To Bee Or Not To Bee ~ A Prepper Gift

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

There are a few people here who I truly enjoy typing with. Sometimes those engaging personalities will send my thoughts off on a tangent.
This recent exchange brought to my attention the fact that we do have a few "interesting" mixes of activity on any given day at my house.

So...harley davidson, welding, and gardener. Interesting mix of interests there!

Personally I think those three go together quite well. It's the perfect mix of two good skill sets plus a get away plan.
After all you never can tell when you may need a quick exit in case of zombies or something.

Truth is Hubs thought it would be a grand idea to move out to the boonies (countryside) and be preppers (hoarders)
So far we have managed to eat a tomato and a couple of squash that we actually grew.
We have however accumulated a grand collection of junk (supplies)
I did manage to talk him out of getting a goat.

What the heck dose one even do with a goat? Do I really want to know?

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Alright forget the goat ( and hope hubs will too)
I work with wood and apparently bees just love sawdust. Sanding outside usually results in quite a few hovering around my work. Hubs came home one day and saw me just working away in a cloud of honey bees. Shortly afterward I was gifted his Grandpas bee keeping setup. A suit with a dandy little hat and a smoker device.
Were they trying to protect me from my little visitors? Nope, they allowed they have only seen Papaw be able to do this. So I am elected family bee keeper. They actually thought I may want to provide honey for the entire extended family.
Great plan.

The thing is my dear granny taught me many things, bee keeping was not included. Granted I am pretty good at researching a skill. actually doing it, well not so much. There are obstacles involved here.
I will probably look into the beekeeping just because I buy a lot of local honey for the health benefits. For now I have a handy list of reasons to hold off until I have more time.

  • I googled and these bee keepers have a whole world of stuff to keep up with. There are tutorials but also message boards, chat rooms, classes, local clubs with meetings. Sounds like something I would keep up with for sure.

  • My little buddies for what ever reason are happy to buzz around in my clouds of sawdust. I bet to capture their leader hold her hostage then rob their hard earned food supply will not endear me one bit. I guess that's why I was provided with the suit.

  • The neighbor has a perfectly good bee collection. That's where I get the honey.
    No need to cut in on her sales, that would just be rude.

  • There is a bear in residence in the woods out back. Putting out some bear bait sounds like a top notch idea to me.

I actually may use the little smoker thing. The bees never trouble me much but it has occurred to me that it could turn ugly if they were ever to be displeased all at one time.

Rabbit Season Duck Season

IMG_20180521_124214 (2).jpg

Muskrat Season?

Anyway, while they were rummaging Papas attic in search of bee "supplies" They tossed in some rusty clangy metal bits.
Apparently these are muskrat traps. Ok I have no idea what a muskrat even is much less how to trap him or what to do with him once he is caught.

I am thinking the traps are an interesting historical piece. Maybe one day I will do some research, collect some family stories, and produce an interesting blog post. Until then I will just clean these little boogers up and hang them in the workshop for decor. Maybe add a few S hooks and hang up my wood chisels or something.

Meanwhile I must remember to have my new friend add bee keeping and muskrat hunting to the list. Mostly because I enjoy the witty replies and want to see what she may type back.

Images are my own


Ohhh, I just remembered I wanted to comment on your goat remark. Apparently, this is what one does with a goat. I’m the unnamed girl in there btw. I’m such a popular gal on here. Check out the eye candy 🍭 😍

Oh my god. 😲 Last time I was over there that guy was doing some car something. I told him I don't speak car, shoved his link in a corner for hubs and never went back. Who knew.
Since I was up at 4 A.M. I am going to go back for further investigation in the next A.M.
His link may come out of the corner, dude is a hoot. I almost spewed my Yoohoo on the keyboard.

P.S. I knew I didn't want to know what was the use in a goat 😵

Oh my gosh. This showed up as a mention on Yeah , you deffinatly don't want a goat. Lol . As for the car stuff I still want to do that but it seems noone like it sooooooo back to my ...... humor I guess. I am glad you got a laugh out of it.

Sheshh DC, we can’t even talk about you behind your back?!!!

Oh dear me. Yes stick to the humor. Hubs thought I should blog his motor build.🙄 I have enough trouble tricking people into reading my stuff already. I don't think the Roadkill fans are on Steemit.
Actually it was interesting to hear how you found your voice here. I am still working on that myself. I wouldn't have this post if I hadn't went all stalker on Beeyou. I have trouble coming up with one a week at times.Love that you found what works for you. I think I will go see what else you wrote.
P.S. How did I know mentioning goat to that girl would give me an interesting reply

Sounds good. By the way I grew up in the back woods of Arkansas so I could deffinatly put those muskrat traps to use. Now that I am in the city I really miss hunting and fishing. Never kept bees though. Not my thing I guess. Lol on the goats comment. I hate goats, they are the most disgusting obnoxious animal I know of. Cows are pretty dumb but goats take it to another level. Plus they like to climb on things, INCLUDING your car and that is a big no go for me. Don't touch my cars.

