Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Commenting - 6 Steem



Do you:

Want a Better Life
Need a friend
Do you invest?

Are you:

Willing to Engage?

Do you read, have something to share?
Are you willing to comment?
If yes write a comment

Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest A Better Life.jpg


Write a good comment!

Tulis komentar yang bagus!


• Post in the comment section

Original text written by you
No AI-generated text

• Minimum of words: 25

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed

• All Steemians are welcome!

• Invite someone new instead of curators, moderators, and mentors

• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote
Not supportive? You can't win.

Kopie van Een subtitel toevoegen.jpg
SCB will use the topic of this contest and link to it

• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment

• Deadline: payout of this post


6 Steem

paid by @hive-169911

#1 | 2 Steem + 1 uvf
#2 | 1 Steem + 1 uvf
#3 | 1 Steem

Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest

Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar


Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture source
I am a mobile phone user only

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

CC @disconnect

#betterlife #comment #contest #steemexclusive #kittywu #club100


What a wonderful thing! There's a task to write a good comment. But I can't see the topic.🤔

At first glance, I thought it was a trick of my eyes. Then I read it three times, but still couldn't find the topic. To satisfy myself, I went back to the post from 7 days ago and saw that the topic was 'burnsteem25'. Then I came back to this post and refreshed it three times, but still no topic. So, should I assume that wakeupkitty.pal has given the task of writing a good comment without a topic?

Then, in my opinion, the best thing to do is to focus on self-improvement because people often point out flaws in others and advise them, but don't try to correct their own flaws. (Not everyone is the same, only a few people have this habit). And for this, we need to take out time for ourselves, notice our own flaws, and work on correcting them. And listen to our conscience and act on it. What are your thoughts on this?
I am Inviting Everyone... :-)

You made me laugh... indeed there's no topic and therefore only 2 hashtags (instead of 3) you should post underneath your comment.
I thought it was a great idea to test if people can write and think out something without being told what to write about. If I look at you it worked wonder well. I guess there are only a few, those same few you just mentioned not able to write without instructions.
You passed the test except for the hashtags but you can add them before a new curating day starts. Yes, you read it right no reason to refresh your page a few times and the screen isn't frozen - this comment contest is to make my life easier. LOL
I provide myself with topics, and answers, and with a bit of luck,k the curators find great comments to upvote.
I didn't know you had flaws. Is it your opinion or someone else's? Imagine what one calls a flaw another finds normal or attractive.

Those precious moments fill my heart with immense joy! When I get to be the reason behind a radiant smile on someone's face, it's like a warm hug for my soul.

And knowing that Kitty Wu shares in that happiness. Smiling and laughing are the best medicines, after all. They refresh our minds and lift our spirits. Especially on those moments when we're feeling lost and alone, a simple smile can be a beacon of hope. So, let's spread some joy and keep smiling!


I wish we could connect on Discord too! (But unfortunate your are not at Discord and whatsapp)

 19 hours ago 

Sebelum kita menunjukkan keburukan orang, terlebih dahulu kita harus instrofeksi diri kita sendiri terlebih baik, jangan nanti kesalahan orang paling kecil bisa kita lihat, sedangkan kesalahan kita sendiri, di pelupuk mata sendiri yang begitu besar tidak kita sadari.

Saya setujubdengan yang anda katakan, bahwa kita harus perbaiki diri sendiri dulu, sebelum mencari letak kesalahan orang lain.

Memang manusia ini tidak pernah luput dari kesalahan, tapi jangan menggunjing dan mencela serta membuka aib sesama.

Thank you so much, my friend, for joining the conversation! I'm delighted that you share my perspective. I firmly believe that constructive feedback is essential, and if someone is guiding us with good intentions, we should appreciate their efforts to correct us. However, let's also be aware of our own actions and ensure we don't repeat the same mistakes. After all, nobody is perfect, and we all have some shortcomings. So, let's be considerate and thoughtful in our communication to avoid causing unnecessary hurt or offense.

 4 hours ago 

Benar apa yang anda katakan, kita harus saling menjaga etika, adap, sopan santun dan etika dalam menulis.

