Splinterlands | Opportunity Ability Challenge

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Something different this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge as an ability is highlited instead of a card.

The Opportunity ability was introduced into the game when the Untamed set was released and allows to directly attack the lowest health opponent monsters. There are currently 8 different cards that have this ability. Check


My favorite right now without a doubt is the Screeching Vulture because it also has the Fly and Scavenger ability. That last one close when having it at leve6 and is quite massive because it allows a mellee card to be used in the backline while it loads up on health acting as a proper 1st position tank later in the match. It is also a reward card that can be gotten for free by playing which also makes it extremely cheap compared to most other cards.

I use this cheap reward card all the time so it was easy to pick a game with it. I faced an opponent of a much higher level but still managed to get the fairly easy win because all my cards had the fly ability not causing them harm at the end of the round because of the game rules.

I used the Daria Dragonscale as Summoner as the dragon class is, without doubt, the best for matches with Earthquake rules. Since it gives a bonus of + Melee, most focus was on adding as many Melee monsters as possible starting with the Chromatic Dragon which is a Melee Monster against anything that doesn't have the shield ability followed by The Manticore which can attack from 2nd position. The Enchanted Pixie also has the fly ability as gave all my Melee monsters +1 attack. The Screeching Vulture came in 4th and actually ended the match with 10 health. The Black Dragon shielded by my Golden Furious Chicken provided everything some extra health. Overall an easy win against a rather poor line-up from the opponent despite him having cards at a higher level.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges
Splinterlands | Javelin Thrower Challenge
Splinterlands | Giant Squid Challenge
Splinterlands | Serpentine Spy Challenge
Splinterlands | Goblin Mech Challenge
Splinterlands | Nectar Queen Challenge
Splinterlands | Manticore Challengee
Splinterlands | Undead Minotaur Challenge
Splinterlands | Spark Pixies Challenge
Splinterlands | Serpent Of Eld Challenge
Splinterlands | Gelatinous Cube Challenge


Everyone who wants to try the game out for free themselves can get a big early game advantage as I'm leasing a whole lot of cards out when you use my Referral Link and end up getting the Summoner's Spellbook. Full details on the sign-up deal check can be found here (Link). If you want to get a transparent view on how much playing the game can potentially earn check my Splinterlands April Results & Earnings Report (+134$) (Link). If you want tips on how to potentially freeroll the game & get great returns check (Link)

Signing up with an affiliate link and purchases the Summoner's Spellbook currently will currently also give you a Free Random Untamed card from the @sl-giveaways account which could be a 100$ golden legendary if you are lucky.


Nice, concise post. I love that you include links to your previous challenges. Thanks for sharing! 🥰@carrieallen

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