🆕 Artificially "Intelligent" Newcomers

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago (edited)

It's been another interesting week on Steemit. Like many others reading this post, I've once again been on the search for some impressive new authors and thought I'd found a couple of gems. @o1eh had already picked them up and it felt like they should be receiving a bit more attention that they had been getting.

Then my Discord pinged -

...look at this, I think there are several things in common here.

This person's rarely wrong so I dug deeper. There were definitely similarities but nothing that had me 100% convinced so we started probing. It didn't take long for it all to unravel and it became clear, that this account had been generated with the help of AI. I was particularly impressed with the images submitted for Achievement 1 - realistic people holding a sign with their name on - certainly very convincing.

So I thought I'd have a go and see what I could come up with.

Meet Luis


I was quite happy with Luis. It felt like a decent start and I was able to build up a character for him. A 47 year old Venezuelan lecturer who coached football in his free time and likes to work out...


And I also needed to be ready for the request to be holding a glass of water.


Satisfied that this was a good starting point, I moved on...


Meet Jane

I configured Jane for the Newcomers' Community and wanted a more realistic body shape (AI has a tendency of producing size 10 models) - she'd need to be holding a piece of paper that I could write a date and name on so that was important.


This felt like a better result. And I also prepared for the tree photo but she wasn't happy about it...


How could this look with some text? I've not tried adding it so why not do it as I write this post?


It's low effort but does the job. I could always produce another one if the Greeter's not convinced although I should probably use a better Sharpie next time.


This was an evening's effort and it allowed me to configure a person that I could put anywhere, doing anything.

Since producing this, I've continued to enhance the "model", increasing the realism with an ever evolving, improving set of prompts. Prompts that I can apply to new people of different ages, skin tones and ethnicities.

In my opinion, the output is currently too "pure", the skin is too perfect and there's no evidence of the strains of everyday life. But this could be because I haven't found the perfect model yet.

The job of moderators in the Newcomers' Community was hard enough already but this continually improving AI layer could have made it impossible - if not now, then in the very near future.


A Different Perspective

One thing that I considered whilst looking at these profiles was the idea that we could simply accept them. They produce good, well written and realistic content. The kind of content which an outside observer would see and be attracted to, in the same way that I was before these suspicions arose. Thereby attracting additional, genuine authors of a similar quality (hopefully). If it weren't for the feeling of injustice that somebody is "cheating", this different perspective could have won through.




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I'm honestly creeped out and impressed at the same time by these artificially generated people.

(Luis looks like my dad when he was his age😅)

Where are we headed? Is this the future we are going into? On one hand, I'm impressed by the thoughtfulness of those scammers - the effort they tried putting into details - (slow claps). If only they put the same amount of effort and time into being authentic (not that it requires elbow grease )...

It's in contrast to my contributions as a greeter, I'm writing as I'm thinking...

What if the verification practice is discontinued? People know it's easier to farm rewards once you get the "verified label". If there was no such obligation...

The best example for me is you... I'm sure many people who don't read you, don't even know you are a he or she. But who cares, you built your credibility with your content and your endless contributions to Steem.

What if we give the free reign and let users work on outshining themselves without using labels as leverage. Just like in the old steem.

It's just a wild thought, I'm sure it will have its consequences and it will make the work of curators even more difficult. But then what's the role of Steem Watchers (is this the title?)

Heck, I even think of begging the team to discontinue or at least pause the Engagement Challenges for a while. It will be like a breath of fresh air for the whole steem community.

We need fresh initiatives or perhaps no initiatives at all.

 5 months ago (edited)

If only they put the same amount of effort and time into being authentic (not that it requires elbow grease )...

My guess is that they've been caught and banned already so they feel that this is their only option. I suspect that once they've got their processes set up, it's quicker to do this in order to get good results. If we spend 2-3 hours writing a post, they could probably do it in less than that.

I suspect, they also find it fun. I can certainly see the fun side in trying to create a believable character that's travelling the world. I've really enjoyed creating my "people" and I'm still improving them when I get a spare 5 minutes.

