in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Good day to you all esteemed steemians. I completed my Achievement 1 and Achievement 2 Tasks; and now, i present my Achievement 3 Task.

PhotoSource edited by @b-naj


What is Plagiarism?

As defined on WIKIPEDIA👇🏻

Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work

As defined by the University of Oxford👇🏻

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.

As such, #plagiarism is a punishable offense.

Types of PlagiarismReference

Here are the eight (8) most common plagiarism you should stay away from.
• Complete Plagiarism.
• Source-based Plagiarism.
• Direct Plagiarism.
• Self or Auto Plagiarism.
• Paraphrasing plagiarism.
• Inaccurate Authorship.
• Mosaic Plagiarism.
• Accidental Plagiarism.

a) Complete Plagiarism:

This is the most severe type of plagiarism since the impersonator takes the works of an author and passes it on as his/her work, hereby taking complete ownership.

b) Source-based Plagiarism:

This can be achieved when an author cites an incorrect reference/source link to a borrowed work, be it image, quotes or more.
It can also be achieved when an author states only the primary source of data, and leaves out the secondary data sources.

c) Direct/Verbatim Plagiarism:

This is when an author uses another author's text, word for word,without the use of an attribution or quotation marks, thus passing it off as theirs. It is similar to complete plagiarism, except for the fact that it deals mainly with patches from another author's work, and not the entire work.

d) Self or Auto Plagiarism:

This is attained when an author uses an important/significant patch from his/her previously published work, without any attribution.

e) Paraphrasing plagiarism:

This is the use of another author's work, by making minor changes and passing it off as your own. The wordings may differ, but the idea remains unchanged. According to Wiley, this is the most common type of plagiarism.

f) Inaccurate Authorship:

This can occur when someone contributes and is not acknowledged for his/her contribution; or when someone is been given credit for works without any contribution.
It can also be attained when an editor works on a manuscript and produces valuable changes, yet he is not acknowledged since he isn't of the list of already acknowledged authors at the primary time of publication.

g) Mosaic Plagiarism:

This is also called patchwork plagiarism.
It is the interlay of someone else's text or phrase within your own work. It is intentional, dishonest, and much more difficult to detect.

h) Accidental Plagiarism:

This is as a result of negligence, mistakes, or unintentional paraphrasing.

Data Fabrication and Falsification
are forms of plagiarism too.
•Data Fabrication refers to the use of made up data
•Data Falsification refers to the ommitting of change of data to bring a different output.

Example of Citation.

A citation is a reference to a source.

What Causes Plagiarism?

• Low self-esteem.
• Simply being lazy.
• The need to emerge the better one
• A honest mistake, or previously read works buried deep in the subconscious.

How To Avoid Plagiarism.

• Cite all primary and secondary sources.
• Be original
• Cross check your works and minimise the mistakes made.


"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"




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Greeter @saxopedia

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir

 3 years ago 


You have passed Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. Understanding the concept of Plagiarism is very important on the steemit platform.

Rating: 2

Please get ready for the next task on Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Link You expected to use some advance markdown tags using some of the given markdown templates.

Hint: Achievement 4 - 6

  • It is important to make sure your previous achievement is verified for you to be eligible for the next.
  • Make sure you used images belonging to you or are copyright-free images.
  • Make sure your content is 100% original, the act of plagiarism is not tolerated.
  • Make sure you label your screenshots with your username with visible highlights.

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