We welcome you all to this week's issue of #talkchannel in the WORLD OF XPILAR Community "theme witnesses"( week25)

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

The idea of ​​"Talk Channel"
Maybe many of us want a place we could only talk about loosely and firmly. Ask questions about things we wonder about, for example, about the STEEM community or other things. That's why we want to create a post with "talk channel" Just talk to some or ask questions

The post"Talk Channel" will be posted weekly, every Monday and is open to everyone the whole week. And there we should all appreciate comments and responses to each other by giving an upvote.
Yes, we need to talk to each other as well

Theme this week:
We invite all witnesses to "Talk Channel"
Each of the witnesses can now tell about themselves and why we should vote for them. And we can question the witnesses as well

The list shows the location, Votes (MV) and those running the latest upgraded Version 0.23.1

















@steemchiller (73) @justyy (74) @dev.supporters (51) @steem-agora (67) @dlike (70) @steem-supporter (61)

@symbionts (51) @future.witness (48) @rnt1 (25) @hoasen (-2) @scissor.sisters (25) @steem-dragon (-5)

@protoss20 (25) @beargame (52) @maiyude (62) @juddsmith079 (25) @matreshka (-5) @inwi (25) @hivei0 (25)

@hinomaru-jp (-4) @cryptoking777 (11) @menacamel (-2) @parse (-3) @smt-wherein (48) @roundblocknew (25)

@rlawlstn12 (32) @leverfile (25) @enjoylondon (25) @upeross (25) @roadofrich (70) @marcosdk (64) @ety001 (68)

@fuli (43) @newsteem.witness (25) @jianan (58) @goodguy24 (25) @hunger365 (25) @coronashallgo (25) @night11pm

(25) @cloudysun (25) @eastooowest (25) @jumphigh (25) @aheadofslow (25) @bostonawesome (25) @respect888 (25)

In the "talk channel" we or you can also post a topic that needs a review, for example tools on Steem or other things you want to know about

SteemWorld.org Built with ♥ by @steemchiller


I want to address a topic of abuse, plagiarism and stolen content
I'm inviting @blockcleaner who is a service that finds stolen content and possibly he can give us some advice here

Responsibility moderator for "Talk Channel" is @adeljose

@adeljose @art-venture @stef1 @myskye @sultan-aceh
@franyeligonzalez @leveuf @axeman @xpilar


Thanks for this! I have been a witness for more than 2 years. In the all time, I always keep no sounds because I'm not good at asking voters for support. I think talking is cheap, doing more work is better.

My foucus is on the witness/api node building. I always give supporting in CN community about the witness/api node building. I also run two full api nodes, https://api.steem.fans and https://steem.61bts.com . These two nodes will give CN community more speed experience. Recently, I also built a new file server https://files.steem.fans to store the mira version node of the backup data to improve the recovery speed of the node.

I also wrote some tools, like SteemEditor, SteemTools, SteemLightDB(Not maintain anymore).

After Hive chain forked, I joined Steemit inc. and now I'm an employee of Steemit inc. as a developer. My work is focus on the steemit.com 's frontend part.

Next I'm planing to rewrite the Steem Docker and SteemConnect in my freetime.

Ask me anything or if you need anything, just ask. Thanks~

 4 years ago 

Hi @ety001

Thanks for your feedback, my team and I are voting on you now as a witness

Thank you for your votes.

 4 years ago 

Great to know about your work and all the trajectory on Steem!!
Also, I'm voting now for your witness!!
Best regards!

Hi @xpilar! I'm quite busy with installing a new server and transferring part of the SteemWorld backend to it. Yesterday one of my servers crashed and I had a hard time last night to recover it, but I was able to get the backend temporarily running again (without the old follower history data for now). The new server will replace that one when all is done in the coming days, because it has a bit more power than the old one (which will then become a simple Steem seed node to further support the network).

As on that server there also was a local Steem node running when it crashed, the rocksdb databases got corrupted and I need to replay the whole blockchain (or if possible start from the last checkpoint). This was not really what I had planned to do for the week, but in the developer/witness world there is sometimes no choice and one needs to act very quickly.

If someone should have any witness related questions, he can just reply to this comment and I will try to answer later ;)

 4 years ago 

Hi @steemchiller

yes, good to hear that you have the system up and running again.
thank you for taking the time to comment here

 4 years ago 

No questions, just admired with the hard but even more fantastic work you are doing as witness, supporting and with the great tools!!
Thanks for all, @SteemChiller!!

