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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Commenting - 6 Steem

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast month (edited)

Beige flower rustic blank greeting gift card_20240904_225319_0000.png

We all know the rewards of action(Makafat e Amal). Some people give tough times to others and when that time comes back to them they say why did it happen we did nothing.

This is too that trials also came. But we think that whenever a hard time comes in our life we should think that had we done wrong to others in the past which this time occurs to me.

Besides this, some people are jealous by seeing other's happiness and success.
We know if we do good goodness comes back to us and the same is the case for evil.
But why do we forget that thing? We all are deceiving or being deceived by someone. We don't remember we have to die one day!

#betterlife #comment
Inviting @rashid001 @jannat12 @yanti48 to participate

 last month (edited)

first: you should add the hashtags!

If it comes to good and bad times, being miserable and jealous people I can't say I see the boomerang effect. My grandmother (born in 1905) told me: that the brutal ones rule the world. Today I understand what she means and it's true. Look around you, you have to be brutal if you want to succeed. No one cares about you if you are a pussy you have to be tough, it is survival of the fittest. See Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Soros, Elon Musk, Ophrah Winfrey, Fauci, Biden, Obama, and the rest. Will they regret what they did? I doubt it. If you go for genocide and love money more than life you don't have the brain or miss empathy and you won't believe you did anything wrong.

@sahar78 @goodybest @dexsyluz leave your comment in the comment section you can write whatever you like

#betterlife #comment

 last month 

Our world is all about the survival of the fittest, or should I say the "fittest of the fittest." Some people will go to any extent to survive and make it in life, without considering how their actions will affect others. However, we shouldn't just follow the crowd; we should let love lead. I mean, to have a friend, we must be a friend.

Survival of the fittest or survival of the smartest or survival of the richest.. I mean.. look at some who rule, those old.. at the top of the food chain busy on Epstein's island, you can hardly call them fit unless fit has a different definition by now as well.

Let me see what I can find to cheer up your day.
I don't think this is a song-along or we should let the little children listen to it

A great day @goodybest.. look AI created a song Survival of the Fittest

 last month 

Oh, you really do cheer me up! I love the song by Eminem (the rap god). I like his music so much! Then you top it all off with the AI version. Seriously? I mean, can AI even create beautiful lyrics and beats like this? Technology! Where are we heading, Kitty?

Good to hear you like it. Turns out AI can. I used it longer ago to generate music to a text. Some free tool but if you try you get someyhing nice..

 last month 

It's good to know. Please what's the tool name you use to generate it?

 24 days ago 

I used for the music suno

for pictures

Let me know if it works for you

 24 days ago 

Yes it works perfectly fine. Thanks for sharing with me!

You have discussed a topic that many people in this age may not even want to understand the meaning of. Because some people who consider their entire life as worldly success never think that this worldly life is just a game.

Whatever you sow, so shall you reap. Some sins are such that their punishment is shown right here in this world, which is called the reward of actions.

Life has a meaning? Isn't that a human idea that this is the case? What if Life has no meaning? Monty Python, ever saw it, it's also the title of a book.

In my view, the core of life is to embody humility, gratitude, and thankfulness. Nothing surpasses this. As we realize that what we consider ours, isn't truly ours. It's only ours until our final breath. Our soul, too, isn't ours, for when it departs our body, the body becomes lifeless. Every aspect of life is a blessing from the Creator (ALLAH) of this universe. We should always appreciate His kindness. The video you shared, by the way, holds a profound lesson. It highlights how we often tend to withdraw from the world due to our vulnerabilities, but in reality, joy, playfulness, and happiness are the true essence of life. Not being lost in sorrow and self-pity.

Sharing is a sign of care, no matter how small the joy may be.

 last month (edited)

It seems I cared a lot by sending a video to everyone who commented.
That was fun and relaxing although it's time consuming.
Lessons... If you like to see them there are always several around you. It's just the question what the interpretation is.

Yes you are absolutely right. Not everyone understands this reality 😔


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Curated by : @damithudaya


 last month (edited)

Ciertamente existe gente celosa de tu éxito, la envidia es un sentimiento malsano pero humano al fin.

