DISCUSSION: Best way to handle Community Curators program requirements (starting 1st of May)steemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago
111.jpgIf you, dear reader, aren't in any way related to Project.hope then skip this publication.

However if you're part of our community, then pleaseinvest 10min of your time to read it carefully.

Share your feedback with me. I read all comments and I will absolutely appreciate it.




Many of you are already aware, that Project HOPE is trying to be FULLY NEUTRAL within recent conflict between Justin vs old witnesses. Our goal is to support group of content creators collaborating with us, regardless if their activity is mostly focused on steem or hive blockchain. Or both.

Several days ago, we've applied to become one of Steemit Inc. (STINC) Community Curators. Our efforts has been noticed and PH will receive some solid support, which will in return allow us to grow even futher.

Starting on 1st of May we will have an access (posting key) to account, which will be topped up with 200k STEEM POWER. This account will be used to support interesting posts published WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY.



There isn't that many strict rules and requirements which we will have to follow, however there is one and I would like to mention at this stage:

We are looking for curators to vote for as wide a range of accounts as possible, rewarding quality posts, particularly those that are not cross-posted on other platforms.

That's a tough one, right? In other words, STINC is asking to use those 200k SP to upvote only content which haven't been published elsewhere (we can clearly assume, that they mean HIVE chain).

I actually fully understand that and I think many of us could see it coming. We may all expect that both platforms will do their best to ensure, that its content is not cross-posted between them. Luckily STINC decided to "reward" authors for their "loyalty" instead of punishing with downvotes. I strongly believe, that encouragement always works better in comparisson to punishment.

Those who are interested in learning more, please visit this publication: 100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 21 - Community Curators for May 2020.
Have a look at an interesting discussion I had with a few users (regarding this topic).



Either way, I have few days to organize it and obviously I've so many concerns and question marks. Reality is, that verifying every publication before I could upvote it - just to ensure, that it have not been posted previously on other platforms - it can be very troublesome and time consuming.

I would like to hear your view and thoughts on this particular issue. Perhaps your ideas would help me to come up with a reasonable process.



I've discussed this topic with few of you already via Discord / telegram. And so far the suggested solution is as followed:

You (as an author) would have to be our "first filter". Obviously I need to assume, that we will all play fair and in my opinion - I have all reasons to believe that I can trust you.

So, let's say that you (as an author) would initially post your publication on STEEM blockchain only. In that case share link to your post on our discord server. You will find "STEEM-only" group.

Wait a few days to receive decent upvote and within this time - ensure not to re-post your article on any other platforms. Obviously if you will cross-post into facebook, linkedin, hive, twitter etc. few days later, then I will not be stopping you from doing it. After all each one of you would be the author and owner of created content and I'm in no position to stop you from cross-posting (with delay) it to other sites.

WHAT I NEED TO ENSURE, is that this content isn't cross-posted INTO steem blockchain. That is a "request" made by STINC (Steemit Inc) and I think it's very fair request. Rewarding content creators with extra upvotes instead of punishing them with downvotes is definetly a better way to encourage users activity.



All those articles shared on our DISCORD (within "steem-only" group) will be viewed by a representative from project.hope core team. He will do it on the 4-5th day since the publication took place and upvote it with this additional maximum 200k SP.
Why just 4-5th day you may ask? Let me explain ....

Strength of received upvote will depend on 2 things:

  • we will check if author is replying to received comments (I believe it is crutial to ensure, that all authors engage back with their audience and followers).
  • we will also check if author is engaging with others in comment section (we promote those, who participate in our community growth; We focus on those who not only create content, but also invest their own time into reading other users publications and sharing their thoughts, dropping some valuable comments)

How does it sound? Am I making sense?
Share you thoughts. I read all comments.

Project HOPE founder,


Our discord server: https://discord.gg/49yuuE
Our community: https://steemit.com/trending/hive-175254
Our website: https://www.projecthope.pl

 4 years ago 

Hi Piotr,

I think your proposition is quite good. I see only one problem in it. You will have 10 or more upvotes per day to give but I don't think that there will be so many steem only posts available within the community.
I don't know how many people read this post here but I think not everybody from the community will see it and many won't know about this if they are not in discord.

I think it would be good for the authors that plan to write a post for steem only, that they write a link at the end of the post. Something like This is a project-hope steem only post. Check out what this means. This link would lead to a post, that has to be written (I could do that) where it is explained what this "steem only" is.

