Lesson 6: The structure of the planet Earth (Part 2)

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

Greetings friends of this great community!

It is a pleasure to be here as your tutor. I hope that the classes are to your liking and that you can learn much more about our home, Planet Earth.

For this sixth class, we will continue with the theme "The structure of the planet Earth", where the outer layers or terrestrial geospheres will be studied.

Image designed in Canva. Source

What are the terrestrial geospheres?

They are those outer layers of the planet that are made up of different materials and states. There are 4 geospheres: Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere.

The Atmosphere

It is a layer in a gaseous state that is essential for life because it is a source of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and by having the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays are filtered so that they do not reach the earth's surface.

Phenomena such as rain, fog, wind and pressure changes occur in this layer. In addition, the atmosphere is essential for the development of the cycles: hydrological, nitrogen and carbon.

This layer is divided into three:

1. Ionosphere: It is the outermost and highest part of the Atmosphere (between 50 and 400 km high) that receives the greatest solar radiation.

2. Stratosphere: It is the layer located between 10 and 50 km high, and in it is the ozone layer that filters ultraviolet rays.

3. Troposphere: It is that layer located in the first 10 km of height from the earth's surface. It contains the oxygen that is necessary for life on the planet.

Image designed in Canva.

The Hydrosphere

It is the part of the planet made up of water in its different physical states. This layer is discontinuous, covers 75% of the surface and is made up of oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, ice, snow, among others.

Of course, this layer is extremely important because without water there is no life on the planet.

The Hydrosphere is divided into two according to its state:

1. In the solid state: ice at the poles and snow.

2. In a liquid state: seas, lakes, rivers, among others.

Image designed in Canva.

The Lithosphere

It corresponds to the surface of the planet made up of different compounds such as minerals, and where terrestrial living beings remain. It is always found in modeling as a result of the action of rain, wind and other types of natural phenomena.

Image designed in Canva.

The Biosphere

It is that part of the planet where life develops. It is formed by living beings and the environment that surrounds them with water and solar energy.

The Biosphere is found both in the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere, as there are living beings that inhabit these areas.


1. Up to 2,000 meters above the surface, inhabit birds, insects, among others.

2. All kinds of aquatic plants and animals live in the oceans and bodies of water.

3. On the earth's surface, there are different land animals, humans, and plants.

Image designed in Canva.

That said, thanks to the different layers and their interrelation, the existence of the Biosphere is possible.


🌍 Physical book. Mi Planeta Tierra 2. Author: Prof. Jorge Lösch. Salesiana Editorial.


Make a post containing the following:

1.What are the terrestrial geospheres?

2.What is the atmosphere and how is it divided?

3.In your own words, explain what the lithosphere and hydrosphere are.

4.What do you think is the importance of the biosphere?

Rules for making your publication

1. Make your post in the Steem kids community and leave the link in the comments of this post.

2. Please resteem this post to reach more users.

3. Your content must be original. If you use images or information from other authors, make sure to place the sources correctly.

4. You must belong to a club: club5050, club75 or club100.

5. You must be verified in the community.

6. Your publication must contain a minimum of 300 words and the use of the steemexclusive tag and the club tag.

7. Assignments will be accepted until the expiration of this post.

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Thank you very much for your support and feedback!

CC: @ngoenyi

 2 years ago 

Una nueva y genial clase sobre las capas externas del planeta Tierra, siempre es bueno comprender cuales son y como se conforman. Explicaste detalladamente y con buenos gráficos.

¡Felicidades y éxitos!

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias Carla. Me alegro que te haya gustado esta lección. Muchos éxitos igualmente para ti!!


Maravillosa lección de ciencias de la Tierra 🌎 👏 Nunca esta de más recordar estos temas que vimos en el colegio cuando éramos niños, y que los pequeños de Steemit aprendan mucho de ti.

Excelente profesora 👏

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias @arcayart!! Me alegra mucho que te gustara esta lección. Así es, aprender y recordar sobre nuestro planeta es útil e interesante. Gracias por tu visita, saludos!!

Excelente lección que nos hace refrescar los conocimientos sobre ciencia de la tierra. Ojalá fuera una niña para estar participando de tus lecciones. Saludos y bendiciones mi niña. 🙏❤️😇

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias ❤️ me alegro que te haya gustado la lección!! Bendiciones igualmente 🙏🙏

 2 years ago 

Excelente clase hija, muy bien explicada y que nos hace recordar las geosferas que se encuentran en nuestro planeta. Te deseo muchos éxitos

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias 🤗 me alegra mucho que te haha gustado. Gracias por los buenos deseos, éxitos igualmente

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your participation dear student!!

 2 years ago 

Good job dear student!! Thanks for participating

 2 years ago 

My homework Link

 2 years ago (edited)

Good job student, thanks for participating

 2 years ago 

Thankyou tutor 🤩

 2 years ago 

Wow! I enjoyed every bit of the class, it reminds of Geography classes back in High School. Thank you for blessing me with such memories.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, thank you very much for your visit, I am very happy that you liked the lesson.

 2 years ago 

Anytime, anyday.. Stronger together.

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