I would hate to have to pull out those dents. I have a few that the goat couldn't hurt any. There is a '41 project that really may end up on the blog eventually. Only because I want to work on that one some myself and I desperately need content. I am too busy not to multitask.
Now you are gonna make me goggle muskrat. People actually still trap?
My friend had a goat. She came home one day to find him in the middle of the dining room table with a roll of TP hanging out of his mouth. I find them humorous I can just look at one and laugh. Don't think I need to own one though.

looks like $3 a pelt. Hell I wish I knew coyotes were worth anything. I have shot the shit out of those horrible bastards. They use to come up and kill out chickens, turkeys, ducks, and any other small animal they could get to.

Oh lord Maybe I really did marry a barbarian. I sure hope the inlaws aren't seriously expecting me to learn trapping and tanning. That sounds harder than collecting 300 steam pennies. Y'all come back now ya hear.

Here is what I wrote on my perspective post:

Here is what I refuse to post on my blog.

I realize that I have community support on here. I refuse to post memes, giphys or one-picture photography posts (without any writing deemed of substance) for contest entries simply because it’s not fair to receive the support from these individuals. If I want to post a photography post to enter a contest or showcase what new skills I am learning with my camera, I will simply do so on my personal account. I don’t receive any support there so no guilty conscience.

I assume you found my flower post, which was made on my personal account and knew! I’d hate to start a new (or old) friendship on false pretenses so wanted to let you know I will surely add bee keeping and muskrat hunting to the list of Harley Davidson, welding, and gardening activities. Plus let’s throw in the fact that all activities would be undertaken with perfectly manicured nails. 😉

As for those three upvotes mentioned on your comment there, I have a competitive side to me sometimes. If you go back to the perspective post with this acct, there is one person at the bottom of my post with three votes, and not one from me. I have no qualms with bidbot usage or gaming the system, but I wanted to put a bounty on that post as a small thanks to those nice comments people left. The problem is, that person would have received the share of the bounty, which did not sit right with me. I am not a very nice person when it comes to selfish, abusive individuals. So I bidbot and upvoted everyone’s else comments so they can all start off with three upvotes, have a fair playing field, then let the bounty decide then. Yeaahhh, sometimes I’m a bit competitive.

I try to keep my personal account separate. I don’t upvote myself because I’m simply too lazy to pay myself a penny. Perhaps once it’s worth more, I’ll have a change of heart. 😁

P.S., those muskrat traps remind me of something from the Chainsaw Massacre, and you’re hanging it in a barn too! 😂

Hey I would never out you if you want some anonymity. But you did get my wheels turning to finally get a post put out. To be honest I felt a bit guilty for being inquisitive (nosy) just letting my presence be known.
Nobody pays much attention to what I write anyway.

Yeaahhh, sometimes I’m a bit competitive.

I knew there was a reason I liked you.
Never mind about that I actually try to visit everyone who votes me. Gina is awesome for that. I don't always have pennies to drop but am working on it.
The nails are taking a beating. I do miss pretty nails but I am into everything these days. I should switch it up and do some interesting eyebrows.

I realized on my acct that no one wants to follow a rock. My earnings were pitiful there so I felt compelled to add a photo here even though I value anonymity. It’s too tiring to continue writing my awesome posts though and my teammates went MIA on me for now. Life is just busy for us all. Some days I just want to post flower photos and not really have to think about my writing quality. Notice how often I use beautiful as a descriptor on my posts there? Lol, some days I can’t think of a single word to say but feel guilty if I just post a single photo. Darn for having a conscience.

Don’t feel guilty at all. I like people who take the time to notice or want to find out. Surprised but happy you made your presence known. It’s not a secret. I mentioned it in my posts several times, just don’t spell it out but the info is there if people care to look on steemd.

Lol on the nails and eyebrows. To be honest, the last time I had a manicure was 4 years ago if you can believe it. I’m really not one to pamper myself but I do spoil my kids like crazy. As for eyebrows, sure, show off the different arches. There is the baby bunny slopes, the mountain peaks, the rounded corner, list goes on. 🤨

I see thehive stopped by. Jan knows that’s my acct since I told him I would show my small SP delegation support to them from my personal acct. Not sure why they upvoted your comment and not the post. I’m more of a silent supporter there with the small SP delegation, that’s it. Management is not my role or interest. I barely have time to do anything on here.

Well you are just brave. I could never take the pressure/responsibility of a team account.
Your last post on posting hit home with me. I have struggled to keep up with posting. I have plenty to say, just can't always find that quiet place in my mind where the words flow.
I know about being private too. I have floated round here about 3 months with no gender or age. Like you it is out there for the few who are really reading. I have been this same crazy eye all over the net for about 10 years. Most accounts do have at least 1 photo buried in there somewhere. Like an Easter egg 🐰
Yep kids will do that. Exactly what happened to me, then I took up some rough and tumble hobbies. Anyway I have been seeing some very interesting brows lately.
Don't think the Hive is not very good to it's members. It was my turn for post votes yesterday. The comment vote is bonus 😍
I met Jan in the Newbie Discord I think that group will do really well. Right now it is a great ROI at only 3 votes a day. I need to do more for the group if I grow. Those bombs help a lot.