Thanks for this! I have been on Steem for more than 4 years now. And I have been a witness for more than 2.5 years. My contribution is https://steemyy.com
Ask me anything or if you need anything, just ask. Thanks~

 4 years ago 

thank you @justyy and thank you for the great tools you produce


Hope that many now will see and use your tools

 4 years ago 

Thanks for the great presence on this platform. Recently I was in steemyy.com it was great to count with your tool to search my old conversations with other users, I needed to find some important information and it was really easy! I encourage every one to look at the many tools in the site!!
Thanks for your strength and great work for the Steem Blockchain!!

 4 years ago (edited)

Thanks @xpilar!

It is my pleasure to have been summoned to this edition of #talkchannel. I am Witness since a very short time and I appreciate all support that the community offers me with their votes. Since I arrived to Steem a year and a half ago, I have tried to help users with my experience as a teacher in the world of computer science. Publishing tutorials, videos and attending to doubts on my Discord server. I also work in several projects as a software developer. My main project, the video game "Rada Quest" is being developed outside of Steem due to the need for NFT (Non Fungible Tokens), FT (Fungible Tokens) and NTT (Non-Transferrable Tokens), not yet available on Steem. I look forward to learning a lot about this token technology to help in its implementation in Steem. I think it is very necessary for Steem users to be able to have NFT and it is my desire to collaborate in making that possible.

Due to the exit from Steem of the Hispanic Witness (Cervantes) some members of the Hispanic community have asked me if I am the "Hispanic Witness" because I am Spanish. In my opinion it is the community who must choose their Witness and I will be willing to listen to the requests that come to me. It is true that my intention is to work to recover and strengthen Hispanic capital on the blockchain.

I am also doing Social Promoter work on different social networks, both to publicize the Steem community and to recruit new investors and/or content creators.

I am at your disposal if you want to ask me any questions and don't forget to vote me as your witness!😉

Please, I encourage you to remove votes for disabled Witnesses to avoid missing blocks and improve Steem Blockchain performance https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses


Hi @marcosdk.
thank you for the meeting to share with us here, I as a beginner certainly never understand about witnesses, therefore we really need guidance from witnesses steem, especially for beginners at steemit.

Here are some things I want to ask:

  1. The extent of the Witness's role in steemit for beginners.

  2. Please give me a little information about witnesses who are no longer active in steem so that I can choose other witnesses.

  3. Can witnesses be a curator for beginners at Steemit ?, Because many beginner writers don't get the attention of great people at Steemit, even though they have a lot of good work.

for the time being this is the only question I ask, hopefully there is a satisfying answer. And this question can be answered by all witnesses.
Best regard @muftii

 4 years ago (edited)

These are very interesting questions. It deserves an explanation in detail, but I will try to summarize the answer here.
It is necessary to understand that the main role of a witness a technical role. Our main function is to keep the blockchain running and ensure its viability thanks to the decentralization of our different nodes.
Second, we are developers in most of cases and we must meet the needs of the community by improving and creating tools that make the user experience more comfortable and practical.
These functions take up a lot of time and have a high economic cost due to the necessary infrastructure. Many witnesses must use the Steem earned for their work to pay for their system expenses. For this reason, there may be curator witnesses, but it is not normal. In most cases, witnesses who can afford to accumulate SP act as "passive" curators, that is, following a curation trail.
Fortunately, Steem has a very varied ecosystem and there are other roles more focused on curanting and supporting beginners, such as this "World of Xpilar" community or other projects such as @steemingcurators

Regarding the deactivated witnesses. Steem is a living and changing ecosystem. There are witnesses who stop working because they don't have the time or resources to keep the blockchain. Others deactivate their nodes because they start projects elsewhere. All witnesses, present and past, continue to appear on the list and can continue to receive votes, even if they no longer perform functions. Users should be responsible for checking whether the witnesses they support continue to do their job to decide whether to hold or withdraw their vote.

Wow amazing.
The answer is short, concise/Solid and clear,
very satisfy.
I also want answers from other witnesses, hopefully they will attend this invitation.
thank you @marcosdk

Hi @marcosdk it is nice to see you around here and recently I am seeing you everywhere, you are very active and while interacting with @steemitblog activities saw your name very often. There is a big Hispanic community and I believe they really miss a leader. Also thank you for pointing to the witnesses that are disabled, we also need to look through and make sure that we have updated our ones.

Thank you for coming and speaking here, @stef1

Thank you. I have always been quite active although perhaps not as visibly as now. I have set out to continue creating educational content for the Hispanic community and I will be happy to respond to requests and help organize a new community if required.