Like that when reading a post, people would see it and go to the link and learn why they should produce posts for steem only. I believe that you need at least 10 posts a day to be able to use the maximum of the account.

Another point would be that on this explanatory post, there is an explanation why people should comment and upvote the steem only posts. You could maybe dedicate 1 vote per day in 20 5% upvotes for good comments on these posts. People could also learn that it is a good idea to upvote these posts since after 4-5 days they will get a powerful upvote and there would be interesting curation rewards.

Like that I believe that a lot of people would be interested in producing steem only posts for at thes least the duration of this curation program.

What do you think?

Best regards,

 4 years ago 

It is always a real pleasure for me to read your publications.
You are so intelligent!

Your proposals are always great and you have full knowledge of how Project Hope works.

Here you made us two great approaches:

  • Place a phrase and a link at the end of each publication.
    Brilliant! This would indicate to us as curators, which would be the publications that want to opt for the upvote. Perhaps the posted link could point to this same Piotr post.

  • Give encouragement to valuable comments. These stimuli could be given with any of our other accounts.

I would like to make the clarification that, since the curation process will begin on 05-01-2020, then the publications that were made 4-5 days ago, would be the first to be curated with the new delegation.

What do you think @achim03? (cc: @crypto.piotr.)

 4 years ago 

Thanks a lot for your reply and the compliment ;-).

I think it would be definitely easier for curators to place the upvotes if there was a link at the end of the post and it would probably encourage people to write such posts.

Give encouragement to valuable comments. These stimuli could be given with any of our other accounts.

I think that this is something that we should plan to do more in depth in the long term. There are a lot of communities that all speak about "let's comment and interact". It would be great to have a tool in project.hope that would support the commenters!

It could be an account that just upvotes comments but it should be powerful enough so that the loss because of the reward curve is not too big. There could be even a curation trail -> project.hope the community where you might get powerful upvotes for your comments! That doesn't sound too bad ;-)

 4 years ago 

Wow, man!
You have many valuable ideas.

It could be an account that just upvotes comments but it should be powerful enough so that the loss because of the reward curve is not too big.

There is a downside to voting comments.
I don't know the equation, but I'm sure you do.

This should be thoroughly studied to incorporate it into the project economy.

 4 years ago 

Hi @juanmolina

Your proposals are always great and you have full knowledge of how Project Hope works.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but I even got to know achim03 personally during my trip to switzerland. And we've discussed idea behind project.hope many times since then :)

Cheers, Piotr

 4 years ago 

Yes, you told me that you had personally met achim03. I imagine he must be a great person too.


You could maybe dedicate 1 vote per day in 20 5% upvotes for good comments on these posts.

Nice shot there @Achim03. We must encourage engagement in every good way possible.

Thank you for your suggestions @achim03 :)

Comment upvoted

 4 years ago 

To my Project Hope's Brothers:

We are starting a new stage in our project, we must see it this way.
We must interpret this delegation by STINC, as a "First Recognition" for all our time and effort invested in growing our community. Therefore, depending on our performance, we may continue to opt for new growth opportunities.

As explained by Piotr, we have a simple request from Steemit.inc:
"That the curated publications not be published in another chain."

So let's just make this effort for a month. It would be as a gesture of loyalty to our beloved community.

I've always seen Project Hope as a sprawling little family. We support each other.
As is well known to all of us, we have always valued the contribution we make with the comments.

"A valuable comment can complement a publication and is the clear demonstration that we really read and cared about the efforts of our colleagues."

So the formula is clear:

  1. Posts made in Project Hope during the month of May should not be placed in another chain at least before the sixth day after they have been published in our front-end of steemit.

  2. We must continue to show support to our friends, project partners, with the exchange of valuable comments.

This is not an imposition on us. It is just a suggestion. It will be up to us to adopt it.

If you have any suggestion, that can make this process more efficient, please share it with us.

Your Friend, Juan.

 4 years ago 

We must continue to show support to our friends, project partners, with the exchange of valuable comments.

I think you are totally right about this. We shouldn't forget that this curation account is probably for a limited time only and in the long term we depend on all the people who make this community so great.

I think that we can propose an added value for everybody with this curation account. Authors can get bigger rewards, curators better curation rewards and investors bigger returns if we use this curation account carefully.