I attended a three-day beekeeping training during one of my expeditious and impulsive moments in life lol! I was able to finish it and decided to advance but then stopped. Maybe I should go ahead with it. Beekeeping is one of the industries that is growing here. It was one of the easiest way for others to go abroad and find beekeeping jobs. It pays high especially in New Zealand and Canada. It was also one of the reasons I signed up for the training. I had lots of visions then.

So, goats.

Goat meat is one of the popular meat that is cooked here and there are different menus you can cook out of it. They also provide goat milk and make goat cheese. However, I haven't tried goat milk and goat cheese yet.

I really should do a more serious post on the beekeeping. I am glad to hear the industry is growing in your area. A while back the bees were quickly disappearing here. There were even start up grants handed out to encourage beekeeping.
I don't think goat meat is used in my area much at all. I have encountered the cheese. What I do enjoy is a wonderful handmade soap from goat milk. I still don't think I want my own goat 🐐

There were programs by the local government a few years back to teach backyard beekeeping and encourage it here. However, many of those who were given free training went abroad instead. I am glad though that some of those who went abroad and gained experience are coming back home and applying what they have learned. There are now different training centers and beekeepers here.

I haven't tried soap from goat milk even. I think we depend more on the meat than anything else lol!

Two questions:

Have you ever read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'?
Have you ever seen the Spanish 1973 Movie Spirit of The Beehive?

NIce to see that you're back to writing. Sounds like you're having an adventurous life out there, in the wild ;>)

No way! Would you believe I have been reading that book for over 20 years? I think I even made it to the end once. 😊 I know I hit the first couple chapters several times. I start it every few years. My copy is so battered up. I think I may start it again this summer maybe my mind as reached a maturity to take it all in by now.
The movie sounds like something I will love.

NIce to see that you're back to writing. Sounds like you're having an adventurous life out there, in the wild ;>)

It is all just differing facets of the same crystal. The beauty of creating is at times just choosing the angle.
I suppose being a film maker you are pretty adept in that department.

Would you believe I have been reading that book for over 20 years?

Really? I devoured that almost in one sitting and I'm not even into motorcycles, just into Zen ;>)

Yeah, you must definitely be mature enough. I must have been 30 when I read it.

Spirit of the Beehive: You will love that movie, no doubt about it.

It is all just differing facets of the same crystal. The beauty of creating is at times just choosing the angle.

Beautifully put.
You've got a thing with words. That's for sure

Até a próxima!


I'm not sure whether to smile, take you seriously regarding bee keeping, or both. I like this post though; kinda quirky, but interesting nonetheless. I curate for asapers and am submitting your post to go in our READ me ASAP newsletter. Stay tuned...

Oh wow! Thank you so much! To be honest there is something about typing with Beeyou that just brings out the silly in me. But it is a true story, and I have been putting off that bee project for a couple years now.
The goat I am pretty sure is a joke but stay tuned you never can tell with this bunch. 😉

hahaha you are so right! You can never tell...

and you're welcome; so glad it was accepted :)

I had to read this twice cause I was being a bit special and got lost with the zombies, bear, bees and muskrat but I have to say that it made me laugh more than once. Thanks for the comic homesteading. I will be curating this as part of the next @asapers issue :)

Don't forget the goat 😁 Thanks so much! I am pretty excited to be included in aspers. Really glad I made you laugh too.

Congratulations @headchange, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 55

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie or @ocd but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Also each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the SBD generated from the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with an upvote and/or a resteem on the post you feature in. Please wait seven days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

Giving back A.S.A.P

Read Me ASAP.png

P.S. Thanks for the laugh :) I am glad the bees aren't biting and the bear is in the woods, fingers crossed it stays that way @insideoutlet

Thank you! It truly is an honor to be chosen.

Great post! I found it thanks to @asapers 💗

Thank you. And thanks for stopping by.


Hilarious read! Hopefully you'll be all prepped should the day come!?

Oh we are prepped for all sorts of things. If all else fails Papa is skilled at making "adult beverages" so we will all die happy at least.

It's real good to know you have the correct priorities in place...I meant being happy when you die, of cause...

Got to keep a sense of humor for sure🤗 Too much doom and gloom will wither the spirit.

Please Bee!!!!

I think a good take on life is to always ignore the "handy list of reasons to hold off" and to plunge right into it.

You go right ahead and plunge into that bee swarm if you want. Seriously though it is all about time management for me. I need to drop a project before I take on something else.

I see, but once you get going it would not require much, the Bees do the work for you! We were keeping some bees in Africa, but the African Bees are vicious, and harvest time was a very scary time... Bee safe!

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