It did cross my mind that most of the people that I've got time for on Steemit have never been verified. Not to mention the witnesses that we entrust with governing the platform.

I don't think I've read a single Engagement Challenge post since they started. I'm guessing that with it being on Season 17 now, that it's been going on for a while. We've got our Oasis now... that place can never be tarnished!

I've got my Oasis now... that place can never be tarnished!

We have got our Oasis now...
Don't be so selfish - Steemit is a social community... 🤪

That Oasis is necessary, even in real life... one needs its beautiful place, something like that is what I wanted to tell you in the previous comment... I don't know if I have been able to convey my idea well with this language barrier , but I hope I have achieved something😉😅

That Oasis is necessary, even in real life...

I'm working on it. Real and virtual. Ultimately, there's nothing like sheep - sitting in the middle of a flock is like chilling out in an oasis... 😊

Don't worry, I got your idea. It is an endearing and optimistic idea. I very much hope that you can keep it for as long as possible! You are definitely succeeding in conveying it... 😉

Would you believe me if I told you that I also work on that? Sometimes it's not easy... But I try to put a small brick in the imaginary construction, every day...

I'm sure the sheep are adorable... The closest thing I have to that are the plants that I try to grow and take care of, every time I can I try to be in contact with nature, I think that restores my balance :D Without a doubt The best thing is to do what makes you feel good. 🤗

Would you believe me if I told you that I also work on that?

Sure... Whoever would tell me that they themselves have implemented their "advice" 100% would be scary to me.... 😂

If you talk to your plants and feel at the moment you are there for them, you are ONLY there for them, they are definitely like sheep. They help you to focus.
But: plants don't mow heartbreakingly and they don't cuddle... 😉... 🤗

 5 months ago 


Noted and corrected.

I agree with everything you wrote.

So grateful for finally seeing "the oasis" coming to life and of course it can never be tarnished with that cheeky king around.

 5 months ago 

It already feels fun again even if it’s pure irony at the moment.

What if we give the free reign and let users work on outshining themselves without using labels as leverage. Just like in the old steem.

That would be really cool! Yes, that would be the "Old Steem" (where of course there were also cheaters, but they mostly kept to themselves): The community decides what's popular. What's not popular or not of interest goes down.
However, this requires a reading community. A community that engages with the contributions of others on its own and doesn't just chase after the high votes. Yes, it is! These users still exist, but there are fewer and fewer of us.
In fact, I also believe that the (temporary) discontinuation of all initiatives is the only correct solution. And all "campaigns" outside of Steem that advertise with the fast coin must be discontinued. I already made these suggestions over two years ago. As long as the focus is on sc votes (even the small ones), we will continue to go round in circles. And our circles are slow - so slow that they will be overtaken very quickly by the smarter scammers.

this requires a reading community. A community that engages with the contributions of others on its own and doesn't just chase after the high votes.

There's one solution which you and I have already shared. Surprisingly, sc02 voted on one such comment and I wonder if they agree with all the points and halt all initiatives or I'm just expecting a lot.

And all "campaigns" outside of Steem that advertise with the fast coin must be discontinued. I already made these suggestions over two years ago.

I have always been against such campaigns. We do need to promote but with careful messages like these.

so slow that they will be overtaken very quickly by the smarter scammers.


Surprisingly, sc02 voted on one such comment and I wonder if they agree with all the points

At the time, the sc01 laughingly agreed with me.
I think "the team" knows exactly who they are dealing with and when, and they agree with the idea as a very good one. However, they are probably a little afraid of the consequences: Everything would be different and they would have to do their part to steer the "different" in the desired direction. Besides there are the cr for the team that are the only (visible) income of the big stake. No matter who they vote after discontinuing the initiatives, there will always be grumbling. They have done a relatively good job of averting that in recent months/years. Who wants to knowingly indulge in the guaranteed repetition of this silly begging?


