Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19W3 - "My life in paranormal"

in Knack4buzzyesterday
This happened in the summer of 2008 when I was going from Delhi to Shimla with my four friends. We had already reserved a good hotel for ourselves. We had all decided that we would drive during the night, so we checked into the hotel early in the morning. We left Delhi at 8 p.m., and we took turns driving for two hours each.

We had our dinner at a way-side restaurant, and at around 3 a.m., we crossed Kalka and reached the hilly road. Now the road we were passing through had hilly turns one after the other. Now we were driving the car on this hill.

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The road on this hill is curvy, and spiraling, and has too many slopes and climbs. Suddenly we saw that a white Ford was standing on the side of the road, and the parking lights and blinkers of that car were on. A beautiful girl in her twenties was sitting beside that car.

She was wearing a beautiful yellow top and jeans. And when she saw us, she signaled us for a lift. We were discussing whether we should give her a lift, or overlook. We had heard about robberies in this area.

Out of four, three of us were in favor of helping that girl, and one person did not want to help that girl at such a late hour. This could have been a trick to stop and loot us. The one who was against helping the girl was saying that there must be something wrong and that we should not get caught in this mess.

My friend in the driving seat slowed down the car near that girl and rolled down the car window, but one of my friends was protesting in a loud voice that if you stopped the car, something wrong could happen. A girl standing here at this time might be a trap.

Hearing him, the friend who was driving increased the speed and decided not to stop. But as we drove past that girl, a sweet smell spread in our car. Perhaps she has used an expensive perfume.

When we left that girl behind and drove further by 3 to 4 km, then the discussion about that girl started among the four of us in the car, saying that we should have mustered courage and helped that girl, maybe she was in trouble, and we should not have left her alone there, especially since it's so late at night.



Then the friend driving the car changed his mind, and he decided to take a U-turn. But then we saw the same car that we had seen behind us a while ago, and the same girl was standing next to that car. She was wearing the same yellow top and jeans, and she was asking for a lift by raising her thumb. We all felt scared, and at least my heart was beating fast.

My friend immediately increased the speed of the car and quickly passed that girl. The same smell we had experienced a few minutes ago spread in our car again. This time, we were all shaken, and even after coming a long distance, we were not speaking to each other.

Incidentally, we crossed that girl two more times in the next 20 kilometers. Finally, we entered Shimla and stopped the car at the first restaurant we came across.



We were all scared. We all went inside that restaurant and ordered tea. Then a driver in that restaurant asked us the reason for our nervousness, and when we told that driver everything, that man showed us a newspaper in which there was news that a 21-year-old woman from Delhi had an accident in the same hilly area, and that girl's car had fallen from the cliff into the ravine.

The car mentioned in the newspaper was the same one that we had seen three times last night. And the dress of the girl was also the same as described in the newspaper, which we saw her wearing. We were all scared when we were going back from Shimla to Delhi, but this time we chose to travel during the day.


I have several other personal experiences but I can dismiss them as intuition, telepathy, or even thinking that I was preoccupied with those thoughts but this incident was scary and something that has no answer even after 16 years.

I invite, @josepha, @ripon0630, @goodybest and @suboohi

CC @patjewell for she prompted me to post this story.


Your interesting experience is really a shocking one, you guys were very lucky to have escaped the jaws of of hurtful circumstances. You shared how much nervousness enveloped everyone in the group, I'm glad you scaled through the path, you live to tell the story of how you conquered henceforth. I loved the article, so captivating and insightful. Success in the challenge my dear friend.

 8 hours ago 

That wasn't interesting bro but shocking. We were four so we faced that without getting fainted but a single person would have gone down the trench on that hilly road. However, I still feel a chill down my spine whenever I recall that incident.

I'm hoping you get over the predicament and move forward in your life. Its indeed a time of sober reflection.

TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

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Curated by : @sofian88

Well noted my dear friend, i would indeed put in more efforts to see to it that I bring forth more quality interaction subsequently.

Oh my word!!! This gives me the creeps. It reminds me of a town in South Africa where people also think there is a ghost roaming the "highway."

Well, I am glad you wrote the post, as I enjoyed it and I am sure that many more Steemians will be joining me. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Best wishes!


We have a spot where truck drivers see and lose balance when they see a headless ghost near a cantonment.

They say, that during British rule, an English captain lost his head when an iron sheet flew from a truck and separated his head from his body. He is still seen on that road, and many truckers have lost their lives when they see a headless motorcycle.

This happens seldom now, but it was more frequent until two decades ago.

