SEC-S17W5 "Creative Photographer

in Scouts y sus Amigos4 months ago (edited)

1_20240509_020821_0000.jpgDesign by me, edited on Canva.

Greetings all my friends, I believe everyone are good and your day was filled with joy and positive vibes. It's my pleasure to take part on this contest to express my length of creative photography with my friends.

Exploring and capturing pictures of natures, statues, building and others interesting moments are things we do to gain happiness for ourselves and our followers. In this post, I derived my focus on three things which i present in a tabular form below.


These are things that makes people think deep and realize how powerful and knowledgeable our God is, God wonderous work can be seen in natures like flowers and sunset. statues make notice the important of craft and the idea of a man, it also represent an history or recognition of an important people. To proceed, I want to ride with the contest rules, no editing, I start with.👇


I always admire looking at the beautiful nature in flower. So I woke up today with varies of thoughts in mind about what to write, I saw the flower glowing, i begin to imagine how cute it would be capturing flowers, i started to examining myself and tried different styles of capturing and finally i got these.


The presented flowers is a big tree flower which distributed it's branches to different positions, i finally spotted the edge. I tried different styles like pointing my finger and grabbing the flower with my bare hand, I had to keep my hand stable and switch my camera from normal portrait to the pro version and made it a bit blur for the sky shape to be invisible, and splash a flash light to saturate the flower.

Flowers brighten people's mind and made feel good, I was emotional happy immediately I seldomly grabbed the flower with hand. My intention while capturing these pictures was to indicate God wonderous work, he designed the flower with a white, yellow and green colour. I believe that creativity is mainly found in God creature.


Some art may be statues but the demonstrate important lessons to man and the environment and those who got to the level of understanding will always benefit from what an Statue expressed.
These two creative art has different expressions and meaningful lessons to everyone of us. Let's start with the first picture.


The first picture express an old man who work as a farmer. From the statue the old man is weeding and he looks tired but he never things of quiting, he even wore a cap to prevent exposing himself to the sun.

The second statue display a hungry student who walks very slow and sadly to school. His situation might be as a result of insufficient food or lack of food from the homage but this boy even with his situation, he managed to walk slowly just to make sure he attend class. What does this statue express?

The first picture demonstrate why we should be hardworking and consistency especially here in the steemit platform, If the old man even with his age being able to strive hard to weed and feed himself from the outcome of his work, how much more us young steemians? I believe that just like the old farmer, our hard work and consistency will not pay out zero percent.

The second statue express contentment and patient. The young boy suffered from insufficient of food but he was contented on the saw, even when he couldn't move fast, he walked patiently. The reward we received may not be much as expected, we might come across a situation which requires us to power down, at this point contentment will salvage us and patient will help us to wait slowly just like the little school boy.


Can you hold or touch the sun, it seems impossible because of the distance between the man and the sun but mind you, with the help of Camara, it Is possible to hold or touch the sun. How?


I always want to make creativity a priority in whatever I tried to capture. In this picture of me holding the sun with my hand and putting the sun inside my two fingers. To figure it out, I first position my palm and finger in the sky where the sun shine, I move my hand to the direction of the sun to where it was located with the help of Camara lens. I pressed my shutter button to capture immediately I found the right spot.

No matter what we do in life, we all need sun to survive. God created the sun to light up the earth, give life to plant and animals and man as well, we used sun for several things such as drying our clothes, recharging solar energy and the likes of good things that made life easier to manage.

There's a reason I refuse to fully capture the sun with my bare hands. According to the scientist, the center of the sun 27,000,000 Fahrenheit hot (15,000,000 Celsius). How dare me to hold or touch such flame with my bare hands!! I can't. One more thing, the power and beauty of the sun can drive a man to praise God.

In conclusion, I might not be your favorite photographer but I always want to offer my best to whatever i engaged, I'm not a good interpreter but i always look for that room of improvement, your little advice can possibly be my improvement. Nature's does give humans happiness and God wondrous work can be seen in nature, I hope you find God amazing creation in my post.

I placed my humble invitation to @eliany @alli001 and @mhizta.


Best regards KIDI40
 4 months ago 

Gracias por ser parte de la 17 ava edición de Steemit Engagement Challenge, especialmente en el desafío auspiciado por nuestra comunidad Scouts y sus Amigos.

¡Apreciamos su participación! La creatividad y el ingenio al momento de tomar una fotografía hacen una gran diferencia.

Todas las fotografías le quedaron lindas, en especial la de las flores, la naturaleza es hermosa y nos conecta con nuestro creado. Y la del sol, me encanta porque como bien dices: no puedo tocar el sol porque es muy grande y está muy alto, pero gracias a la cámara hago ilusión de sostenerlo; esa era la intención de la dinámica. Me gustó la creatividad, te deseo mucho éxito.

Le recomendamos apoyar el resto de las participaciones.

DescripciónSi/ No
Starus del club#club5050
Libre plagio/ Libre IASi
Libre botsSi
Etiqueta SteemexclusiveSi
Estilo de descuentoSi
Fecha de verificación09/05/2024
Verificado por@damisvilladiego

La determinación del estatus del club se refiere a la aplicación basada en la web.

