Splinterlands | Javelin Thrower Challenge

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Another edition of the Share Your Battle Challenge and this week the Javelin Thower is card is highlighted.

The Javelin Thrower is an old rare Earth summoner class reward card that has been fully printed so the only way you can own it is if you buy it off the market. I collected quite a few back in the day and own 30 of them including one at level 5. I currently have 21 of them leased out to players who signed up with my affiliate and 9 more available. It is quite a good card in both the early levels where 2 range damage is hard to come by and a great counter against the powerful armor ability. At the higher levels, it has the dodge ability making it suitable for the last position even though it remains vulnerable with limited health.

The card forms a great combo with the Mushroom Seer in matches where there is an Armored Up rule. It is one of those cards that doesn't need a specific ruleset in order to be useful and the game I played had the 'No Sneak / No Snipe' Rules.

I tend to play this rule with max healing for the 1st Card which leaves it vulnerable if the opponent uses the affliction ability. If not, it's almost always a clear win which was the case in this match. I put the self-healing Flesh Golem in the first spot followed by the Golden Furious Chicken as a way to protect the healing Wood Nymph and the Javelin Thrower in last position. The opponent simply had not enough firepower to break through my healing while the 3 damage from the Javelin Thrower was good enough to break the Shield Ability of his Level 3 Lord Arianthus. Overall a clear win, the 2 Extra health from the Earth Summoner & Strengthen ability also helped.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges
Splinterlands | Giant Squid Challenge
Splinterlands | Serpentine Spy Challenge
Splinterlands | Goblin Mech Challenge
Splinterlands | Nectar Queen Challenge
Splinterlands | Manticore Challengee
Splinterlands | Undead Minotaur Challenge
Splinterlands | Spark Pixies Challenge
Splinterlands | Serpent Of Eld Challenge
Splinterlands | Gelatinous Cube Challenge


Everyone who wants to try the game out for free themselves can get a big early game advantage as I'm leasing a whole lot of cards out when you use my Referral Link and end up getting the Summoner's Spellbook. Full details on the sign-up deal check can be found here (Link). If you want to get a transparent view on how much playing the game can potentially earn check my Splinterlands April Results & Earnings Report (+134$) (Link). If you want tips on how to potentially freeroll the game & get great returns check (Link)

Signing up with an affiliate link and purchases the Summoner's Spellbook currently will currently also give you a Free Random Untamed card from the @sl-giveaways account which could be a 100$ golden legendary if you are lucky. I bought an extra Legendary Camilla Sungazer which is still available for lease and I will be sending a Level 1 Javelin Thrower to the first one who takes the deal during the next week.

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