[ENG - ESP] - Community Announcement - Steemit Nursery | April 1st / Anuncios de la Comunidad Steemit Nursery | 1ro de Abril

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Hello Newcomers and old steemians as well!!

As you can read on Newcomers, these two communities are working together, so we had and still do, the next Membership will be category:


  • newcomers that just recently started, less than 2 weeks ago.


  • newcomers who have started posting on Steemit for at least 6 weeks.


  • newcomers who have started posting on Steemit since 6 weeks ago.


  • newcomers who have been on Steemit for more than 6 weeks and less than 2 months.


  • newcomers who have been on Steemit for more than 2 months, we expect you have found the community of your interest by now and you only commenting on the post of newcomers in this community either to support or guiding them.


Your labels will have not only your level on Steemit Nursery but also the achievement that you have reached on Newcomers Community. So it will look like this, for example:

  • Newborn /achievement 1
  • Toddler / achievement 2
  • Alumni/achievement 2

For every post of yours:

Please put the link of your Achievement 1 post at the end of your post every time you post in this community, so people get to know about you better.

Please put the tag of your country from where you are steeming as one of your tags, for example, if you currently reside in Argentina, place the tag #argentina and etc.

What to write?

The Diary Game

There are lots of programs and contests that you can join as your starting point/idea on what to post in this community.
The easiest way to start is #thediarygame.

We are currently in Season3, but you can find the details of this game in here: 1000 DAYS OF STEEM : The Diary Game Season 2 - Team Winners Announcement

Contests and writing challenges

We have different contests on the platform! In the next post, you can see some examples, from different communities, take a look at these posts:

Please follow him to keep updated with more Steemit news!!

Source of the picture



So... you have no excuses!! You have a lot of possibilities to keep active!! We'll be waiting for you!

You are more of a Content Consumer

If you enjoy reading more, we have a program for you too, check out this announcement by The Steemit Team on how you can earn on Steemit by reading others post by becoming a Better Life Curator A Better Life with Steem


Useful Tutorials for Newcomers



How do I Claim Rewards on Steemit Manually & Automatically


There are a lot of ways available to start earning on Steemit.

You just have to start somewhere.

@steemitblog announcements


We have great news from Steemit Crypto Academy! The 8th week has arrived and new courses are waiting for you!! Please take a look at the next link so you can learn more about this proposal Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update #8 [March 29th, 2021]

Another interesting news is that you still can share your proposal to be a crypto professor because @steemitblog looking for more teachers for the Cryptocurrency Academy. If you handle the issue, contact the Steemit team. Check out the following post: Looking for more professors

Soon we will be announcing the new Steemit Nursery Contest !! Be around to join!


This is everything for this week! Keep entering the Community to be updated!!

Thank you very much for reading and being part of this community!!


Thank you!




Bye 2020.png

¡¡Hola, recién llegados a #steemit!!

Como puedes leer en Newcomers, estas dos comunidades están trabajando juntas, por lo que tendrás la siguiente categorización como miembro d ela comunidad (Verás una etiqueta junto a tu nombre solo en esta comunidad.

Newborn (Recién nacido)

  • recién llegados que comenzaron recientemente, hace menos de 2 semanas.

Infant (infante)

  • recién llegados que han comenzado a publicar en Steemit durante al menos 6 semanas.

Toddler (Niño pequeño)

  • recién llegados que han comenzado a publicar en Steemit desde hace 6 semanas.

Kids (Niños)

  • recién llegados que han estado en Steemit durante más de 6 semanas y menos de 2 meses.

Alumni (Antiguos steemians)

  • recién llegados que han estado en Steemit durante más de 2 meses, esperamos que ya hayan encontrado la comunidad de su interés y que solo comenten la publicación de los recién llegados a esta comunidad para apoyarlos o guiarlos.


Tus etiquetas no solo tendrán tu nivel en Steemit Nursery sino también el logro que has alcanzado en Newcomers Community. Entonces se verá así, por ejemplo:

  • Recién nacido / logro 1
  • Niño pequeño / logro 2
  • Alumni / logro 2

Para cada publicación tuya:

Por favor, coloca el enlace de tu publicación de Logro 1 al final de tu post cada vez que publiques en esta comunidad, para que la gente te conozca mejor.

