Achievement 4 by @b-naj || Task : Applying Markdowns

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


A Piece on my Journey So Far

I am so glad to be a part of this glorious society filled with different calibers of men and women.

I joined steemit sometime in April, but i have been active on the steemit platform for approximately 8 weeks now. The journey so far hasn't been a walk on bed of roses throughout, but i am fortunate enough to have gained helpful assistance from mentors like @majerius, @thegreens and @benjamin09. I have made great friendships, as well as interacted with people who share visions very similar to mine.

It is foolish to use your teeth in place of a knife, to chop off a portion from a small piece of stake which you intend to reserve some for a later time in the future.

by BELIBI N. ANDRE JR. (@b-naj)

So far, i have taken essential pledges to help keep my investments in check, since i see the steem and SBD tokens as potential means of investment. I am a man of my word, and as such, intend to follow to the latter, all the pledges i have made, and still hope to make.
Ever since i began being actively involved on steemit, I have greatly gained vital knowledge in respect to the crypto world.

I have made it my main goal to spread the word, bring forth newbies, and mentor them until they can take up other newbies under their wings.

Here are links to the introductory posts of some newbies i successfully recruited this month.

@raver-96Link (expired without verification)
@teddyxLink (verified)
@shance-lightLink (verified)

I will make sure to continually add value to steemit goals as i try my utmost best to build up a reputable personality that reflects who i am in reality.

Thank you ones more steemit team and admins to all the lovely communities we got on this platform.

If you are a newbie, don't relent your efforts, consistency coupled with great and original contents, are the keys to a successful progress here!


Here are my achievement tasks so far
Achievement 1Link
Achievement 2Link
Achievement 3Link


Demonstration to various markdowns used in the creation of this article

The 1st picture here was simply uploaded, and reference source was added beneath the photo as shown below.
Input is [Source](actual link to the reference source)

A Piece on my Journey So Far

Typed in as ### Type header text here

For more clarification, inputs👇🏻
# T1
## T2
### T3
#### T4
##### T5
###### T6
Come out as👇🏻






I am so glad to be a part of this glorious society filled with different calibers of men and women.
For slanting/italic text as above, input is
*type text here*.

For making April bold, input is

And for making 8 weeks appear in a coded gesture, i added 1 back-tick (`) before the text (8 weeks), and another after the text

For mentioning a user/an account in this post, i simply added the @ syntax to the username as a prefix. @majerius @thegreens and @benjamin09.

It is foolish to use your teeth in place of a knife, to chop off a portion from a small piece of stake which you intend to reserve some for a later time in the future.

As seen above, i created a block quote with a well aligned sentence in terms of linear arrangement (text justification) compared to all the other texts in this post.
Block quotes
>type text here

Text Justification
<div class="text-justify">type text here</div>

So, to make my text appear as a block quote and justified text, i simply add the > syntax to the start of the text justification code. Input is
><div class="text-justify">type text here.</div>

by BELIBI N. ANDRE JR. (@b-naj)

Here, i centralised the text, and also made the name bold (which you now know how i did it.
To centralise a text, input is
<center>type text here</center>

Further explanation
To make it become a centralised header, input is
# <center>type headed here</center>
<h3><center>type text here</center></h3>

I have made it my main goal to spread the word, bring forth newbies, and mentor them until they can take up other newbies under their wings.

Above, i aligned my text to the left, and aligned the photo to the right.
The left text align input is
<div class="pull-left">type text here</div>
The right image placement input is
<div class="pull-right">paste the url of the image here after removing everything that came before "https:" as well as the ")" at the end of the url, after ".png"</div>

Here is an example of how the url link to your photo should look like,

and not

Valuable tip
Coding doesn't work during usage of <div>text</div>. So most atimes i use a line breaker after skipping a line, to end the trend from extending onto my next sentence.

@raver-96Link (expired without verification)
@teddyxLink (verified)
@shance-lightLink (verified)

The above table was created with the following inputs
--- | ---
@raver-96 | [Link](actual link to refered post) (expired without verification) @teddyx | [Link](actual link to refered post) (verified)
@shance-light | [Link](actual link to refered post) (verified)

A less complex demonstration as shown below


The headers are separated with a ruler syntax "|", and --- to separate the headers from the rest.
--- | --- | ---
1 | 2 | 3
a | b | c
i | ii | iii

To draw a line breaker like the pair above, input is ___ for each line breaker, and you move onto a new line to make another.

If you are a newbie, don't relent your efforts, consistency coupled with great and original contents, are the keys to a successful progress here!
To create a subscript text just like the one above, input <sub>type text here</sub>

Here's another demonstration of the use of subscript

To achieve the demo above, input is


The above text contains
Centralised text (which i explained earlier)
A strokethrough text
Red coloured text

A strokethrough text
It is done by putting ~~ syntax at the start and end of the text. Input is
~~type text here~~

For red coloured text, input is
<div class="phishy">type text here</div>

So, my text above in red was achieved with input
<div class="phishy">~~type text here~~</div>

Achievement 1Link
Achievement 2Link
Achievement 3Link

The texts above comprises of imbedded links in text (which you now know from earlier explanations), and the use of superscripts.
To achieve a superscript, input is
UP<sup>type text here</sup> to give
UPtype text here

To have a superscript as in my post, input is
Achievement 1<sup>[Link](actual reference link here)</sup>

There is a maximum of 7 hash tags one can use in upon creation of a post, but an 8th can be added.
To achieve this, the author should make sure to create his/her most preferred hash tag in the write up such that, it is the 1st hash tag in the entire write up, that wasn't mentioned in the hash tag box.
It works for as many space available, ie if just 5 hash tags were placed in the hash tag box, then the 1st 3 hash tags in the write up which weren't mentioned, would fill up those gaps.

Here is my 1st hash tag #club100 in this post, so it will fill up the 8th spot, since i am a member of this club. (Link)

Thank you @cryptokannon for the very helpful materials made available to us, to ease our understanding on how to create this Achievement post.



 3 years ago 

Hi, @b-naj,

Your post has been supported by @svm038 from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much

 3 years ago 

Congratulations @b-naj

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