Weekly Curation Report, Team#2 - Week#4: 22-28/10/23

in Steem POD Teamlast year



Hello dear Steemians,


Today I would like to present you the Curation report for October week#4 from 22-28/10/23 of our Team#2. We are heading to the end of the month and this is a collective report of the work of our last 7 days of curation.

Team#2 is is represented by following Curators:


Team#2 is is represented by following Curators:



Unfortunately by the week and due to urgent life circumstances our team member @ubongudofot had to do Power Down, therefore, he decided to donate his Beneficiaries reward of our report post to charity projects as it is shown at the bottom of the post.

We would like to thank him for the whole work of our October month and wish him all the best, hope that it will get better in his life.


The Curation work


During curation we pay attention to following:

  • post should be done exclusively on Steemit and not posted on on other blockchain

  • we chose the users who despite of doing great posts still have not got a big upvotes

  • we chose the users who do stay active, continue following the rules of #clubs

  • it is important that you Power Up even 50% of your Payout, or set up your posts to automatically 100% Steem Power in Payout.

  • we check posts for AI generated texts or images

  • we check the posts for plagiarism


Curation Calendar for October23




Curation Data


Countries covered 25:




Communities Covered: 35




Tags covered: 55




Posts curated-club status:




Total number of curated Posts and Comments:


  • Curated Posts: 167
  • Curated Comments: 34




Top Publications



Author : @jpegg
Club : #club100
Post Link : glasses, witchery and... / #club100
Nominated by : @stef1
Date of Curation : 22/10/23

I wanted to present this post because it caught my attention with the beautiful objects, of course, I was wondering what they mean. I found that there is a PhotoChain challenge run by @davidesimoncini, that has couple of words and users should created the photos including the objects, these photos were done for the words: glasses and white. You can see how it is possible to make an interesting creation complex and simple and everything just depends on our fantasy




Bowl Ensalada iPhone Publicación de Facebook_20231022_190154_0000.png

Author : @adriancabrera
Club : #club5050
Post Link : S13-W1 “Delicias de Ensaladas: Ensalada Tricolor
Nominated by : @dove11
Date of Curation : 23/10/23

The author is giving us his simple but healthy salad recipe of fresh red cabbage combined with white cabbage and carrots, and how he has used his way of dressing to increase its taste. He has used mustard, mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice. He says one can add sugar, but he likes it salty, so he only adds salt. Finally, he adds a lettuce leaf as a base to make it more colorful as well as decorate it.





Author : @quiaratiby
Club : #club75
Post Link : Desafío semanal DEPORTIVO #SV-SPORT #71- Ejercicios Variados con mis bailarinas.
Nominated by : @dove11
Date of Curation : 24/10/23

The author in this post discusses the importance of exercising and demonstrates how to do it properly.
She says that to begin any exercise, one must remember to warm up first because if you don't, it may harm your muscles. The author says she walks for about 15 minutes or does stationery jogging. Further, she discusses how to do exercises that keep you fit.





Author : @tenguhatanga
Club : #club75
Post Link : Steemit Engagement Challenge / S13W2 - "Protect your Mental Health from Social media Dangers"
Nominated by : @fjjrg
Date of Curation : 25/10/23

I have postulated this post because the author points out the importance of controlling social networks, the inappropriate use of technology can cause problems for our health, both physical and mental, it is advisable to maintain a balance and perform other more productive activities.





Author: @fadlymatch
Club : #club100
Post Link : Steemit Engagement Challenge | S13W2 - "Protect your Mental Health from Social media Dangers"
Nominated by : @ubongudofot
Date of Curation : 26/10/23

Social media can be used for so many good things that can add more meaning to life, in the other way round of not used properly, it can cause a lot of damages. I appreciate how this writer highlights those good and bad effect of social media. This can be a great reminder to both the 21st century generation and even the older generation on the use of social media.





Author : @lupega
Club : #club100
Nominated by : @stef1
Date of Curation : 27/10/23

It is time to prepare for Halloween and I have never seen such funny pictures the dogs who are dressed as ghosts and also with the bucket for surprise delicious snacks, I wonder what they will received if people opening the door will see such group. Simply funny






Author: @manuelhooks
Club : #club75
Post Link : Pencil Drawing Contest | Rolling Pin and Pastry Board
Country: Nigeria
Nominated by : @ubongudofot
Date of Curation : 28/10/23

Creativity would always remain one of the strongest pillars to maintain a blog.
This user has shown his great expression of art by drawing this object and not just that but with some great steps of how he did that.
When real art work like this is appreciated in the blog, maybe we could have more of it in the future.




Thank you so much for opportunity to support the Steemians on behalf of the Steemit Community Curators

This post Beneficiaries was set up 25% members of team:

The rest of 25% instead of @ubongudofot is donated to charity accounts:

Best regards,



CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




 last year 

On the one hand, I think it's a fine move that @ubongudofot is donating his rewards to charity accounts because of the initiated PowerDown. On the other hand, I wonder why. He initiated the PD because he is in dire need of money right now, he is in need. It's great that he can probably help himself with the help of his coins, which makes real sense for the accumulated STEEM. Now he is "punishing" himself, so to speak: He needs money, but doesn't get what he deserves for his always careful and very responsible work.
We should really rethink this "club thing". The cat bites its own tail: those who really need the coins to improve their living situation don't get them. Those who can afford to keep everything get even more. The poor get poorer, the rich get richer. This is not the kind of social structure we wanted when we believed in "A Better World with Steem!"

 last year 

It is discussed so many time in the past and we all know that anyone can do Power Up or Power down how they want. The Steemit Inc is a private company and choosing the curators we all have seen and read the necessary requirements, that we accepted. It is like a job. I know some users who decided to do Power Down they stopped being a Curator for that time and then returned back after they stopped Power Down.

