14 Days Diving Program - WORLD OF XPILAR Community #12

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


Latest project news

To date, the following persons are the participants of the "14 days of DIVING" program

@astralj, @irchen, @llllll1ll, @sampu

@marcotatuajes - our new project participant.

Congratulations to the new members and welcome aboard!

@ruta-rudens, @starrynightchild - left the program due to the expiration of the period of stay


I warn newbies, especially those who use their smartphones for posting. Do not follow unfamiliar links in the comments, especially if you are offered quick benefits. In most cases, these are scammers. To create posts and enter the site, use only your posting key (but not the active owner key).
One of the participants in our program suffered two days ago. He got a comment under his post


She had the imprudence to follow this link in the commentary to her post.
Now, this comment changed, but the user account was hacked and the hacker started withdrawing tokens from the wallet.
The account is currently in quarantine and the user does not have access to it.
Be attentive and careful.

Top posts of the week






Within the framework of the program, a series of posts "Practical advice for beginner photographers" was organized by @bambuka

Basic photo editing for beginners

Cropping a photo

Camera selection

Manual camera settings

Manual camera settings: exposure

Lens #1

Lens #2

Depth of field

Long exposure

The principles and conditions of participation are set out in the RULES

Let me remind you of just a few important points and draw your attention to important details.


  1. a program participant creates at least 1 post per day in the WORLD of XPILAR community using the #steemexclusive and full Power Up (100% SP).

  2. at the end of the post title, in parentheses, indicate full Power Up. For instance:Frida Kahlo - Retrato Realista (PowerUp 100%)

  3. Mandatory participation in contests, comments, voting within the community WORLD OF XPILAR. Any activity is greatly appreciated.

As the project develops, the terms and conditions may be changed, which will be announced later. Follow the project news.


I will clarify again. This support program is for members of the WORLD OF XPILAR community only. In order for a candidate to be approved and included in the support program, the candidate must be active in the community prior to being included in the program.Being active in the community means that a community member should publish his posts in the community, comment on the posts of other members, respond to comments under his posts, vote for the likes of the posts of other members of the community. Of course, the activity of the program participant is not limited to the community. It is advisable to apply the same activity wherever you participate. But being active in the WORLD OF XPILAR community is a prerequisite for the program.


During this time, an interesting creative post of each participant will be supported from the World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail (no more than 1 time per day).

This point of the rules does not mean automatically curating your post just by virtue of its appearance in the community feed. The quality of your post will be a sufficient condition. Let me remind you that it is advisable to post at least 3 photos and an interesting meaningful text of at least 50 words. It is better if there is more and the text is informative and interesting to read. This is not Instagram with its principles.

I am waiting for your applications for participation of additional candidates.
Leave applications in the comments to this post.

NOTE: The application will be reviewed by the community moderators and may be rejected without explanation.


С уважением, @bambuka


Dear @bambuka, Many thanks for the awareness about the fraudulent activity. Much appreciated

 3 years ago 

You are welcome :)

Usualmente cuando leo algo así, me retiro lentamente por qué ya lo considero una estafa, pero está bien que adviertan a los usuarios con respecto al tema del fraude y muchas gracias por haber seccionado mi artículo sobre momias, la verdad escribir eso y relacionar todo con el dibujo al mismo tiempo, fue un poco complicado y me siento feliz que a la gente le haya gustado.

Saludos y bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

You are welcome :-)

Me gusta mucho esta comunidad, porque siempre consigo novedades. Hay variedad de concursos y siempre piensan en como beneficiar al usuario. Felicidades. Espero poder participar en este programa.

 3 years ago 

Hola @ nellita66
Miré tu perfil. Eres un usuario experimentado con 3 años de experiencia y tu SP es de alrededor de 100.
Este programa es para principiantes que tienen un SP personal de menos de 50. Pero a veces apoyamos a usuarios que tienen un SP de más de 50, pero están activos en la comunidad WORLD OF XPILAR, crean publicaciones creativas y de calidad, pero tienen poco apoyo. desde la plataforma.
Seguiré tus publicaciones. Si eres un buen creador de contenido en la comunidad, es posible que te inviten al programa.

La publicación no debe ser formal, debe ser algún tipo de idea o creatividad, decorada con fotografías o dibujos apropiados. Debería haber un texto interesante ...
Y sin embargo, se fomenta la actividad en los comentarios y las respuestas a los comentarios, así como la evaluación de las publicaciones de otros usuarios de la plataforma debajo de sus publicaciones. Sea activo y lo logrará.

Bueno muchas gracias, sé que sí. Soy muy positiva. Pero vivo en una ciudad donde no hay mucho de donde tomar fotos interesantes, miro las fotografías de otros usuarios y son un espectáculo, pero las mías se quedan cortas porque mi teléfono no tiene una cámara tan buena. Me encanta esta comunidad y quisiera participar en la mayoría de los concursos, pero estoy limitada. Pero sé que lograré adelantar con la ayuda de Dios y el apoyo de todos ustedes. Gracias amigo.

 3 years ago 

Lo siento, no puedo conseguirte una cámara o un teléfono. Pero creas publicaciones y puedes hacer textos e imágenes interesantes. Ser creativo.

Sorry, I can't get you a camera or a phone. But you create posts and you can make interesting texts and pictures. Be creative :)

No se preocupe, en algún momento podré conseguirlo. Gracias. Seguimos trabajando duro para resolver.

 3 years ago 

hello everyone
world of xpilar team is really doing a great job.
I was also a part of this 14 days diving program , few days back and it really turned to be a great outcome for me.
The whole team is helpful and I would like to suggest new comers " You all will won't get this chance again, so give your 100%".Your Hardwork will really change your life.
All the Best to @astralj, @irchen, @llllll1ll, @sampu

God bless the whole team::

long live the community

 3 years ago 

Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
It was a pleasure doing business with you, thank you for participating in the program :)
I wish you continued success!

 3 years ago 

You are welcome sir🙏🙂

Gracias @bambuka y a toda la comunidad, espero hacerlo muy bien ya que soy nuevo en esto gracias por todo el apoyo

 3 years ago 

Revisa tu última publicación y billetera, estás en el equipo.
Quiero llamar su atención sobre la actividad en los comentarios y respuestas a los comentarios ... :)
Depende mucho de tu actividad en los comentarios. Esta es una plataforma social y sus ingresos dependen directamente de aquellas personas que quieran comunicarse con usted y votarán a favor de sus publicaciones.
te deseo éxito

Hello @bambuka Can I get Member tag or do I need to post a separate introductory post?

 3 years ago 

Hello @kingporos
The terms of the support program say that this program is organized for a newcomer in the WORLD OF XPILAR community, who have their own SP of less than 50. Your Sp is a much larger amount.
You can be active in the community and on the platform without this small delegation at 50SP.
Sorry, but according to the terms of the program, I have to refuse you.

Sorry! Ididnt made myself clear. Actually wanted to know is do I need to post an Introductory post so I can get Member tag in Xpillar community.

 3 years ago 

I don't think an introductory post should be required, you can subscribe to the community and publish your posts there. But if you make an introductory post and tell a little about yourself and your interests, then this will be a very right thing to do :)