✍🏼 Is The Diary Game "Hiding" Good Content?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Since starting a couple of new projects in the name of promoting good content that is either "engaging" or "high effort", I've been reviewing and reading a lot of new content from authors I wouldn't necessarily have noticed. Which means that I think I've done a good job with these creations. Well done me.

👇🏼 Source


Self-adulation aside, one "theme" that appears a lot is "The Diary Game" - a theme that appears so frequently on Steemit, that I've pretty much ignored every diary game post I've seen since I joined. But in today's curation post, a colourful Cameroon flag caught my eye so for one reason or another, I decided to open it up and give it a read. What I found, was a well written post not so much about the author's day, but more about Cameroon's Youth Day Celebrations and mention of a war that I'd never heard of.

👇🏼 Source

Having taken the (for me, unusual) step of reading a diary game post (perhaps for the first time) and been surprised by the absence of a photo of breakfast, lunch and dinner, I started to wonder if others do the same as me? Dismissing a post simply because in the title are those 3 words: "The Diary Game". Would users' content get noticed more if the title had simply been "Cameroon's Youth Day and How I Celebrated It"? Or does it make little difference?

A quick search of the tags "thediarygame" gives me 155 posts from the last 7 days and this doesn't include the posts that have "Diary Game" in the title without using the hashtag - I expected more and I wonder what this number was when I joined.


Have I been unfair on the diary game? I've occasionally written about a day out, would you have treated it differently if I'd called it "The Diary Game (17th November): Sheffield Park", "The Diary Game (14th November): Visiting London" or "The Diary Game (28th October): Picking Pumpkins"?

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @the-gorilla

In my experience, the diary has given the opportunity to learn to develop content, I have seen how many users have matured and improved their way of presenting their daily experiences, I do not see bad to place a photo of a lunch, maybe they do not see it well because it is not the typical dish served in a 7 star restaurant, but it is the essence of a family or society that day by day manages to have food after hard hours of work.

In some diaries you can capture good photographs, writings, anecdotes, landscapes and recipes. Newspapers have given me the opportunity to get to know streets, towns and cities that, despite not being famous, offer good sensations.

Perhaps diaries offer the world behind the cameras, because even great artists have an exciting social life, which would be interesting to know.

I thank you for starting to visit diaries

Thank you for this useful and relevant comment.


 2 years ago 

We must give value to what we do within the platform, as long as it is original and of good quality. Thank you for your support and great work.

Gracias querido amigo, me parece una respuesta muy humilde de tu parte. Soy venezolano, muchas veces, para nosotros, tener un bonito plato de comida en la mesa representa algo muy significativo, un logro, una meta lograda.

Comencé con los diarios con muchos errores y aún sigo mejorando, pero me encanta hacerlo, a veces simplemente siento que me desahogo escribiendo cada detalle del día y no solo las cosas relevantes que "muchos esperan", lo escribo porque me hace sentir bien, me da ánimos en medio de todo lo que vivo.

Recordar los detalles de mi día mientras escribo es como volver al pasado y quizás verlo todo desde otra perspectiva, a veces eso me ha hecho sentir tan agradecido y sobre todo de pequeñas cosas que muchos creerán como de "poco valor" o "no muy original".

Detrás de cada diario hay una vida, una historia larga, un ser que siente y piensa ; y yo, que solo estoy detrás de una pantalla solo trato de colocarme en esa posición y tratar de valorar lo que esa persona consideró como valioso para darlo a conocer en esta plataforma.

#thediarigame no es una noticia de como está el día, sino de como fue día y pienso que en la medida que asignamos "más" estereotipos, menos originales se vuelven los diarios.

Gracias por leerme, un abrazo!!

Thank you for this useful and relevant comment.


thank you for reading, it is an honor for me to serve on this platform!!

 2 years ago (edited)

Es muy cierto amigo, hay más que palabras y fotografías en el contenido de un diario.


 2 years ago 

I went the same way as you. At first, I completely ignored the posts on the topic of the Diary game. Then I started my own magazine, so I visited all the posts. I realized that the curiosity of diary game posts depends on the author's ability to write interestingly. If you wrote about breakfast, lunch and dinner, with your inherent humor, it would still be interesting and fun to read.

The diary game posts are like a TV series. If you are constantly following one author, you like his field of activity, you will be interested in what he did, what he achieved or what happened to him every day.

I no longer ignore posts with the topic of the Diary game. But I must admit that only some of them are interesting to me.

Ouch! I just posted a diary and now this post. Haha

I didn't like diaries either, initially. Many diaries are literally like some news being reported. They shouldn't be like that.

After I started writing my own, I consider these as the most difficult kind of posts because it is not that easy to write something so ordinary into something that others would actually enjoy reading.