But we also all know that users still can post without any problem we in WOX support our users even if they are doing Power Down or did and return, so we have our own rules. It is a free place to decide for everyone what to do.

 last year 

It is discussed so many time [...]

Indeed. And far be it from me to start a discussion, I used the term "rethinking". Nothing is set in stone, rethinking and evaluation means movement. Who would be better suited to evaluate than Steem Representatives?!... ;-)
But that's not the point at all, maybe I shouldn't have used "club thing" conceptually. There are very understandable, delimiting rules for this and of course the one who uses the stake of the Steemit Team should stick to them. Whereas - this "30-40-50 rule" comes from one curator team and all others have adopted it. The Steemit Team itself allows more leeway in this regard, especially for "very good content" it doesn't even insist on club membership. Anyway, it shouldn't be about the clubs at all, but about Ub's really fine gesture, to which, in my opinion, misinterpreted thoughts have led him.

It is like a job.

Oh, I think it is a job! Not an easy one! Especially not when you do it very carefully and with all the necessary checks. I basically blocked out my entire day on curation day in my three months on a curation team. Really hard! That's why I always vote these reports - in my opinion, "you guys" can't be compensated enough for taking on this task.
We agree? It's a job! And a job has to be paid appropriately. So two things should not be confused: curating (in this case, the job) and rewarding. If you initiate a power down, you won't get any more votes from the sc teams. However, such a PD does not prevent you from doing your job very well (for which you should be able to accept the appropriate payment). Especially not if you're as dedicated to the Steem as Ub is, if you're having sleepless nights because of the necessary PD on top of your real problems.

Wahrscheinlich hat er jetzt verschissen bei seinem vorherigem Gönner so aller got boy jetzt bad boy
Versteh ich das richtig die Kohle die er braucht verteilt er und verliert sein Standing bei den Gönner
Das sollte man im ausreden wenn er die Kohle braucht soll er sie auch behalten !!! anscheinend war er ja bis jetzt Linientreu!?
Ohje , die arme Socke Gewissensbisse können aber auch Scheisse sein , gut das ich kein Gewissen besitze

 last year 

Alles okay, Atego. Geht zusammengefasst um "Regeln" und ihre Auslegung in unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Aber, ja, du hast es schon richtig verstanden. Wobei es natürlich Ub's freie Entscheidung war, seinen Anteil zu spenden...


Ok, die freie Wahl , Welt😫

 last year (edited)

Du kennst ihn doch gar nicht... ;-)
Fleißiges Kerlchen ohne tägliche Postings. Auch an kontroversen Diskussionen beteiligt.

Edit: Hat es was zu bedeuten, dass sbi wieder Kommentare votet?

Du kennst ihn doch gar nicht... ;-)
Fleißiges Kerlchen

Das er täglich Postet habe ich gesehen (Account überflogen 🚀 vor meinem ersten Kommentar ) und kam zum gleichen Ergebnis.
Kohle mitnehmen und nicht verteilen erinnerst Du dich vor eineiiger Zeit habe ich Dir ähnliches empfohlen, solltest Du die Tür schließen , wer die Arbeit hat soll auch die Lorbeeren ernten
Z.b Alle die in #DU Scrabble mitspielen werden gut entlohnt und unterhalten der Rest steht dem Organisator zu
Sbi ich weis nicht einmal was das ist geschweige warum er mich votet

 last year 

Sorry for late reply, to many things happening and also new team is starting. Lately I stopped to try to change much. There are rules set up and I try to do the best with it.

As to Curator job, I am doing that to be able to support many who do not take part in Diary games or in Challenges but still active.

 last year 

Lately I stopped to try to change much

Hihi, da sind wir uns sehr ähnlich. Ich bin auch sehr müde geworden.

to be able to support many who do not take part in Diary games or in Challenges but still active

Du weißt, dass ich dich dafür virtuell küsse, liebe Karly... ;-)

Schönes Wochenende!

 last year 

It's certainly an appreciable gesture but I feel the same way, for me it is not necessary.

A temporary powerdown for financial need is legitimate and anyone should do it in their time of need, without fearing that their work on Steemit up to that point will be devalued.

However, I congratulate our friend @ubongudofot for choosing to be charitable with his rewards.

Ini adalah salah satu pendapat yang sangat bagus, karena ini menyangkut dengan masa depan dan kemajuan steemit. Ini harus benar-benar dipikirkan.

Terimakasih atas pendapat yang sangat bagus ini.

Many thanks for the support ❤️

 last year 

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Mille Grazie, I am warmly touched to be included in this short list, and honoured. Thank you kindly team for the efforts you put in curating and evaluating our blogs. Very much appreciated!

 last year 

I am pleased that was able to support your wonderful entry, I love your blog and hope you continue your active engagement and your lovely posts

 last year 

Un informe sumamente minucioso y explícito, un gran trabajo realziado por el equipo en su actividad de curador.

Fueron muchas las publicaciones visitadas y apoyadas, siempre un gusto ver trabajos de gran calidad, creatividad y originalidad.

felicidades a los postulados.

Saludos. SLPS

 last year 

Thank you Francisco for your nice words. That was indeed a great mixture of different posts and users. Many new news and also nice to see that there are many comments we managed to visit.

What a beautiful salad (ensalada tricolor)! Going to the post...

 last year 

There are many good posts and hope to highlight different users too :)

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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 68857.19
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72