Where are all the Steem peeps at?

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Blue Piano Keys Music Youtube Channel Art.png


Oh my heavens - what a week it has been! It has been "go go go" since Monday and my body and mind are feeling it! lol... So happy that the weekend has landed, but I still feel like I am drowning in my "to do" list! I have not even been able to get to my regular daily posts and I missed the "track of the week" post yesterday... (don't worry... I will be putting that one out later today, for those that entered!) - it has just really been completely manic!

Life sure can be crazy sometimes! I think I also over did mt treadmill missions this week as the body is feeling a little worn out haha... so today I shall take a breather and give my weary bones a chance to recover before they have to prance around in stilettos for twelve hours tomorrow lol!

Aside from the chaos though... it has been a good week and now that I have (almost) survived it... I am looking forward to some party time at a friends wedding tomorrow - but before that - I need to make some time today to play a little bit of catch up... hopefully - but first, I need to get my hands on some heel stoppers!!!!!!!!! Who the heck would have thought that those damn things would be so bloody hard to find locally....


Completely off the topic of chaos, stiletto's and heel stoppers - the one conversation I have had with more than a handful of people this week is how quiet Steem has been of late - not only from a post perspective, but also in terms of engagement.... I do a lot of curation from multiple accounts including this one and the one thing that has been glaringly obvious is the lack of engagement on peoples posts! A good portion of the comments seem to be made up of automated curation replies and bots and then let's not forget "church of god" LOL! - but the "real live HUMAN" engagement seriously sees to be lacking. In fact, on MANY of the posts I have engaged on this week - at the time of commenting, I was the only one who had. This is really sad to see. Why are people not putting in the effort to "mingle"?

I have also noticed that many regular bloggers have not been seen for ages. It is like they just disappeared from the platform and then others that are only posting like once every ten days or something like that.

Are people feeling despondent, or what?

Would be interesting to see what some of your thoughts are on this, if anyone actually comments on this haha! - but until then... here's wishing you all a fantabulous Friday and weekend ahead!



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Yes, engagement down alas.

I recently did another compilation of all the contests running on Steem. There are at least 3 dozen going at any one time.

Many get very few entries - so the chance of winning is high.

Join in and #winwithsteem....

 5 years ago 

That is a great point and an awesome post to have done. Going to share that one with my PHC community!

Thank you. I will be doing a new edition soon if you spot any new contests that aren't already on the list.

 5 years ago 

Awesome! I have it on my "to do" list for today so will shout if needs be :D

Thanks for sharing this comment on the numerous contests running on Steem @pennsif. I will take a look at them. I try to enter as many as I can to grow my account since I just leveled to Minnow. It was really nice of you to post these. And I have found also that with as many contests as I've stumbled upon myself, only a few entrants. How odd when it only takes a small of time to read the rules and post your entry. I do realize that people are busy also with out aspect of their lives.

If you take a look at the wallet of those older “regular bloggers” you’ll see they didn’t leave Steemit at all. And perhaps those bloggers who have spent a huge amount of their time behind a screen to create blogposts ar now living the real life with real social interactions instead of interacting virtually from behind their safe computerdesk. It is all a matter of perspective. Real life interactions is still more valuable than constantly creating blogposts and interacting on Steemit with people from all over the world. Also most people came to this platform to blog because they could earn something with it. Now that everything is in the low it does not pay enough for those people to keep putting all the effort in blogging. If you take away the earning component I think most people think Steemit isn’t just as straghtforward to use as a lot of other social established platforms. Which are most of the time much easier to use. Also no one on other platforms are talking as much about the platform they are using themselves like the people on Steemit do. I always found it weird to read posts about why it is so calm on steemit, why it isn’t all fair on Steemit and so on. Never read things like that on Facebook,, Twitter, Reddit and so on. It is just something I notice on this platform only. People also tend to overly post blogpost several times a day. How is that considered quality??? Just a thought.

 5 years ago 

Agreed! "real life" trumps our virtual worlds every single time without question! I too, also take time away from this space to "recharge" and "detox". I think we all need it! As for the decline in interaction and activity because of price... well, as much as I wish people were not so easily swayed by the price drops, the reality is... they are.

And I agree with you regarding people who post several times a day... especially when it is just a picture with no real substance. It comes off really spammy in my opinion...

I also see this problem that people do not interact much, and many are leaving this platform.

Maybe it's because they are not getting the support that they needed, and that they feel that their effort is not compensated. I understand them because I sometimes feel that way. But the friends I have met here are the reason why I am staying. 😊

Have a beautiful day, @jaynie.

 5 years ago 

Yes, I suppose you are right but I think people need to shift their thought process regarding Steem... ie. that they are not solely looking at it from an earning perspective, then the price drops would affect their attitude towards it as a whole.

Yes, it's the attitude and outlook of people that would make a difference @jaynie. I even think that the people who stays now are really those that do not think much of the money, but they are those valuing friendships here on Steem. 😍❤😍 That's why I kinda value this people more. Hahaha! 😂

 5 years ago 

Yes!!! I agree wholeheartedly! and that, is a very good thing too!

Yes, I couldn't agree more. 😊

Thank you for taking the time to chat. Have a beautiful week ahead @jaynie. 😍

And on cue the church visits 😂

hah.. at least it is one of the most active ones :D

 5 years ago 

hahahaha yip!

