Task for Achievement 1

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago (edited)


Hello @steemit @steemitblog @newcomers - this is my task for achievement 1- verification through introduction...if I'm doing it correctly?

...Let me know if I've done something wrong?

Here's some more things about myself that was not included in my first post:

- I'm 43 years old and I currently teach English online. My wife is a nurse.
- I have little to no experience with crypto.
- I like and am interested in art, photography, design, history, archaeology, travelling, yoga, martial arts, swimming and learning and doing new things and gaining new skills etc.
- I discovered Steemit from the user @toshi88 as I subscribe to his channel on YouTube.
- What I hope to accomplish and intend to do and the posts I will create are explained below.
- I'm interested in posts by other users that talk and know about cryptocurrency, technology, science, travel, how to be an entrepreneur and to set up your own business, cosmology, astronomy and new discoveries and theories about the universe, art, photography, 360 degree photography and videography, other expats similar to me who have left their country of birth or origin because of love or other similar reasons, fellow British people from anywhere in the UK - especially from Cornwall.

I hope I am welcomed to this online community. I decided to join Steemit because I would like to share my experiences, adventures, life, videos and photos (including 360 degree and tiny planet photos and videos that I like to take and create).

I do this on other social media sites as I enjoy educating, entertaining and informing my followers, fans, friends and family about the things we get up to, the food we eat, the places we visit and the things that we/I learn everyday.

But, to be honest, I’ve got a bit fed up using these sites recently as I realise that big companies/businesses own them and I feel the original owners and content creators should receive at least some sort of small recognition and reward for their efforts when they upload things online.

So here’s some things about myself..

My name is David and I was born in the county of Cornwall, in the South West of England. I am now living in Sorocaba, Brazil. I moved to this country over 2 years ago to live with the person I love and we got married in 2018.

I decided to take this route, to leave my country behind and all that is familiar to me because it was an easier, fairer and faster process to come to Brazil, than it is for my wife to find a way to move to the UK and live there. This is because of the somewhat unnecessarily strict/difficult rules for British citizens who want to obtain a visa to be able to bring their foreign partners or loved ones who are from outside the European Union so they can live together in the UK.

I met my wife many years ago online, in 2007, where we met each other randomly on a social or chat website. My aim on this website was to learn more about different countries and cultures, while my wife wanted to improve her English at that time. We got to know each other over a period of time (years) and discovered we had so much in common, including some coincidences and similarities in our lives.

Surprisingly, we didn’t meet each other until 2014, when my wife decided to fly to England on her holiday. We had a great time exploring the UK together and she tasted and experienced the British culture, food and visited many places - it was a great adventure! But of course she had to leave and return back to her job and country. We didn’t know when we would see each other again. _It was so heartbreaking !


So I decided to save my money and before the end of that same year, I had enough money to fly to Brazil so we could spent time together and it was my first experience of Brazil and the culture. It was great fun. Of course, I had to leave when my holiday came to an end and I had to fly back to the UK to return back to my so called ‘normal’ life. But by that time, we realised we had something more than just friendship.

After discovering the difficulties and details of trying to find a way to be or live together, something that would last significantly longer than just a holiday period, over the course of 4 years, we seen each other 10 times. Everytime we said goodbye at the airport, through the tears and farewells, we didn’t know when we would see each other again.

So eventually we decided we had to find a way to be together and in January 2018, I made plans and the decision to leave my country and move to Brazil, with the intention of getting married and living in the country.

…And that’s how I found myself here!

I hope you follow my blog, read my posts, view and watch my photos and videos and follow me to join me/us on my/our adventures :)

Thanks to @cryptokannon for explaining me the the rules and the achievement process you can go through to be verified as a Newcomer.

As you know, I'm a beginner, so I'm just learning the process and rules. I just want to share my content and to communicate with people on this site or platform - Steemit.




Hi @daverobe welcome to steemit world my friend! Thank you so much for introducing yourself here within Newcomer's community! We are glad to have you here! Have a good time here!

Hi, @daverobe. You are most welcome to the steemit platform and online community. Glad to have you joining us here. This is the best place for you to connect and learn from various bloggers all over the world.

Thanks so much for introducing yourself.

Always follow @ steemitblog for valuable updates on steemit.

You may now proceed to the next achievement task following the article here

Hi @yohan2on thanks for your help. I completed achievement task 3 a few days ago, but I'm not sure if I've done it correctly or have I completed it successfully? Here's my task for achievement 3, sorry for tagging you. I'm starting to understand how it works, I've joined some communities and started to interact:

A warm welcome to you @daverobe

As a newbie, here are some of the resources that may help you to grow on steem blockchain.

  1. https://steem.center - a resource to learn more about steem.
  2. https://steemworld.org - if you become active on steem, you are likely to use this resource daily.
  3. https://auto.steemdb.online - a very useful tool to auto vote your favorite steem user.
  4. https://stateofthedapps.com - you get an overall view of the dapps on steem blockchain. Check out the dapps to find out which one appeals to you.
  5. https://unsplash.com and https://pixabay.com - are good sources of malware-free free images that you can use in your blog.

Do also checkout the new website https://steemalive.com. It is a work-in-progress but will be worth bookmarking for future reference.

Finally, don't forget to check out the new Ask.Steem Community at https://steempeak.com/c/hive-153264/created. You may love it. It is both intellectually and financially rewarding.

Kind Regards.

Hi @daverobe sorry, I took some time to come back to you. I hope you have found your way around already. We are on discord too if you're on discord, you can reach to us faster via discord https://discord.gg/hSZgtn

Welcome to Steem Community and Congratulations on completing your task on Achievement 1: Introduction through Verification. Please get ready for the next task on Achievement 2 : Basic Security
See you soon! 😊

Follow @steemitblog for the latest update on Steem Community and other writing challenges and contest such as #theshoppinggame #thelucky10s and #thediarygame Season 2 that will start in August.

Checkout @steemingcurators daily showcase featuring all writing contests and other community challenges that ongoing on Steem Community.

Thanks @cryptokannon. I have already completed Achievement 2: Basic Security, my entry is here:
I hope everything is correct? 😊

yes you can move on to the task on Achievement 3

Thanks :)

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