Steemit Engagement Challenge Week 2 || Sharing My Country's Culture [Grand Celebration Of The AFO AKOM ANNUAL FESTIVAL]

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

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Hello there, Esteem Steemians, I salute y'all in this beautiful Community. I believe you are all doing great. I love this community so much because of the type of contest they organized which are all of my great interest, most especially the one for this week because I have a lot to share about my tradition because the contest is all about our country's culture. I bet you y'all will love my culture as I will share some great moments about our culture.

Without waisting time, let me get straight into the game

About two weeks ago, I shared a very brief history about where I come from which is kom and was intending to continue and share about how special we usually celebrate during cultural festivals. Thanks for this contest that I will be able to use this opportunity to share about my culture festival Celebration

History And Origin Of Kom Cultural Festival

All tribes in Cameroon most especially in the Northwest, West, and literally regions are well known for their rich culture and touristic endowments because of their style of celebration during festivals, be it death, marriage or birth celebration known as "born house"


Now coming to my tribe which is KOM, our most celebrated festival is the "AFO AKOM ANNUAL DANCE". This dance is usually celebrated at the fons palace at Ilaikom.

This AFO AKOM is an ancient calved wood that possesses a lot of powers. It was even stolen and sold to the Americans but due to it's mysterious nature and confusion it caused, the Americans later return it back in Cameroon because of the ancient powers it posseses. Due to this special powers this statue posseses, we have so much pride in it and this is the reason why we decided to be having annual festival every December so as to celebrate and give special praises to this statue.

The Legends Of Kom

It is believe that this statue posseses thousands of spirits within it and the fon of Kom usual see this statue only once his life during his reign as a Kom Fon which is only during his coronation as fon. But once he is not a fon, he can see it many times if he has the opportunity, but this is only when he hasn't be made fon yet. Why he can't see it, is because it is always considered as his embodiment which lives within him and give him special powers

Fon Of Kom During His Coronation

The AFO AKOM is the most respected and admirational arifacs here in the Northwest and probably the whole of Cameroon which is not just because of the dance that is name after it but because of the super powers it posseses.
The annual dance us always held towards mid December and it always last for 2 to 3 days

This Statue was produced by late Foin Yuh the 7th and he named it "AFO AKOM" which means "Something belonging the Kom only". This Statue symbolizes love, peace, solidarity, hospitality, generosity, continuity, diversity, unity, sovereignty, justice and stability. It's Calving represent a royal statue that is standing behind the throne holding a baton besides its chest which is connected by a baffalo heads.

We the natives of KOM have so much pride in our fon and we honor and protect him even with our life's. We also honor our traditional rites, juju's and our sacred shrines. We always give praises to the rhythm of our drums and dance to the beautiful melodies. We enjoy our regalia of different colours with pride

How We celebrated AFO AKOM Cultural Festival

Now coming to how it's celebrated, it was strictly celebrated just by following our ancestors because of the traditional rituals they usually perform during the festival. But that had long change because we are in the modern world now though traditional rituals are usually carried out, but this time it's not in the public.

What we celebrate in public, is the general awareness of our tradition to the whole world to show how beautiful our festival looks like. The ritual part is usually performed at the shrine In sacred.

During AFO AKOM festival

The reason behind this festival is to re-unit the children of Kom who are living apart in different areas in the world. When this festival is about to whole, Kom people will travel all over the world to the land of KOM where they will then move up to Ilaikom which is the fon's palace. The festival always last for about 3 days with a lot of cultural activities such as sports cultural dance of different types and mass display of masquerades different types

This event is regarded as the biggest event in the KOM kingdom and during the event, son's and daughters of KOM show out their culture to their Fon and the entire world of how the cherish it, the Fon in return uses the opportunity to tell their son's and daughters to always show and promote their culture where ever they maybe so that people can see how rich and beautiful KOM culture is.

