The teens team: Series 05// Dealing with low self esteem


Top of the day steemians. If you do follow up "The teens team", you'll notice the frequent use lots of the word "dealing". Did it ever ring a bell 🔔? Well, here's why;

Not all problem goes. At Least, not so quickly. You just have to deal with them and trash them just the right way.
I mean, that's why the teens team is here,
For you. Right?
So let's trash low self esteem now!

"Just before we get on, what is this low self esteem"?
Inversely, self esteem is the worth, respect, love and confidence you give yourself.
So you could say low self esteem lacks those quality.

Let's make it practical, have you ever been to an event or been in a situation that after observations you tell yourself "this thing is just too good for me, or who am I to be millionaire at 21 or probably, it's not just possible to get to that rank, at least not so soon" and so on.

For some, it might be some once in a while case, for some others it's an everyday sickness they have to undergo.
It makes them feel worthless, useless, inferior, shy and not up to par.
Low self esteem makes you look down on yourself and sayI can't.
Low self esteem is a very expensive and critical condition. But here's one truth;

low self esteem is psychological and self inflicted..

Low self esteem is just you beating yourself with a rod. It's you saying a "no" to you and your potentials. It's that evil voice in your head saying - "Girl, shut up. Don't do it. You ain't worth it. It's not for you. You can't and won't make it." It blocks you from visualizing your goal and successes let alone taking action.

💥 '"Why would a monster like this be self inflicted or even live in us?"

These voices occur in your head, not anyone else's. You can expell those voices but you are afraid to, or probably don't believe in expelling them that's why it's self inflicting. Meanwhile, here's why many may experience low self esteem.

  • History: Sometimes, the last scares more than the future. Looking back at past struggles or events that dampened your self moral could contribute to low self esteem. To illustrate, imagine someone who graduated from school, but keeps being rejected at job offers. This may feel very discouraging and kill the person's zeal. At some points, after the umpteenth job trial, before going to one, you'll tell yourself. I'm just trying, might not get it. Or "chances are slim for me" that you don't even get to give a try.
    You may even be having this premindset that nothing has ever really worked out for you. So why should you believe in yourself.

  • insecurity: This could be a combination of history and internal fear, or just internal fear. For e.g imagine a young lady raped at the young age of 12 or 15. Her level of insecurity may increase not just toward one gender but probably everyone. Making such victim feel unwanted or insignificant especially at public events. Coupled with emotional damages and more.

  • Listening to toxic people:
    I am a preacher of love and hater of hate speech but the truth is; Not everyone will support you nor encourage you. Many can go miles just to dissuade you from the right choices or just to make to feel miserable. They might talk down on you and your capability and sadly, continuous paying attention to them might make you lose your self worth and start seeing the monster of low self-esteem.

  • Doubt:
    This is your inability to believe, to visualize yourself at the top. Nothing happens but you just feel like, all eyes are on you even when you walk on the street and whoop, you are overly conscious, not reliable and could easily slip at the slightest mistake.
    Doubt makes you a spectator not the player. It makes you a pawn and not the queen. It makes you a substitute not a coach.


So here's why you should drive that monster far away and be the queen not the pawn.

  1. You too are human like every other person.

  2. You are so worth it and deserve to be happy and enjoy life opportunities.

  3. You are unique and trust me, the world wants to see, know or at least feel that uniqueness around you.

  4. Those talking down on you are below you, not that they are any better than you. So prove them that.

  5. Low self esteem is more dangerous than grenades and bombs 💣 and you obviously don't deserve that.

Alas, here we are. Let's fight that monster and expel it's voices together. Shall we?

🌻When you wake every morning, be thankful and give your self some morning inspiration and push. You could tell yourself- " It's a new dawn, a new day to be bold, strong, confident, undefeated and invincible. And I am capable, I am worth , I am the king(or Queen) not the pawn.

🌻It might be hard, getting out of your fears, but you must. Like a string tied to your legs stopping your movement, do are your fears. It holds you from being better and glowing brighter. But instead of quenching your light, quench that fear. (Though a coming publication will feature this) Do not let fear hold you, take brave decisions.

🌻 Stop negative talks. Make a vocal transition from - I can't to I'll try. Gradually, you'll start saying I can. It's not easy, but it's possible. Stop saying, who am I?
I mean who are you not to be able? Who can't you be, what can't you do?
Even at the least things, never see yourself low; I just complimented your bag and the next thing you say is, "ohh, this old useless scrap, passed from generations". It's a no no 🚫 stopiiiiiit.❌❌ a thank you would just go fine. If you wish to say more, it had better not be negative.

🌻Appreciate yourself because you are way better than that. If you don't appreciate yourself, no one else will. You are just giving chances and loopholes for negative talkers and toxics. You definitely don't need that circle. Don't mistake this for pride or overconfidence. Just be yourself, but this time, with a touch of boldness and swagger.😉😌

🌻 Take opportunities and leverage on them the best way you can. With proper confidence and preparation you can overcome that fear. See every new opportunity as a new door different from the formers likely to be fruitful. Have a never ending possibility mindset

🌻History is past, let it remain so, do not live in it. It's never easy going. But you can't change the past so let it go. Better days are ahead, do not miss out on them. Try the act of forgiving and not listening to negativities. When that voice comes right back to your head. Say to it. " Get away from me monster, I'm above that, I am more than that".

Self love should be paramount. Don't mistake it to being selfish. Make and be the best out of you, give the royalty in you the respect he|she deserves. Never forget that you in control, not your feelings, not others. And yeah, before you step out that door and show yourself to the world this morning, don't forget to wear your hat of confidence. It suits every outfit💝


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 2 years ago 

Thank you for posting another yet interesting Edition of your series.

More teen need to hear this.

Good content!!

 2 years ago 

Its my humble pleasure. Thank you

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