I dunno @jaynie... seems like a number of possible things. But yes, I've noticed that engagement is down, and if you look at Asher's weekly compilation for the Engagement Leagues — even compared to a year ago — it's not a pretty picture.

I think a lot of people simply fizzled out when they realized that the time they were spending here couldn't even be justified as a part time income gig, so they went to flip burgers or walk dogs instead. Life happens. So now we're pretty much left with only actual bloggers and content creators...

Even though there seem to be signs of life, the long slow downward slide in the price of Steem also hasn't helped much.

With the last hardfork changing the "sweet spot" for curation/voting to +/- 5 minutes, automation became more attractive than manual content discovery, as a result of which people still get voted but comments are fewer. Sometimes I feel like a total alien/Luddite because all the votes I make are manual.

In some ways, the advent of SCOT tribes and now hives/communities has been good for raising interest, but the greater implication is that a lot of people move, read, curate and comment in narrower circles than they did before... I know I tend to look at things from within the confines of either "hive-114105" OR the Creativecoin community... as a result of which I'm sure there's a lot of worthy content I don't see...

Yesterday, I started working on Dan's "People you follow" challenge... and after an hour or so of poking around, I came to the sad realization that I was almost building more of a "tribute post" to people who've left, than a celebration of people who are still here. And that was pretty sad... so I'm feeling the need to expand the post to include both, now...

I'm sure there are further nuances, but I haven't had enough coffee yet to discern them!


 5 years ago 

Hello Hello :)

I caught wind of Dan's initiative this morning and was considering doing a post on it as well - but I fear that mine would probably be similar to yours in that respect.

I also saw your comment on Asher's curation post yesterday and it is disappointing to see. I guess, yes - the reasons are pretty much as you have outlined and that too is unfortunate.

As for the communities and tribes etc. I personally NEVER browse for content via those avenues for that specific reason - I don't want that sort of niche limitation... and it makes me wonder about all the newbies here... they must be feeling seriously "lonely" if people like ourselves who have been here for years and are a part of solid communities are noticing the tumbleweed blowing around lol.

LOL at the Jehovah witness on Steem, they sure got faith and a faithful bot.

You know, I blame it on automation. Auto-vote that friend instead of checking out what they actually did. I imagine you have your own fair share of auto-voters.

As a Japanese friend said who isn't on Steem but knows how it works "退屈な" = Taikutsuna ( Boring)

truthful words my friend :)

Don’t get me wrong though, auto votes have their place.

 5 years ago 


Hello @dmilliz. It's not a Jehovah's Witness bot, it's from "Church of God" something, and they are different. 😊

Have a nice day! 😊

Yes I know forgive me. But the approach is like Jehovah’s witness ( knock on the door with the message ) in this case auto comment on your post. Both approaches are annoying and get ignored. There must be a better way.

 5 years ago 

either way... they are annoying LOL

But arguing about whether something is a ponzi scheme or not is so much fun? 🙄🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Not at all. I try to stay out of that crap. I don't even like talking about steem that much on the platform. But that is what always happens on Steem LOL

 5 years ago 

Well yes, I do - but I cannot point fingers at them because they all still take the time to engage with me and my posts most of the time anyway and I actually do the same. Whilst I spend a good portion of time manually curating, I also have certain people on auto vote too - for when I am not around... but again, I regularly visit their blogs anyway. It is simply a means of being practical... I cannot always be around at the time of their post being published, but because I know they put out consistently good content, I want to support them regardless of whether I find the time to comment on that specific post or not. :)

I know, life's hard. I hope you're better now

 5 years ago 

HAHAHAHA!!!! Made me think of that Billie Ocean song now... LOL

I decided to start welcoming some of the more promising new steemians again and I saw my engagement shoot up! It's good to mix the old blood and the new blood. I'm also trying to bring back old users who left :-D

 5 years ago 

Oh yes!!!! I could not agree more. If I can find the time, I try every single day to find at least two new Steemians. We need to keep some level of growth and expansion going otherwise things become a little stagnant!

As someone who has been on this platform for almost 3 years now, I can say that I went from everyday, all day interaction, engagement and posting to not even visiting Steemit for a long time at all. Last year I only made few posts and I had absolutely no inspiration and desire to write and interact.

I'm not sure why or how, my inspiration is back! I really enjoy my time here and that makes me so happy! Of course, I still need to catch up and I feel like I could engage better with other Steemians. Unfortunately, I see some of my favorite people don't post anymore which makes me sad but I still have hope they will be active again. :)

 5 years ago 

Well whatever the reason, I am very glad to hear that you have found a new enthusiasm for posting here and being active :)

Thank you! :)

In such situations, the pessimistic part of me becomes dominant.
As we all know, people are very different, some prefer to interact, be as social as possible ... others prefer to dedicate themselves to passions: blogging, photography, drawing ... It would seem that now the first the category is less numerous than the others.
I think this will change, probably now we are all more tired.

 5 years ago 

I suppose everyone needs "time out" to re-group themselves and their passions. Let's hope it improves with time.

Of course! I think the weather is to blame, at least for me ... a continuous mix of winter and spring

 5 years ago 

Could be hehe :)

To us this is called spring asthenia ... but it's a little early for it.

 5 years ago 

Hmmm... did not realise there was an official term.

Yes, it is manifested by a lack of appetite for everything.

 5 years ago 

interesting indeed....

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