The teens team series 10: Finding purpose


"When purpose isn't known, abuse becomes inevitable".....Myles Munroe

You may have probably heard that quote before. When you did, did you ever give a thought to it's meaning?

The human life is sub divided into different phases. From the time to learn to the time to earn and rest.

During your teen age, you may probably be wondering what in particular is happening in your life. It's normal to feel that your obligation is to go to school, get good grades and eventually get a good job. But deep down, you know you need something more than that and that's where purpose comes in.

That's because you know life always takes it toll on us and does not always go as planned. Besides, sometimes we want a life outside of the normal. A life outside school and the regular traditional expectations from family, friends and onlookers.

Even with the conventional belief of going to school, good grades and a good job. Without purpose, illiteracy, incompetence, abuse, waste is absolutely unavoidable.

By the way, what is purpose in clear terms?

  • Purpose is reason, it is the intended result you hope to reach. It is the why behind every decision you make.

  • Purpose could also be referred to as consciousness or intentionality of performing an action.

"When purpose is hidden, work done is futility"......kay owobia

Yes, that's a quote from me.😌✌And there's absolute 100% truth in.
I mean, what's the need of working for something you have no idea why? If you constantly do something, ask yourself why. And if you don't have a tangible reason for doing it. It has just been an utter waste of time, energy and resources.

Having defined what purpose is and how it ties in to the lives of youngsters, we're going to see how to derive purpose in life .

There are five good ways of which I'm going to highlight that'll help you find purpose in anything you do. We'll also derive simple equations that'll help you remember how to make purpose. Whether it's education, career, business, and whatever life decision you make. Lets get going.

  • 💛 Question decisions:We identified purpose to be the reason for taking a decision. In that case, purpose="Why". Why= question. Questions of which you know are mind openers is a great way to help you identify the purpose of doing something. You are a student, an undergraduate. why are you forging ahead for that degree?

The answer to that 'why' is your reason which can be equated to purpose.
Your answer could probably be- to secure a future for my self and my generation to come or to increase social status. Human beings are capable of doing anything as long as the get a result which is the ultimate purpose of their action.

  • 💛 know your wants/needs: Though this has relation to the first in some way. But, at some points in our lives, there are stuffs we want for ourselves. It could be more money, it could be a good life.
    That desire for wealth is the driving force and driving force is purpose. More so, driving force plus action = An achieved goal.

When you spot out what is lacking in you, the deficiency that needs to be supported in you, you'll be driven to take action and that had served as purpose.


  • 💛Hobbies: What do you like? What would you rather do in your free time? What do you never get tired of? What is that one thing you love doing so much?

Taking myself, kay as a case study. I love writing, in fact it has been my first love 💕 and that's the reason why you are still reading this series.
Did I you hook you at the start of reading this or ever with any of my writings?
Relax.... that's because lady kay loves what she does and that has been one of her driving forces and it had served purpose.😌 Practical right?

  • 💛Problem solving: Problem solving is intentionality. The moment you identify something you are not comfortable with, as humans there's always a tendency to grease such spot or change it nuts, and that is the art of problem solving.

Take a look at the cooker in your kitchen. What does it do? It cooks your food fast. That was the purpose of that cooker, to ease cooking stress and make the process faster .
The inventer must have spotted out an issue whenever he/she stayed in the kitchen and eventually, came up with a wonderful solution millions use today. Problem solving is a step to finding purpose. You don't need to be a copy cat, you can remodel or upgrade an invention. You just need to be observant.

  • 💛 Explore: This might have never occurred to you but yes, it did occur to me. "explore."
    Sometimes you don't even know the special talents you have, you have nothing really specific you love, or probably feel many problems have been solved already(atleast ones you can think about) or you just can't spot any. Sadly, people are spotting and solving problems daily. Stop giving yourself excuses and explore.
    You don't know your talent yet? Explore.
    You are indifferent about lots of things and never piques real interest in things? Explore.
    Or you don't even know what you want in life, you are just living the life the way you see it? Explore, explore, explore and explore.
    It reveals your hidden potentials and helps you discover more.

Have you tried the 5 steps above and still haven't found purpose or haven't been intentional about anything?
Here's a food for thought;
How do you think scientist and technologist come up with inventions on a daily basis?

I'll save you the brain rack; They think, identify problem and solve it. Many more do what they love with codes until they programme a robot. Some just explore and come back with life saving opportunities for the rest of us.

Now what's your role, what is your purpose in the game of life? You've got the dice, it's up to you to be creative, to be intentional, to be observant, to explore, to be open minded, to be purpose driven. Because, you might never know what big thing lies ahead. Remember, we can only get better✊
Last week was a sumptous one on the valud of friendship, you can find it below along with previous series.
Introduction ](


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