No creo mucho en el karma, en nuestras vidas suelen suceder cosas inesperadas y traumáticas que no creo estén predestinadas sino son el resultado de una cadena de eventos al azar propia de la naturaleza.

Saludos y feliz día.

 last month 

Apa yang kita tanam maka akan kita petik hasilnya, artinya bila kita berbuat kebaikan maka hasilnya akan baik, bila kita menanam kejahatan, hasilnya juga ke jahatan.

Ada juga orang yang berbuat kebaikan makan akan datang keburukan kepadanya, begitu juga sebaliknya...

Apakah ini menetukan nasib terhadap seseorang, atau bagaimanakah itu.

 last month (edited)

Have you listen trail?
ALLAH trial those whom he love.
What is the difference between trial and punishment.
Some good people met bad they hurt them and good people came towards ALLAH.

But after trials goodness always come to the good people after struggles.
Just you have to believe in ALLAH and goodness will be your destination
I will write about it in detail in the next post so might it will be helpful for you to clear your misunderstandings☺️

 last month 

Ini bukan soal menjernihkan kesalapahaman, tapi pendapat. Semua ini datang dari Allah SWT, dan segala kebaikan dan keburukan akan kembali kepadaNya.

Orang baik tapi datang keburukan, maka itu adalah ujian dari Allah, Allah menguji seorang hambaNya menurut keimanan dan kekuatan seorang hamba.

Hukum dari Allah itu hanya terjadi di hari pembalasan, serta Allah tidak akan memberi ujian kepada seorang hamba di luar kekuatan kesanggupan seorang hamba.

I have issues with that way of thinking. It's is not said we did something wrong in the past if we have a hard life right now or only a hard life. It feels to me it's more like an excuse to make people accept the situation they are in but it shouldn't be that way.

If I hear the word "trial" I always think at setups, like all those innocent people who died at those so-called witch trials. It still makes me sick to the bone what happened back then and that an organization like the Vatican can reign on and still decide who is good and who is bad. I have a problem in believing that their god agrees with all the crimes they admit. I guess it helps if you create your own god and scare people into hell and spread hate.
Shall we go for something happy? If it comes to it there's only one person you have to face which is ourselves since we live with so we better be satisfied with whom we are.

Let's have a look at some pigs. I like the Angry Birds Toons pigs very much and also the black bomb bird (what a name).

If you have a lot of time and can't sleep without music you can watch it too.

Look the king! I just watched it. He has a lot in common with a king I know. Strange

@el-nailul, @aneukpineung78 I nearly brightened up the place so it won't look like doomsday.

 last month 

I do not want to be involved in any cruelty but the fact is sometimes I just bump into it, and when it happens, I will not find any excuses to be seen as a good one. I face what I have done, and I wouldn't say I like others to judge me on what to do and why I have done it. They may have their own opinion of me because they have the brain to think things over. I am sick of being humble at some point, and I would say "Mind your own business" to those who always asking me the answer, not because I don't consider morality but mostly like "Look at yourself first before judging me"

Then, when you have suffered from the decision you make, those people come and say: "It is the result of what you have done in the past", you see???. When you need help the most, they will mock you!! they will easily turn back off not even look at you a second time. So what is the value when they come and give you advice as if they know what will happen in the future??

Then, if you gain great success, those will come and give you a sinister look and find excuses to say bad things about your past; "look he/she sold him/her-self to get to that point".

Do we need those kind of scumbags?

Perhaps this comment does not relate to the previous context but it is only a comment for something I thought.

The most important thing now is to watch the Angry Birds cartoon, yuhuuuuuu!!!!

Thank you Kitty

 last month 

A comment is a comment and there's no theme. I should say: there was no theme.. let me see if I can find you a video before I close this one.

Scumbags... sounds like a good prompt.. hang on...

I believe we need a bit translation or? But the song is good.

@darthnava are you familiar with this? Anyone else (that won't work because no one checks the backdoor of Steemit.

Sorry, the video is unavailable in my country. I can't view it.

That is bitter. Is there a restriction on it?

Yes, can't be shown in my country.

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