Kita juga harus menjaga akan perasaan seseorang yang kita komentari, serta membangkit semangat.

Kita juga harus membantu disaat orang lain mempunyai kesalahan, yaitu membantu memperbaiki, memberi semangat agar dia bangkit.


Ciertamente es muy fácil criticar los defectos o errores que comenten los demás, lo verdaderamente difícil es ver los defectos y errores propios.

Corresponde hacer un ejercicio de conciencia retrospectivamente para reconocerse asimismo y enmendar los errores o corregirlos. Eso nos hará mejores personas y los demás lo notarán.

¡Saludos y un fuerte abrazo!

Absolutely, instead of pointing fingers at others, we should focus on correcting our own mistakes.
Thanks a lot for joining this discussion.👍

Good wishes for a great day!


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @damithudaya

I am as curious but not as you are. I thought the topic was "Commenting" but when I observed the comment sections I was wonder why people are talking about good and bad and judging people and judgment day and all that. Haha.

Hey, @wakeupkitty.pal, is all you want just COMMENTS? No rule! No topic! Comment all you want. 😅😅😅

 2 hours ago 

Kayaknya keinginan kitty seperti, topik dan temanya tersembunyi. Sebagai orang yang suka berkomentar, ayok kita komentarkan.

Jangan bersembunyi daru sebuah komentar. Biar kitty nanti kedepan tidak menyembunyikan lagi topiknya.

 19 hours ago 

Saya ini masing bimbang dengan tema pada hari ini, bila di lihat pada judulnya tentang Komentar, temanya Komentar, disuruh komentar dengan membuat sebuah komentar. Benar maupun salah saya coba saja 😄😄😄..

Disini saya harus mengerti dulu apa itu komentar, baru bisa mengomentari. Pada dasarnya kita hanya bisa membuat sesuatu tanpa kita tau apa itu, begitu juga dengan komentar, dengan senang hati membuat komentar sana sini, serta tidak lupa juga mengentari baik buruk orang, sedangkan makna komentar itu sendiri tidak tau. Seandainya ada yang bertanya apa itu komentar, ya jawabnya tidak tau, iyakan.

Komentar itu berupa uraian maupun tanggapan dari penjelasan yang diberikan untuk di tanggapi bagi siapa saja yang mau menanggapinya, baik itu berupa sebuah tulisan, pembicaraan, maupun tingkah laku pada seseorang. Kita juga harus pahami komentar itu tidak hanya dalam bentuk tek saja, saja juga dalam bentuk suara yang berupa pembicaraan, dan juga bisa berupa dalam bentuk subjek berupa gambar, maupun dalam bahasa isyarat.

@suryati1 @watii @edywan

#betterlife #comment

Saya rasa jika kita memahami secara etimologi, dalam postingan ini topik yang ditulis oleh kitty adalah kata kerja, bukan kata benda. Commenting berbeda dengan Comment. Commenting adalah verba (mengomentari) yang bisa menempat posisi sebagai nomina dalam kasus-kasus tertentu, sementara Comment bisa bersifat kata kerja (verba) dan bisa juga kata benda (nomina) tergantung penempatan dalam kalimat. Jadi kalau kita menganggap bahwa topiknya adalah COMMENTING maka saya rasa kita harus menulis tanggapan kita terhadap kegiatan mengomentari sebagai kata kerja, bukan tentang komentar sebagai kata benda.

HAhahaha,, malah saya yang jadi pening ni Pak Guru. Betul-betul kali ini kitty membuat kita jadi serba sulit ya. Apa Comment, apa Commenting, verba atau nomina ... haduh!!! 😅😅😅

Kalau kita mau mengerti apa arti kata komentar (dan turunannya) secara terminologi, maka agar tidak rancu dan bingung, secara baku arti kata itu bisa kita lihat di KBBI saja.


 4 hours ago 

Hahaha, itulah pak, mungkin ini taktik dan strategi dari kitty untuk membuat kita berpikir, bagaimana kita membuat keinginan dari kitty...