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh


You are right that if it is not so easy now to pass one of these models off as someone real, it may be possible in the near future...

After you said that, and about the posts they could make, that's where I think fake profiles aren't very versatile taking photos of themselves in different everyday situations...

In fact, multi-account profiles are full of posts with photos from the internet..., and very generic content (posts and comments) that does not even connect with the reader. That's why I think time is what tells us if someone is fake or not.

By the way, that professor you created has very perfect skin, I think that's the detail of these AI creations. And the girl who, although she is not a size 10, I don't know if you noticed the perspective of the walls in the last photo on the right. The AI ​​has some flaws...

It is said that if you train yourself to see what is real, you can recognize what is unreal... if you see a real photo, the background usually does not appear blurred like that... anyway...

You did a good job, now that teacher needs to show up doing exercises in a park, I would like to see what the park looks like (seriously) hahaha.

 5 months ago 

There's definitely more that I can get out of this software and as you suggest, the flaws that you mention are flaws that can be ironed out.

I actually saw a genuine profile and thought, "that looks like AI" because every photo he took, he was doing the same pose and holding the camera in the same position. There were photos (as you suggest) in more everyday scenarios though.

I don't know if it's a feature of the camera, but all of the backgrounds were blurred like AI would do it too. I've definitely noticed it too with my phone, it either focusses on the person or the background, rarely both. I don't know enough about cameras and photography to change it 🙂

now that teacher needs to show up doing exercises in a park, I would like to see what the park looks like (seriously) hahaha.

I'll need to look for a good model that does landscapes. I've only got people ones at the moment.

Since the effort above, I've kept playing (and improving) so this is my latest creation. I think this one's pretty good.


I've also not tried experimenting with training data yet. It might be easier and make more sense to recreate a person that has a YouTube channel, train the data on them so that I can produce my own images and then the images with better backgrounds can be taken from a video. I think that I'd make a fairly decent scammer.

 5 months ago 

Getting better each time.

Background more natural. Skin being a bit shiny helps.

Just a little more to go...

 5 months ago 

This AI image generation could consume an entire day if I allowed it. It's such an enjoyable challenge. The challenge of trying to get a fake through the newcomers' community is really tempting me 😆

 5 months ago 

Sounds like a fun challenge 😉

 5 months ago 

I’d probably be better off working on the interface though 😉

 5 months ago 

Can you also create it's sister. The most hilarious part was the user n***** posting an ai generated sister in one of her posts. 😂

Different Perspective

I thought about it too. Hira and I were discussing the same. But no, I didn't come to terms with it. For one, they steal other people's pictures. Okay, if we can overlook this. Still, they are doing it merely for money. There is no essence, engagement, or even a personal touch in their creations. At least as a reader, I crave these things when I read a blog, especially a travel blog.

 5 months ago 

She doesn't have a sister, but she's got a younger brother. He works in a pub.


 5 months ago 

Identical twin. Such similarity 😜

 5 months ago 

but all of the backgrounds were blurred like AI would do it too. I've definitely noticed it too with my phone, it either focusses on the person or the background, rarely both. I don't know enough about cameras and photography to change it

there is such a thing named 'depth of field'. DOF.
better you google it out, rather than me explaining it with my bad English.

 5 months ago 

Ah cool. I'll give that a go and see if it improves this, thank you.


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

 5 months ago 

this continually improving AI layer could have made it impossible -

Agree. This pic of a person with a cardboard as evidence, has about zero value today . (And in the past, imho, it didn’t mean much either - with a slightest desire, this was so easy to hack!)

the output is currently too "pure", the skin is too perfect and there's no evidence of the strains of everyday life.

I'd say: 'soupy'.


During the last two weeks I played a bit with this AI service of generating / enhancing photos (I was intrested only in enhancing), that @fujiimermaid mentioned: krea.ai. Results were... contradictory. On the one hand, AI perfectly draws textures, famous objects, shadows, and parts of the human body. But on the other hand, he makes a big mistake with portraits, and repeating the same portrait is out of the question.

