USA: The Force Lost

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Source: Rodrigo de Matos (Portugal)

Decline of an Empire is best personified through the self-destruction of its levers of power…

Since the WWII, Army was a pride of the United States Empire. Now that Army has a gay pride – first completely gay helicopter crew, and a bunch of woke ads for the new recruits, like this one…

Duration: 2:20

Texas Senator Ted Cruz could not go quiet about this, and he made up a great stirr comparing Russian and US Army ads over Twitter.

It is interesting how reactions from both sides are actually confirming the dissolution of the former superpower’s key lever of force. Furthermore, over a hundred retired U.S. general and flag officers accused in an open letter President Joe Biden of installing “a Marxist form of tyrannical government”, calling him a greater threat to U.S. democracy than the ouster of Liz Cheney.

The Army cult was shaken neither with the antiwar classic book from 1935 entitled “War is a Racket” by Major General Smedley D. Butler…

Full Audio Book – Duration: 58:54

…nor with the Eisenhower’s military industrial complex speech in 1961. Now it is shattered, there’s nobody to pick up the pieces, and there’s no amount of printed fiat money to fix the broken. But there is worse. And I do not mean gay ad for CIA recruits conveniently called ‘Humans of CIA’. How else would you know these inhuman bastards belong to the human species? Hey, their chief is called ‘Bloody Gina’.

Duration: 2:22

What can be worse? Please, let our @leecamp first explain the connection between CIA and NED (National Endowment for Democracy):

Duration: 15:44

As a CIA offspring, you would think NED should be full of smart people. They do have a duty to fill the Army with intelligence, so one should expect at least minimum of intelligence among them. Alas… Russian pranksters, Vovan & Lexus sneaked in one of the ‘closed meetings’ of the NED management presenting themselves as ‘the team of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya’, and publicly crack open all the attitudes and plans of this organization regarding Russia and Belarus…

Duration: 20:48 (Russian subtitles)

Those present were Carl Gershman, NED President, Barbara Haig, NED Vice President of Policy and Strategy, Brian Joseph, Vice President for NED novices, Asia Ivantcheva, Senior Director for Europe, and Nina Ognyanova, Senior Specialist for NED Programs in Eastern Europe.

The ending with ‘Belarus KGB major’ is priceless, you should see their faces.

Remember, these idiots dream of having full control over your lives and rule the World…

Never forget that Julian Assange was one of those who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.

* * *

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