#CLUB5050 || A CALL FOR RESOLUTION ON DEBATE 🇨🇲🇨🇲 || by @b-naj

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

PhotoSource edited by @b-naj, using PixelLab

Esteem greetings to all steemians as always. Remember, respect is a very unique virtue which can't be swayed towards one end.
Having said that, this post is branched from the broad header #lifestyle. No tree on its own can be addressed as a forest; similarly, a flock's lifespan primarily depends on having a shepherd.


I called it a little challenge because it has a solution.

I took out time to read through, as well as tried my best to see from both sides, and the truth is, both parties are at fault
Permit me drop the link to the post which i am referring to, so that we all get to oscillate uniformly.

What aches the most is the fact that, some members in here are making matters worse by taking sides. I tell you all now that which ever side you chose, I can table a case to speak on why you are at fault. To crown it all up, you all choosing sides and stirring up this misunderstanding, know that you are not completely correct because both parties have fallen short throughout this debate. Yes! I would address this whole issue as a debate, and not a fight as some might have labelled it to be.

It pains me so much knowing that both parties are very close to me, not that I knew them personally per say, but mainly because I know their degree of works and efforts towards the growth of this our community.
From my on perspective, I'd address this issue, relative to the ethics, concepts and lifestyle via which I sprouted out of. As such, I'd love to believe that most than few in here, at some point in time must have experienced the example I intend using.

The essence of this is for all readers to try their possible best to move over to the other side for just a few moments. If you do so successfully, trust me, you will see the need for a common ground due to understanding

I said move to the other side because truth be told, most members' analysis have swayed to one direction by now; so while reading, sway to the other side for just a moment and debate against your current side, genuinely. You will see that both sides are faulty, and a need for a meet up between both parties is a necessity.

My Example From A Regular Experience

My best friend is my Mum, I love her so dearly. Trust me when i say she is far from being perfect, but she is giving her all (positive or negative) with my best interest in heart. She has without a doubt, made great sacrifices as well as gone the extra mile, just to make sure I become a success. If I fail, she automatically has failed, and if I succeed, she practically becomes my Mama Promo.

Just like any other human being on this earth, she has her flaws and short comings, but I best know not to reprimand her in public (because she is my mum and I respect her so much), but I always do so within a confined and safe room, where I can vent out my frustration and recommend another approach/solution. I did so for anyone who was/is my elder, not necessarily my mum. This is because even I hate to be reprimanded in public, especially by someone dearest to me.
90%+ of the times I reprimand my mum privately, she would play her trump card (being my mum and shutting me off). I used to get quite frustrated, but it's very understandable since she is not in a calm state upon approach. She eventually revises my views and sees my point, no matter how small. Bottom line, our situation most often than never, gets a solution with such methods of approach.

On my mother's part, she always seeks advice from her most reliable, me 😅. Not because I'm her son, or any reason that could sway my judgment in her favor; but mainly because I am a neutral person, no matter the parties involved. I never come to point out who is right and who isn't (because this only stirs up the problem even more😥), rather I try to find a common ground and propose solutions.
Sometimes she would chose not to bring an issue to me because she knows I will reprimand her. For this reason, she holds me at the highest esteem. I reprimand her because i love her, and do so in private because i respect her. Doing this with love and respect in mind, she give me a listening ear always, and even tables some of her issues before me for solutions to be debated on.🤷🏻‍♂️

All this won't be possible if my mum chooses not to recognize that she is human and is subjected to faults. Similarly, if I didn't table the issue with respect (privately), then we would go around in circles and if the matter gets evaluated, I would be seen by many as a bad and disrespectful child for sure.

I humbly call on us the members, i am practically begging us all, because i know deep down, from where we all stand, we are the best chance for a genuine resolution to be set in motion between our beloved @thegreens and @chiabertrand. It is really amazing how this is my very 1st post in this our lovely community, for this year 2022.

IF YOU STAND FOR A RESOLUTION TO RESOLVE THIS DEBATE BETWEEN @thegreens (together with his team) and @chiabertrand (without further hurtful words from both parties), PLEASE DROP A COMMENT (not to take sides again) WITH THE CAPTION RESOLUTION ON DEBATE.

Please let's make a constructive contribution to move forward. We all are humans, and are subjected to errors.

I urge everyone to make constructive comments here please. I pray and hope we move pass this soonest.

A big thank you to all who read this post. Thank you in advance, for making a constructive comment to support the RESOLUTION ON DEBATE, and paving the way for a better and even stronger @steem-cameroon.