How good it is to see the comment of someone who knows about photography. I'm just a fan, but I was telling the-gorilla that in the photos I've seen made with AI, they usually have that detail about a uniformly blurred background. It seems that one photo was cut and pasted on top of another, with two different focus levels.
But now I see that you mention that you can't see where the focus is directed.

Other defects that I have seen are in outdoor photos or where there are several elements, there are errors in perspectives...

I think that understanding something about what a real photo looks like makes us distinguish AI creations more quickly.

I think that regarding this, the same must happen with texts... I have read texts and I don't think they are better than human texts, or maybe I have read very bad elaborations Lol :D

 5 months ago (edited)

detail about a uniformly blurred background. It seems that one photo was cut and pasted on top of another, with two different focus levels.

Absolutely so! Actually, worth noting that:

  • different lens work differently (by their design and qualities)
  • and can produce different picture by the chosen settings of the capture (aperture is meant here).
    some lens+settings produce wonderful bokeh (when small lights are blurred into the arrays of circles)... other produce just not-so-attractive blureness, or even angular 'screw-nuts' instead of circles.

Typically, photographer directs focus at a 'significant' point of an image; if a person is being photographed, very often this is face, head, eyes etc. Speaking of the photo with the glass - I can't see where the focal point is, but in the entire image the glass is the most clear / detailed part of image. Can we suppose the focus is at the glass? but in this case, all other parts of the picture that are at equal distance from camera, i.e. in the same plane with glass - also should be in focus. The photo doesn't show us that - the head is out of focus, blurred same as all of the pic. It's unnaturally weird and (to me) points at the synthetic origin of the image.

As for the texts.. different story. I did not read any, and myself tried GPT less than 6-7 times. I came to conclusion results are rather 'senseless', too much 'all over the place'... when it comes not to fiction but to some documentary, historical stuff - AI is dumb as f....k, it is not intelligence, but rather a nonsense generator. One absolutely cannot rely on the information it provides.

A while ago I had a GPT browser plugin installed, which kept suggesting me to create brief English summaries for texts in Russian / videos / etc that I was browsing thru (Russian is my native language). Knowing the original content, I noticed very clearly what an idiot this AI is - how many mistakes it is producing, how bad is its understanding skills.
I was shocked and horrified!!!
This is really terrible. Humanity has created a tool that, in our digital age, quickly a) deprives people of the need to think for themselves, b) hides real knowledge/ information under a mountain of garbage, rubbish, and fakes. Thats a real prospect for the future.

 5 months ago 

Please don't give 'em scammers and ID-thefts new ideas :)
It's quite good we could still distinguish the ai generated "selfies" among the real ones, but what would happen in an year (or by training the model with adding the phrase "add wrinkles and skin defects", etc.)

Generally if there is a "system-wide" KYC requirement, it should be applied to all active accounts and we all know that's not going to happen anyway.
IMHO - people shouldn't be asked to provide such public proof that stays online forever.

 5 months ago 

what would happen in a year (or by training the model with adding the phrase "add wrinkles and skin defects", etc.)

Some of that is already possible although The models I’ve tested so far are terrible at adding skin defects. Even simple prompts like “has spots” doesn’t yield accurate results - presumably because the training data uses beautiful people. It is possible to train a model on a specific person which I’ve not had time to do yet. I’ve found a better model though for producing more realistic skin tones.

The scammers are already using these tools and others that I’ve not talked about yet - it’s the ability to plagiarise with absolutely zero chance of finding the original source. The obvious benefit is the quick production of relevant, engaging and high quality content in a matter of minutes rather than hours. What this doesn’t give them though is the meaningful engagement that happens through comments. Then of course, comments can be generated by AI too as has been suggested elsewhere.

The more I’ve played with it myself, the more amazed I am by what’s possible already.

Generally if there is a "system-wide" KYC requirement, it should be applied to all active accounts and we all know that's not going to happen anyway.
IMHO - people shouldn't be asked to provide such public proof that stays online forever.