During this festivals, I always enjoy mostly the part of masquerades displays. So luckily I still have some of the videos because I'm a man of tradition who love his culture with pride. More than 25 different masquerades usually perform during this period

The major dance groups During this festivals are Juju dance groups, Njong- Kom, Njang Wain, Kom Royal Dance, Chong group, and NJANG Fubom . The main meal we always eat during this cultural festival is Abain Ni Mbass which is translated as Corn fufu and vegetables, then Khati-Khati is always there to serve as meat

Celebration Proper

As I said, we usually have several dance groups During this festivals. Below, I will elaborate on how we usually Carry out celebration by different dance groups


This various CHONG groups are owned by titled Men who are highly respected in the Kom land because they always go through several types of initiations before owning a CHONG. This Chong dance is made up of only Old men but when they are displaying, women and children can also join in the dance


Njong kom

Njong Kom is regarded as the Kwifoin which is like the military of the Kom land because it is always display by a group of Men who constantly fire guns into the air which is an indication to the Fon that they are much ready for war so as to protect their land from any enemy


This dance is usually display both by men, women and children so as to show case their rich culture to the world


This dance group is strictly only for Old women . The songs usually sang are symbolic and euphemistic. The Old women always display by surrounding the compound then singing memorial songs while clapping their hands. The main objective of this songs during the festival is to affirm that the oral tradition of KOM is so special. At times during the display in the compound, both Men and children can join in dancing this NJANGWAIN because it has a very special dance


At first, only the princesses of the kom land always performed to dance during the festival but it had long been changed into general dance particular for young ladies who are aspiring to get married because it is believe that they might be lucky to seduce men so that they can admirer and eventually get married to them. Most men fines that wife's that day during the dance

6) JUJU DANCE (Masquerades display)

This is one of the best moments during this festival because more than 30 different Juju groups are being displayed in the palace. This JUJU groups are strictly for men and it is restricted for a woman to ever enter any Juju house because of the rituals they usually perform before masking them selfs in other to go out and perform or when un-masking them selfs after performance. Below are various videos of some of the juju dance groups in my land which I had the opportunity to capture some.

During festival

During Celebration

Below are few videos of Juju in my land displaying during cultural festival and death celebrations. Hope you will enjoying it

MuGuooh Âbuh

Natang Âboh displaying

Nchiofo displaying

FENGONBAIN displaying

It should be noted that this videos belongs to me , I took them sometimes ago when I had the opportunity to attend this both festivals and dead cerebrations in my village

I have the full videos of the various juju groups and I also have more videos of other juju dance groups. So if you are interested in my tradition and love to watch more of the dance, you are free to contact me and I will send you more so that you can enjoy how rich and diverse my culture is


Thanks for your time everyone, i can't go without inviting my dear friends @nane15, @pelon53, @tangwe-rene, @tenguhatanga, and @wyzcekunited to come and witness how beautiful my tradition is and probably take part in this contest

 2 years ago 

You know, i love the dance part in different cultures. I first heard the cameron world in football world cups. Now i saw your post and got to know about the culture. I will visit your country one day to witness the culture and food ❤
I have written the same about my country culture and i must say you should read that too because i will be obliged. We should share views about our culture.

You know, i love the dance part in different cultures. I first heard the cameron world in football world cups

Woow I'm happy you also love the dance part just as me here because the most reason why always love going for festival is because of the dance part

I will visit your country one day to witness the culture and food ❤

This is great news my brother. I will gladly welcome you with open hands in my country

have written the same about my country culture and i must say you should read that too because i will be obliged

Alright I will check it out.

Our tradition is full with emotion and joy, representing our cultural heritage from our ancestors.
But unfortunately most of the youths today don't take part in their tradition, and it rather unfortunate.
Thank God there are other young men and ladies that care about their tradition including you sir @chiabertrand

Our tradition is full with emotion and joy, representing our cultural heritage from our ancestors.

You are right bro, I love the way we most Africans Cherish our tradition because it's always full of emotions, joy and fun feeling.

But unfortunately most of the youths today don't take part in their tradition, and it rather unfortunate.

Hahaha you are right bro. Youths of today are considered Android youths and most of them don't or have never gone to their village or even know how to speak their mother-tongue. It's really bad

As for me ehhh, it's just because of this ongoing Anglophone war like I would have been going to my village every holidays for our annual festival because I'm a big fan of juju. I always love seeing them display 🤗

Wow see culture people really enjoy this, in our time some of this culture has been replaced with social media we don't have time for them again, but I like reading up this cultural history thank you for sharing with us here, wish you success in your contest eny

Wow see culture people really enjoy this, in our time some of this culture has been replaced with social media we don't have time for them again

You are right my dear, it's really bad we are now in the Andro world where most of our kind don't love tradition. But as far me ehhh, when it comes to my tradition I don't joke with it because I cherish it so much

but I like reading up this cultural history thank you for sharing with us here, wish you success in your contest eny

Thanks so much for the appreciation and the positive visit

Wow, wow and wow again!!! The AFO AKOM? I have been hearing this name but never in my life knew it was an annual festival in your village. I used to think it's the name of the most popular musician from your area. This is so enriching and interesting

The reason behind this festival is to re-unit the children of Kom who are living apart in different areas in the world.