I am also working on improving mine. My style is very precise and to the point that's why I find it a bit difficult. But through diaries, I try to be more expressive and get to improve my writing skills.

 2 years ago 

The diary tends to be the window for many to express a bit of their life, to let off steam, to look for that companion that everyone needs. Life is not only art and spectacle, we must also give a space to family and social reality, which can provide the most beautiful emotions that a person can feel.

Steemit has become a platform of inclusion, where not only talent is valued, but also the effort that each of the users put in to fulfill their usual jobs and then share their experiences through the diary, something that can take up a good part of the day.

I am glad that you have dared to recreate a diary, I hope you keep improving as you wish.

Hi @the-gorilla, that's a good point as it covers a common ongoing trend on Steemit: The Diaries. I used to read them, but for the reasons you mentioned, my first choice is not to read a diary. When I talk about my day, I don't add the word "Diary" to my title so that it doesn't seem boring. Many users write their daily routine by taking a few photos quickly without spending too much effort to have an active post. As you said, once the diary turns into a template, it doesn't make any sense to anyone other than the person who wrote it. The downside of this situation is that all diaries lose their attraction.

However, as you said, there are also diaries with labored and interesting content. The part that you draw attention to is the titles of the diaries are important. It is the title that influences whether I read a diary or not. I think a few words in the headlines to emphasize that the diary is worth reading would be appealing. The answer to why we should read that diary: a book recommendation, a trip, a problem experienced, sharing of thoughts... Of course, we can't be very colorful and active every day, but why not have an atmosphere of conversation.

Soulless diaries also minimize communication. Because when you read it, you may not find anything to comment on. I think the main thing in diaries should be what we feel, what we think and what we want to talk about, not what we do over and over again!

 2 years ago 

You’ve articulated exactly what I was thinking, thank you 😊 In reading the replies and thinking about it more, it really does highlight the importance of a good post title - something I’ve always known but not really thought about on Steemit!

I'm glad you think so, thanks 🙂 Definitely, the titles give an idea. Actually, the longer title looks more complex. I hope Steemians will think about the title while thinking about drawing attention to their posts. Good night 🤗

Hello friend! Been a while.
I used to do the diary game too, almost every one in the steemghana community partake in this "game". First of all, aside the reason being that some people aren't creative enough and therefore only take refuge in writing these diaries, it can also be said that it's not entirely their fault and hey, they were getting good votes from them. Some of them are interesting to be honest. And the reason for saying it isn't their fault is that, you see, anytime a newbie gets into steemit, he's encouraged to do the diary game. I experienced that, i was always encouraged to write the diary games and i was getting my votes. To be honest sometimes my pictures were not the best, and also other people's posts were so embarrassing! But all in all, some posts were good to read.
And also i think this "the diary game- date- title" thing is something that should be included in the title. Thats what we were taught, our leaders always stressed on them, especially the formats and the arrangements, so yeah.
But I do understand you, sometimes a little bit of creativity changes everything. The diary game title is a little boring now and i think a little change to the title and content wouldn't hurt at all.
Idk if you got that but...yeah🙏🏾🙏🏾✌🏽

 2 years ago 

It's interesting to hear that the diary game is recommended to get people started - it's probably a good initiative to give people an idea of what to write about and to give them a good foundation to build-off and move on from. But like anything, if everybody's doing it and you don't already have a personal connection with the author, it'll get ignored. A lot like going into World of Football and writing a post about Messi or Ronaldo. So although it might give newcomers an idea of how to get started, they probably won't benefit in a way that a different title might 🤷🏼‍♂️

Is your brother still enjoying the beautiful English weather? Has he enjoyed the recent storms?

Yeah, understandable..

Is your brother still enjoying the beautiful English weather? Has he enjoyed the recent storms?

He surely is enjoying the weather. But he hasn't complained about a storm or anything like that. He only spoke of the cold the last time but he's good. He went to St. Mary's stadium the other time... it's grand!!!😅

 2 years ago 

I bet that was a great experience for him. How does a stadium like that compare to the stadia in Ghana?

I have fond memories of St. Mary's. I'm surprised it hasn't made it into one of my Away Days articles 🤔

... How does a stadium like that compare to the stadia in Ghana?

No need for comparisons. We're talking about two countries with a vast developmental differences between them(in everything), i mean, enormous difference. Ghana is not even close obviously so I'll say the stadia here are nothing to be proud of - honest truth.🙂

 2 years ago 

Which match did he get to see? I assume he enjoyed himself 🙂

I'm certain he did enjoy himself. I mean, seeing such a big stadium for the best time is pure bliss. I didn't ask him about the match, idk if there was even one. He just sent me some pictures, whose statue is that in front of the stadium btw?


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