Oh gosh! All of a sudden I feel all lonely here where I am sitting in the study and it is almost midnight.
I think I must get to bed.
Good night!

 8 hours ago 

I hope you had a troublefree sleep 🎉

My God, is it for real?

Well well well, a little out of context but here i wanna mention that....

You can actually get in trouble if you decide to reach out a girl to help her or for any business work.

Recently a drama writer from my country was kidnapped and looted when he went to meet a girl at 4am.

It was to exercise equal rights as challenged by the writer and the girl accepted it.

It's not safe to help suspicious figures. Man should take precautions these days too.

 14 hours ago 

That was the point, the first time around we wanted to help her but incidents of loot happen in this area when the robbers use girls as front. But when we saw hr a couple of more times on the way we were sure she was a ghost and we were proved right.

we were sure she was a ghost and we were proved right.

Ufff, i can't imagine the horror you had gone through without anyone of you losing consciousness.

Love it! After a while, if one has enough experiences, to a certain extent the bizarre can become normal. Once spirits realize one can see them - or as I like to say to the grieving, "The problem with dead relatives and friends isn't talking or interacting with them, it's how does one get them to shit up! They can't be killed they are already - what exactly?


Maybe we doubt such things but the fact is we are not sure. I don't want to believe in such things but then I feel, "just in case". You never know what makes you see them or what they actually are.

People with different than normal eyesight, high infrared or high ultra-violet, or who knows what parts of the spectrums of energy some people can see or hear, feel that others cannot.

What is very interesting is when there is more than one person that observes events, like say Fatima, when the Blessed, Assumpted Mother appeared.

I suspect more people experience things but most don't acknowledge it because if they do they may end up in a psychiatric ward forced to take drugs until do not see it anymore. Or worse.

The reason I write about events witnessed is because I can fight extremely well. Oh for awhile, I am getting old, I worried about the ability to defend myself but now I have the torture rack that stretches me out. I am limber and I can do upside down situps...

No really. The world is very nasty to those who experience that which those in charge do not want people to see and experience.


my answer is still the same, "You never know" Who would have believed a couple of decades ago the things going on in this world right now were even possible but they are happening?

So if a scientist comes up with a spec that shows you paranormal once you wear it, don't feel surprised. Cheers!

What would a beautiful girl be doing outside in such an hour, or maybe she needs help. Your friend acted with fear by increasing the speed, despite how he had agreed to help the beautiful girl. Well I think came to his mind that made him to speed off. It is said that our mind is powerful which means we should follow the decision of our mind which I am sure is what your friend did. Thanks for the invite, and good luck to you.


That's what we asked hours later when we reached Shimla. But at that point, we just thought that girl's car had broken down and she was waiting for help. But later we came to know. she was something out of this world that we are still trying to digest. Thanks for your support.

Ah, sebuah kisah yang menarik. Kejadian seperti itu sering terjadi di tempat kami, walaupun saya hanya mendengar cerita dari orang-orang, sedangkan saya belum pernah mengalami.

Banyak kejadian kecelakaan atau kriminal yang menyebabkan korban jiwa dan kemudian arwahnya menghantui orang-orang.

Pada kasus anak saya yang diganggu arwah saat latihan pasukan pengibar bendera, adalah dari arwah korban konflik bersenjata pada tahun 90-an. Seorang wanita muda diperkosa dan dibunuh serta dibuang dekat dengan lapangan bolakaki. Dan kemudian anak saya latihan pengibaran bendera di lapangan tersebut pada tahun 2019. Anak saya dan teman-temannya diganggu oleh arwah tersebut.

Semoga anda beruntung dengan kontes ini.

 8 hours ago 

Thanks, Alee Bhai, we have yet to learn the secrets hidden in this universe and I hope they will all be revealed one by one and make us wiser. I believe that girl died untimely so was still wandering on this earth.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saludos amigo una historia muy aterradora y espeluznante, dicen que muchas personas que han perdido la vida así quedan vagando o deambulando porque no pueden subir a donde están todas las almas, no he visto fantasmas de ese tipo pero si experimente algo parecido cuando a mí tia le entró un espíritu que le enviaron por maldad

 8 hours ago 

Thanks for your concern and support!

Aku merasa takut saat membaca postingan tentang peristiwa yang pernah kamu temui. Seorang wanita yang berdiri di mobil dan sangat mengerikan jika yang mengemudi tidak melajukan mobilnya dengan kecepatan tinggi. Mungkin itu sering terjadi pada beberapa tempat yang musibah kecelakaan di jalan raya.

 8 hours ago 

I must say that was an experience that I have never felt before or felt again. Thanks for your support.

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