Ini saya menjelaskan tentang apa yang saya tau secara logika tanpa berpegang pada kamus besar.

 8 hours ago 

Terimakasih sudah mengundang saya di kontes komentar ini pak,semoga sukses🙏

 4 hours ago 

Terimakasih banyak atas kehadirannya.

Terimakasih pak sudah mengundang saya di kontes yang bagus ini,semoga sukses di kontes ini

 2 hours ago 

Sama-sama pak, semoga nanti bisa ikut kontesnya...

Tulis saja apa yang bisa, bila salah nanti akan di bimbing.

Comments and commenting are wonderful. I love them.
I know how much I appreciate receiving comments. They always have some value like seeing yourself reflected back in the eyes of someone else. What is it called? Feedback? Criticism gives me an opportunity to "clean up my act." So to speak. Praise is embarrassing. In either case they are enlivening.
Since I know how much I appreciate receiving them. I want to also comment for others.

 2 hours ago 

Komentar ini bisa jadi mencerminkan dari diri sendiri, kalau kita suka berkomentar, memberi saran dan kritikan, maka tangan kita tidak akan pernah diam untuk mengetik apapun yang ingin di komentari.

Tetapi, ada tapinya juga...

Kalau kita suka kritik maupun memberi saran kepada orang lain, maka kita juga harus siap menerima dari orang lain.

Benar sekali

 5 days ago (edited)

Beige flower rustic blank greeting gift card_20240904_225319_0000.png

We all know the rewards of action(Makafat e Amal). Some people give tough times to others and when that time comes back to them they say why did it happen we did nothing.

This is too that trials also came. But we think that whenever a hard time comes in our life we should think that had we done wrong to others in the past which this time occurs to me.

Besides this, some people are jealous by seeing other's happiness and success.
We know if we do good goodness comes back to us and the same is the case for evil.
But why do we forget that thing? We all are deceiving or being deceived by someone. We don't remember we have to die one day!

#betterlife #comment
Inviting @rashid001 @jannat12 @yanti48 to participate

 4 days ago (edited)

first: you should add the hashtags!

If it comes to good and bad times, being miserable and jealous people I can't say I see the boomerang effect. My grandmother (born in 1905) told me: that the brutal ones rule the world. Today I understand what she means and it's true. Look around you, you have to be brutal if you want to succeed. No one cares about you if you are a pussy you have to be tough, it is survival of the fittest. See Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Soros, Elon Musk, Ophrah Winfrey, Fauci, Biden, Obama, and the rest. Will they regret what they did? I doubt it. If you go for genocide and love money more than life you don't have the brain or miss empathy and you won't believe you did anything wrong.

@sahar78 @goodybest @dexsyluz leave your comment in the comment section you can write whatever you like

#betterlife #comment


Our world is all about the survival of the fittest, or should I say the "fittest of the fittest." Some people will go to any extent to survive and make it in life, without considering how their actions will affect others. However, we shouldn't just follow the crowd; we should let love lead. I mean, to have a friend, we must be a friend.

You have discussed a topic that many people in this age may not even want to understand the meaning of. Because some people who consider their entire life as worldly success never think that this worldly life is just a game.

Whatever you sow, so shall you reap. Some sins are such that their punishment is shown right here in this world, which is called the reward of actions.

Yes you are absolutely right. Not everyone understands this reality 😔


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @damithudaya


 yesterday (edited)

Ciertamente existe gente celosa de tu éxito, la envidia es un sentimiento malsano pero humano al fin.

No creo mucho en el karma, en nuestras vidas suelen suceder cosas inesperadas y traumáticas que no creo estén predestinadas sino son el resultado de una cadena de eventos al azar propia de la naturaleza.

Saludos y feliz día.

 19 hours ago 

Apa yang kita tanam maka akan kita petik hasilnya, artinya bila kita berbuat kebaikan maka hasilnya akan baik, bila kita menanam kejahatan, hasilnya juga ke jahatan.

Ada juga orang yang berbuat kebaikan makan akan datang keburukan kepadanya, begitu juga sebaliknya...

Apakah ini menetukan nasib terhadap seseorang, atau bagaimanakah itu.