 4 years ago 

Dear @juanmolina

Appreciate your comment. Thank you for dropping by and sharing your opinion on this particular topic

Indeed we are starting new stage with PH and I'm glad to know that we're doing it together :)


I believe this is totally understandable from STINC initiative and @project.hope is right to stay neutral in this "fight" between HIVE and STEEM.

I also believe waiting 4-5 days to upvote with the STINC delegation is a good thing as it will encourage authors to engage with their followers and also curators could make sure the post hasn't been posted on "you know where".

Overall I stand by all these points and I believe this is a good idea.



 4 years ago 

Im glad to hear that you see my suggested solution as a reasonable one.

Thanks for your comment @vlemon
Appreciate it, Piotr

We never asked for this fight. It is not our fight. The PH community has been and remains neutral. Our priority is to build the community and we have been successful to date. Thanks of course to the hard work of people like @crypto.piotr

I believe that the proposition by SteemInc is fair and agree it is much better to positively reward than to punish. I am happy to give it a go for some of my posts. I do use different platforms and sometimes I post to other places like Publish0x, LinkedIn etc. Steem Inc need to remember that my content does still belong to me and I have a right to publish it elsewhere if I want. I am happy to abide by the rules that you have laid out for the period but can't promise that I would post a version of a submission elsewhere in the future at some point (after the 4-5 days).

 4 years ago 

Thank you for this fabulous comment @awah

Indeed. We never asked about this fight and we need to do our best to "survive" in those difficult times.

it is much better to positively reward than to punish.

That's exactly my impression. Currently STINC generally seem to be against using downvotes and flaggs. Very different approach.

I am happy to abide by the rules that you have laid out for the period but can't promise that I would post a version of a submission elsewhere in the future at some point (after the 4-5 days).

I'm afraid I don't understand that second part of this sentence :(

Have a great weekend ahead,

I'm afraid I don't understand that second part of this sentence :(

Sometimes I repost my content elsewhere after a few days delay (sometimes an edited version based on what I learnt from the first post). So I can't promise not to cross post my property forever, but after the 4-5 day period you suggrst would be acceptable.

Hi @awah
I think they only conflict with HIVE. If you submit your article on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. maybe they don't care much about it.


There isn't that many strict rules and requirements which we will have to follow, however there is one and I would like to mention at this stage:

We are looking for curators to vote for as wide a range of accounts as possible, rewarding quality posts, particularly those that are not cross-posted on other platforms.

That's a tough one, right? In other words, STINC is asking to use those 200k SP to upvote only content which haven't been published elsewhere (we can clearly assume, that they mean HIVE chain).

I actually fully understand that and I think many of us could see it coming. We may all expect that both platforms will do their best to ensure, that its content is not cross-posted between them. Luckily STINC decided to "reward" authors for their "loyalty" instead of punishing with downvotes. I strongly believe, that encouragement always works better in comparisson to punishment.

These requirements are very good.
I believe this. If they appreciate your efforts starting from ZERO, then the obligation of your community members is to obey and accept the statement.
For now Steemit Inc. has given you trust, use it well and appreciate their efforts (Steemit Inc.).
Thank you for discussing with us.

 4 years ago 

You should better review your use of quotes.

 4 years ago 

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your opinion on this particular topic @block.token

You brought some valid points there.

That's a tough one, right? In other words, STINC is asking to use those 200k SP to upvote only content which haven't been published elsewhere (we can clearly assume, that they mean HIVE chain).

That's correct. And again - at least instead of being punished with downvote for cross-posting within those two chains - authors will be encouraged with some reward. That's healthy way.

I strongly believe, that encouragement always works better in comparisson to punishment.

You nailed it! :)


Great news for Project Hope community. Congratulations for the success! 👍 💪

Luckily STINC decided to "reward" authors for their "loyalty" instead of punishing with downvotes.

Positive feedback is always more effective than punishment. Downvotes should be limited, in my opinion. ☂️

Wait a few days to receive decent upvote and within this time - ensure not to re-post your article on any other platforms… cross-post into facebook, linkedin, hive, twitter etc. few days later

Please, define the exact time frame to avoid discussions. 😕

this content isn't cross-posted INTO steem blockchain

Yo mean, into other communities, tribes, hives, dapps?