As wonderful objective of celebration. We all need to live in peace wherever we are and as one. This is just about love for each other.

I love this festival hopefully I will come when all is okay in Bamenda

AFO AKOM? I have been hearing this name but never in my life knew it was an annual festival in your village

AFO AKOM is actually a calved wood which is believe to possessed alot of spiritual powers. So it is very special to us natives of KOM. Due to how special it is to us, we always celebrate it's grand annual festival every December so as to give honor to this AFO AKOM

I used to think it's the name of the most popular musician from your area. This is so enriching and interesting

Hahaha I Know the man you are talking about. Anyway, he is from KOM palace. So he is a price and thesame time a musician. When he sang a music about AFO AKOM, people started calling him AFO AKOM whereas his names are Prince Yerima

As wonderful objective of celebration. We all need to live in peace wherever we are and as one. This is just about love for each other.

And this is why we always have this grand annual festival every December so as to gather and be united

I love this festival hopefully I will come when all is okay in Bamenda

This will be amazing, I will happily take you to my village so that you can enjoy how we usually celebrate our festivals

 2 years ago 

A festival pack with tradition! Thank you for giving us an insight to this festival and the culture behind it. With every word I’ve read I learned more.
Ps. The videos are a great add on!

A festival pack with tradition! Thank you for giving us an insight to this festival and the culture behind it

You are much welcome mom. My tradition and cultural Celebrations are always entertaining and fun to watch because of the numerous dance groups that always entertain us

Ps. The videos are a great add on

It happened that I still got some videos I always take when ever I had the chance to attend any cultural Celebration and this videos where taken years backward. I didn't know I could still have them😊😊. All thanks to Steemit that I still had to dig them out so as to show case how my cultural dance is always celebrated

 2 years ago 

What Steemit don’t make us di😊

Truely culture is the total way of life of the people and people hold on to it dearly

Yes my dear you are right about because culture brings back people together who live further apart especially during cultural events

One thing i have noticed so far since the beginning of this culture contest, i noticed that all African Countries shared almost the same culture.

I enjoyed reading your different cultural backgrounds.

However, among the different dances, i was expecting to see the Makosa dance😊, but as i carried out further research i found out that it's from Congo , mostly patronized by the French speaking .Isnt it part of your cultural dance as Cameron is also a french speaking country?

Also, i wanted to ask this...i know very well that Cameron speaks much of French and little of English , how do yoy cope when you all have national events...?

I am asking this because i have encountered alot of people from the English zone who doesnt understand french at all.

How do yoy people communicate between the english and the french folks..., do you have a comon language for such situation?

One thing i have noticed so far since the beginning of this culture contest, i noticed that all African Countries shared almost the same culture.
Yeah that's true bro you are definitely right and I had also noticed too

However, among the different dances, i was expecting to see the Makosa dance😊, but as i carried out further research i found out that it's from Congo , mostly patronized by the French speaking .Isnt it part of your cultural dance as Cameron is also a french speaking country?

No brother, Makossa isn't part of our cultural dance. However, we are made up of 256 ethnic groups with different Cultural Celebrations, but if you look into it more deeply, you will realize it boils down to almost thesame way of celebration

Also, i wanted to ask this...i know very well that Cameron speaks much of French and little of English , how do yoy cope when you all have national events...?

You are right bro. Cameroon is made up of 10 Regions whereas 8 are Francophone regions while just 2 are English speaking region. However, we don't actually face any difficulties because during national events, speakers speak in both English and French or there's always a translator

am asking this because i have encountered alot of people from the English zone who doesnt understand french at all.

Hahaha that's true and same goes with French speakers

How do yoy people communicate between the english and the french folks..., do you have a comon language for such situation?

No brother we don't have any common language and this has caused us alot of problems. We are still surffering from some of this problems today just like the ongoing Anglophone war. And this war escalated because of this two languages

Oh wow, i just hope better days come.

As for the comon language stuff, i can understand that, i wish there was.

Here in Nigeria we have different languages but we have only one official language "English".

 2 years ago 

Hello, good to see you participating in the contest.

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Thanks for the check and statistics dear @vvarishayy

 2 years ago 

Wounderful and amazing post.

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