Splinterlands | April Results & Earnings Report

in Splinterlands4 years ago

I am tracking all my Splinterlands earnings each month bringing a full breakdown to show an accurate transparent view on what can be achieved by investing in a card collection and playing the game. I'm also hoping to convince more players to try the game out themselves.

Now is the Time to Get In!

I want to start off with a little notice to those who have been wanting to try out the game but haven't gotten to it yet as there are a ton of promotions running at once right now while the game itself gives excellent returns...

  • Extra 40+ Cards Delegation: I continue to run my offer leasing out a whole bunch of extra cards to players that use my referral link and get the Summoner's Spellbook which unlocks the reward earnings. These give a big early game advantage making it possible to easily reach the gold leagues without extra investment. See all details on the sign-up deal here
  • Legendary Summoner Lease: I currently have 3 Camila Sungazer Dragon Summoners available for lease which will go to the first 3 that take up my sign-up deal this month. This card allows you to play higher level cards from all classes right from the start.
  • Referral Giveaway Promotion: The team bought up a large number of Untamed cards which hare held in the @sl-giveaways account. Everyone that signed up with a referral link will get a random card of that collection which could be a 100$ Golden Legendary when you are lucky.
  • Halving Promotion Event: A promotion Started on Monday and every 5 packs give players 1 Epic Halfing Alchemist card (currently worth 1.70$). There were 10000 available and only around 2000 are left right now.

    (All details on this Halving Promotion can be found here)
  • Halfing Alchemist Airdrop: 2000 of these cards will also be airdropped randomly to active players who played 5 or more games. 140 will be given away each day for 14 days (12 days left). there is a 2% chance of this being a Golden foil Card. All details on this Halving
  • $2,000 of BTC Tournaments Upcoming: There will be a big tournament event with 2000$ in BTC prizes on May 9th, 10th, 16th, and 17th.
  • High Community Blogging Rewards: The price increase of both Hive & Steem makes it so that the rewards the team is able to give out to the active Splinterlands blogging community also increased. Everyone can join the weekly Share your Battle Challenge (Link) which easily should allow you to recover the initial 10$ investment needed to get the Summoner's Spellbook. (Details on how to freeroll the game & get great returns here.
  • ...

April 1st Collection Value

At the start of April, my total card collection value came in at 585$ (452$ Main account | 133$ Alt Account). Around 275$ value of my main account is leased out to players under my affiliate which I also see as an investment that helps to give some returns. I am consistently reaching Diamond 1 & 2 Leagues near the end of each season which can be easily reached with a 80$-150$ card collection if you are a halfway decent player.

April Reward Cards

It was a reasonable month when it came down to reward cards which currently add up to 18.888$ without drawing anything exceptional. It does add up when completing the quests each day as you will always get some Legendary and Golden cards.

Aprilh Essence orbs Pack Card Rewards

I got lucky last month getting 16 Essence orbs, this month I managed to get 7 of them from the reward chests. None of the packs contained anything out of the ordinary and the card value added up to 1.826$

This puts the total value of Reward Cards when counting the current market price at 20.714$

April DEC Earnings

The price of DEC saw a nice increase getting closer to its intrinsic value of 1$ for 1000 DEC because of the current promotions and 1 DEC is currently worth 0.00074$

Main Account Ranked Wins16758 DEC12.40$
Main Account Reward Chests3392DEC2.51$
Alt Account Ranked Wins15466 DEC11.44$
Alt Account Reward Chests4962 DEC3.67$

Combined, I earned around 40578 of DEC during the month of March which comes down to 30.03$ at current DEC Price. I wrote last month:
"The price of DEC is currently rather low. When the new expansion comes in the future, it will be possible to pay with DEC at a fixed price conversion which is higher compared to what it sells for right now. I put most of my Earned DEC into a savings account which now has 35k DEC in it for later."

The price since increased from 0.000373$ to 0.00074$ so saving up has been a good choice indirectly increasing last month's earnings by quite a bit. I will continue to save up some for now and might sell some in case it reaches close to 1000 DEC = 1$.

