@malloryblythe contest

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

@malloryblythe is running a contest where she is giving away a butt load of SBD she got in a @curie upvote because she is an awesome writer.
I think she said this is actually her second time for this.
So like I said, she is giving away at least 24 SBD in this contest.

So here are the options for the contest

Choose from one of the following topics:

Tell us about one or more projects that every newbie should know about. (My answer: #newbieresteemday.)
Recommend a super talented Steemian who the @curie curators should keep their eye on.
Tell us about the moment that you decided that it was worth sticking around and putting in the work on Steemit. (My answer: the kind people who read and commented on my first posts and told me I was appreciated, particularly @beeyou, but my first @curie vote on a poem I posted really solidified it.)
Tell us about your favorite community here. (My answer: #teamgirlpowa.)
Pick your own topic—but something that fits the general theme of appreciating things and people on Steemit.

I chose the moment you decided to stick around.


I was a newbie and I originally came here to advertise our race car and write a ton of car related articles. I did that for a good 2 weeks. very informative articles that showed how suspensions worked and covered how we make custom 1 off pieces for the race car and all kinds of stuff. I got payouts of ZERO . All the while I was seeing people on trending making hundreds of dollars for a picture of a gad damn cookie or some bullshit crypto prediction.

I was getting very discouraged so I continued my normal procedure of trying to check peoples posts and comment and all that good stuff. Well one faithful day I ran across a post by @trumpman and it was about pussy olympics. Not even kidding. here it is So in the comments i rattle off some gifs that would make only a guy laugh and every woman cringe. I continue to follow @trumpman and he makes a steemstem post about animal dicks. Well I rattle off some crazy ass story about my childhood involving a goat, some Jehova Witness church ladies, and felatio. It was one of those scenes out of the movies where the record scratches and the character has a life changing event. This was my steemit record scratch moment. He tells me to make it into a whole post and he would give me a full upvote because he thought it would be hilarious. That would be more than I had made on any post in my entire steemit existance. So I sat down and wrote my first story about my fucked up life. You can read it here, Adolf the goat damn do I wish i would have saved that one for @comedyopenmic . Go check them out by the way. So after a good laugh he helps me figure out the process of tagging posts because I had been screwing that up also. He got me to get on stem chat and I expressed my concern that my followers might not like the direction i was going and how everyone around here was really super G rated. He said. Fuck em, your audiance will find you if that is what you want to do on here. So I ran with it. Since then I have found a lot of people who were in the same spot I was in and I freed them from their shackles like this guy. @johndoer123 ... his record scratch moment . In my time since the life altering moment I have met some cool people like the girl who shall remain unnamed because she doesn't like to be associated with me but she likes muscles so her you go unnamed steemian

and @profanereviews who may be my twin seperated at birth. Seems like our only difference is that he is A cup kinda guy and I like double D's

and of course @skeptic . Remember this scene buddy?

So if you like what you see or just want to tell me what a horrible person I am swing on over and we can watch the world burn together


I feel so special for being mentioned here. Or unnamed. 😊 Just realized I hadn’t stopped by to comment even though I read it. Brad...simply superb!

I figured you would appreciate that. I always have to pause and think if i should mention you by name or not. Don't want to tarnish your reputation down here slumming it with us rapscallions.

My reputation is already shred to pieces. I find myself upvoting so many posts with such colorful languages. Just earlier I stopped by @palikari123’s post.

What kinda crew am I hanging out with these days??!!

I have you rapscallions then I have the respectable members of the community like @davemccoy. Then I have the sweethearts like @smylie2005. Looks like she and I both fall inbetween the cracks here.

I don't have @palikari123 followed for some reason. I will fix that real quick.

And you are hanging out with the best Crew. Wait till we are steem millionaire's and I throw a party in Vegas.

He’s one of those peeps that actually take time to read on important stuff like geo-politics and other world affairs like what’s happening in Venezuela. That’s too much brain power usage for me.