 3 years ago 

Please stop using #club5050.

Before using this tag, you should have powered up greater than or equal to half of your total earnings for the past 30 days.

You presently not qualify for using the tag.
You could get juicy upvotes from booming taking part in club5050 and above

 3 years ago 

Apologies. That has now been rectified

 3 years ago 

In regards to the above write up, please, let it encourages the parties to look for the good in each other and ensure that their time together finishes this problem on a high and positive note

 3 years ago 

They truly need to see that they both want same thing; for the community to grow in a positive manner.

 3 years ago 


Indeed 2 wrongs cant make a right and in this Country where we find ourselves,

if you break a plate, your mother beats you, if she breaks it, she still beat you for keeping it at the wrong place.

Both are wrong, if they are friends, then i will suggest a physical meet up between both parties (because even in this whole issue, they are seeking for ways to build this community though they are from different angles.)
Some other admins can also be there, because delibrating this thing with comments will only fue it the more.

the meeting should be accompanied with cold juice and chewables😋

 3 years ago 

Well said.

 3 years ago 


Simply an amazing post. But one thing I strongly believe is that steem Cameroon will come out of this crisis stronger. Mistakes were made on both sides, and I also believe lessons have been learnt. We now look forward to reconciliation, and also hope that the resolutions taken will go a long way to make Steem Cameroon a better community.

I hate conflict, but sometimes inorder to move forward, it is actually necessary. I hope to see a return to peace soon.

 3 years ago 

Every good thing must face a problem or 2, before it moves to a better place. Even for blessings to come, a test must be passed

 3 years ago 

Exactly ⚡⚡

 3 years ago (edited)

I don't have problems with anyone brother. It's all in the past now because I came with good intentions not to hurt anyone

But one thing I strongly believe is that steem Cameroon will come out of this crisis stronger.

I pray 🙏 so too bro

 3 years ago 

The misunderstandings and side takings is just causing a rift...and the rift is causing both parties to drift more because they were close...

Steem Cameroon will benefit from all this but the relationship between the both parties is ruined. I pray they reconcile.

 3 years ago 

Truth be told, if both parties don't reconcile soonest, the community would have experienced a huge lose. The parties involved have done, and will do great things together. But it must start from our end.

 3 years ago 

I don't have problems with anyone again bro. It's all the past now

 3 years ago 

I don't have problems with anyone dr. I came with good intentions so It's all in the past now and I will always respect our leaders to the fullest just as before

Steem Cameroon will benefit from all this

I 🙏 pray it benefit because it will be for the good of all members of steemcameroon

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

It is well
Steem cameroon will emerge from this trial stronger

 3 years ago 

In Jesus Name

 3 years ago 

Amen sir

 3 years ago 

Wow this is really a great post and equally a resulting post for the steem Cameroon community i know humans are always subjected to make mistakes and as a child of God and as a good leader of hounour decisions are not taken in anger so I pray for @thegreens and his team to relooked into this situation and see @chiabetrands reasons of talking the way he did even though I did not support the manner in which he presented it but this is the right time for @thegreens and his team to handle things as leaders because they were choose to be who they are because they saw that they had the qualities of representing the steemit so I urge and pleeed on them to reverse the statement look into the innocent who have not yet gone far and bring out possible solutions for the growth of the community instead of taking hard decisions which will bring down our community because of a single person whom has already gone far and it's in the academy earning while the newbies suffer. Thanks for the post @b-naj and I pray may they read this post and equally read the comments that follows.

 3 years ago 

For a moment there, i thought you were swaying towards 1 side, but overall, your comment had a splendid closure.

 3 years ago 

If you don't look into it or read it better you won't understand what I meant because am not taking side's

 3 years ago 

A need for meet up by both parties is required and I like that aspect.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for seeing my point🙌🏻

 3 years ago 

Hello friend @b-naj, I'm so happy you took out time to write this. Indeed it's a beautiful article and I bet you I don't have trouble with any of the admins. I'm a man of integrity and I want the best for our community so if I was disrespecting the admins then I would have been calling their names in the background rather than confronting them.

I didn't know bringing up the problem could result to this level but never the less it has passed and we all have forgotten about it so I don't keep anyone in my heart. That is to say I don't have me any problem with any of the admins because I was bringing up this problem with good intentions not bad intentions.

I will always give my full support to this community because of my love for it

 3 years ago 

I can bet you both are alined towards same direction. We move forward as the bond tightens even harder💪🏻.

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