Lesson 4: The Solar System

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Greetings friends of this great community!

It is a pleasure to be here as your tutor. I hope that the classes are to your liking and that you can learn much more about our home, Planet Earth.

For this fourth lesson, the topic is the Solar System.

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What is the solar system?

It is the scope of our planet. It is located in the Milky Way, it has the shape of a flattened disc and in it there are several celestial bodies, which I will talk about later.

Origin of the Solar System

Just like the origin of the universe (explained in the previous class), the origin of the solar system is a mystery. There are various theories, where it is estimated that it was formed more than 4600 million years ago.

In addition to the theory of creation, which explains that God created the universe and with it, the Solar System; The following hypotheses and theories exist:

✔️Nebular Hypothesis

It was developed between the years 1775-1796 and explains that the condensation of a gaseous nebula (a large cloud) gave rise to the Sun and then to the planets.


✔️Planetesimal Hypothesis

It was developed in the year 1900 and explains that a star passed very close to the Sun ripping material from it (gas). This material revolved around the Sun for a while, then condensed into particles, which collided to form the planets.

✔️Tidal Hypothesis

It was elaborated in the year 1919 and like the previous theory, it explains that a star passed close to the Sun, but in this case, the result was a great tide. The material extracted from the Sun divided and formed each planet when it solidified.

Image edited in Ibis Paint X. Source

✔️Dust Cloud Theory

This theory is one of the most accepted and suggests that the Sun formed in a disk of gas and dust from a condensing solar nebula. As for the planets, they formed close to the disk and the asteroids originated thanks to the dust cloud.

It also explains that the planets were initially gaseous, so their material could have separated and thus formed the satellites.

Components of the Solar System

The solar system is made up of the following:

1. Central star: It is the great Sun that is in the center of the system, whose materials are helium and hydrogen. It is called a star because it is a celestial body with its own energy and light.


2. The planets: They are the celestial bodies without their own light that revolve around the Sun. In the system there are 8; being their order (from those closest to the Sun) the following: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

3. Dwarf planets: They are those that due to their small size do not fall into the category of "planet". In the system there are 5, whose names are: Pluto, Haumea, Eris, Ceres and Makemake.

4. Satellites: They are the bodies that revolve around the planets and dwarf planets. In the case of Earth, it is the Moon. However, in the solar system, there are many more to each; except Mercury and Venus which have none.


The number of satellites for each one are: 2 on Mars; 79 on Jupiter; 82 on Saturn; 27 on Uranus; 14 on Neptune; 5 on Pluto; 1 in Eris; 2 in Haumea and 1in Makemake.

5. Asteroids: They are rocks of different sizes and shapes that are found around the Sun.

6. Meteors: They are small parts of asteroids that often enter the Earth due to the force of gravity.

7. Comets: They are bodies that form far away from the solar system. When they get closer to the Sun, part of their material evaporates, causing the typical tail seen from Earth to appear.



✔ Physical book. Mi Planeta Tierra 2. Author: Prof. Jorge Lösch. Salesiana Editorial.


Make a post responding to the following:

1.What is the Solar System?

2.Explain in your own words 2 theories of the origin of the Solar System.

3.Indicate and explain which elements of the Solar System most attract your attention.

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CC: @ngoenyi


Excelente lecciones sobre el sistema solar y sus diferentes hipótesis y teorías. La información está muy clara e interesante. Te felicito.👍 Muchas gracias por compartir. Saludos y bendiciones. 🙏

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tus palabras!! Me alegro mucho que te haya gustado este contenido. Saludos y bendiciones

 2 years ago 

Excellent explanation friend, you tell us clearly how the solar system is composed, referring to the theory of creation, I prefer the creationist theory, however, I respect each of the ones that are

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, thank you very much for your words. I also believe more in creation but I respect the opinion of each person. Greetings and blessings

 2 years ago 

Congratulations! Good Job. Many successes!

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much!! I'm glad you liked it. Blessings!!

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for participating dear student

 2 years ago 

Interesante lección mi querida Alessandra. No tenía idea de los planetas enanos, pensaba que solo existian en nuestra galaxia lo que siempre solemos nombrar. Todos los dias aprendemos algo nuevo, y tu lección es prueba de ello porque es muy educativa, éxitos 💜

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias Carlita! Me alegra mucho que hayas aprendido algo nuevo con esta lección. ❤️ Éxitos igualmente!!

Congratulations 👏 💙 You give us a very good and detailed lesson on the solar system. Very understandable and ideal, children will love it! How impressive that the other planets have several satellites, without a doubt that the universe is a mystery.

 2 years ago 

Hello @arcayart!! Thank you very much. That's right, the world is impressive and new things are discovered every day. greetings and blessings to you

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the lesson. It was nice reading about the four theories for the origin of the solar system. Before now, my believe was that there are nine planets. But this lesson classifies Pluto to be a dwarf planet due to its size.

 2 years ago 

Greetings!! Thank you very much for reading this lesson, i am very glad that you liked it. Yes, as of 2006 by the International Astronomical Union, Pluto lost the category of Planet, being called today Dwarf Planet together with Ceres, Eris, Haumea and Makemake.

 2 years ago 

Well done! This is a great post!
I am sure that no only the kids but also the adults are going to learn from this. I was for sure one of them.
Keep up the good work!
Ps. Kindly include the link of your previous lessons in you post for easy reference. I was looking for them (•ิ‿•ิ)

 2 years ago 

Greetings @patjewell!! Thank you very much for your words, I am very glad that you liked this lesson. Thank you very much for the recommendation, I will apply them from the next class.

 2 years ago 

Hello dear student, good job!

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