He will do it on the 4-5th day since the publication took place and upvote it

This has an unfortunate disadvantage. Some posts won’t appear on pages like “trending” or “hot”, or, only very late. So, the post, or the posts of the community may receive much less attention in the long run. 👓

 4 years ago 

Please, define the exact time frame to avoid discussions. 😕

The deadline is well defined in the publication: 4-5 days until you can receive the upvote.

Yo mean, into other communities, tribes, hives, dapps?

No. Specifically do not post outside of steemit.
You can cross-publish to other tribes or dapps as long as the original post is on our front-end.

This has an unfortunate disadvantage. Some posts won’t appear on pages like “trending” or “hot”, or, only very late.

I don't see what the downside might be. Our requirement is: publish on our front - end, wait 4-5 days before republishing the same article.

"4-5 days" means, until receiving the vote, then?

“Trending” or “hot” aren't important sections any more on Steem pages?

 4 years ago 

We want to encourage engagement between our members and subscribers.

The 4-5 day wait is simply to ask the content creator not to republish that article on another chain before that period.
Let's be frank: 200K SP will not put your post in "trending" much less "Hot".

My five cents:
1.) The 200.000 delegation is only a "light" delegation as far as I understand. If you only get the posting keys they will keep the curation reward.. while it is still nice to have the curation at all I really think this is something to keep in mind.
2.) And now we are at the exclusivity issue. Yes I can get steemincs point of view.. however they do not give a real delegation.. see point 2... so at the end I believe STINC gets the better deal... getting exclusivity and also the curation reward
3.) Not sure how your current delegators will react.. if you loose 100k of the delegations for the 200k STINC delegation this wont be a good thing...
4.) ATM steem BC is very unreliable.. I really do not understand why they are not able to get their act together... if they do not change something pretty fast all kind of dApps will leave the chain as this destroys them atm.. and subsequently users will leave steem, too...

 4 years ago 

Unprecedented actions are being developed in support of content creators. They will receive a 200k SP vote.

It doesn't matter what happens to the healing reward. Authors will be rewarded.

We as a community are proud to be able to reward our content creators. That will foster commitment to our community.
At the same time we will be supporting the growth initiatives that STINC is developing through @steemitblog.

Fine for me. I can understand why you want to accept the offer and obviously here is no one but me raising concerns.. so the project.hope community seems willing to go this way... however the consequence - very obviously - could be the following: project.hope could be seen as being no longer neutral but taking sides of steeminc and justin sun.. with all due consequences... everybody should be aware of that... its hard to argue to be neutral after having received the SP and having sworn exclusivity to steem... and this is the poison pill that you get with this SP "gift"... and I believe at the end this is more beneficial to steeminc than to project.hope... just my 5 cents... they should have given project.hope a direct delegation of at least 500k, guaranteed for at least one year.. this is what I would call a fair price for the exclusivity...

 4 years ago 

I have a hard time understanding your point of view.

Think about it:
We just didn't have 200K SP before this.
So why should we bother or look for cracks in the system?

Before we didn't have them and now we do. We simply must find the best way to fairly distribute this voting power.

Should we have gained a greater delegation? Maybe yes.

The truth is that we have 200K extra SP that we did not have before 05-01-2020.

STINC makes some requests, we must abide by them. So what is the problem?

Time of transitions tend to incur issues. I have faith in our community. Wish I could afford to be more involved. Glad to see a solid stance from the admins.

 4 years ago 

Trust me @solarwarrior

I'm sharing many of your concerns. Since latest hard fork I worry a lot about future of STEEM and future of HIVE. After all we've all invested our resources here. Some invested money, others invested time. It's very worrisome to be in my position.

however the consequence - very obviously - could be the following: project.hope could be seen as being no longer neutral but taking sides of steeminc and justin sun..

The truth is, that there is very little we can do to avoid it. Initially I reached out to blocktrades and few other witnesses and HIVE supporters (with large HP) asking for support to our project. Suggesting that I could encourage users to be more active on hive if we could receive some support. I received ZERO replies.

So I like it or I don't - there is very little I can do and I can only wish, that PH will be seeing as a neutral project. Because PH is more than just me. It's currently over 60 authors and several of them are actually 100% commited to HIVE. Some are focusing on Steemit and most are not even interested with this politics and war between those chains happening.

I cannot really imagine situation, where anyone out there would start downvoting content posted by all those people only because they are part of PH. That would bring so much bad publicity, and it would push all those users AWAY from hive.

