Faith in magic internet money

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

I haven't spoken much about my wife, Faith, here on steem; She maintains a no-social-media policy which I think is cool. She's a private person really, one who doesn't like drawing attention to herself, so she gets somewhat annoyed when I use a picture of her here. Still, I live life on the edge sometimes, and am so proud of her that I continue to do it...Shh, don't tell her.

She's also disinterested in crypto currency.

I talk about steem prices being up, bitcoin heading down and it doesn't mean anything to her. Magic internet money doesn't seem real to her. She's right of course...To some extent. I think it's something that many people feel...People tend to fear or scorn what they don't understand. It's human natures and somewhat understandable.

I don't have mountains of crypto; A tiny bit is probably the best way to describe my holdings.

I build it through content-creation on steem and occasionally, when finances permit, I buy a little (a very little) here and there along with the metals I stack. I have hope that these small amounts will reward me us in the future.

My wife won't see it as real money until it pays off our house mortgage or allows us to leave work and travel the world using it. She needs to see it transform into something tangible.

Don't make the mistake of thinking she's unimaginative though, she's not. She's just pragmatic. She has run our business for 28 years and has to deal with absolutes. Real life isn't a Harry Potter movie and until crypto starts to show something real in return it doesn't get her very excited. Still, she allows me to babble on about it, and she loves me enthusiasm.

I made a few trades on Bittrex recently and whilst the numbers are laughingly small they were positive. I may look back and grin knowingly about them as I spend the funds at some stage.

Faith and I were talking about it and for the first time I saw a spark in her eyes. Not at the figures or my positive trades per se, but about the fact that this whole thing could make a difference in life. She's still well and truely grounded about it, but by the conversation I could tell she's a little more open to the scenario of magic internet money turning into something real for us.

She often asks me, "when will you sell some?" I get it, that's the pragmatist in her saying, it's not real until its real. I guess I can't answer that though, other than to say I'll sell some when I can turn it into a real benefit in the real world. I don't want to be bitcoin-pizza-guy afterall.

I am not going to lie; I'm here for crypto currency, but that's only part of the story. I have no other social media outlet so love the writing and engagement and content-creating on steem has benefits from that angle, over and above the steem I earn. If it all turns to a pile of steaming poo the fun or enjoyment factor will at least have had some benefit.

The day I switched my focus on steem to finding greater reward from the writing, engaging, learning, teaching and simple pleasure of interacting with people like you was the day the pressure valve released and it became much more enjoyable. I'm lucky to have made that paradigm-shift early on. Sure, the crypto-aspect is there, but it's less important at the moment.

How about you? Do you find benefit here over and above the crypto/financial reward? Feel free to comment.

I hope to repay Faith for all of those hours I'm off on my computer writing posts for steem; I hope crypto currency does that for me. Will I be disappointed if it doesn't work out favourably? Sure I will, but I will have the non-crypto-reward I find here to fall back on and that's not at all bad.

Here's the thing...I rarely say I told you so. However I'm making this promise right now...I will say it to Faith, if and when, we are overseas in a beautiful location, enjoying a beverage and nice food whilst looking at an amazing view...Paid for by crypto earned on steem! I think she'd be ok with it under those circumstances and my faith in magic internet money will be vindicated.

Thanks for reading.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

Images taken whilst we were on a bike riding tour around the Palace of Versailles outside of Paris. Yep, that's what she wore to go bike riding...Nutbag huh? Lol.


Beautiful lady.
It's pretty common in a couple, for one person to try and anchor the other when they're getting a little too enthused. A counter-weight so things don't get too crazy.

Yep, she keeps me pretty grounded...Tells me off when I'm an idiot too...But is loyal as hell and has my back. I'm hoping crypto repays all her patience she has shown with me blogging here. :)

I don'y want to be bitcoin-pizza-guy afterall.

well you do have to figure that he is the one that gave BTC value and started this whole thing of. That is kind of a big deal

And what your wife is concerned. I have the same at home. she lets me putter around in my crypto stuff and hopes it will bring something. She even went as far as to buy 500chf of Steem at 0.15 on @yogacoach but does not really post. She did like the value today though (I only show her when its up)

The value is up today? Well, that's good news for sure, although I'm not selling so doesn't make much difference to me just yet.

I don't know much about that guy who bought a pizza with BTC, only that it happened and that he burned a whole lot of BTC. No pizza for me tonight, but having take out Indian food...Paying with fiat though. 🙂

What's in a name, eh?! Your beautiful Faith with her faith in you and your faith in the possibilities of crypto aligns with our story (me and my Steem man). Sadly he had to give up Steemit for all the stresses of the community hostility the content side of it brought with it. I keep clean of all financial pipe-dreams (oops, sorry, did I just betray an utter lack of faith in crypto currency myself?); so in comparison to us, I take my hat off to you as a one-man band of content writer and investor. Pass on my thumbs up to your elegant wife for her unconditional support and I shall be visualising her on the Champs Elysée or walking through the lavender fields in support of her.