Love Vegas! I’m not much of a gambler but be sure to get a spot with a pool and I’ll be there! Will go there just for the yummy buffets. Last time we were there, Caesars let us in to their Christmas Day buffet even though they were booked. Just because we were diamond members at that time. VIP treatment! Haven’t been to a casino in years, I don’t think we’re any status now.

I have read his stuff before. I guses I just forgot to follow. As for Vegas , last time we were there was the fall/ winter before my oldest was born so 9 years ago. That was the first time we used our timeshare. It was a great time but I would live to be rich next time I go back.
How much do you have to gamble to get dimond status? Geeze.

It was a cousin thing back in the days, every one of them were diamond so we had to be one too. You have to lose gamble a lot of sh**t for diamond status. Let’s just say all the VIP treatment like free rooms, shows, and food would have been less expensive if we had paid for it out of pocket. The fun reckless days.

This was way before kids though. We’re now all respectable members of the community. I’m a suburban mom now. 😁

Yeah i know how that is. I threw away a lot of money on ..... um... things before i became a respected part of the community.


Sorry, my bad.

That goat story was funny!!!!

I just wish i could express how funny it was to actually be there. It was glorious.

I could see the scene in front of me :)

You are a breath of so-not-diplomatic-fresh air!!! Love it :)

Hot air........ maybe. Fresh air may be a stretch.

haha fair enough ;)

I think a lot of people can relate. I to was disheartened by the fact a simple picture could be in the hundreds but my posts that had taken not only time but heart, barely hit 5 cents but just like you I was told to stick with it and they will come to you. That seems to be what is happening now. I mean here you are and here I am interacting and sharing our thoughts. Great post

That is very true. Just gotta keep fighting the good fight. thanks for stoping through my blog for a laugh. I will try to keep them coming.

Bahaha! I love you man... you and @profanereviews are my alter egos! Youre who I am, behind the scenes... well, if I had a penis anyways! Yall make Steemit a blast and for that I thank you!

Thank you. They try to lock me away but I keep escaping. @profanereviews is a good dude for sure. We will keep cranking out the trash maybe it will turn into treasure someday.

Cont stop, wont stop!

I can feel the love from here @smylie2005. Thanks for giving me a reason to stick around this crazy club. As for this homeboy, with @cryptkeeper17 it made me see that I wasn't the only idiot that created some crazy scenarios when I was young. I imagine we're not the only ones, we are just the ones who explain it to everyone.

I haven't even revealed my final form of crazy yet

Oh goody. The prophecy is fulfilled then.

HAHA! The horse face is really freaky.... =/

Oddly enough, that's exactly what I think about me too! I think you and I @smylie2005 could have some kind of fun together haha

HAHA! For sure! One day, ooooone day!

Ooooone day is right! :)

I'm glad @trumpman encouraged you to write your goat story. Sometimes Jehovah's Witnesses come to my place, but unfortunately I have no goat to save me.

A good backup plan is to always answer the door naked.

Good idea, I will add this to my list, right between "Just Don't Answer The Door" and "Release The Vipers." Thank you.

I have to admit the first week of seeing $300+ payouts for a meme photo seemed a bit much. However, it was my plan to just write and see what happens. Afterall, the other social platform wanted me to create content for them and also pay for others to see it. Nice racket if you own a social platform. Thanks for the laugh. I'm following you.

It is deffinatly discouraging but when you realize they may be paying $400 for bid bots to make a $300 payout it doesn't seem so bad actually making 50 cents rather than loosing 50 or 100 dollars. lol

Very lively post. Your comment about so much stuff on Steemit being G-rated hit me... I think I have been a little too proper and probably slightly boring in some of my posts. I think I might have just learned something here, cheers!

Our numbers grow by the day. We are legion. Welcome to the fold.

Haha thank you!

Me e tomado el tiempo de revisar tu blog me gusto mucho este post :)

Gracias Señor. Estoy en el trabajo ahora mismo. Voy a ver los tuyos más tarde hoy. Una vez más, lo siento si esto no está bien. Estoy usando Google Traductor.

Tranquilo te entiendo perfectamente:)

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