So let's just hope, that our wish to be neutral will be respected. After all my goal is to support authors from our team. Regardless if they are more active here or there. Everyone is making his/hers own decision. I cannot think of more neutral "stance".

All the best, thx for your 5 cents.


 4 years ago (edited)

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your opinion on this particular topic @solarwarrior

You brought some valid points there.


however they do not give a real delegation.. see point 2... so at the end I believe STINC gets the better deal... getting exclusivity and also the curation reward

I fully agree, that STINC gets a good deal here. In theory I'm doing all this curation for free. Investing my own time and earning pretty much nothing.

However I like to see it from different perspective. There will more more rewards coming into our community. And building this community is all I care here. Plus I'm hoping to increase that support to 500k SP one day.


Not sure how your current delegators will react.. if you loose 100k of the delegations for the 200k STINC delegation this wont be a good thing...

I'm not sure how delegators would react. So far you're the only one who cancelled delegation. I don't expect others to cancel it. Hope I'm not wrong. After all currently delegators will be earning more, since upvote from PH will be followed by 200k SP upvote from STINC account. Making PH curation rewards even more profitable.


ATM steem BC is very unreliable.. I really do not understand why they are not able to get their act together... if they do not change something pretty fast all kind of dApps will leave the chain as this destroys them atm.. and subsequently users will leave steem, too...

I can only hope that it won't happen. Truth is, that small users (like most of PH members) can only do their best to adapt. And move on.


If you only get the posting keys they will keep the curation reward..

I don't think it's a problem. It also helps the Community PH and @ph-fund 20%.

I think that the idea of @project.hope to apply to be a Steem curator is a good idea. At the same time; STINC accepting the application and selecting this community is a clear indication that @project.hope's efforts to help encourage creative content writing and support people is recognised.

I totally agree with @achim03 suggestion. It compliment perfectly the proposal by @crypto.piotr. I think like he said, an explainer link should be put at the end of the contents that direct people to this post. Nice contribution. Thanks.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for remark.

Hello @crypto.piotr
I think the proposal is fair, it is logical to think that if STMINC will give a support it will want to benefit with it who will benefit the steem community. This seems to me coherent, and it is also better to promote than to vote against.
In this case, it is good to believe that the same users should stick to these rules from tomorrow, not to make cross-publications, because it would bring on one hand that you would not receive a vote in favor of those 200k and also you have to understand that you are not complying with that basic rule.
And I also think it is very good that the weight of the vote depends on the interaction with those who comment on our publications and also visit other publications. That's very good, it's about writing quality content, of course, and receiving an economic benefit for it, but it's very important to comment on other people's posts. A post without comments makes no sense, in my opinion. Luckily, that thing about publications without comments doesn't happen in PH...

 4 years ago 

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts with me @josevas217

post without comments makes no sense, in my opinion.
I agree. Surely post without engagement doens't make much sense. Especially for those who write because they care about audience.

Appreciate it.
Yours, Piotr

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr, first of all I want to congratulate all of us who make up the community, we got here thanks to everyone's effort.

Regarding the issue of curatorship and the condition imposed by Steemit INC, it is fair, since after what happened between both platforms Steem and Hive, they do not want any crossing of publications, so I understand this perfectly.

On the other hand and my opinion on how we could make this work for everyone:

Firstly it would be to publish on the Steem Blockchain and within the established time of publication or 4-6 days, after this time, my question is, could we publish on HIVE or any other platform and receive rewards for it with the same commitment as We do it here in Steem, that is, we could also choose a vote in HIVE after 5 or 6 days of publishing the post on the Steem Blockchain?

I think this would be ideal for those who also want to share content on HIVE, in this case I include myself, but of course I am also interested in sharing content on Steem, so this is the best way I see.

Congratulations again and count on me for what I can support.

 4 years ago (edited)

Amazing feedback @lenonmc21

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your opinion on this particular topic

Firstly it would be to publish on the Steem Blockchain and within the established time of publication or 4-6 days, after this time, my question is, could we publish on HIVE or any other platform and receive rewards for it with the same commitment as We do it here in Steem, that is, we could also choose a vote in HIVE after 5 or 6 days of publishing the post on the Steem Blockchain?

Indeed. After those few days you could cross-post your publication to other platforms. As long as Steemit comes first - you can count on up to 200k SP additional upvote.

Have a great weekend ahead :)
Yours, Piotr

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