from my "Decalcomania Cycle - Bogomil's Universe"

find it on my website, with links to prints
28 x 22 inches (71 x 56 cm) - acrylic on wood - 1990

Of course there is a background story to this - it is my Inner Alternate Universe, and I explained it when I first held an exhibition decades ago with the title Bogomil's Universe ◄ click this link to read about it on my website.

Here are some details





Bogomil's Universe later on experienced a sort of expansion, with a new series taking shape, called "Fomorii" - and later on, a discussion ensued on Facebook among my artist group, where the word "infernal" was mentioned, and I jokingly said that the opposite of infernal would then be "fernal" (as in: insane - sane). From this debate came the concept and several international exhibitions ensued called "Garden of Fernal Delights".

I mention this because at one point around this time I wanted to publish a series of short stories that would take place in such a imaginary universe, and my stories (as yet unfinished) incorporated my earlier "Bogomil's Universe" with my concept of the "Fomorii". One such story I published on Steemit 2 years ago:

This image ▼ was the title image for the story.

Images like this (which is a detail from a more recent painting) are a natural progression from these earlier concepts. The technique I used is called Decalcomania, which I adapted to acrylic painting.

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You have a never ending supply of great works Otto. =)

Thank you Leo - been around, done this and that ..... I wish I had photos of the art I produced in the seventies, only a few were taken, analog of course, not good quality scans later from a few 8x10" paper copies.

Damn! As long as you're keeping good records now Otto.

The digital age does indeed make it easier to keep records. I started keeping physical photos of my artwork when I began right up until 2009 when I finally purchased my own digital camera. I think there's only a few of my works that I don't have on record. My record keeping is quite comprehensive these days.

so is mine - now. And I have it at least tripple backed-up.
My saving grace, after 2 laptops and one external drive irreparably crashed, I had most of my good work uploaded on DeviantArt (high definition for selling prints) and I could recover it from there. Even to this day, when I look for a "lost" work, I would find it on there. Been on it for 13 years now (even before I had a Google account).

I need a few more "safety deposit boxes" for my data. Problem is, I have 2 GB of it these days and growing.

I am sure you meant 2 TB, not GB. I got videos that are almost as large, lol.
You should use Flickr - you get 1 TB storage for free. You can sort your stuff in albums, and if you so wish, you can also set photos to private (default is public).
I got a 2 TB External Drive, and it is almost full. On Flickr I paid for Pro and get unlimited storage (plus a few more bells and whistles).

Your mind is a bizarre and fascinating universe, Otto.
Thank you for sharing it with the world.

thank you, sometimes I surprise myself!

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