Dec Investments - Buying Cards

It was possible to buy very cheap untamed cards over at Monstermarket.io (They are 2nd hand and don't count toward promotional airdrops) which I was made aware of by @clove71 (See Post). 1650 DEC for 1 pack was around 0.57$ at the time and I got 10 packs myself to try my luck. The gap between what you expect to get from card values and the price of the packs was very small and I did manage to make a small profit getting 6.03$ worth of cards for the 5.70$ price for the packs (see Image). With the price of DEC going up the pack purchase indirectly became more expensive but cards also gained in value. this is the result currently...

I also bought 2 cards on the market for my own collection using some of the earned DEC.

I spend a total of ~19086DEC on cards last month on a total of 79 cards combined. The current total card value counted at the lowest market price currently adds up to is 11.737$ while the DEC is now worth 14.12$ because of the x2 price increase.

DEC21492 DEC15.90$
Cards79 Cards14.12$

Potion Earnings

I continue to save up potions for future pack openings. They certainly do have some value but I don't directly count in my earnings but it will reflect in a higher card value on pack openings.

PotionAccount 1Account 2Total

Most Valuable Earned Reward Cards

April Affiliate Earnings

I continue my effort to onboard new players and 22 ended up making an account last month with 4 of those becoming active players. The affiliate system was changed last month no paying out earnings in credits while DEC purchases will no longer earn a 5% cut. Many of the players continue to play the game growing their own card collection and some affiliate earnings continue to come in.

Affiliate earningsTotal$ Value

Affiliate Investments - Buying Cards

I bought 3 extra cards with the Affiliate earnings last month paying 12.797$ for them. Currently, they are worth 16.519$.

So overall value I got from Affiliates last month added up to 19.249$

April Splinterlands Post Earnings

With the price of Hive shooting up, the earnings from being active in the community making posts (like this one) certainly add up making it worth the time and effort. I also really enjoy writing and keeping track of numbers and the weekly Share Your battle challenge is also a blast.

I made a total of 8 posts last month and the earnings from them on both Hive and Steem combined added up to around 62.75$ after subtracting the Curation rewards and cut for the SPS. Everyone can pretty much get involved and start to blog but it really needs to be something you enjoy as it does require quite some effort. Making quick posts expecting to get rewarded for it probably won't work.

Gifts / Monstermarket Cashback

Special thanks to @clove71 for sending me 2200DEC to get potions to use on the packs I bought after reading her post about the big discount that was going on. I did use all of it to buy potions and it probably helped me to get that Legendary Cornealus. Thanks.

Also thanks to @Stimp1024 for sending over 3 Untamed packs after he bought the cheap packs when they were available getting lucky drawing a Golden Legendary Camila Sungazer. I didn't get lucky on the cards but they still added up to 1.097$ value.

Monstermarket.io gives 3% cashback when using their website to buy cards on the market. In the past, I counted this into the buy price but I will be counting this cashback separate from now on since I will be buying more cards using credits. This added to 265.832 DEC (0.197$)


All numbers are based on current minimum values in case I would sell everything I right now have from last month's earnings in terms of STEEM / Cards / DEC / Credits / ...

Counting the earnings is not an exact science and I always count the lowest values not even including everything to give the fairest picture of what can be achieved.

Reward Cards18.888$
Orbs Earnings1.826$
DEC Earnings29.92$
Affiliate Earnings19.249$
Post Earnings62.750$

Total Card Collection Value Progression

DateAccount 1Account 2Total
January 1st354.12$138.36$492.48$
February 1st363.79$141.86$505.65$
March 1st434.96$133.98$568.64$
April 1st452.02$132.81$584.83$
May 1st562.78$153.83$716.61$

I saw a nice increase in overall collection value last month mostly because the average price of the cards went up a bit. I also managed to add quite some cards to my collection and haven't sold any yet.

Previous Months

March Splinterlands Earnings | +76.153$
February Splinterlands Earnings | +105.25$
January Splinterlands Earnings | +136.44$

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63219.83
ETH 2574.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78