 17 hours ago (edited)

Have you listen trail?
ALLAH trial those whom he love.
What is the difference between trial and punishment.
Some good people met bad they hurt them and good people came towards ALLAH.

But after trials goodness always come to the good people after struggles.
Just you have to believe in ALLAH and goodness will be your destination
I will write about it in detail in the next post so might it will be helpful for you to clear your misunderstandings☺️

 10 hours ago 

Ini bukan soal menjernihkan kesalapahaman, tapi pendapat. Semua ini datang dari Allah SWT, dan segala kebaikan dan keburukan akan kembali kepadaNya.

Orang baik tapi datang keburukan, maka itu adalah ujian dari Allah, Allah menguji seorang hambaNya menurut keimanan dan kekuatan seorang hamba.

Hukum dari Allah itu hanya terjadi di hari pembalasan, serta Allah tidak akan memberi ujian kepada seorang hamba di luar kekuatan kesanggupan seorang hamba.


Muchas veces es frustrante no poder cumplir con las expectativas de los demás sobre todo cuando el tiempo juega en contra, suceden tantos imponderables en el camino del éxito.

Luego, respiro profundamente y reflexiono de lo humano e imperfecto que somos. Cometo tantos errores como las personas que se sienten insatisfechas con lo que hago.

Sólo sé que como humano doy lo mejor de mí pero no puedo asegurar que los demás hagan lo mismo, por tanto muchas veces el éxito no depende de mí sino de quienes me acompañan.

Invito a participar a @patjewell @marito74 @cruzamilcar63 @goodybest

#betterlife #comment

 18 hours ago 

My daughter has the perfect saying.
She always says, "Mom, we take it from whoever it comes." (•ิ‿•ิ)
This means that we must show a willingness to take advantage of opportunities or benefits without being concerned about where they come from nor the expectations that others might have for us.

It is our lives and we must make the most of it.

 10 hours ago 

Aprovechar las oportunidades que se nos presentan y vivir la experiencia, es darse oportunidad de crecer sin importar lo que opinen los demás.

No actuamos limitados por la critica sino por conseguir nuestros objetivos.


The truth is that we can't please everyone because we are all imperfect. If anyone tries to, they will end up losing themselves. It's better to live right, love more, and never mind what others think of us because it's simply impossible to please everyone.

 10 hours ago (edited)

Es cierto tratar de compñacer a los demás es imposible, es mejor enfocarse en nosotros mismos y actuar correctamente de acuerdo a lo que dicte nuestra conciencia.

Life is simple but often people make it hard for other and not knowing we will pass away one day. Don't give up but focus. #betterlife #comment #contest

 5 days ago (edited)

There is only one thing in life that we are certain of and that is that we will die. We cannot avoid that. It is a countdown from the moment we are born.

The question is whether we should act differently because we are dying. I don't think so. We all have our standards, values, desires, path to follow to learn what helps us, no one else. We are born alone and die alone and eventually we have to face ourselves and say, I am happy with myself and what I have done.

Braveheart died in an aweful way. He fought for the freedom of many, those watching and screaming: Kill him!
He refused to admit and his last words were "Freedom".

 5 days ago 

You're absolutely right; we can't tell tomorrow, nor can we predict what will happen in the next few minutes, but we all know that we will die one day. We should live right and do what we know is good, even if we are the only ones not following after the crowd and we will be happy.

Let’s look at what Mother Nature has created to make our lives better. Let’s think about everything that is life. As I was lying under a tree, watching a cow graze, I had a thought: the leaves are reborn every season. Then I looked at the mammal and thought that if all of this is true, then the cow will also be reborn.


Certainly such is life

Please follow back, i have followed you

There's no need to ask someone to follow you, people do or do not. I myself rarely do because all those followers do not follow me for read. Those I know and like I can easily find. I know their names and change the url or look between my notifications. There are the ones following me, those who comment, upvote, and mention me.
Be active and read and comment and if people wonder they will find you.

 yesterday (edited)

La vida no es fácil, siempre existirán personas en nuestro alrededor con conductas deplorables que obstaculizan tu camino.