You won her favour with that lavender image...She loved purple. I'm lucky to have such a loyal and supportive person in my life. After 33 years together we are as strong and close as we were ever before. She is my one great success, and she calls me hers...So, it works nicely I think.

Have a great weekend.


(Sorry to hear hostility from elements of the community forced your guy away. Makes me angry.)

@sukhasanasister you have received 25 ENGAGE from @galenkp!
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I think, your promise is not far away from being true, once the bull run happens. I have pretty much of my steems from my investment, but I never tell anyone in family :) Its just something I am gambling with. Works good, else ok.

It's a good ethos to have...The it will work or it won't thing. I hope it works though, for all of our sakes. :)


@sanjeevm you have received 20 ENGAGE from @galenkp!
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Good day @galenkp, that was such a cute article, really liked it. Your Faith is beautiful, you are a very lucky man.😊
I totally agree with you about the social experience being the payoff, I steem on 'cos I enjoy reading about people from around the world.
It's fun. But if steem pays off with that magic internet money, let the sweed and I know which island and when, we'll be there.

You and the Sewed will be welcome to the crypto-fest for sure! I hope it goes great and we're all there. So many I'd like to meet face to face.

Yes, she's a good girl...She says, almost every day, how lucky she feels to be with me...Not because of my looks because let's face it, I'm not the best in that department, but because of the life we have built around us and who we are as people together.

I don't know why she hangs around with me as I'm sure I'm a frustrating dude, but she does, is fiercely loyal, will stand shoulder to shoulder with me through anything and has eyes only for me. Nice huh?


In my book loyalty is king.

Thanks for the engage tokens my friend. thebigsweed and I are still new at the steem-engine gig.
I understand that many of the tokens can be given to others, it's just a matter of us learning how to operate the system. I have been trying to stake some beer tokens for the last several weeks with no success. We have learned so much and this is something we WILL LEARN, it just may take a little time.
Have a great weekend you guys!

I think with ENGAGE one needs to have 1000+ of it to be able to hand it out.

@abh12345 should be able to answer any questions you have though.

This is correct.

In light of current news, I wouldn't recommend buying ENGAGE.

@farm-mom you have received 20 ENGAGE from @galenkp!
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Do you find benefit here over and above the crypto/financial reward?

Meeting new people who are prepared to communicate, discuss variety of topics, where else have you found this online.

Benefit in learning something new in crypto technology, certain areas on how blockchain development is being implemented into real world, yes most definitely those prepared to read, you learn all the time, not only financial gain.

Yes, I agree that there's more than financial gain here. Thanks for responding with a comment, I really appreciate it.


Thanks for your response, we all took a step of faith moving onto blockchain, trust in each other, many thanks for token appreciated.

@joanstewart you have received 25 ENGAGE from @galenkp!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

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Faith and I were talking about it and for the first time I saw a spark in her eyes.

That's a sign of the bull market. I keep on seeing these almost every day. She will be rewarded for sure, this year or the next one, and good for her for not falling into social media.

I had a facebook account for eight years and it's a total crap. Twitter is way different though.

I avoid trading anymore as I always loose all my profits at some trade or another, but good luck to you!

Yes, for her social media hold absolutely zero interest. Literally none! I like it that way as when we are together I don't have to worry about her checking her phone every three seconds. We have a good life together, and I credit some of that to the lack of social media.

Trading for me is a game...Like Monopoly I guess. If I lose then it's ok, I never risk more than I am prepared to lose. I don't actually trade much to be honest, and have my eye on only a couple of things that I buy up once I've sold something else.

Thanks for your luck, much appreciated. I work hard to create my own though, which works, or not, depending how the cards fall.

First have a !BEER so that we can dicuss the post :)
I guess your wife has a lot in comment with mine. She isn't interested in social media neither. But she does have an Instagram account. No idea how active that she is there. She mostly uses my facebook account to follow up on people.
She also isn't interested in crypto at all. She does know that I did invest some money into and that at the moment I do have a red ROI.
She knows that I am activily involved on steem. But she never reads a post of mine, nor is she interested in the value of Steem. So, I do shut up about it untill I can sell some cryptos which will make our lives a little bit easier or so that we can afford something extra.

I don't think that there any right or wrong in both sides of the story. I guess we are more like small entreprenuers trying to build our own small brand. Trying to make some extra cash in the crypto space. With investing, placing games, writing non saying posts (in my case, not yours) and playing some games.


My wife simply hates social media...She wont even talk about it. Just rolls her eyes and shuts off...Suits me fine as I don't care for it at all either.

I believe crypto will do something for Faith and I, will pay some sort of dividend although we have multiple investments and never rely on just the one to come good. To be honest, crypto for me is more of a game I guess, see how much I can accrue. If it is worth something at some stage then that'll be cool.

Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of BEER from @fullcoverbetting for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

I hope we will all get to enjoy some benefits from the crypto attached to what we do here on steem😀 Great to see steem value going up lately.

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Yes, let's hope for all of us it goes all the way huh? Happy days when that happens.

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