Who is still on steem?

in OCD4 years ago

I would be interested in hearing from those that have chosen to stay on steem and not move to Hive. I spent a long time on steem and made many friends and have many followers. If none or few of these are planning on staying on steem then I don't see much point in continuing. But if I still have a large active following here and friends here, then obviously there is a point in me staying.

Steem has changed and is not what it use to be. I came to steem in search of an alternative to central control. As a content creator, central control has bugged me for a long time. Just to give you one example. I produce and sell courses on Udemy. Udemy has a heavy discount policy, most often selling courses marked down to only $10. from that I make as little as $1.70. To make a living on Udemy I need to sell hundreds of courses. This is not my policy but a policy I must follow if I want Udemy to make sales for me. When I started on Udemy these deep discounts were not so often and there was course sold at higher prices. But when they made the changes, I had no choice but to accept their changes or removed my courses from their platform. I can give you many other examples too that have impacted me directly as a content creator, but in essence, that is why I favor a decentralized platform.

It is of my opinion that Justin Sun is not running steemit inc and holding his stake in a decentralized manner and steem is moving more towards a centralized platform. Which for many is ok and I have NO problems with people that chose to stay here. I am not interested in any sort of turf war, toxic talk or name-calling. I don't believe anyone is a traitor and each of us is free to make the decision on our platform of choice.

I'm going, to be honest, I don't think my ideology and dream of a decentralized platform can now be found on steem and this is purely down to Justin voting in witnesses with his stake. I understand why he did it, but for me, he ruined the reasons I started here.

I was asked if I was moving to Hive and the answer is Yes. But I am undecided if I am going to fully migrate everything and just ditch steem. If I have enough friends and followers here on steem, then I want to stay in touch with you all and I will continue to post and be active.

I know some people are actually a little scared to stay because they feel like they will be, let's just say, letting the side down. They have seen how some are reacting so negatively towards those that have left and those that have stayed. there are toxic people on both sides. My advice is, ignore these, they are only a distraction. So what if they have power. Do what makes you feel comfortable, not what is expected from you by others.

So I want to know, which of my friends and the following will be staying on steem exclusively. Please do leave a comment below and let me know as it will help me decide if I should continue to be active here or not.

I look forward to your comments


I'm using both at the moment... but not double posting like the majority of other people are doing. So, you'll get different posts from me if you're on Steem or Hive. Ahahaahh! 😃

awesome - so you are not double posting. I had been, but I do not think i will be doing so for much longer.

I think it is way to soon to make such rash judgements about where Justin is going with it. In my opinion most of the negative actions Justin took were a reaction, to having his stake tampered with, a full on smear campaign and a lot of negativity in general.

Both groups continued to escalate and very little conflict resolution was involved.

He has stated he will turn governance back over to the community.

I am concerned of the lack of real curation, lack of developers and of course some of the rumors being presented as truth that have taken place.

We are literally 1 month and 4 days into this poorly handled mess. I guess neither team is one I would want to entrust with a large investment if we can go from zero to nuke in that period of time.

I started on Steem though, so I will give it my power down period to calm down. Maybe things will change, but at this time, it would be hard for me to want to start again on a new project.

I agree 100%, the actions Justin took initially were a reaction, but he also said oh I'm going to do this that and the other, and went and did the opposite and that's after the initial reaction. Both sides have played some sort of card in this which I have not agreed with.

"I am concerned of the lack of real curation, lack of developers and of course some of the rumors being presented as truth that have taken place"
^^ something I didn't even think of, to be honest, I was only thinking of the people side and the community. But great points and for sure worth taking into consideration.

I hope this split does not mean we lose you, you were a very active part of the community and I hope at least one of the platforms will be able to hold on to you :-)

Thanks for your input

I am really unimpressed with both teams at this point, but I am willing to watch it calm down.

There is plenty of wild west activity in crypto in all projects.

We shall see who gets their shit together and makes a plan... If anyone.

its all kinda b puts a dampener on my dreams of steem becoming the backbone of web3. You are right, there is plenty of wild west activity in crypto in general, lol i just didn't think I would get caught up in it...looks like I'm a lot more foolish than I thought.

I guess time will tell - let's hope it all works out for the best some how

All the witnesses he saw as threats are gone, yet all the sock puppets remain in control of the witness list for the most part, maybe a few aren't, like the top 3? Then more accounts have been created in the past week or so and voted into the high ranks by Sun.

They have actively been asking for community witnesses to step up and when they do, they have been supporting them.

Many of the former community witnesses are still actively spamming and milking both platforms and a few are offering real tools and keeping them functional.

Character. intelligence and critical thinking show up in times of conflict. Who just believes the story and who takes a step back and looks at it from both sides.

