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RE: Freewrite -- Day 1221

Heyye cliffagreen, thanks for the comment. As pertains to the stanza about coffee and sunsets I will have to defend myself 'gainst your spell-checking ways and say that there is absolutely no irony at play here, and those small intimate life moments (not to mention your personal handling of them) are the true things love is made of.

Just kidding, my friend, about the spell-checking thing.

As pertains to William Shakespeare (((aside: (in a whisper): wee willy wanking windbag von spear-shaking von shakespeare esq. sir, ya know the one with the giant ruffles))), I have the intention of reading every last one of his plays before I kick any buckets, and to my great misfortune I have only read about 7 so far.

Right now I'm reading Helena Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled on my Amazon Kindle app.

What have you been reading lately?


Dune by Frank Herbert. First time through. Before that I was rereading the Gap series by Stephen R. Donaldson. So I guess you can tell I'm into SciFi. Though Dune has a nice mix of science fiction and fantasy.

Very nice. I recently finished my first read-through of Steven Erikson's epic fantasy series The Malazan Book of the Fallen. Erikson himself said he was heavily inspired by Dune. I read one of Donaldson's novellas once and it was really good.

I highly recommend the Gap series. The story takes off and doesn't relent through all five books.

Thanks for the recommendation. It sounds like something I'd like.

Hey I just published a work of "barbaric fantasy fiction" over on the Stars community. It is an installment piece that is concluded in the link below. Links to all the other parts of the story are neatly included therein.

Please check it out if you have time.

Okay. I'm starting a new job today so I'll look at it tonight.

Okay. I'm starting
A new job today so I'll
Look at it tonight.

                 - cliffagreen

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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