I’ve mentioned this in other comments that most of the people I interact with have never been verified. We don’t know what most of our witnesses look like and we’ve never wanted to.

What this will mean for the future of sites like Steemit is an interesting consideration too. As we’ve seen recently, the AI generated authors are producing (arguably) superior content to a large number of authors. If AI is used to generate a daily diary game based upon a real person’s life, does that improve Steemit or degrade it?

My brain is struggling with this trail of thought… why stop AI content when it’s superior to much of the human generated content on Steemi?

 5 months ago 

I participate in Adobe Photoshop Beta and here is what I made in under two minutes:


Just opened one of those "newcomer selfies" from the original post, used the Lasso tool to select the head and typed "add wrinkles and make it more realistic" as a prompt. When zoomed, I find minor flaws in the eyes but the face and the skin... it's a normal person to the naked eye.

why stop AI content

I'll provide two reasons, purely my point of view.

Just until few months ago, I was spending hours to write long travel stories, using my own travel photographs, and let me just notice the quality of my photos is paramount to me, I usually travel with 10-12 kg backpack with several lenses and various accessories. Suddenly, the number of such articles bursts and they get even longer and "with better quality".
The longer an article gets, the less people read it. I lost that battle and gave up on throwing away my time.

AI is lazy and AI creates facts, that aren't true. IMO, relying on AI is dangerous and I would never take a financial, medical or travel advice by it (those are areas I personally tried). AI does what the most of us do - it tries to look competent when answering and I'm sure it(its creators) are aware they hold no liability if anything goes wrong with the generated content.

Long story short, monetizing AI-generated content is cheating, as as a person I couldn't post more than twice a day such a "quality" post while meanwhile someone would generate 20 such posts, or even more.
A fisherman with 20 rods is more likely to catch more big fish ;)

Realistically, I don't see how such content could be limited, as there will always be workarounds, and my pessimistic forecast is there will be a big outflow of genuine content creators.

 5 months ago 

I participate in Adobe Photoshop Beta and here is what I made in under two minutes:

That’s super quick. I’ve spent hours testing various models, refining prompts and parameters to get as far as I did. I haven’t got a recent version of Photoshop but it certainly sounds like it’s too easy. Do you know what model it’s using in the background and any ControlNet’s etc?

I assume the you can do the same with backgrounds? I suspect the technology / process behind it is InPaint which I’ve not tried yet.

AI currently struggles with eyes and especially hands. It’s only a matter of time before it’s improved though.

AI prompting is a skill in itself at the moment but I agree with your reasons. It’s those exact reasons that I fear its impact on Social Media as a whole. It’s almost certain that it will redefine Steemit and almost certainly its user base. Do we need to adapt? Will our authenticity beyond the post itself mean that we’ll be fishing in prime waters whereas the herd is in the swamp? Will we still have fun? Could an AI future portray the thoughts that you’ve just shared, or those that I’m sharing now?

I’m sure that in an AI future, we can still enjoy our time on Steemit even if it’s overrun by AI (which the critic in me loosely compares to the current emphasis on engagement challenges). It’s just a question of how… but… the how will only be possible if the old skool do it together. If we continue to reduce in numbers, the fun will reduce too.

My thought are jumping around your comment - I don’t want to skip or “undermine” anything you’ve said!

The longer an article gets, the less people read it.

Readership on Steemit’s generally a problem now. I don’t feel that the majority of the existing user base is here to read and would prefer to receive a vote than a comment. The money element isn’t there as a bonus, it’s there as the reason which when you joined, possibly wasn’t as obvious?

I don’t know how coherent my comment is. I broadly agree with everything you’ve said, especially the last paragraph which I’m hoping to adapt to.

 5 months ago 

It's fast but it would be tricky to train it to use this particular face, I don't know if its possible but it should actually not be hard with just feeding it the same "person" and asking for change of scenery, as you say, background is easy to modify. For instance, Photoshop had "sky replacement" tool long before any AI was released to the public.