Por favor, coloca la etiqueta de tu país de donde provienes como una de sus etiquetas, por ejemplo, si actualmente resides en Argentina, coloca la etiqueta #argentina, etc.

¿Qué escribir?

El juego del diario (The Diary Game)

Hay muchos programas y concursos a los que puedes unirte como punto de partida. La forma más fácil de comenzar es con #thediarygame.

Estamos en latemporada 3, pero puede encontrar los detalles de este juego o programa aquí: 1000 DAYS OF STEEM : The Diary Game Season 2 - Team Winners Announcement

Concursos y desafíos

Por favor, echa un vistazo a los siguientes posts, ya que hay concursos desde diferentes comunidades!

Seguilo para enterarte de más noticias y novedades de Steemit!!




Entonces ... ¡¡no tienes excusas !! Tienes muchas posibilidades para mantenerte activo!! ¡Te esperamos!

Eres más que un consumidor de contenido

Si te gusta leer más, también tenemos un programa para ti, mira este anuncio del equipo de Steemit sobre cómo puedes ganar en Steemit leyendo publicaciones de otros convirtiéndote en un curador de Better Life A Better Life with Steem


Tutoriales útiles para recién llegados



How do I Claim Rewards on Steemit Manually & Automatically


Hay muchas formas disponibles para comenzar a ganar en Steemit.

Solo tienes que empezar por alguna parte.

Anuncios de @steemitblog


¡Tenemos buenas noticias de Steemit Crypto Academy! La 8va semana ha llegado y hay nuevos cursos esperándote!! Te recomiento leer el siguiente post, para que puedas aprender más sobre esta propuesta Actualización semanal N°8 de Steemit Crypto Academy - 29 de marzo de 2021

Otra gran noticia es que todavía podés presentarte como profesor, porque @steemitblog busca más profesores para la Academia de Criptomonedas. Si manejás el tema, comunicate con el equipo de Steemit. Mirá el siguiente post: Buscando más profesores

Pronto estaremos anunciando el nuevo Concurso de Steemit Nursery!! Está atenta/!!

¡Esto es todo para esta semana! ¡Sigue entrando en la Comunidad para estar actualizado!

¡¡Muchas gracias por leer y ser parte de esta comunidad!!


Gracias! Saludos



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very helpful blog dear @belenguerra waiting for your next contest ❤️

I'm glad you like it! Thank you my friend!!

My pleasure dear, so I can post diary game blog here right? Is there any restrictions for countries?

There are no restrictions for countries my friend!! No way! You are totally free, always, of course, sharing things with respect.

And yes, you can post your diary game blog my dear friend.

Ok dear keep supporting me, it will encourage me to write more 💕 thank you!

Caring for newcomers is important, very nice this post! now I'm going to the Newcomers community and I'm going to support some newcomers

 3 years ago 

Thanks for this wonderful contest @belengurra I really appreciate for sure am going to learn from this contest.

 3 years ago 

@belenguerra hi, sorry I realised I was still posting in newcomers, even though I wasn't allowed anymore. I will stop and post in other communities instead. I have two questions,
1: how can I check my voting power and status? I remember there was a page but I forgot
2: sometimes when I vote on someone's content with an upvote, their money gets less and drops a few cents, am I doing something wrong?


Hi my friend! Newcomers community is for the achievement program, you can post on Steemit Nursery, Steem Geography, Writing & Reviews, World of Xpilar, or any other community on Steemit (there are a lot)

About your questions:

1- You should go to the SteemWorld page and add your username. Here is the link to your account. Try to keep your voting power up to 80% so you can give better votes.

2- Yes, that's normal, you're not doing anything wrong. It's because a small % goes to curators. In this case, you vote, you are the curator, so you get a little reward depending on the time of the post, the among of reward, and the number of votes that the publication has.

I hope it had helped you!

 3 years ago 


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