Pero tranquilo, también existen personas maravillosas, nuestras familias, padres, hermanos, amigos, mascotas que nos motivan a seguir adelante y que nos hacen sentir que la vida vale la pena.

¡Mis mejores deseos!


Gracias mi gatita 😘

Gracias a tus consejos perdí el miedo y la vergüenza a comentar. Venía traumatizada de las otras redes sociales dónde comentar es firmar una sentencia de muerte. Y donde ser amable es una grave debilidad.

Me gustaría que @rayuela2, @escobar12 y @abnerpantoja descubrieran este poder que poseen.

Eso es algo malo, pero sé a qué te refieres. Me uní a foros de clubes donde decían que tenían un equipo de especialistas, pero si hacías una pregunta, decían: ¡No otra vez, ve a leer lo que escribimos aquí! Todavía me pregunto por qué iniciar una plataforma informativa si no se te permite preguntar. Mi padre solía decir: no hay respuestas estúpidas, solo preguntas estúpidas.

Internet es Internet y estás seguro en casa. Nadie puede hacerte daño si abandonas el lugar o lo apagas. Es tu derecho. Me recuerda una historia sobre un alemán con el que charlé hace años. Me contó lo asustado que estaba por culpa de dos mujeres que siempre lo invitaban a una sala de chat privada y luego lo regañaban. Escuché su historia y pensé: ¿Qué es lo que te mantiene aquí? ¿Por qué sigues a una cámara privada y por qué no apagas la computadora?

Es cierto, hay asuntos incomprensibles. La tecnología nos atrapa y domina. Otra cosa que aprendí fue estar detrás de las personas que conocía. Entonces, ya no tenía miedo de intercambiar ideas. Gracias a ese cambio interno he podido avanzar hasta llegar aquí. Teniendo este bonito privilegio de interactuar con personas al otro lado del planeta, como los países bajos. Jejejeje

Gracias por todo amiga.

Paso a paso es bastante rápido y lo estás haciendo muy bien. Te doy las gracias por ser mi amigo y las charlas que tenemos a pesar de que somos abejas ocupadas. 🐝🐝

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 2 days ago (edited)

During pregnancy, mothers suffer so much pain to bring forth a new life to the world. The sleepless nights, swollen feet and face, the heavy protruding stomach and many unusual changes that follows pregnancy.

Once the baby is born, its first hug and kiss wipe the pains away. Behold, the pains are gone like the breeze.

@atimisaac, @deelyt @joan-na

#betterlife #comment

This is the joy of motherhood

Thank you for inviting me.

 21 hours ago 


I cannot rely to that. Nothing wiped the pain away after birth I had a tremendous pain (my ex gave me vodka because he said I don't drink and nothing happend) and there was no way I could hold my child or enjoy.
Today I still feel that pain after many years, nothing vades away.

Pain after giving birth seems to be something for women who easily give birth and with children born 'too' early. You are punished afterwards and with every next birth it gets worse (great no one tells you that so you have a choice to say: Sorry, find someone else taking the risk to get poisoned while being pregnant, being sick for 8 months, looking like a whale without the money, give birth and die or end uo for a cripple for the rest of your life.)

No matter if you notice it now but a body is damaged after a pregnancy and giving birth.
Today they say it takes at least 1.5 years to recover but for sure it takes longer because as a mother you have rarely enough sleep (womwn should sleep 10+ hours my average is 3), you eat the leftovers your child spat out and have no time to relax and go out, let alone talk to a friend, because the father has to have fun, needs it or feels he is too young to take responsibility.

Take a rest, feet up in the air, let' s stop eating salt and let children take care of themselves because mommy is tired and needs time for herself. You know what kids? Take dad's phone and watch a film and he will take you out from now on the entire Sunday! Hurray, for dad the kid's hero... Yes, sweetheart he will also take you to a restaurant but video first...

I like myself

One of my favourites: Stanley the ugling Duckling
Why being a whatever he is? He figures it out after a long time he is a: Fox

This is a true definition of the joy ahead is greater than the pain of the moment

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