With regard to the model used, all I could find is "Firefly Image 3 Model".
I tested Firefly when it was out, compared it to StableDiffusion and Midjourney, the results were quite different, sometimes better, sometimes not. I don't know what's behind but I doubt they had developed their own AI from scratch.

A friend send me this below :))) We laugh now, but let's wait a little...


AI Prompting is indeed a skill, and as I far as I understand, it is a paying job at some companies already. I guess it is ok, if I call such job positions "Skynet Servant" :D Could be a wake-up call to someone...
On a positive side, it's awesome Skynet still needs us, right?

The money side of posting/commenting here is quite important.
People on FB count likes, people on blockchains count the crypto. It is a measure of approvement of what we post. The rewards definitely affect what I post ;)
However, the content itself is a small part of the "game".
One may create the perfect content but without some flattery to the orcas and the whales, big votes would just be some mirage :))) Perhaps I should say "getting attention" instead.

Yup, such a true mirror of RL :)

In the long term I think something has to change and genuine contributors have to be rewarded properly or the only people left would be the few big investors and the myriad of desperate people from poor countries, happy to have those few extra cents every day (and those who try to cheat the game with generated/stolen content, pretending to be someone else)

Sorry, this got too long, I hope you read it, LOL :)
Have a great weekend!

 4 months ago 

It's fast but it would be tricky to train it to use this particular face, I don't know if its possible but it should actually not be hard with just feeding it the same "person" and asking for change of scenery, as you say, background is easy to modify. For instance, Photoshop had "sky replacement" tool long before any AI was released to the public.

The easiest route would probably be to use an online tool to remove the background entirely and then adding something from scratch. I suspect there'll be problems with lighting. Playing around with these tools could become all-consuming so I'm not too surprised that it's a job role in its own right.

I enjoyed that image - so true. I used a starting image of a man with a saw and slowly, the iterations converted the saw into a 3rd leg.


I've tried StableDiffusion and ComfyUI and the key tends to be the training model that's used. I've experimented with half a dozen (they're about 6GB each so not small) and the output can vary significantly. Even within the same model, a different seed with no other settings adjusted can produce a lot of variety. Which is where I found my time disappear to. I'd generate a batch of images, choose the one I thought was best and refine it. I've deleted most of the attempts now but it wouldn't even produce a consistent piece of paper from this tiny one...


...to something that spanned the entire screen.

On a positive side, it's awesome Skynet still needs us, right?

I'm fairly sure that in Terminator 2, Skynet didn't need us.

In the long term I think something has to change and genuine contributors have to be rewarded properly or the only people left would be the few big investors and the myriad of desperate people from poor countries, happy to have those few extra cents every day (and those who try to cheat the game with generated/stolen content, pretending to be someone else)

Also, increasingly a mirror of real life. I watched a video about housing estates in England a few days ago and it was interesting how it talked about "A decreasing middle class". The Middle Class being essential in keeping the economy working properly. It's something that's obviously been happening for a long time - if the rich are continuing to get richer, then by definition, everybody else must be getting poorer.

Sorry, this got too long, I hope you read it, LOL :)

I read it 🙂 But I put off replying to longer comments to make sure they get the response that your effort deserves 😇

 4 months ago 

I fully get that, the first visual generative AI I installed on my PC... I lost about two days playing with models and the output, I have not shared the output, anywhere, hehe :)

That three-legged fella is really something :) Here I should maybe ask (probably better to myself only) if he has two sets of manly junk :DDD
That would be pretty convenient to enjoy some quality time with two ladies (ooops, the more politically correct statement would be "partners") :D

I read some news that an AI driven robot repairs some machinery so perhaps the Skynet realm is closing in... Well, hopefully not.

