Weekly Curation Report by Team 4: X-Women- 1st Week July 2024

in Steem POD Team5 days ago

I had a lot of things on my mind to share in this week's report but now that I have sat down to write, my mind is blank. I think it's ok, it can happen when you are supposed to travel back home but suddenly your car breaks and you don't know how and when you will return home. I shouldn't be blabbing about my personal life in a curation report. Still, I wanted you to know that I'm sitting in a hotel lobby, one eye on the screen and one at the window, desperately waiting for a nod from the mechanic, so forgive me if you feel the report is a little rushed.

. . .
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A few hours later, back on the road...

A few more hours later...

Continuing the report from the comfort of my home...

Stats of the Week

I will come straight to the statistical details...

I am beginning to like the numbers because they are kind of an eye-opener and show us how we performed during the week - where we excelled and where we need to work more. Self-assessment is crucial.

This week, we curated a total of 155 posts, 36 comments and 132 unique authors.

Speaking of comments, sometimes there are multiple quality comments under one post. Lately, while voting on those comments, I have been leaving a single comment with the record of all the sc-votes instead of posting the template under each comment because too many template comments look spammy and kind of distract the readers from the actual discussion. As you can see below, this approach has been well-received by the author. If you are a sc-curator and also worried about unnecessary spamming, try something like this or feel free to share a better idea with us. (:


We curated in 25 different countries.


We curated in 34 unique communities and supported 6 personal blogs.


We curated 39 unique tags but our preference remained with the three tags ( #creativewriting, #travel, #art/craft) that we declared to specifically pay attention to in our guidelines, as shown by the stats.


72% of the total curated users lie in the club5050.


The following graph shows how many authors each curator supported on their curation day.

Top 7 Nominations of the Week

At the beginning of this month, we aimed to nominate posts that lie within our chosen tags but to avoid compromising quality, we looked in the wider circle where needed. Here are the top picks of the week...

Author : @chant
Club : 5050
Post Link: SEC - S18 W6 - "Capturing the Beauty of the Animal World"
Nominated by: @inspiracion
Curation window: Expired

Here we have a publication with interesting and valuable content about the animal world, within the framework of SEC-W6. @chant shares with us her visit to the Limbe Conservation Center, which in turn tries to raise awareness among its visitors about the conservation of wildlife species.
In this center, the importance of avoiding the consumption of meat from animals is explained to visitors, since in addition to harming these species, they can acquire various diseases. It is a publication that teaches us about the importance of conservation and respect for wildlife.- @inspircaion

Author : @tammanna
Club : 75
Post Link: "New DIY contest week28 begins// DIY//LETS SEE WHAT YOU CAN CREATE /
Nominated by: @mesola
Curation window: 4 days

The user was able to showcase her craft talent by transforming a simple material to a palazzo pyjama set, from the look of thing the dress is so unique, very comfortable for anyone to put on. Her step-by-step guide makes it easy for anyone to follow. I believe others will love to learn from her. - @mesola

Author : @solaymann
Club : 5050
Post Link: A travel moment: A delightful boat trip story.
Nominated by: @event-horizon
Curation window: 15 hours

This was an immersive read. The author wrote a detailed experience of his boat trip to Yamuna bridge sharing vivid details of his surroundings. Annoyed by the weather, he still managed to take good pictures and reflected on the environment. - @event-horizon

Author : @creacionesmkr
Club : 5050
Post Link: Tutorial: Cartera Tote bag, con cremallera y forro personalizado.
Nominated by: @inspiracion
Curation window: 3 days

@creacionesmkr, shares with us the creation of a personalized bag, which was tailored to the needs of the person who ordered it.
She describes the entire process, from the materials used, the measurements of the pieces, to the making of the bag.
It is a tutorial that can serve as a guide for those who make these garments and accessories, even to encourage them to make them. - @inspiracion

Author : @rumanaafroz
Club : 5050
Post Link: Contest Alert || Week-03 || Creativity in Art.
Nominated by: @mesola
Curation window: 4 days

I'm so moved to see a lady artist Been able to draw a beautiful peacock,
Her Peacock Art showcases her unique creativity and originality,
She really put on her time in coming up with such a beautiful art work. She give details of every step she took making it simple for other users to follow.- @mesola

Author : @aminasafdar
Club : 5050
Post Link: The World of Fantasy: W two Worlds
Nominated by: @event-horizon
Curation window: 5 days

Amina! an underrated but talented author who despite the lack of support, never ceases to amaze us with her unique content. I take this opportunity to nominate one of her many creative pieces. A fictional tale which somehow reminded me of The Jungle Book but with an alternate turn of events. Was it? 😀- @event-horizon

Author : @jesusjacr
Club : 100
Post Link: El viaje más largo parte 2...
Nominated by: @inspiracion
Curation window: 6 days

@jesusjacr, tells us about his experience of a trip to work that turned into a very long trip lasting many hours. Through its publication we can have an idea of ​​what the public transportation service can be like in the interior of our country, Venezuela. He has been able to reach his destination successfully and tells us his story.- @inspiracion

That's all for this week.

Happy posting.

Team X-Women


 4 days ago 

What a stressful situation: good that you finally arrived home.

I have a question: when you write that x users belong to #club5050 - do you mean that they use the tag or that you have checked and the information is correct? My recent experience is that in most cases it is not true...

I check the information myself.

Many people use incorrect club tags because they still don't know how to check their status correctly.

 4 days ago 

Thank you! That means you found a high percentage of real club5050 members. I will think about the problem you name too...

Me encantó el toque personal que le diste a este reporte. Eso nos sensibiliza, pues el curador es un usuario que vive contratiempos, pero que al mismo tiempo, trata de ser responsable y de cumplir con sus objetivos.

La selección de los post fue excelente. Y esta publicación muy valiosa, a pesar de que fue realizada con sobresaltos y contratiempos.

Podrías decir: ¡Prueba superada! jeje. Saludos.

That was the thought behind it. Curators are not robots, they are real people with real problems.

I'm glad you liked the selections. Hope you had a great round of curation too.

Esta ha sido mi semana de debut. Cuento con grandes maestras como @weisser-rabe y @ruthjoe. Leer tu reporte me hizo bien, pues, se evidencia el nivel de compromiso que todos tenemos con la plataforma. Un abrazo inmenso.

You three make a great team. I had faith in you the day you guys applied. (:

Gracias por tu comentario tan afable.

Muchas gracias por el apoyo, es una bendición, éxito a los demás seleccionados.

 4 days ago 

Thank you so much for choosing my content. It is an inspiration for me. Take love 💕

My pleasure. Keep creating quality content.

Hahahahaha, only if i have ever read a book portraying animals(Animal farm is an exception).

That's what we call a coincidence😉

Forever grateful for your support, it really is meaningful for me😊

Don't tell me, you don't know about Mowgly?

Ohhhhh yeahhhh, now i recall watching him for a few times with my sister.

They also had a chalak loomri and a righteous boy saving everyone.

Though i didn't have them while writing this but now i doubt my own story🤣

Wow, so you have to go through so many posts and filter them. It must be hard picking the right ones. Also the time to export charts and graphs for statistics, this is like a second job already.

I always asked myself what are those clubs, 75, 5050 etc, and how can you join one, or how can you be allowed to use one of the tags?

Thank you :)

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