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Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @radjasalman

Thanks for reviewing my post.🤗

I can guess you really love photography, truly, when we just love around and see the natural things God made we are just awe-inspired.

Flowers are pretty and I don't joke with them, your flower photography is very cute.

The sunset is one of the pictures that fills my phone, I have pictures of so many sunsets, that I had to delete some, but yours is unique and creating you truly are a creative photographer.

The statues are also nice. It was nice hearing from you, hope one day you practice your talent by taking a photo of me.
Till then..

You're actually right, the natural things we see around the earth surface amazed us human being, I sometimes used to think that God knew the main reason he created beautiful creatures on earth. How do you Akwa feel when looking at the blue sky, I can guess you'd feel happy right,i can confidently say that God created these things to make us happy. Maybe one day I'll practice my capturing skill in you but till then, stay safe.

That's for spending your time and reading my post, I really appreciate.🟪

Hey @kidi40

By reviewing your post, I observe that you have a good sense of photography. You are a true lover of nature. The first picture of flowers is so admiring. The white flowers are so refreshing and the weather is also looking so good. I agree with your point that flowers brighten people's minds and help them to find peace.

The second picture of a statue is also wonderfully captured. Making a statue is an art but capturing this statue is also an art and no one is professional in this art.

In the third picture, you showed the creativity of holding a sun. This type of photography is so fascinating. I will also try to capture this type of photograph. Overall all the pictures you shared are really beautiful.

Best regards

Thanks for your overall engagement in my post, it's not easy to create time to read and comment in people posts but you did, your encouraging and appreciated wordly comment have made my Night and i appreciate your kindness.🤗

You're right, no one is so professional in capturing art, thanks for finding the pictures in my post beautiful and dropping a valuable feedback to me, your feedback is an encouragement to me. Thanks a lot.🤗

Best regard.

Greetings @kidi40

You've made a very nice creativity from the nature flower, they are all nice and it really shows how creative you are. I didn't know you have super powers because it did seem impossible to touch or hold the sun but you just made it possible, you touch the sun with the tips of your finger. Your creativity is out of the world.

Wish you success.

Thanks for spending your time reading my post and leaving a valuable feedback to me, it gladden my heart reading to realize that you find my post creative, you've put a smile in my face and I'm very happy at this moment😁
It seems impossible to touch the sun and I don't even think someone can touch or get close to the sun because of it hotness but with the help of mobile phone camera, i touch the sun comfortably with no stress attach.☺️

I'm happy to have your comment in my post.
Best regards.

Sure bruh


Hii !!
Dear, you have really photographed so well. I see the hidden potential of photography you inherited from elders. The most favourite which I like is one that of flowers. I really love flowers a lot and you captured it so well. We all are learners and continue to upgrade our skill. Time will make you expertise in this.
Thank you :)

You're sincerely right, we're all learners and in all way round, I always look for the room of improvement. Flowers are always so beautiful when taking a look of them, I've seen different types of flowers, some of which I don't know their names and some which I forgotten their names like the one in my post, flowers can makes us happy and changed our sad motion, i see now that you like good things by loving flowers.🌹your words are so encouraging to me and I appreciate your kindness toward my post.
Keep Sharing your kindness and you'll be rewarded..☺️
Best regards.

Hello @kidi40 !! Hopefully you will be great here. I really appreciate your natural, creative and artistic photo you have captured and expressed insightful thoughts and captions about the photography. Wishing you good luck.

Good morning @uzma4882.

Thanks for finding my post and spending your time to read and feed back your comment, I appreciate. Creativity has always been my priority, the reason is to make my reader smile before scrolling off, I believe you've seen God wondrous work and his supreme power from the provided pictures? And the important of hard work, patient, consistency and contentment from the provided statue. One more time, thanks for stepping by and dropping a valuable reply, it's my pleasure to have your comment.🤗


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @radjasalman

Thank you @radjasalman for the support, I really appreciate...🤗

Excelente imagenes que comparte con nosotros de su creatividad con las fotografias es increíble ver como se puede ver que sostenemos el sol en nuestaa manos o nuestros dedos.

Hi @gabrielagg, thanks for stepping by and viewing my pictures and making me feel good by leaving a positive feedback after reading my post, actually i always try to make my viewers happy before scrolling off my post by giving them all the best I can give. I'm sorry I couldn't engage with your comment earlier. Hope you accept my apology?

Thanks for adding value to my post, I really appreciate.🤗

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Flowers brighten people's mind and make us feel good when we are sad. I am one of the lover of flowers. Flowers can be also used to make so many things,as what you said it brightens people mind and also dose the work of calming people mind. Also I enjoy taking photograph ,and I see that your photo are very beautiful. @kidi40 I enjoy reading your post, success in the challenge.

Hey @bessie2023, your wordly wishes really makes me happy, sorry I couldn't reply to your comment in time. I'm happy you look things to my same perspective, flowers has got the potential to makes us happy when we're sad amd it can be use for so many things just like you already said. Thanks for enjoying reading my post and I hope you've learnt something from the statue right. I really appreciate your kindness to my post.🤗

You're welcome @kidi40. It's okay.

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