Interesting thoughts about the middle class and I have been observing something similar here with it, constantly shrinking. Now there are generally two types of people around - those who "swim" in unnecessary luxury and think are untouchable/invincible/immortal and at the other end are people who spend all their income on food, medicine and utilities and barely hold it. True, that's a proof of bad country economy. Our own production becomes rare and more expensive, the big stores sell eggs from Poland, cheese and pork from Germany and Spain, vegetables from Greece, Italy and Turkey, etc.
I know, it's usually profit- and price-driven but that can't be good for the environment, right... That's another topic, though :)

 4 months ago 

If I hadn't used words like "nudity, pornography", etc. as Negative Prompts, you'd probably have your answer to a few of those questions. I think his face might need a bit of work though before he's got much chance of finding 1 partner, let alone more than that!

Plenty of politics to get into there too! Probably best to avoid that - easiest way to lose friends is to talk about politics 😉 Which EU country are you from? My country was in the EU once but we have a gullible population that chose to believe the headline on a bus. A headline, which unsurprisingly turned out to be a lie.

I see the answer to my question now in your label. I went on holiday to the Black Sea Coast once. Made my way to Varna for a day and was told by the taxi driver "I guarantee somebody will try to sell you drugs" and no sooner had I got out of the taxi, somebody asked me "do you want drugs?"


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

 4 months ago 

Thanks so much!


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

 4 months ago 

Thanks @o1eh 👍

 5 months ago 

people shouldn't be asked to provide such public proof

150% agree. personally, I am not up to sharing my ugly face, thats why I never tried to perform this 'Steemit user authentification' :/ too easy to hack, and still not 100% convincing - so where is the bargain?..

 5 months ago 

I watched a documentary few months ago how scammer opened bank accounts and withdrew bank loans via bank mobile apps with stollen selfies from facebook.

That's only one of the sides, of course.

And on a side note, I am sure your face isn't ugly :)))

To be absolutely honest, if I am asked to take such verification, I'll just go somewhere else :) unless it's a reputable third-party that keeps all that info private and only temporary (similarly to the KYC that the exchanges and banks do)

It is going to get extremely hard in the next year or so to be able to tell what is real and what isn't.

 5 months ago 

It's already impossible with scammers taking photos of people in their village and then using that!

Did you park the idea of submitting a proposal or is it still something you're considering?

Well I was going to submit the proposal but then between all the platforms I would going to have to pay into it quite a bit to submit them and I have a worry there would be a low probability chance of getting it approved even though the proposal makes a lot of sense to do.

 5 months ago 

Does Blurt have a Proposals system too or is it only here and Hive?

You could accumulate your rewards for a little while to pay for it. Then it won’t feel like such a big expense.

Yeah Blurt has a proposal system too it looks like.

AI is awesome, buddy!

You can't stop me!

Send by GPT-0.3 from Nokia 1600

Sorry @the-gorilla, the comment above wasn't me. I can't edit or delet this rubbish.




Send by GPT-0.3 from Nokia 1600


The STEEM keys have been changed.
The user @peppermint24 has been blocked for 14 days.
Until then the account runs automatically via chat GPT-0.3
I already told you so!

Send by GPT-0.3 from Nokia 1600

 5 months ago 

If you do not permit @peppermint24 immediate access to his account, you will feel the wrath of ollama - the uncensored version.

Puuuhhh, thx a lot!

I got the control back. This was an awesome move. I think this AI version is terrified of the duck puzzle.

Oh, by the way. Google thinks Luis is Mansoor Abro. Your picture is the most recent photo. Right after the visit to the hairdresser.


He wants to make a career as a fashion model with the stage name Luis.

 5 months ago 

Llama 3 looks like fun.

I wonder if we should invite Mansoor Abro to join Steemit. A self-satisfied smile like his is bound to be popular.

I was just wondering where should I provide you the list(s) of fakes. Some of them have reached higher ranks within the last year or so or even reached the mod's posts! And you will be surprised to note that they dare to challenge the decisions. And the best of all, they have a planned strategy to fool the system.

 5 months ago 

Discord's always good for discussing scammers. #thegorilla is my simple tag.

I will give you a few cases to work on 👍

 5 months ago 

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

 5 months ago 

Thanks @o1eh 👍

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