Design and development
Wild Edibles (in North East United States)
No till gardening
Fruit and berry production

I currently reside in Michigan, United States.

Thank you - first on the list!

Always helpful information, thank you.

Thank you.

Yes, definitely include peripheral skills. I'm more hands on, so technology can be confusing for me.

I would tentatively put myself forward for quail, chickens and rabbits, but I don't count myself as expert. I probably also need to check in on discord a bit more often.

Great idea love it. I am very amateur and just getting into growing and would really value this resource. Cracking work :)

Reiki healer,
Quick learner,
Willing helper
Northern UK

Good work here! I am sure this will prove to be useful!

Having skills and being able to share or barter skills is an amazing asset!

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