"Is there prejudice against female drivers in your country?"

in Boylikegirl Club26 days ago (edited)



Hi everyone, it feels good to be here to participate in this beautiful contest. "Is there prejudice against female drivers in your country?"

Prejudice in simple terms means being biased. Women in most societies are seen as less of men or inferior human, (so I will put it). They are often looked down upon and sometimes, people pass some derogatory remarks on them or on what they do.

That was by gone. It was actually in the past that women went through those things. Presently, some people still try to pass such judgements on women, but it is not allowed. This is because women have been given a voice, education has opened the eyes of many. Civilisation has really been of immense help because we have been exposed to the fact that women, though weak physically, are great assets, very smart, intelligent and skilful, just like the other gender (male) or even better at some points.


Now, back to the contest question, "Is there prejudice against female drivers in your country?" Yes, up to about 20% prejudice against some women and not all because some women are very great drivers, even more than men.

The only few who have been tagged as bad road users may be those who are just learning to drive, maybe in their first 6 months. This happens if they run into an accident. And, not all women who learn to drive have accidents or hit other people's vehicles.

I have come in contact with women who are excellent road users with great driving skills, far better than some men I have known. Working under my former boss, Mrs Akwa, as we call her, was a great experience. Whenever she drives, I feel so safe because I know and trust her to be a skilful and talented driver. I have also heard of one of the women in my country's local news who was employed by Dangote Group of Company (the foremost company located in Nigeria and mostly the West African region), as a truck driver.


I had an opportunity to listen to her employer saying he had given her a trial and she passed it so that gave him the confidence that she could do it. She, on the other hand, trusted her ability without a doubt.

Recently, a blogger on Facebook posted on his page a sound young lady who drives a commercial tricycle. She does it so well. I have also seen female commercial drivers too, and I've boarded their vehicles. I can say that women are excellent drivers.


So I'll just conclude by saying that the prejudice against women driving in my country is of an insignificant number which is equal to almost not existing.

I'm inviting @tripple-e @missyleo and @ahsansharif

My Introductory post


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I have witnessed and also entered a vehicle that's been driven by a lady, one was a mini-bus here in the city capital Uyo while the other one was a sienna bus driven by an elderly woman, I heard she run a transport company, from Oron to Uyo.

They said she has 4 kids and the husband suddenly fell ill and became blind, so the wife had to take up the responsibility of the husband by always driving the sienna. She is s very strong woman and anything I meet vehicle in the motor park I will always wait for her turn to come so I can enter her vehicle.

Yes, I've seen the woman too at Timber Junction. Thank you for coming around to read, this means a lot to me.

Don't mention ❤️

I have seen many female drivers, although I have not boarded a public transport operated by one before but I hope to experience it some day, then private cars I've experienced it countless times, I must say female drivers are good and some of them drive with caution. Success on your entry

That's true, female drivers drive carefully with caution. Thank you for the comment.

My pleasure ♥️

What a man can do a woman can do it perfectly, I read recently on Facebook about a female truck driver. The mentality of most people is that women are only good in the wrong kitchen. Many women are even driving better than men. Success to you ma.

Thank you for reading and making such a lovely comment, it's truly appreciated.

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