In fact if you were paying attention many of the sock-puppets have been replaced with the few left here who are trying to hold something together, again... It's been a week since the fork.

The way you think, dear, is amazing. I wonder why people cannot step back and just think things over from the beginning.

With the success of the smear campaign against steemit, I now question how much of history that we have accepted as humans are actually the whole truth.

True, the actions of the witnesses attempting to soft-fork the Steemit stake during the transition may have been rash and short-sighted, but then again, all Sun did was prove their concerns valid in his response. His ability to seize control in collusion with a couple exchanges abusing their clients' investments was atrocious evidence that they may have been right.

That's one way to view for sure.

I've found this to be a perfect platform for my poetry and photography, at least for the next few weeks.

Then I'm all in on Hive.

Haejin is back posting again, so there's at least one of your 'friends'.

lol Haejin was never one of my Friends

Full #rewardpoolrape is in effect from the old abusers now, I suppose. SFR left. I don't know what Steemcleaners and Cheetah are up to nowadays.

I’ll be on both, I think that the control makes a difference but it’s not the be all and end all! I hope both platforms find their stride as much as I don’t like what Justin is doing I want crypto to grow and if he can do it so be it, it’s all about the bigger picture for me!

the control makes a difference to the ideology I had, but my ideology does not suit all. More control might be a great thing for steem (but it also might not be)

I also want to see it grow, but not by means of deception and usurpation. Those means do not lead to good ends.

I am moving my posting over to Hive, I still visit and comment some on steem, and I do vote on those that have chosen to keep a presence on steem block chain. I am powering down some of my steem, but am also leaving some, not a full power down. Things change, and peoples attitudes do change, even those rich spoiled boys and girls sometimes grow up. One day someone else may come along and buy steem out, and return it to decentralized status, he may change his mind and just get bored with everyday drama and let it go. One never knows what life will bring.

SO I will be back and forth, supporting via votes mostly on steem, but an occasional comment also.

Powering down but leaving some, that's interesting. I wonder how many others will be doing the same. I started a power down the night Justin voted in his witnesses but if there is any hope for steem, i might take the same approach as you on the power down.

In a year or two I may be back, maybe earlier, but I will still be here to make votes, and for that I need a slider, (to many people to vote on at times). I may even want to post every now and then, and it is possible things will improve in six months. I just did not want to make a full blown knee jerk reaction.

I am one of your followers, have never interacted with you. I am staying on Steemit, at least here I expect to see some change, Hive is practically what Steemit was a few months back and Steemit was heading straight to disaster. What I really dont understand is this idea of decentralization, all witnesses on Steemit, at least the top 20 were there because of @freedom, who was one of the original ninja miners, thus I think he was a part of @ned, if you noticed these top 20 witnesses always did what Steemit told them to do. The same thing that will happen now with Justin Sun, so where is the difference? Also this will happen too on Hive, a few will have all the power.
Sun might make this site grow or perhaps he will destroy it, but at least things will be changing and change is always good it is what moves the Universe. I do hope both platforms prosper.

thank you so much for the comment.

Agreed @freedom kept the witnesses in their top places, but I do not agree that witnesses aways did what steemit inc wanted. there was a fork set up by inc that was rejected and there was also many discussion about forking out steemit inc before all of this anyway and these discussions were because witnesses and others were not in favor of actions taken by steemit inc.

I also hope both platforms prosper, but I will be honest, I don't have much time for both. One will end up with more attention from me than the other.

as for sun, well he runs a torrent site, my courses have been copied and streamed on these sites hitting my revenue. so obviously I am not in favor of this sort of stuff and I personally don't like his business ethics. But leaving him out of it, it would be nice to see both platforms suceed

still here.... again

me too, it looks like many people are staying

I'm struggling with the same thing. I never actually thought of making a post with the question, though. It might be a good idea to do it.
I'm probably going to cross post from Hive to Steem, at least until my power down is finished. Afterwards, it will depend on my followers

having followers and friends are a big part of my decision - i don't just want to follow the 'in-crowd' , although i am drawn to the decentralized nature of hive over what seems to be lack of decentralization on steem since the arrival of Justin

I will be on Hive... most of the people who make content that interest ne has moved. Some still post here a bit while powering down.

yea most people that make content that interests me has also moved, but that does not mean the people that read my content have

True, but I can only speak for myself, and I read your content.

lol at least someone reads it, thank you for your support

I'll be posting to both via my website as I'm a music producer and more platforms = more potential fans but will see which is more beneficial for me over the next few months (in terms of engagement, rewards etc).

I am powering down as I want to have some of my earnings out and get back at least a little bit of what I put in money wise.

As @whatsup said, neither side is covered in glory but the politics are things I try to stay out of (sometimes that is difficult lol).

See you wherever!

lololol yeps see you whereever

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