 4 years ago (edited)

@marcosdk ..Thanks so much for this information. I am going to remove my vote from all the disabled witnesses and vote in some new ones. You are the first new one I am giving my vote right away.

The Steem ecosystem is at the critical point where it needs represents who are going to add value to it greatly for the purposes of increasing the value of steem and making the ecosystem a better, comfortable and enjoyable platform for engagement.

It is a very responsible decision, thank you.

 4 years ago 

Hi @marcosdk

thanks for your full feedback, appreciate it

I will be happy to answer all questions. Please also consider supporting me as a witness with a vote. Your vote can help me but can help to prune de witnesses list of disabled witness too. Thank you.

 4 years ago 

My team and me will now vote for you as a witness

I would be so grateful.

 4 years ago (edited)

Think we moved you a little ahead now on the witness list :)

Thanks a lot! I'm very grateful

 4 years ago 

Gracias por el gran trabajo en esta blockchain!! Seguro que lograrás esos NFT necesarios para @RadaQuest!! Todo el éxito en las labores y proyectos que estás realizando!!
Abrazo grande!!

Thank you for inviting me to "talkchannel".
The @roadofrich (ROR) team is a blockchain game development team and is developing Road of Rich RPG games and RORGAME (Mini-game platform).

Our team has an INVEN-Gaming community.
The ROR team was selected as curators in May and June.

Recently, we are running RFDAX that can convert STEEM to BTC, USDT, TRX with Future team.

Thank you.

 4 years ago 

Hi @roadofrich

Thanks for your feedback, my team and I are voting on you now as a witness

 4 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the great work and great attention for your tools and the users. I'm witnessed your disposition to attend any issue and offer solutions in the case of RFDAX!
All the best for what's to come for the projects in this great blockchain!!

Hello , Thanks for giving a shout-out , I have been on steem as a active member of the community for only 70 days as of today , but we know this chain for a longer period of time and we have help build few dapps on steem even before we were here . Currently we have @rupa and @steemauto.app as our products in steem and we are as well working on the decentralized marketplace on top of steem which might be avilabe from next week . WE have our full API node operating at https://api.steemdb.online and our seed node is
Please feel free to ask any questions you have about me , my team and what we are doing in steem

Aslo do head over to our discord to find us anytime you need https://discord.gg/psHEdsK

please do vote for our witness as well

thanks again



 4 years ago 

Hi @steem-supporter

Thanks for your feedback, my team and I are voting on you now as a witness

Thank you for reinstalling steemauto, that tool is very important to me. Appreciate it

thank yo so much

 4 years ago (edited)

Great work and tools, the relaunching of the steemauto.app surely was a relief for many projects on the need of up-vote systems and curation trails. I'm looking forward for the Marketplace!!
Also, I hope you will be curating dev projects and programming tutorials here on Steem!
Voted for you since some weeks ago!!
Best regards!!

Wow, extraordinary post, I have already removed witnesses who are not active, thanks to those who are active for taking care that the blockchain is 100% protected and functional.

 4 years ago 

Hi @xpilar and the great community guys.

I started to run witness and seed node ~3 month ago. Yeah, exactly after the Hive fork. I tried several times to offer a lite fuli api node. Unfortunately it's very unstable and the service is discontinued.

Quit busy these days in this covid-19 hard time. I used to build websites with PHP/JavaScript which sounds legacy in crypto world.

I hope I can bring some tools or a new dapp for the Steem community when I get time. I am learning python and NLP(nature language processing)

Steem On. Peace and Love

 4 years ago 

Hi @fuli

Thanks for your feedback, my team and I are voting on you now as a witness

 4 years ago 

thx for the kind vote

 4 years ago 

The best wishes for these difficult times for every one!! And keep on those new learnings to realize every project!
Best regards, @Fuli!!

 4 years ago 

thx for your support
best wishes to you and your family in this hard time

Thank you for hosting weekly talk channel round. I think for many of us it is really something we do not really understand the role of Witness of course we see some and seldom the others, would be great to see that those people are there. I can imagine though that they must also be very busy and have no time.

 4 years ago 

Yes, they are definitely busy. I hope they take the time to leave some info about themselves here

@xpilar is amazing. For friends congratulations writing in the community WORLD OF XPILAR. :)

 4 years ago 

thank you @aceh.point

You're welcome.

Hello Thank you very much for your participation my friend! Greetings!

Thank you for welcoming me here.

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